Trying Relationship Life Hacks

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Babao13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The toothpaste tube attachment thingy is actually not a bad idea. I think with a few years of trial and error, it could work.

... don’t look at me like that

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/maieen10 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Hey guys, welcome back to my big fat ass. Now relationships can almost always be improved, a lot of the time it may seem like everything's perfect until an issue arises that needs to be taken care of. That's why communication is so important in a relationship. If you can't talk to each other about a problem, then how are you gonna fix it? But sometimes talking to each other, isn't enough. You have to go to couples therapy and get an expert opinion to really get to the root of the issue. So you know how to fix it. Now, obviously, I don't wanna do any of that shit. So today we're gonna be fixing my relationship, the old fashioned way with Life Hack. Now you guy know how much I love Life Hacks on this channel and how much they've improved my general wellbeing, but I haven't seen a lot of Life Hacks, specifically tailored towards people in relationships until I found this channel called "Miss DegrEE." "Challenges invented change your love! "Life hacks to make couple life easier and more." I love that for the titles, they just copied the tags of the video and pasted them in any order. "Life Hacks Stop bugs everyone! "Five small tips every woman needs to know, DIY ideas." Right away this video is weirding me out because it has half a million views and nine comments. But there's some really helpful stuff in here. Like when you and bae are sitting in public, don't sit on their lap, because that'll just make people uncomfortable. Instead, just sit really close to the stranger next to you for some reason that's right. Ignore all this space over here, just sit right there. (upbeat music) Wait what? (upbeat music) Is this life hacks seriously just take your headphones off when you're talking to someone, no shit. Hi, can you give me directions to the moon? Of course, well, the first thing you need to do is wait until nighttime 'cause the moon's asleep right now, but even then, it's very far away. You're gonna want to get a lot of ladders. Start stacking them on top of each other, but be careful. It's a long way down if you fall. Now, I like to order my ladders online-- It's funny how much these range in difficulty from simply taking headphones out of your ears to spending what I can only assume is hours assembling some absurd apparatus for no reason, but see that's where all the fun lies. I want to get my hands dirty a little bit. Every time I make one of these videos, I roast and I jest, but I never attempt to recreate the life hacks myself until today. Today I'm filming in a different room and I'm joined by my lovely wife Amanda say, hi. - Hi. - Tip your hat. So are you ready to hack our relationship? - Boy, I'm I ? - The hell. (Amanda gulping) - I'm an adult. - All right, this first one is called "Challenge Greate New Breath For Your Love. "Girl DIY Life Hacks. "To Make Your Life Easier and More." (bright upbeat music) - So I seen variants of this before. Where you combine your toothpaste and toothbrush into one item, which is pretty dumb. And seems like it requires a lot of work, but I like that what inspires it for her is that she can't fit both of them in her bag. It's so full. She can't take something else out. (bright upbeat music) - How do you fill it back up though? - (laughs) That's a good point. As soon as you're done with a very small amount of toothpaste, that's it. - How do you fill it up? - You make a new one and this is gonna fit in her bag now. - It's not gonna make a mess. - It's covered, it's so sticky now it's covered in glue and toothpaste. Well, I'm excited to try this because you're always complaining about my rants of bad breath. And so hopefully this will kill two birds with one stone. To make this one I needed obviously hot glue gun, toothbrush, toothpaste, but I didn't have like a syringe lying around. I don't think a lot of people do. So this specific one is actually an ear wax removal syringe. And then a tube, I had to buy this from Amazon. Obviously I don't have a... Just a little rubber tubing lying around. - The brush is so small that it's just gonna be-- - (laughs) It's just gonna toothpaste. - (laughs) It's just gonna be toothpaste. - I was running late before and I couldn't take my stuff out of my bag, so-- - But if you just stop for two and a half hours and dodge your contraption. - Yeah, that's definitely is great for new breath for my love. - Okay, I'm pushing some bristles through, I'm almost there. (crowd clapping) All right, I cut a hole. - Really cool, I really wanna put this in my mouth. - I can't wait to put this in my mouth and around my teeth. They didn't tell you about how long you'd have to wait. This sucks. - How are you gonna get all the toothpaste? - Maybe the tube's too long. - (indistinct) the toothpaste it's making-- - Oh no there's like a chemical reaction going on here. I can't wait to brush my teeth with this. - I think we got glue in the toothpaste. (upbeat music) - I can already feel my life getting easier. - This is a really good way to spend my time. - Yeah. - It's almost like we're holding hands. - Well, you know what they say about hot glue. Put in your mouth. - It's good for your teeth. This is kind of fun if you were to like, just brush your teeth, could smack your sister with it. Ow, ow. - Stop brushing so close. - I'm starting to doubt the legitimacy of life hacks. - No, life hacks are good. - You're right, you're right, new plan. We're just gonna tape this shit together. - This is way better than just making room in your bag. - This is awesome. - Okay, let's try. Here we go. I thought it was-- - The tube was too long. The tube is the exact length, of the amount of toothpaste we put in there. Okay, now it's still (indistinct) I'm not gonna give up yet, wow. - This is really cool. And they said that I wasn't and I couldn't do science. They were wrong. On a scale from one to 10 I'm gonna give this one an F. You guys won't mind if we just throw this away and never talk about this again right? "How creative, great surprises for your love. "Girl DIY life hacks to make your life easier and more." So this one feels a little clickbaity, to be honest, it says it's for your love, but it's