Life Hacks Are Only Getting Worse

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Today's video is sponsored by Dollar Shave Club. Head to to get your Sh*t, Shower & Shave Kit for just $5 And yes, that's real. Oh sweetheart, could you please come in here? Oh honey, where are my gaming gloves? Your what? My gaming gloves. They're like regular gloves, but I wear them on my head. Oh great, I lost! Drew, the TV's not even on... Wait, where'd you...? *Internalized oppression intensifies* You made me lose the game. Drew, I didn't touch your gaming gloves. Yeah you did, admit it! You've been hiding my life hacks because you hate to see me succeed. Drew, that's ridiculous. Oh yeah? Then what's this? Uhhh, nothing? Here's my gaming gloves right here! Not that I even need them anymore. You weren't even playing a game! my iPhone charger that I wrote Android on? So you can charge Android phones with it too. My double pencil, my mega scissors? Those aren't life hacks, Drew. You're just taping two things together. That's what a life hack is! My Drew Gooden sunglasses? Link in bio. You even put my q-tips drill in here, why? You're gonna hurt yourself. No, it works really good. Drew, do not put that in your ear. Dollar Shave Club? What's this? Oh, we'll get to that later. Oh. Wait you put my powdered wig in here? You know I use this to get senior discounts. That's literally never worked once. *scoffs* Yeah, because I'm not old enough. Honestly, you're an idiot. I'm leaving you. Wait babe, please! Okay, I know you're upset but I-I have one more life hack to show you and you're gonna love it. I promise. Fine, one more. Okay, it's in the kitchen. Okay, so I know how much you love cereal because you eat it every morning and night. But I know that sometimes you'll be so hungry, and you can't the cereal as fast as you want to! And that's why I invented this. I call it two spoons, so rather (Oh my God) than just having the one- Wait babe! No, please! If you're gonna leave Can you at least give me the camera so I can film the rest? (Fine) And just like that she was gone. I guess the future just got here too fast She wasn't ready for it, and now I find myself once again alone left alone to wonder was it all worth it Sure I've pioneered enough technological innovations to warrant at least three Nobel Prizes But at what cost is it worth it if all that leads to is a life of loneliness? It's hard to say only one thing left to do now I guess Transition into the rest of the video hello everybody and welcome back to My name is Drew Gooden and as you all know I'm not only the first, but I am the only youtuber and although that means your options are pretty slim I still appreciate you taking the time to check out this video. So about eight months ago I made a video called completely pointless life facts And it's one of my favorite videos that I made I'm really proud of it And I'm very happy that it's also become my most popular video With almost two million views as of now and in honor of that I, I wanted to make a sequel because I don't usually make sequels But there's like an infinite supply of weird, shitty, useless life hack videos on the internet And it's at the point where I don't even know if they're all real I think I think some of them are just like well produced parodies, and you can't even tell the difference Because you know they're all so stupid and useless they might as well be a parody so that's my plan with today's video Just like the last one. We're gonna be taking a look at some of the most creative and inventive life hacks on Instagram oh and by the way be sure to stick around to the end if you want to see me shave off my Mustache live on camera. It's gonna be great You're not gonna want to miss this. Now there are hundreds and I mean hundreds of life hack Instagram pages But I figure what better place to start than slash life hacks Surely this has to be the best source for life hacks, so we're gonna check this out They don't have very many posts But I imagine that's because these are just the cream of the crop, the very best. Now all these thumbnails are very catchy But I think the one that catches my eye The most is this one looks like someone's wearing a watch that is an orange, and it says too smart Was that it? A lot of times the thumbnails for these videos don't actually use images from the videos And that's what I thought would be the case with this. I was like surely They're not about to make a video showing you how you can peel an orange in a way? That you can wear it as a watch But I was wrong that's exactly what they did I gotta say I agree with this one commenter his name is Jay so spam Why not peel it normally like a normal person now. I'm intrigued by the one right under it as well It looks like what this life hack is gonna teach me is how to get slime all over my phone Which I've always wanted to do okay? don't Oh my god that has to be the worst one you put all your slime in a cup And then you can use it to store your pencils. That's so smart. Okay, here we go, finally. They're gonna talk about the phone That? was that it? Hit cut off the whole reason I clicked on the video Wasn't even included in the video, I'm guessing that this life hack is like how to get Glue on a lollipop, so I want to learn how to do that Fuck oh god. I can't I don't know I don't know it slow down please Oh God what is? What was what I can't okay? I can't I Let's take a break here. I don't know what is happening immediately There's so many comments that I'm agreeing with this person says way too fast. I slow down slow down I'm definitely agree with this person what the hell has happened They're not about to make a little bow and arrow. Holy shit, okay here we go This is what I've been waiting for the lollipop the coke bottle hot g-, I mean we've already got the hot glue gun But I want to see what they're gonna do with this Okay All right, just a reminder guys. I didn't speed this up This was the speed