Gender Reveal Parties

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/branY2K 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2020 🗫︎ replies
(all counting) Five, four, three, two, one... (party poppers popping) (loud explosion) (shouting, hooting) (shouting continues) - Hey guy, gender reveal parties are the world's stupidest tradition. What probably just started as an innocent excuse to throw a pregnancy party with your friends has transformed into this never-ending competition, to try to find the most destructive and dangerous way to announce that your child is gonna have a penis. Now I'm not normally one to shit on peoples and knock you as hobbies, unless it's pretending to do magic or listening to kids bop, or cutting a bagel Weird. Okay. Maybe I do do that. But in general, if you're doing something and it's not harming anyone, I'm not going to take up too much issue with that. And for the most part, I think gender reveal parties tend to be pretty harmless. Maybe you just eat a pink cake with your family, or you all huddle around your dog waiting to see what color his shit is, cause you've fed him some food coloring and then everyone cheers when he finally poops, and he's confused, but he likes the attention. I'm sure there are plenty of ways to celebrate your fetus child that don't involve the destruction of property. The problem is, like a lot of things that end up on social media gender reveal parties have turned into this quest to one up everyone. Whenever an idiotic stunt goes viral, most people probably look at it like, wow, that was dumb that they did that. But some people look at it as an opportunity. They got a million views for making a pinata explode, I'm going to set my grandparents on fire. If the smoke is pink, we're having a girl. Don't get me wrong. I love my family. But the only thing more important to me than their wellbeing is the possibility of becoming a Twitter moment for four hours. Now I'm sure you've already heard about what I'm referencing, but it just makes me so angry, that I had to come on here and talk about it. There is a wildfire in California, is not was, because so far they've only been able to contain like 7% of it. That's burned about 10,000 acres and forced the people to evacuate their homes. All because someone set off a pyrotechnic device at a gender reveal party in the middle of the woods. Because everyone knows the best place to set off fireworks is next to a bunch of trees. According to a surveillance video, the family could be seen afterwards scrambling and grabbing water bottles, which believe it or not was not enough to put it out. I am continually shocked by people who underestimate how quickly a fire can start and immediately become out of control. Especially in California during a heat wave, the air is as dry as it can be. You're surrounded by foliage, what did you think would happened? I'm sure the family will try to plead that this was an accident, but I don't know if this even counts as well. - I am upset. The people are stupid. - As idiotic and as preventable as this was, this wasn't even the first time a giant fire was caused by a gender reveal party. A couple of years ago, an off-duty border patrol agent shot a target he made that said boy, girl on it. And because it was filled with an explosive illegal substance and placed right next to the world's most flammable plant, things went a little South. It took over two weeks to extinguish the fire and cost the city about 8 million in damages. But the good news is it's a boy! I was curious what ended up happening to this guy. So I did a little bit more digging. Turns out he got off really easily. He didn't get arrested and was only fine to $200,000, which is a lot of money of course, but a pretty insignificant fraction of the damage that he caused. Like almost nothing in the grand scheme of things. Now, I don't feel bad for this guy at all, but apparently someone did because they started a GoFundMe for him, help border patrol, agent dad. He said it was the worst day of his life. - (crowd) Oow... Man I... I hadn't even considered that. - Order in the court. All right. I'll give the defendant one last chance to plead his case before I sentence him to a hundred years in prison. - Oh, well, one thing I forgot to say was, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to steal the school bus and run over all those people. I was just having a bad day. - I can't stay mad at you. All right. I'll give you a 45 minutes of house arrest in this coupon to bath and body works. Court dismissed. I don't know if you guys have noticed this or not, but there's actually a lot of fires going on already. It's just kind of one of those things that happens now where every summer, the entire West coast of America has a different color sky than the rest of it. Do you know what we don't need right now? More fires? What was it that the bear used to always say... only you care about the gender of your baby, Please put down the explosive device. It's just so infuriating to me, all of this unnecessary destruction of wildlife. So much damage that is caused by the selfish actions of one person. Now you might be thinking, well, at least no one died, right? Well, you wouldn't even be right about that last year. If someone actually did die at a gender reveal party, because they didn't realize how powerful the bomb they made would be. - Marion County. Sheriff Jason San Holt describes the device designed to explode colored powder into a puff of smoke, revealing the gender of the baby. - You were right. It's a girl. Hey, so grandma's funeral is this weekend. - (man) The horrible accident, something that's really just terrible, terrible, who can expect such a terrible loss to happen, when somebody is trying to, to celebrate and welcome a life. - Tragedy, what happened? They did everything right too detonate a homemade pipe bomb. We're not that far away. You don't expect no one's head to come flying off, but I guess crazier things have happened, right? Why this ain't going on? TV is this. - That means in 2019, at least one person was killed by a gender reveal party. I was doing some research. You know how many people were killed by dinosaurs in 2019? Zero. And they're giant monsters, gender reveal parties are statistically more dangerous than dinosaur. Anyway, so this happened in Iowa and it was pretty big news at the time, but apparently not big enough because the very next day in a town, 20 miles away, someone else almost died at a gender reveal party. What the fuck is going on? Now if you're like me, you might be wondering how are so many people getting access to explosives? What is there like a website you can go to where you can just order one for yourself? Yes, there is. For the low price of just $99, you too can order your very own Tanneria gender reveal boombox. It shouldn't be this easy, no wonder this keeps happening. You can't trust the average person with this kind of power. Most people can't even handle a party popper. How do you expect them to handle real explosives? Knowing this I'm actually surprised more people haven't died at gender reveal parties. Apparently last year, shortly after these instances, a plane crashed at one, after a pilot drops 350 gallons of pink water. Miraculously, both people on board survived with very minimal injuries. I guess they're invincible. And I haven't even shown you guys the gator reveals yet. (pop sound) (crowd cheering) - Can you guess what state this happened in... That's right, the one where I live. I