YouTuber Books

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Given Jake's history, I would not be surprised if one day you open his book and find that all the pages are now blank.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HowlingSnail πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I once found a book in Waterstones called "How to be a Youtuber". Flicking through, it was exactly as you'd expect.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HowlingSnail πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 01 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

His eyebrows are getting ungroomed again like they were in his earlier videos.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/methodwriter85 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

he’s not wearing his wedding ring in this????

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/maybemollz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guy welcome back to I don't need a haircut you need a haircut alright we both need a haircut remember books yeah me neither but I was doing some research and apparently is this thing where you buy it because it makes you feel smart to own one but then you never make time to read it because videogames is more fun and that's books one thing I've noticed over the past decade is how aware of youtuber books I've been despite not really being engaged with YouTube until about three or four years ago because of the size of their audience when people like Shane Dawson or Tyler Oakley or Dan and Phil release a book I'd always end up seeing it displayed like front and center at a Barnes & Noble at some point I think it just became the thing to do when you hit like three million subscribers go how to write a book now I guess maybe it's because of how enticing it is to be able to add New York Times bestseller to your Twitter bio or like many other things maybe it's just because your manager told you you could make a lot of money if you wrote a book so you wrote a book I think that's one thing a lot of people may not realize about youtubers is how many business decisions they've made that have been influenced by the management team that has inevitably come and swooped them up to tell them to diversify I mean that YouTube channel is doing pretty well for now but would it really hurt if you started a podcast and wrote a book and started doing live shows and twitch streaming and post it a hundred times a week instead of just one I would love to make more money I mean I would love for you to make more money if you're wondering why it seemed like so many youtubers were going on tour at the same time look no further than MC ends or multi-channel network because there are only a handful of popular MC ends that have so many creators under their umbrella they're pretty much all getting the same advice at the same time we here at giant companies see you is not just one of our 900,000 creators but as an individual with a unique story to tell and that's why we've hand selected you and only you is the perfect partner for this brand-new project you write a book and we make most of the money how's that sound Jam okay now I want to make it clear I'm not making this video to shit on every single youtuber book that's ever been written I'm not saying that just because a book is written by a youtuber that means it's bad or just because a youtuber does a live show that means it's not very well put together that's not true what is true is that these things tend to separate like the truly talented creators who just happened to be on YouTube from the people who are clearly just doing it because it seemed like the right entrepreneurial thing to do those kind of books read much differently with it being very obvious that much of what you're reading is just there to fill space where it's devoid of purpose that couldn't be edited out because then the book wouldn't be long enough for example in Jake Paul's you gotta want it he starts with a short about Me section with some descriptive things like how old he is what he does looks like he's on Disney Channel so I hope that goes well for him and that's fine cuz that's all information this is an about Me section and these are things that describe him but then he runs out of information just starts listing pointless shit I'm wearing sweatpants there's a place around the corner from where I live that has killer smoothies my favorite is peanut butter and jelly I got one a few minutes ago so right away it's very clear we're just reading this guy's stream-of-consciousness he was sitting there typing he reached for his smoothie to have a sip and then he was like oh I should type about the smoothie because what even is this book I'm not so sure he even knew what this book was going to be or why he was writing it until he was done writing it he ends the about Me section with my brother Logan is telling me that this book should be all about girls but I say no this book is all about wait that's a good question what is this book about and to me at least that just seems like something that maybe he should have tried to figure out before he got to this point you know a book is gonna be good when the author openly admits to making it up as he goes what's that famous line from the beginning of Sorcerer's Stone Harry Potter the boy who did something of significance I haven't figured out what yet but I'll let you know what I do from what I can tell this book is all about motivation and positivity and shirtless Jake Paul it's about encouraging you to chase your dreams and face your fears written by a teenager whose advice is terrible move with deliberate fearlessness ignore the naysayers take the word no and flip it around what will I ever be successful on I on be success dad then he tells a story