Please Stop Making Life Hacks

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Drew, what are you doing? Uh nothing. Oh hey babe, it's just you. Look, I'm testing out my new life hack. You know how I always come home, and my hands are full so I can't unlock the door. Now I don't even have to set anything down cuz my key is on my face. Check it out. A little tricky. Almost got it though. Okay, so you know how I always forget to water our plants because of my whole severe childhood brain injury? Yeah, well now I don't have to remember cuz check this out I put the plants in the sink with the water always running and that way- Great going babe, now they're gonna die Ugh, do you know how it's such a pain in the ass to come all the way over here just to turn a light on? Well, that's why I invented this, check it out. I call it the Electricity Toggle™ Electricity Toggle™? NO I- I forgot my password. That was close. Almost had it that time. Almost had it that time. *drew reflecting on his life choices* Hey babe, uh, you know how I'm always spilling coffee on myself? Yeah, well now you don't have to. Check it out. No stains! I guess my prized life hack is now obsolete See look I attached the tape measure to the toaster so we'd always know how long the toaster is. Ever since I was 12, you just point your camera at something and it tells you how long it is. Kind of makes me regret how much money I spent on tape measurers. So close babe, I can feel it Fine. You know, you have no respects for my life hacks It's the wrong key babe wait Babe, if you leave then how did we get all those other shots? Eh true Yeah, that's what I thought. Hey, I'm gonna go in through the window. Hey guy, welcome back to no! Today we're gonna be talking about life hacks. It's been a while, since I've attempted to tackle these online monstrosities It's been about nine months, actually, and the main reason for the long break was simply with all the dumbass life hacks I've seen in my life I thought I had simply seen the worst of the worst I thought I had seen it all and there's no way that I could ever see anything worse And then I saw this No! Stop that! You stop that right now young man. Nobody asked for this, it's just stupid Who thought this would be a good idea? No, no What the fuck? Just crack that egg normally And that's when I knew it was time for me to come out of retirement As the unofficial YouTube life hack narc and crack down on this bullshit The same way that this guy cracked an egg all over his hands It's time to stop making life hacks, please for the love of God I'm begging you. But first, today's video sponsored by SeatGeek. It's a app! Tired of paying too much money for bad seats? *Booo* Well, not anymore with the SeatGeek app Whether you go to the big game, the small game, the medium game or a concert They've got a scoring system for every seat so, you know you're getting a good deal It'll show you a picture of what your view from that seat will look like and you can save $20 off your first purchase by using promo code: DREW No pressure or anything, but all the cool kids doing it So to recap, link in description, promo code DREW. It's a app. Now back to what I was doing Uh huh Ok Yeah alright Yeah, I don't think that actually happened. I'm gonna say no Crazy is the exact right word for that cause that's probably the stupidest thing I've ever seen in my life This one's actually pretty cool You can take any regular bottle at all and turn it into a squeeze bottle, which makes squeezing out things like mustard, super convenient So first things first, you gonna want to take your mustard and go ahead and squeeze it all ... out Wait a minute Perfect circle? It looks like shit. Yeah, I'm not even gonna watch this one Damnit kids. You left your toys all over the place. Now I have to individually pick them up one by one. Wait a second I have a snow shovel. Now, I can scoop them up in larger quantities. Don't let this happen, alright look very carefully at this and make sure this doesn't happen Okay, if you set your valuables out in the open on your towel and then walk away within three seconds Someone's gonna come up and steal them. Don't let this happen guys. Here's what you should do, First things first, you're gonna need a diaper Wait, what? Then you put chocolate in the diaper. It will melt looks like poopoo and then No one's gonna want to steal that, because it looks like a poopy diaper You know as ridiculous as that is, that might actually be the most helpful life hack we've watched so far. I love this I love this so much. I love it! What is it with life hack channels and eggs? Like they seem so obsessed with repurposing eggs In as many ways as possible Just use it as an egg. Oh, now it's a strawberry Okay. So this life hack is if you plant seeds and then water them and nourish them And the way that you would with seeds It will grow into the thing that the seed came from. That's not a life hack. That's just science This channel