A Hospital Run By Tik Tokers

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Dylan is in trouble made a video on this a couple days ago. I would love to see a collab.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/AnnaK22 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
- [Narrator] To memorialize this historic election. This collector's edition 2020 battle for the white house chess set is now ready for public release. Legislative leaders Pelosi, McConnell, Schumer, and McCarthy Knights riding symbolic donkeys and elephants. - Hey guys So I haven't only been watching much TV lately. I think it's because if I did, I just end up watching the news and I don't wanna do that. It's too depressing. I'd much rather scroll through Twitter for 11 hours a day. But it's also because the internet has so much to offer that cable never could. Shows with the same production value and quality that you'd expect from a network television show. But shorter and acted out entirely by teenagers. If you've been watching my videos for a couple of years now you may know I'm talking about the Brat YouTube channel. Which has managed to do very well for themselves by producing hastily written shows that they know people will watch whether they're good or bad. Because they all feature extremely famous children. Formerly musically stars. And now of course, TikTokers. And that's all Well done good I suppose. But I do have to say I think they've outdone themselves this time with their newest show Attaway General. Which is, and I'm stealing this joke from one of the comments I saw on the trailer. The kids bop version of Grey's anatomy. Someone sent this show to me a few weeks ago, after the first episode came out and I watched it with my jaw just glued to the floor. And I have been so excited to finally make a video about this, but I wanted to wait till more episodes came out. The fourth one comes out today. I haven't seen that one yet but I can't wait to. But it just feels so good now to finally be able to share this monstrosity of the show with you guys. So in a nutshell the show is about a group of teen volunteers or TVs as they're called for some reason. I don't think that's a real acronym. I Googled it. And the only thing that came up was you know, a bunch of TVs that you would buy to put in a hospital. But this is the Brat channel we're talking about here. When did they ever let accuracy get in the way of good story telling? As far as the characters go there's one girl who's very smart and dedicated and hardworking, but a little socially awkward. (intense music) And then the other three just don't give a shit about anything. - I don't want to be here I'd rather be in bed. - Some of you may recognize the actress who plays the main character as being that one girl from TikTok, or some of you may know her as being the sister of that one girl from TikTok. And I love her character. There's so much variety in the way she rolls her eyes. Sometimes she does it while she's talking. Sometimes she does it while someone else is talking you can tell the director really pushes these actors to their limits, finding so many unique situations in which for eyes to be rolled. With all that in mind we can go ahead and start watching the show, but remember guys, this isn't your standard Brat show about high school or dance class. This is a serious medical drama that needs to be taken seriously. All right, let's watch episode one. - Today's premier of Attaway General is brought to you by Just Dance 2020. ♪ Brother sisters everybody... ♪ - This is nurse Sandy she's the heart of the ER, make her laugh and bring her chocolates and you're golden. But if you make her mad, you're going to really refer to this hospital. - I love this trope that happens so often in shows where a character describes someone else directly in front of them. Like they can't hear what they're saying. That's all shit for brains Kevin. If you're wondering why this hospital smells so bad. It's him try to stay on his good side. If he doesn't like you'll know it because he will fucking stab you. All right? He will stab you. I'm not making that up. - Ambulance babies hands, fetch Dr. Henry and everyone on call. Metro bus crash downtown we're about to be at capacity. - So right away you might be noticing how weird it is that this show not only exists but was released when it was like right in the middle of a global pandemic. which is not really their fault. You know, they filmed this way in advance, but you couldn't have more unlucky timing. I think it's just funny that like the last thing so many people want to be thinking about right now is the hospital. And Brat's like, Hmm, what if we did a show where a bunch of teenagers pretended to work in one. - There is a new shipment of toys in the shed. - The shed? - I can see why they call this room the shed. - Yeah, 'cause it looks like a shed. - He's the most brilliant surgeon in the state. - Unfortunately he doesn't have the same accolades as a father. - Okay, So we learned that this girl wants to be here because clearly she wants to be a doctor. And that's why she's learning. This girl is only here because her dad already is a doctor and she doesn't wanna be here. But we don't know anything about these two yet. So let's find out. - Why did you volunteer to work at a hospital? - I got arrested beats juvie. - It's an awfully bold backstory to go with and then not expand on it at all. - What did you do to get arrested. - In prison you're never supposed to ask about the crime. - Okay, I really like that hairnet by the way, as long as the top of your head is covered, don't worry about the rest. Also, he's like about to put the glove on backwards. I understand that the point is okay these kids don't really know much about how hospitals work. But come on you've never put a glove on before? Wait a minute are these my thumbs or just this one. Meanwhile, this girl's already ignored her instructions and is just wandering around the hospital. - Excuse me. Hello. Hey, excuse me. Hello. Hey - Sorry, but it's really busy right now there's been a huge accident. - I know, I was in it. - Oh - I like how during the scene. There's like 12 visible doctors walking by some of them not even in a hurry. You're telling me all of them are too busy to do something about this bleeding child. They need another child who doesn't actually work here to pull out gauze out of wherever she was holding gauze and then put it on herself. - My favorite sweatshirt - Guys notice anything about this sequence. - Am Holden. - Kit. (upbeat music) - The nurse who comes running in with this patient was just standing behind them five seconds ago. You see Brat probably didn't care about all these little details. 