about how one time he and Logan were driving to Las Vegas and he turned to him and said let's see how fast this thing can go proceeding to drive 170 miles per hour that's too fast that is reckless driving you could go to jail for a year for driving that fast but maybe that's the point right maybe the lessons like there's no shortcuts in life work smarter not harder don't drive as fast as I did nope the opposite in fact I'm gonna gun it like this the whole way which is my approach to everything it should be yours too you hear that guys you should always Drive a hundred and seventy miles per hour towards your dreams that is criminally bad advice nobody should be listening to this maniac that being said I'm gonna keep reading I listen to a lot of rap I relate to it I know rappers exaggerate to make their songs sound more Street but when I decipher the lyrics they're mostly about stuff that's happened or is happening to those guys as they fight their way to the top nothing's gonna stop them they say and I know exactly what they mean this is the funniest thing I've ever read in my life at one point he describes his own birth which is a funny sentence on his own he says he was born three weeks early I couldn't wait which is typical of me and that's just so funny to like brag about being born way too early my mom was only pregnant with me for a week and a half before I came out yeah my arms and legs don't work and I'm only four inches tall but I just couldn't wait to get out in the world and start by YouTube channel but getting to the meat of the book there's a very weird chapter where Jake talks about his first crush Megan Fox from transformers I was 10 years old and I thought the movie was the best thing I'd ever seen I also thought Megan Fox was the hottest girl in this universe at that age I knew the word sexy but not its meaning I can't say that I walked out of the theater thinking Megan was sexy but I did walk out of the theater thinking about Megan which was something considering I thought the cars and trucks in the movie were also super hot and I spent a lot of time thinking about them what the fuck did I just read when I was ten I thought Megan was sexy but I didn't know she was sexy because I didn't know about sex yet but she was my girlfriend and the cars were my girlfriend and I'll always love them but so in case it wasn't obvious yet this is where the book starts to get ah suddenly Jake is no longer telling us how to achieve our dreams and follow our goals instead he's really honed in on the female teenage audience teaching them all about boys this chapter called hello ladies is his experience with puberty something that for some reason he's telling us about at one point he unintentionally encourages all the young kids reading to Google what sex is which in hindsight probably not the best advice this was all my pubescent pals and I did for a brief moment in our young lives and what an education we got through photos and videos we figured out the basics on our own and then some and we were good to go no talk necessary but you don't just walk onto a basketball court and dunk like LeBron James first you have to learn how to dribble he spends a lot of time recounting his first sexual experiences describing the girls he liked and made out with in way too much detail I hope these aren't their real names because holy shit dude this whole time I was also texting Julie and her boobs I was into making out but I'd heard that others were doing more than kissing including Julie I didn't know what she'd done but thanks to Google I'd figured out the facts of life and then some Julie and I went into my room together and made out then after a while her hands went places and so did mine and suddenly we were past making out in brand-new territory at least for me I was like oh my god this is the best moment ever the cool thing is that moment is still pretty great all these years later am I reading porn don't worry there's still so much book left 10 facts about teenage guys that every teenage girl should know number one while girls are occupied with their hairstyles clothes and shoes and maybe cool rings and necklaces you know so much about girls most guys in the eighth grade are thinking about what girls look like after all that's removed and they are in their underwear or bathing suit by ninth grade guys are obsessing about what girls look like without their clothes on is this meant to help the teenage girls and ladies you may not realize it yet but guys they want to see your ass so show it to him okay I guess I just didn't realize how sexually charged this book four children would be I thought this was gonna be like Edie fluence the book but some parts are more like fifty Shades of Paul I realize I just made a fifty Shades of Grey reference in the year 2020 but I just don't know any other popular porn book anyway there's a lot of boring shit in here that's not really worth talking about I like how in the middle there's just a bunch of random pages of pictures that have nothing to do with the book with captions ranging from someone's a little fishy to shirts are overrated but other than that this book is extremely boring and pointless and at the very end he mentions the same smoothie that he talked about at the beginning which confirms my suspicions that he did write this all in one sitting if I were to pick one quote from the book a little pearl of wisdom to leave you guys with it would be some days your underwear sticks in your butt crack pick it out laugh it off and get going again my official score for Jake Paul's you gotta want it is a d-minus a Zen I wish he had - some of the references to his D in addition to this masterpiece Lele pons who in a lot of ways is the female version of Jake Paul also wrote her own advice book about getting