just discovered plants This whole video is them just planting different fruits and saying how if you put them in soil and water them And leave them in sunlight for a couple weeks. They'll grow into something This video would have been really helpful like eight hundred years ago, not so much now One of my favorite things about life hack Instagram accounts are how aggressive the captions are Try this now, don't let this happen, you need to do these. Fine, you don't have to yell at me. I'll try this, let's see what it is. Alright, holding the pants. What's next? What's the solution here? Staple, okay, you're gonna stable the pans and That is it. That's the whole life hack. If you're like me you were probably expecting something else but the whole life hack is that You just staple your pants together, never would have thought of that one myself Alright, now I don't know what this one is, but it's from five minute crafts So we know it's gonna be quick and easy and it has something to do with this Barbie So just keep that in mind, five minute crafts This is going to be very simple and easy and you'll be able to do it yourself. Okay, so, put the hair- oh, that seems like it's gonna take a while. I don't know. You're just doing one by one- Oh, never mind. They're done. Okay, they're done How did the ring even get that dirty in the first place? I assume he just bought it What i- was he doing with it? Hi, here is all of the money I have in exchange for one piece of jewelry Because that's just tradition. For some reason. I'm gonna take this home and take really good care of it Thank you, and then he gets home and like leaves it in ketchup for two months How, how did this happen? Any kids out there watching? I'm gonna need to respectfully ask you guys to look away from the screen at this point As the following hacks are only for adults Wait a minute, what? Hey guys Uughe boobs! Boobs! Get those boobs away from me and she looks like so apologetic at the end Oh, sorry about my boobs guys, but there's a solution if you do all this bullshit Then you can hide your boobs and your friends will accept you for who you are finally Ok I can't even pay attention to what's happening cause the song is so awful Trying to put your cutting board down, but your other cutting board is in the way, open a drawer dumbass now this is actually a pretty cool drawer life hack where they're teaching you how to add a secret compartment within a drawer so you can hide stuff under it, But as much as this looks like a perfect way to hide weed from your parents Do not hide drugs. Hide a surprise gift, hide a secret project, hide your feelings. Don't hide drugs. This is nuts! Man, I want to watch this video so bad and figure out how to make that orange popsicle But I have to respect the rules of No Nut November and save this for December first. Ah, finally. These should be good, these are the best life hacks What the fuck?! Slow down What is happening right now? Here's a good one. I think we've all been in the situation before Um, everyone has a tendency to put on some pounds from time to time And you go to put on some pants that you've had for awhile And they don't fit anymore, but not to worry, five minute crafts has the solution Spray a bunch of water on your pants and and now you'll be able to get them on. Sure your pants are now soaking wet, right in the crotch area, but at least you're wearing them I imagine this woman has been like struggling with her pants for a while and because of it She's running late for work and then she gets to work with wet pants. Employees, listen up All right, this company made way too much money this past quarter Now if anybody has any ideas on how we get that number down, I'm all ears. All right. I actually propose we- So sorry, I'm late guys I ran into a little bit of an issue this morning, not to worry though. It has been resolved Everything okay? Your pants are soaking wet. Huh? Yeah, they are Well guy that's gonna do for today's video, thank you so much for watching it Um, I forgot to film an outro before getting a haircut. So kind of a big continuity error there Anyway, I've got a ton of work to do so, I'm gonna- I'm gonna get back to doing the- doing work and being productive So I will see you guys in the next video. Remember like, subscribe and uh- if you wanna support the channel SeatGeek, thanks again for sponsoring, promo code DREW $20 off, free app and it is a app I checked. It's almost Thanksgiving so remember to be thankful for everything and kiss all of your family on the lips See you next time
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 5,915,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, funny, lol, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, life hacks, instagram, bad life hacks, pointless life hacks, 5 minute crafts, troom troom, trying life hacks
Id: TOtEKat_sHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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