mostly just about the girl. When the guy finally shows up the boyfriend, I assume her love, he's like kidnapping her. These are life hacks, "How to escape from your boyfriend, kidnapping you." All he did was put duct tape on your mouth and hands. And he didn't expect that you would do the bare minimum to get out of it. (pop music playing) So, this one's a little ridiculous, but you know, I'd be lying If I said, I didn't like bras, you boys know what I'm talking about, right boys? So yeah, I think we should probably give this one ago (laughs). All right, put the tape on. My boyfriend thought that he could kidnap me. Not so fast. Also what's stopping me from just getting up right now. Like I can just get up and walk. I could still open the door if I need to. This is such a like low effort kidnapping. - Well, We didn't talk about how she unhooked the bra by just pulling it up. You don't just wear your bra in the front, not attaching-- - Just set it on top of your boobs. Also the wire is not just like exposed. You can't just like poke it out. I mean, I'm gonna try. - Now you know what us girls go through. - Getting kidnapped? I gotta be honest, even if I was wearing a bra, if I got kidnapped, I think I'd be done for. (sneezing loudly) Everyone bless her. (dramatic music) I don't think the raw wire is as sharp as they make it seem. This is a very blunt edge. And I don't think that I'm going to poke through here anytime soon. I can't, I can't. - I guess you're trapped then. - You're not gonna help me out? - Bye (laughing). - No! - Or if you have a pair of scissors lying around, you can just cut yourself out. - That's so much better, "Scissors is life hack too." Now this one on the surface should be good for us because we live together, we're always running into problems in the bathroom. This happens all where I drop a deuce and I try to flush it, but I clog the toilet. And instead of like unclogging the toilet, I just walk away. And then Amanda comes barreling in, she sees my clogs. - With my big chuchu skirt. - You run out of the room, grab a plastic bag, fill it with soil for some reason, and then poop into the bag, and look how happy she is. (Amanda grunting) Oh, I pooed! By filling a bag of soil up with your own poop. I hope that you're not implying that you can reuse it as some sort of manure for your household plant. - So the problem is your boyfriend clogs up the toilet and now you have to go poop. So you get soil and then you poop in the soil. - Yeah. - You should just go outside then. - Yeah, just poop outside. - Save all the trouble. - It's also, it's such a temporary solution because it's like your toilet is still clogged are you just gonna poop in a bag forever now? - Hold on. What's that smell? - Oh, I already tried this one earlier. - No, I think it's your BO. - Oh man, what am I supposed to do? Deodorant's so expensive. Do you have some kind of other solution? - Just watch. (bright upbeat music) - Wow, this is revolutionary. Now, instead of spending $5 on deodorant that only lasts like three months, I can spend like $10 on a box of pads and use two of them every day. - Yeah. - Okay. Now for the sniff test. - I just smell your sweat that was already on your jacket. - Okay, well, that's fair. I think this is definitely gonna help resolve our couple wars in the bathroom. So these life hacks have been a lot of fun. I got to admit, but I don't think they've been very sexy. So I've saved the most romantic life hack for last. Let's give it a watch. (bright upbeat music) Oh, man! - She's bummed - It must be 'cause I'm ugly or something, I have an idea. I'm gonna go break up a hot glue gun again. She's gluing like a metric ton of hot glue onto her headband to make cat ears they look like tar. - Yes they look like charcoal. (upbeat music) (lips smacking) It's time to make some bullshit. Wow, I'm already thinking about all the kissing that I'm gonna get to do now. Now that I'll be sexy. - This will (indistinct) really good. It looks like a cat here. - I mean a cat that's been like severely mangled. - Like a cat that's melting. Looks like a slug, looks like a wet slug. - (laughs) It's awful. (tense music playing) (Amanda laughing) This isn't romantic at all. - (laughs) I hate you. - (laughs) I hate you. This is the worst video I've ever made. I guess the big question now is; Did this improve our relationship? - Yes. - Yeah, I feel like through adversity is how you really come closer together with someone and we both burned the shit out of our fingers. Oh man. Well, I'm hungry. What do you say we go grab a bite? - Let's do it. - Hot dog, what do you want on your hot dog? - Corn dog. - You want a corn dog on top of your hot dog? All right I can do that. Now, that's a hot dog. Aren't you wondering how I made it? - No. - Well, for those of you who are, I did it with Squarespace. Squarespace is an all in one platform that'll help you create the hotdog of your dream. Or just a regular website if that's what you wanna do. It's 2020, no one wants a website that looks like this, Squarespace has tons of great templates to get started with. And then it's up to you to just fill in the blanks from there. You don't have to adjust anything for mobile users either because your website will automatically be reformatted for people who wanna look at your hotdog from the portability of their own phone, in bed podcast, set up email campaigns, integrate a cool video background. There's so many great features at your disposal. So if you've been wanting to make a website, but you've been putting it off for whatever reason, take advantage of this opportunity go to, to get 10% off your first purchase. If you already have a website, but wanna switch it over to Squarespace, you can do that. And I highly recommend it. I've been using Squarespace exclusively for the past couple of years. They're a great company for what they do. And I love that they support independent creators, such as myself. As always thank you so much for supporting my channel. And thank you guys for watching this video. Remember to dislike and unsubscribe and I will be back very soon to answer a very important question about my favorite content creator on Facebook. All right, bye guys.
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 3,589,668
Rating: 4.9505663 out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, cringe, life hacks, crafts, 5 minutes crafts, couple life hacks, weird
Id: XlznhdGuvWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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