through high school and I'm not gonna go into detail about this one because I think nerd City already said everything there was to say about this book but to sum it up her advice is basically that things get easier the more famous you get and that's super helpful advice for the 99.9% of struggling teenagers who will never be merely as famous as she is don't worry guys it gets better just become rich so what I can tell there's pretty much only three different types of youtuber books there's the autobiography where you cover your life story in excruciating detail and act like you've really had to beat the odds and overcome all these obstacles in your life which just means your parents got divorced and that was the worst thing that ever happened to you number two there's the tongue-in-cheek advice book how to adult adulting 101 for adults but don't take it from me guys I'm just a 30 year old 15 year old and then third there's the rare fictional why a novel Joey Graceffa wrote two of these and they seem to have pretty mixed reviews I don't know a lot about Joey or what he does but I at least can respect the originality here I think it's cool he had an idea and tried to execute it whether or not he actually achieved it that's up for debate but it was ambitious so I'll give him that there is one book that doesn't fit into any of these categories and that's Gabby Hanna's much-maligned collection of poetry adult a lesson now gabby is someone who always seems to end up involved in some kind of drama and personally I have paid attention to none of it and except for her genius interview because that was just funny but other than that I'm not gonna try and tell you what she has done or hasn't done that's bad because I genuinely don't know it's weird sometimes with YouTube drama I'm like oh this is juicy do tell and then other times I'm like how did I end up on a channel called farting the tea where all of their videos are just Scrolls of text set to Wii Menu music do I really care that much to watch this no I do so again I'm not saying she's guilty of anything and I'm not saying she's innocent of anything I'm only going to look at this book as what it is first thing I'll say is it's really easy to criticize the worst of this book plenty of people have already done that at its worst the poems are very not good and she didn't do herself any favors by openly admitting in the book that much of them only exist because she had a deadline and needed to fill space which if I'm being honest was kind of a relief to read because it's right at the end of the book and it sort of answers a question you might have already had but as a result many of the poems end up reading like tweets that should have stayed drafts but instead got reformatted to fill pages in between actual poems I'm sure even Gabby herself would admit that a lot of these entries shouldn't even be considered poetry sad-isfied it's the whole page you get it cuz she's sad is fine so she's like happy and sad I think there's a lot of depth to that one this one's called K and then the whole poem is actually just her sending someone a text that says K and the other person read it so that's very interesting to me and of course gotta talk about this one link that's just the title of the poem and then the poem is in bio so you read it all together it's linked in bio that one's kind of a thinker you really got a under on that one for a while but once it clicks in your brain it's very cool you you're disgusting ly perfect I like that one it has a twist and then right under it Catholic I gave up for Lent right I gave up it's funny I've never heard that joke before that's why it's so good so yeah a lot of this is either just blatant page filler or very short poems that have the depth of an above-ground pool that hasn't been filled yet if the world ended tomorrow what would you do today I'd hardly make my way to an all-you-can-eat buffet if the world was ending tomorrow I'd eat some food and the poetry award goes to like I didn't think I was like gonna like it the way that I liked it but like I like it I take it back this is a great book the most egregious examples of page fillers are these like advice poems that are supposed to read like text there's no punctuation and things are misspelled intentionally because that was the stylistic choice but they're also meaningless and dumb that I'm almost certain they were the very last thing to be added to the book hey Gaby books looking great we just need 10 more pages yeah that's no problem how much time do I have oh you're fine I just need them in one minute what will change I used to hate coconut let's hurry that I'm cool you can believe that alright well they're not great but here you go that does not matter to me okay thanks well I'm glad you're satisfied cuz I'm just sad is fied sad-isfied wait I thought I don't want to be fair though there are plenty of good poems in here like I said it's really easy to cherry pick the dozen or so terrible ones but for the most part it's not a terrible book had she been able to spend more time on this letting inspiration come to her naturally instead of rushing out a bunch of shower thoughts I think this would have been a really good first try at her version of a shel silverstein book I know she's talented that's why even though I saw these videos about the book I wanted to read it for myself I wanted to see if it was really as bad as people said and a lot of it is not that bad I was surprised how much I liked a lot of the drawings I mean obviously putting a drawing next to a poem doesn't make the poem better but it is at least more interesting to look at as you're scrolling through the book ultimately I think Gabby could have avoided almost all of the backlash she got from this if she had either taken a few more months