Insane How-To Videos from the 50s

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"Not like you, young man. You should pull ya dick out."

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/fondlemeLeroy 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Where did Drew get that shirt? I played against Glenbard West in lacrosse and ultimate frisbee in high school

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/wzabel0926 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

goddamn so that's the secret, everyone loves bisexuals

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/oli-oli-oxen-free 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey guy welcome back to the present my name is Drew and it is currently the day that it is um so I've been working on another video for the past week or so and I kind of hit a wall with that I wanted to take a break and work on something a little bit lighter and I think I found the perfect topic for such a video you see yesterday as I often do I fell down a bit of a rabbit hole on YouTube and found a bunch of weird instructional videos from like 60 years ago no I wasn't alive yet in the 50s my parents didn't invent me until about 40 years later but I've read enough and seen enough about the 50s to know that [ __ ] was weird college costs like $3 men wore suits all the time for some reason and it seemed like there are a lot more rules at least that's what some of these how-to videos would suggest I don't know what the right word is for it but I will say they seem to be a lot more blunt back then okay I do know what the right word for it it's sexist but I'm not here to make a video about how like problematic people used to be eighty years ago obviously things have changed Society has changed a lot and we do live in a society I just think like so much time has passed a lot of progress has been made so at this point hopefully we can look back on this and just laugh at its absurdity that being said this first video was created in 1948 and is called how to attract a man so ladies listen up Frank when a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts what's the matter exam week getting you down what you needed to put down that notebook and take in some of the beauties of nature see what I mean yeah but wait a minute young lady how did you get into this picture oh it's so harsh you see we're trying to prove a point about nature and beauty and you're not exactly helping you know oh my god don't worry though this has a happy ending right now we're just showing you the before picture of a hideous monster and then she gets transformed into a beautiful woman with just a few small tweaks I might add look at that blocks and the way that skirt hang and those socks don't get me started ha sorry there must have been a mistake you don't seem to be exactly the type to make this guy behave like a human being even me behave like a human being are they saying like she's not the type of girl to get this guy horny you have simply ruined my day I shall read this book elsewhere but wait a minute come back ok let's start all over again oh yeah I'll never forget the first time I saw Amanda and I was just like oh all brother is right look at that hair that's good pretty sure she had the same mouth before I don't think she got a new mouth or skin and now look at that blouse and now look at the skirt and look at her thanks a lot for helping us prove a point what was the point though that you were proving ladies if you're trying to get a boyfriend don't forget you gotta have skin and a mouth if you don't have skin or a mouth you're not gonna get a boyfriend I didn't know any better I'd say this narrator's kind of into that guy you two know the value of a good appearance you see that brought over here with the untucked blouse why she oughta die not like you young man you should pull your dick out and they lived happily ever after I guess they just kind of looked at each other for a couple seconds so ladies now that we've learned how to get a boyfriend by tucking your shirt in let's take it a step further and figure out how to become popular there's that no girl in our math class my name is Carolyn Ames she's just well kid I don't know what it is but there's something about it you like well she always looks nice to start with yeah especially when you compare with some of the weird characters in this play yeah speaking of which Jenny thinks that she has the key to popularity parking in cars with the boys at night when Jerry brags about taking Ginny out he learns that she dates all the boys and he feels less important and now we don't feel special no more no drugs no parking cars are not really popular hey man Jenny's just trying to have a good time okay and how can you expect her to choose between just one of these high school boys who all look like they're in their 30s nothing like being this popularity yeah okay okay what did Ellie do everyone gets to talk and she's like yeah yeah oh my god Ellie shut up now why do they invite Carolyn to join their group when Jenny wasn't welcome is it because they like the way she looks and dresses because she seems as interested in girls as in boys because they've heard no scandal about her so according to this the keys to popularity are to dress well be bisexual and just don't get into any trouble okay cool I'm learning a lot about popularity and high school which means nothing to me because I'm 26 so let's watch something a little bit more mature let's check out a couple commercials for Folgers coffee that are centered around a married couple and the struggles they deal with did you ever see Larry looking so happy oh honey happiness is a vacation away from your car anniversary why so glum nothing well it's your coffee again even today honey your coffee just doesn't taste any good they didn't beat around the bush back then god damn it's funny because like their tone is generally very calm but the words they're saying are so vicious like in the 50s you could say anything to anyone and it wouldn't even sound mean because everyone's speaking in that sing-songy transatlantic accent honey how do I put this politely if I were to come home tonight and discovered your dead body in the floor the only emotion I would feel this release this copy of honey kill the petunias try Folgers because fujas coffee is Mountain grown