this was at when you're trying to fit like 19 life hacks into one 60-second video, maybe just cut some of the life hacks out ever thought about doing that that's the option too You don't be you don't gotta fit every life hack into one video. You got a whole page for life hacks, spread them out Let's scroll down a little bit this one says don't eat this Okay, I won't. All right any time a condom is involved you can bet I'm interested So let's see why this person is pouring hot glue into a condom or maybe that's not hot glue maybe that's like icing we'll find out Holy shit, hey remember that parody sketch I did like two minutes ago where I pretended that taping two pencils together was a life hack That's literally what this one is. I guess I'm better at this than I thought Oh look he fixed the glasses, and they look great now. They look so good. Can't wait to wear those out in public. This has to be a parody, this confirms it for me this entire account is a parody and if so Well done this is hilarious. Now, I want to find some that definitely aren't parodies or at least I'm pretty sure aren't parodies because I don't want to just like make fun of something that's meant to be stupid I want to make fun of something that is accidentally stupid I always save videos on Instagram if I think like it's something I could put in a video or if it's just something I want To remember for later, but I saved so many that I don't even remember uh why I saved them, so I'm very interested to see what this one is all about I said I'm very interested in seeing what this one is all about click Click. I said I'm very intereste- All right. I think I broke it. Let's just go to creatives videos page They've got 1.1. Million followers so quite a bit more than the life hacks page. I'm guessing these are a little bit more helpful, a little bit more practical. Immediately my eyes are drawn to these pants here It looks like someone is cheese grating these pants, so I guess you would say pants grating these pants Boring jeans? Cheese grater! Now they're exciting jeans! How is this teaching anything to anybody? hey guys! Did you know if you have pants and you want holes in the pants you could cut holes in the pants? This is your first day being alive right? No! Don't do that! This is my face the entire time I watch any life hack. *confused Drew is confused* Why? all right I'm already done with this page This is a very similar page this one doesn't have nearly as many followers, but this page is called the crafty Oh this should be good this one involves an Xbox 360 so very topical everyone is currently using one of those OOPIES I accidentally got permanent marker on my seven-year-old electronic device that already has scratches all over it Ooh! This one looks good. It looks like they're pouring glue into beer. I've always wanted to know how to do that Why is there a condom? this video was normal for four seconds And then they brought out a condom ♫ put the condom in the beer, squirt some glue, squirt some glue, into the beeeer ♫ great, this life hack is perfect for people who open a beer Immediately decide that they don't want to drink the beer, but they also don't want to waste the beer This is easily one of the worst things I've ever seen in my life, and now let's imagine a situation where someone would even consider doing this mmm beer! Hey, bro, I can't finish this beer I'm just gonna dump it out Wait, no! why would you dump it out? My tummy's full and it's not like I could just put it back in the fridge Sure, you can I got a hot glue gun right here, and a condom in my pocket And that's? A life hack! oh shit, is that a real gun? I'm sorry ♫ mmm whatcha say ooh that-'♫ Maybe let's just keep going okay, this one looks good This one looks like he's lighting his pants on fire, so I got to see what this is all about *snapping* Oh he is not- he is not about to use that oh my god, he is and he did this can't be real I'm sorry and let you guys down. I wanted to show you guys Non-ironic life facts, but there is no way in hell that some sane rational person made this thinking "This will be helpful!" "This is gonna help out so many people!" "You know you got all your matches in your pocket, and then you don't have to-" Scrolling through it seems like they just they just bought a hot glue gun and they're just grabbing any item in their house They can find and gluing it to something else. Three crazy ways to open a bottle this might actually come in handy Oh my god, I thought they were about to say use a bottle opener Okay, but if your bottle opener is broken, let's see what you do... you just burn it? What? "Is your bottle opener not working? It's probably too cold." This is one of the rare instances, where contrary to what the problem usually is, they're over-explaining. Just fold the paper I understand what you're doing you don't need to stop and put little lines in it's funny because then you have on the other end of The spectrum you have these videos that are fast forwarded like 12 times their normal speed, and you don't know what the fuck is happening But here it's like, "Fold the paper in half." "Folding a paper in half means right down the middle-" Oh my god What? Let's head to the comments to see what people had to say about this. Oh looks like there's only one comment it says "Comment" I refuse to believe that these are real. The whole point of a life hack is to solve a problem It's to answer a question and yet I go into these videos without a question and I come out of them with like twenty. Mostly, just why? Over and over and over again. To find some other pages I searched "life hack" on Instagram And this is one of the ones that came up, "insta life hacks daily, the best life hacks gathered and shared.. daily" "Like and follow for more" so these aren't videos I don't even think these are life hacks like the very first picture the most recent picture is: "Am I a cutie? click like for yes." Oh here's a great life hack "DoubleTap if you hate school" Well, they're not wrong. Ok here, finally, a life hack This is the first one I've seen "How to listen to music in class: Step one" "Get ya headphones into ya clothes like this!" "Step 2: put one of them in your hands like this "Step 3: put your hand to your ear...and listen" Yeah. "Wow no one can even tell I'm listening to music right now." Oh here we go I think this should help a lot of you guys out if you're still in school. It's uh, well this is it. It's- it's just.. it's just this picture, and there's no captions. Where am I? How did I end up on this page? What am I doing here? This is just a picture of nothing! Let's find different life hacks What? There's no way this is real! Are you kidding me? "Euuh it's so cold outside" "And this jacket isn't enough. I better stop what I'm doing, pour out an entire bag of chips, and light it on fire!" And then they zoom out and she's like right outside her door, she could have just gone inside. You cannot tell me that that was a serious life hack, you can't tell me that. And if you do, if you try to, then you're wrong Get some sense into your head big boys. This is just crazy. This is bananas. Hey I got a life hack for you guys Stop buyin razors. We've all done it and we all hate it, you go to the store, which let's be honest is already bad enough, but then you get there and you're bombarded by all these options How many blades do I want? Which brand is the best? And why are they all 17 dollars? And ladies don't even get me started on why your razors are more expensive for absolutely no reason. Don't do it to yourself anymore Sign up for Dollar Shave Club! Amanda and I have been using Dollar Shave Club for like two years And we love and if she didn't just leave me a few minutes ago, she'd tell you the same thing. The blades are great They're super affordable and they come to your mailbox every single month So if you guys want to get an awesome product and help support my channel in the process, go to or click the link in the description and for just 5 bucks you're gonna get the shit shower shave Kit delivered straight to your door. What's great about this box is that it's not just a razor, which for five bucks is cheaper than anything you're gonna find in a store anyway But you also get some one wipe charlie's, which will keep you a little butt nice and fresh, no matter what comes out of it Side note: anyone that knows me, knows I love to wipe my ass. That's why I made this vine like three years ago "Those are in my fanny pack" "Hi, can I get some baby wipes this toilet paper's too hard and dry for my little butt!" That wasn't even a character that's probably the realest I've ever been on camera. In addition to that you also get some lavender scented body cleanser Which will keep you smelling like a candle all day long, and Dr. Shit- Doctor Shit. Dr. Carver's easy shave butter, which will help give you the gentlest shave You've ever had in your life and to be honest it tastes delicious. Oh wait hold on. What's that? Oh don't tell people to eat the butter? got it Hey guys, you're gonna want to not eat that butter but you can shave with it And that's awesome. So again if you want to get all that for just 5 bucks With free shipping and no long-term commitment go to or click the link in the description Thank you so much to Dollar Shave Club for sponsoring today's video and helping me pay off my ed fluence debt If you don't know what I'm talking about be sure to check out my last video, in it I exposed Jake Paul and his recent blatant scam so check that out if you're interested and now as promised. I will be shaving my mustache. It is time. That didn't work. Other side. Keep out of reach of children. It's very important. "Goodbye moustache." Goodbye, moustache. Well, it's taken me about two months to grow this thing out and here I am throwing all of that progress in the garbage I guess but you got to do what you got to do I've made a promise that no one asked me to make but I made it and now it's time to say goodbye. I have new merch in my store. I've got sunglasses, I mentioned in the beginning the video. I've got fridge magnets. Be sure to like and subscribe To me, uh not just to anybody "Bet you didn't realize how tall Drew is" Yeah, I'm 6'8" and Amanda's 4'7" Just a little secret we've been keeping from you guys Guys comment if I'm shaving wrong No one ever taught me how I'm just kind of guessing So if I'm supposed to like go the other way or use my left hand or have my eyes closed, anything like that Let me know. That's it. I'm a new man now or, a new boy I guess. I was a man, now I'm a boy, but uh yeah if you guys are interested in that Thank you again, Dollar Shave Club. Remember shit shower shave kit, 5 bucks. You get all these butt wipes I'm gonna go wipe my ass right now. I can't wait. I haven't even pooped. I just want to wipe my ass. Alright guys Thanks for watching Have anything to say before you go Amanda? "Mhm." No! Last plug here guys I promise if you want to see me roast some butt pics while also wearing a hard hat I check out nerd city's newest video If that's not enough to sell you on it There's also a beautiful sonnet read by none other than I dubs freakin I dubs And it's one of the funniest things ever if you're not familiar with nerd city or his try-hards series Go ahead and watch them all they're fantastic he has hands-down the most unique video making style on the platform you're gonna Love it. Okay. That's it go watch it. Bye
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 8,261,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, funny, h3h3, lol, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, former viner, parody, original, life hacks, instagram life hacks, bad life hacks, useless life hacks, part 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 12sec (1092 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2018
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