to actually finish it or if she had just charged less for the book it would have made the expectations people had going into it more reasonable I mean I got this used on Amazon for a couple of bucks but if I were to have bought this when it came out from stores it would have cost me $16.99 that is the perceived value of this book according to the publisher who published it a paperback copy of an unfinished poetry collection $17 my comparison here is a hardcover copy of Retton links book of mythicality this book is fantastic it's funny it's personal the artwork is beautiful every single page has an intricate unique design I believe over a dozen people worked on it it was a massive project that got all of the time and attention it needed and since this is a hardcover book the pages are really thick it cost more to produce so that would be factored into the price as well so if this is $17 then this should be like 40 bucks right no $21 this more durable sturdy copy of a more thoroughly crafted book is we $4 more than this so if you're gonna charge a premium price for your book you're gonna have to live up to those expectations and I'm sure it wasn't up to her what the price was I've never worked with a publisher I've never published a book but I know a lot of control is taken away from the author and this is probably what the publishers decide but it is still her fault for putting herself in that position agreeing to a deadline that she probably should have known was unreachable don't get me wrong as a fellow creator I totally understand how deadlines can mess you up and get in the way of making something as good as you think it could be have you ever noticed that I almost always post videos on the very last day of the month that's because I signed contracts with the brands that sponsor me and I physically can't procrastinate any longer than I already have but the thing is that's on me if I have to put out an unfinished video because I didn't have enough time to work on it it's still my fault for agreeing to the contract that set that deadline I don't get to play the victim in that situation and I don't think Gabby does either because she's still profited heavily off of this she defends a lot of these unfinished poems by saying how cathartic they were for her to write and that's great I'm glad that this was therapeutic for you to write this book but you still charged people money for it like it's great that you got something out of writing it but you need to make sure that if people are paying money that they're getting the same amount of quality in return but those are my thoughts on this book I'm not trying to start drama with Gabby I think she's very talented I'm sure she learned her lesson from this and we'll see how her next book turns out I think my main takeaway from this video is that the most well-received youtuber books are the ones that act as an extension of the channel so for someone whose channel is dedicated to coming up with fun recipes releasing a cookbook full of them isn't some out-of-left-field obvious cash grab a book about sex makes a lot more sense when it's coming from a youtuber who already makes videos about Seth the same cannot be said about the Disney Channel vlogger who devoted an entire chapter of his memoir to that time someone touched his ding-dong one book I really respect is by Charlie McDonnell who's a super og youtuber he used to go by Charlie is so cool like he wrote an entire book about fun science facts that he enjoys I think it's cool that he took that opportunity to just make something he's passionate about it does seemed like a lazy afterthought like oh I got to write a book I guess I'll talk about what middle school was like for me would people like that he chose an extremely specific topic and went all in on it because that's what he wanted to do and that's cool trying to get teenagers to be interested in science is a lot more noble than trying to teach them how to be good at Instagram one thing I will say about every single youtuber book is at least they did it I can see here it criticized every single page of a book but at the end of the day they still wrote more of a book than I ever have I don't think I'll ever have the patience or self-discipline to finish that big of a project so kudos to anyone who's ever finished a book I'm curious here in the comments if you guys have read any other youtuber books that were better than you thought they'd be or worse than you thought they'd be or you never actually finished reading it because you only bought it to support the creator but then you kept getting distracted I would understand I do that too speaking of getting distracted it's time to hear a word from today's sponsor it can happen to anyone you're browsing the web on an unsecure connection and bam some jerk ass butt face steals your data but you see what the virtual private network your IP address is masked and your data is encrypted preventing NER duels and even your internet service provider from collecting personal information expressvpn isn't just for online security though you can also use it to watch movies and TV shows you didn't think you'd be able to or YouTube videos that aren't available in Canada for some reason you see they have servers in 94 different countries any of which you can choose to set your location to even if you're not 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Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 3,922,750
Rating: 4.9779701 out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, cringe, books, gabbie hanna, jake paul, adultolescense, book of mythicality, rhett and link, you gotta want it, book review, lele pons book
Id: qeAfdT1Ihpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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