think this last one really sums up the attitude that people have about these kinds of things. - Gender reveal party in Board man leads to a call. The police officers were called to the Applebee's restaurant Monday night for a fight that broke out between staff at our large group of customers. A manager told officers a group of 20 people came to the restaurant with confetti poppers, and she asked them to go outside so they wouldn't disturb other guests. The manager says they left a mess behind. And when she asked them to clean it up, a fight broke out and menus were thrown. The incident tonight remains under investigation. - What do you mean I have to clean up all this blue confetti, that I shot on private property? I'll kick your ass! I feel like this is so indicative of the problem that America is having right now where people are just so self-absorbed that their celebration is more important than your convenience or even worse, your safety. Sorry I burned down your house, Debra. Can't you just be excited We found out about the genitals on my baby? Again, I'm not here to stand in the way of your weird little tradition. If you want to pop a balloon to see what color smoke comes out, so you can start imposing a personality on your unborn child, then do it. I guess. But if you knowingly take part in something that has the potential to put other people in harm's way and you still do it because it's kind of fun for you, you are selfish, and you suck. I think I would attribute some, but not all of the blame to family Vloggers who, when they're having their own gender reveal parties probably feel this obligation as content creators to make it as extravagant as possible. For them, the gender reveal party is just one of the many pieces of content you get to milk out of every pregnancy. When most people find out they're pregnant, it's like, Oh shit, we're going to have to spend a lot more money. But when family bloggers find out they're pregnant, it's like, Oh shit, we're about to make a lot more money. As example, here is just one family's pregnancy content journey. Moms pregnant, moms still pregnant, looking at the baby, guessing the gender, gender reveal, gender reveal part two, baby training, another gender reveal, baby named, baby doctor, baby doctor again, baby name again, baby got feet, side note. This is some extremely ominous click bait, belly getting big, belly at the doctor, belly on the bed, the baby's coming out, baby shower, baby hurting, the official baby mama at dance, and labor labor, labor birth baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, you get the idea. No shade to this family, they're just living their lives. I'm not saying that they're having babies just to get content out of them. That would require, an almost impressive amount of commitment. All I'm saying is it probably doesn't hurt knowing that every positive pregnancy test comes with four videos and about 20 million views focused solely on whether it's a boy or a girl. And this is why, in spite of the destruction that often gets caused, I think gender reveal parties are not going away anytime soon. For content creators, it's money in the bank, and for everyone else, it's the spectacle of it. If we're trying to get a video that people are going to go crazy for and share with their friends, a little bit of confetti, just ain't going to cut it. So honey, grab the camera, grandma, you light the fuse and everybody else buckle up, cause we're getting Facebook feuds. So I guess that's pretty much it. With everything going on in the world, I decided to donate the Ad Sense money from this video to that one guys go fund me. I think he really needs our help. Just kidding. I'm gonna try to find some relief fund for the wildfires that are going on on the West coast, I'm not sure which one yet, but when I do I'll, I'll put the description in the link. Put the description in the link!! I'll put the link to the description, and if you have any recommendations, comment those down below. Although now that I think about it, this video probably won't be monetized because YouTube doesn't seem to like it, when I talk about current events that have tragic aspects to them. So that happens. I'll just donate some of the money from my brand deal instead. Hey, speaking of brand deal... - Hi... I may not have technically finished college, but that doesn't mean I didn't still owe them a bunch of money, after I left. A lot of people find themselves in situations like that, where even though they can afford to make monthly payments, their interest rate is so high that they're barely making a dent, or you might be stuck in debt with a bunch of high interest rate credit cards, and again, you're throwing a bunch of money away on interest every month, or maybe you owe the government a bunch of money because you accidentally burned down an entire city. If you find yourself in one of these situations, then upstart is here to help. Upstart can provide you with a fixed interest rate loan to help consolidate credit card debt. A big thing that stands out about them is their approval process goes a lot deeper than just your FICO credit score, which a lot of the time doesn't tell the whole story. Especially if you're young. A lot of people my age and younger have trouble getting loans, simply because you don't have a very long history of credit. It's something you have to build over time, But Upstart will look at other factors like your education, your job history, even your college major, things that other lenders wouldn't even factor in, but can help show that you're a good candidate for a loan. Upstart is entirely online. So you have to go to a bank and wait in line, only for some guy in khakis to tell you that your credit sucks. The loan can range from a thousand to $50,000. And even if you're just curious to see what kind of interest rate you could get, it only takes a few minutes to apply and it won't affect your credit score. Plus if your loan gets approved, most people end up with the funds in their account of the following business day. Over 400,000 people have used upstart to consolidate their debt and help achieve their financial goals. Find out why Trustpilot has given them a 4.9 rating out of 5 and go to to see how low your rate can be. (loud explosion) - How did he explode? Thank you so much for watching today's video guy. I do want to say if you're having a baby, that is absolutely something to celebrate. I'm very happy for you, congrats on becoming a parent. That's a big deal. My whole life I've been looking forward to becoming a dad. Even when I was a kid, I'd be like, you know, I suck at everything, but you know what I would be good at being a dad. I can't wait for that day. And when it happens, you better believe I'm going to be just as excited as every single one of these people. But all I'm saying is, you know, maybe channel that excitement into something that isn't arson. That's all. Well, anyway, thanks for sticking around until the end of the video, you have a great attention span. I will see you back here. First thing tomorrow morning for a brand new video, where I teach you how to remove your fingerprints and put them on your toes. All right, bye.
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 2,118,085
Rating: 4.9723191 out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, cringe, gender reveal, gender reveal fire, gender reveal party fire
Id: 3s3CmyepjMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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