'Cause they thought only kids would watch this show, jokes on them. I'm an adult. - Your new TV on you. - Nicely done Sherlock. Now What are you doing? Do you always sneak up on people when they're sleeping? - I actually, I had a reason to be in here. Some of us have work. - Am I supposed to congratulate you? - If you want to. - What? Hi nice to meet you for the first time. Oh wait, hold on. I just gotta grab my fucking sock. I left it over there. - Next week. Try to be a little more professional. These will help. (upbeat music) - Wow, this is so cool. - Wait, hold on. Who said that? Wow, this is so cool. It wasn't her. Wow, this is so cool. It wasn't either of them. Can't just put that line in when no ones mouth is moving. Really? It's not just the writing and directing. It's the editing that's so weird at times. Like what is this quick ass cut. It's so jarring to just throw that in for a second and then cut back like nothing ever happened. So episode two starts with the smart girl just sort of roaming about as usual. And she runs into the bloody teen boy from before this time with less blood. - I would have used absorbable suture Just myself, but then they couldn't bill you twice. - The strangest teenager I've ever met. You cute but strange. - You're the dumbest little piece of shit I have ever met. Cute, but fucking stupid. This episode is spicy right away. First we have that little interaction and then Georgia, the main girl runs into the teen doctor from before This whole interaction is great. I'm just not even going to interrupt it because it's so good on its own. - Henry's protege. What a nerd, - Nerd or stud? - Nerd. - Smart is the new sexy. I read that somewhere. - Oh, you read too. I'm impressed. - I read lots of things. Novels, magazines, instruction manuals. - Andy rappers, street signs, funny t-shirts. Mmmh how many times are they gonna do that? Almost kissed in the closet. - Pudding? Juice? - Just juice. - Just juice please. - Oh, calm down there buddy. - You really don't know where the bandages are? - Oh, I do. I just needed an excuse to get you in here. - I think one of the reasons these shows are so funny to me is because rather than being like a 22 minute or 40 minute show, like most you know, regular TV shows are These are nine minutes long. So it's like, this happens and this happens and this happened. A minute ago she was like, I'm not going to kiss him. And then the moment she sees him again she's like, I gotta go kiss him now. And then they do. It's just like what changed in between these two interactions? - Holden what's going on? - Get back. (crosstalk) - And then she sees the kid again and just immediately starts crying. 'Cause there's no for there to be good pacing. When the episodes are so short. - Excuse me nurse Sandy, can you tell me what happened to Holden? - No updates Kit. - Holden has a severe heart condition. - Wait, what? I know they mentioned that earlier but just seeing it in action, being able to so effortless like bribe a nurse to give you confidential information. - Thank you. - I love Jido bars - You didn't have to say that - [Narrator] Next time on Attaway General. - Look, I know what's going on between you and Will. - You do? How? - You guys walk into the storage closet together. Every 15 seconds. It's pretty much the only thing you've done here so far. It doesn't even seem like you're trying to hide it. - Attaway General, no that is not a disease. - So now we're on episode three and I'm realizing the extent of research that the writers did to create this show is that they figured sometimes people faint because it happened again. - So who's Holden, - None of your business. - He's a cute boy. She has a crush on. - Do not. - Do to. - Do not. - Two episodes in a row. It's like, okay, we need a startling introduction. Someone think. - You need to take your education more seriously. - I got to go - Another great talk dad. - Oh, what are you going to do? Go save someone's life in the hospital where you work. - Jack Will be here to keep you company. - Thanks. - I mean if you guys need anything. - So I'm supposed to offer you pudding or juice or whatever. Want some? - No - Mind If I watch TV? - Knock yourself out. - Why does he have to sit in there though? Is that why they're volunteering at this hospital? I thought they would be like shadowing nurses or seeing what surgery looks like up close. Instead they're just babysitting kids their age. - Knock yourself out - I would be annoyed too. If I was at the hospital and some teenagers in my room with me dressed up like a doctor, like yo, you mind if we watch some fucking TV dude, maybe the sports channel or Brat TV, it would be pretty murder If we did. Did you guys see that? She went twice in a row. They have set themselves up for a continuity nightmare here because the board is visible in every shot and they're just throwing all these takes together. And none of them line up at all. It's literally a different array of pieces. Every time they cut. At one point you can see that the older girl already won the game. Maybe they're playing like