Mountain grown like the Sciences Mountain grown for richer flavor I like how he didn't answer her question at all you said Mountain what exactly does that mean you see young lady that is what we wrote on the side and this is what a mountain looks like okay but does that make it like taste better I don't [ __ ] know you know it's a crime not to have delicious coffee like this all the time we will now that I've discovered their mountains vultures make your husband love you again or maybe for the first time okay this next one isn't just the best vultures commercial it's probably the funniest thing I've ever seen hello is the coffee all right I mean it's as bad as yesterday no improvement at all Harold don't just shake your head you've got to tell me what's wrong with the coffee bad taste bad days Solis descriptive way of telling someone why something isn't good I like this one too cuz it's like how can she be the bad guy here when he's like an idiot he can't even use words mm-hmm-hmm-hmm this is like a beautiful piece of art right here I imagine something like this happening at work you wanted to see me yes have a seat is everything okay mm-hmm could you tell me why mmm okay are you firing me mm-hmm wait seriously what did I do bad job could you be more specific work bad you're not saying anything not working good job bad work job bad not good for me bad job have doing bad job I don't know what it is specifically about coffee in the 60s but there are so many insane coffee commercials they took that [ __ ] seriously Harvey why don't you think for your birthday just a decent cup of coffee good coffee was apparently like the cornerstone of a marriage nothing else mattered it was just about the quality of your coffee you're kidding I'm serious honey your coffee's done drinkable pretty harsh well so sure coffee well see you later okay but somehow that's not even the craziest one da Folgers was weird check out Maxwell House [Music] birdy was that kiss good morning you have a coffee bet wonderful apparently running out of coffee in the 60s was just as bad as going to jail oh it's the new giant-sized instant Maxwell House you won't have to run out again from my terrible terrible husband now it's funny I started putting this video together by going through all these like how-to videos from a channel called old TV time and really only a couple of them were kind of weird I actually found a lot of them to be kind of helpful stuff I wish I had watched when I was in high school things you don't really think about or stuff that I had to learn on my own like how to control your emotions good eating habit also how like when you're 16 and you're in your first relationship just because you've dated this girl for two months doesn't mean you're in love with her you're not gonna be with her forever maybe you will but probably not [ __ ] I thought every girl I ever dated I was gonna end up marrying and I was wrong five out of the six times but anyway I think some of these are actually kind of cool I think they are good lessons I don't know where they showed these if they showed these in school or if you'd go home and watch this on TV I don't know but they're actually pretty helpful but it's funny because you have all these interesting videos with good life lessons about work and about relationships that is kind of negated by these commercials where it makes it seem like the only factor that matters in a marriage is the quality of a woman's coffee such a pretty wife oh one other thing I saw that I thought was really funny while looking up these videos was there's like a news piece from 1961 his reporter is going around the street asking a bunch of men should husband's help with the weekend housework but then there's this going on that's pretty much all I got for you guy today overall I would say that my time machine trip back to the 1950s was pretty fun out of town that being said I'm suddenly craving coffee for some reason so I'm going to cut to commercials real quick and be right back sadya are you enjoying the dinner not at all and now you want a divorce not again we have tired of your 50s wife threatening to divorce you because of your bad cook is sharam well then you gotta get yourself a box of hello friend Nate oh I'm gonna stop talking like this now guys you know the deal I love hellofresh I've been getting in every week that I've been home for the past like year and a half the meals are delicious they incorporate a bunch of ingredients they don't normally use when I cook and each one can be prepared in just about 30 minutes or less hello fresh has something for everyone on their menu whether you prefer vegetarian meals or low-calorie options or a family plan I also really like their app they give you the ability to pick exactly which meals you want and there's a ton to choose from every week last week I saw they had it beyond burger and it looked really good but I also couldn't decide which meal to swap it out with so I was like screw it I'm getting four meals and I did hello fresh is now from 566 per serving making it America's best value meal kit want to try out hella fresh well I got a deal for you you can get started with nine free meals that's 90 dollars off your first month of hellofresh including free shipping just by going to hell a fresh calm and entering promo code I'm a little stinker not you can also get there by clicking the link in the description now back to my desk yes that hits the spot nothing like a nice warm afternoon cup of nothing well guy that's gonna do it for today's video thank you so much for watching and thank you to hello fresh for sponsoring it hopefully you guys will see me in the next few days if not it will be a week from now or week and a half from now or two weeks goddammit I don't know sometimes my perfectionism gets in the way of consistent productivity and it drives me crazy but it will all be worth it in the end maybe I don't know we'll see anyway thank you so much for watching and have a wonderful Tuesday
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 4,019,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, funny, lol, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, 50s, 60s, 1950s, weird old videos, weird old commercials, cringe
Id: Gk8jj0q6RzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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