connect seven. I don't know - Are you okay? - I don't want to talk to anyone. Just need a moment to be upset okay?. - I get that. - Oh, having a hole in your is pretty relatable, huh? Nope, but I know what it's like to pretend to be okay when you're really not. - Yeah, I bet you do strange kid that I met 30 seconds ago. - Those were the perfect answer ready to go. - No - Drop the act What did you do to get to stay with Molly? - Be Dr. Henry's pet. - Am not his pet I am his former patient - Patient? - Yeah, I have the same form of brain cancer as Molly. - I'm Dr. Henry's foster child. That's why he asked me to stay. - I'm so sorry. I had no idea. - There's a lot you know them. - What? It's just so weird. She's already got tears streaming down her face when she turns around All the drama is so like forced and quick, it happens too fast. I don't understand what's wrong. I have cancer. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know. Well, maybe you should have. - I have a heart defect. You can't tell that from looking at me. Well maybe now you can. Thanks - For what? - For making me laugh. - But you didn't. - You didn't laugh. - Why did you distract me? Tell me more about what a bad volunteer you are. - Okay. So earlier today I... - Mind telling me more about how you suck at your job? Sure thing. This morning, I was four hours late. 'Cause I was stealing a bunch of morphine from the supply room and... - That is not a disease. So I got to say I was a little disappointed in episode four, I was really looking forward to it. I even watched the premiere live. Episode four, episode four. But other than a very confusing gum and the plays at the beginning Not before the video, it's part of the video. It was a pretty boring episode. I wish I had more to show you guys but unfortunately that's all the episodes that are out right now. Maybe if the rest of the season is insane enough and you guys are interested in seeing a part two to this video I'll sit my ass right back down like a month from now when all the episodes are out and button this baby out I've got to cut to a commercial break real quick but don't go anywhere. Because when we come back I will show you who is currently licking themselves on the futon behind me. So don't go anywhere. Hi, do you like to eat dinner? Me too. Sometimes I do it every day. But dinner can also be confusing. You're telling me I have to drive all the way to the store. Figure out what ingredients to buy and figure out how to cook them. I don't know how to do all of that. I didn't finish college. You're probably thinking gee, if my meals were pre-portioned in a bag in a box and delivered to my house every week, then maybe cooking wouldn't be so hard. And I got to say, that's a hell of a coincidence because that's exactly what HelloFresh does. My wife and I have been getting three HelloFresh meals almost every week for the past couple of years. And we've been recommending it to everyone long before HelloFresh, even started sponsoring my channel. The food is consistently tasty. It's way better than any other meal delivery service that we've tried in the past. And there's a few recipes in particular that we get really excited about every time we see them on the menu, because they're just so, gosh, dang good. Personally, I recommend the vegetarian plan because that's where we've gotten a lot of our favorite meals. But really they have options for whatever pallet you have whether you're looking for specifically low-calorie meals or you just want something you can make quickly or you're more focused on feeding a large family, they've got you covered. And it's been great because we've been able to try a lot of different types of meals, things that would be out of our comfort zone for us to try and figure out how to make on our own but they make it so easy with the step-by-step recipe guides and all of the ingredients already packaged and ready to be made. I feel like we also saved a lot of money on food waste because we're not constantly buying like a ton of onions and then only using half of one or a big bag of potatoes that just sits in the fridge for three years. If you're interested in trying to HelloFresh for yourself and you want to save 60 bucks off your first three boxes head to HelloFresh.com and use promo code 60. I'm a little stinker. You can also just copy and paste that from the description. I know it's kind of a mouthful, just like, HelloFresh. Thank you to HelloFresh for sponsoring today's video, happy dinner everyone. Boy does she love to steal the spotlight. Thank you guys so much for watching today's video. I hope you enjoyed it. Obviously there's been a lot of stuff going on in the world the past few weeks. There's been a really large movement that a lot of us have been a part of. And it's not always easy to know where I fit into things like that. I've been trying to use my other platforms like Twitter and Instagram to at least share resources. But I also want to put my money where my mouth is. So for every video I upload this month I will be donating $5,000 to various charities and organizations fighting racial injustice. The first organization I've chosen is color of change. You can read more about them in the description. Let me know if there's any others. You would want me to donate in the next couple of weeks, but that's it for today's video. Thank you again for watching guys and be sure to tune in this time next week for another video, we're actually my cat does it and I just sit back there and lift my balls the whole time. So, all right thanks.
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,169,059
Rating: 4.9830737 out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, cringe, tik tok, brat, brat channel, dixie damelio, tik tokers, tik tok show, attaway general
Id: zI-_6wI99kA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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