The King Copycat of TikTok

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what's up greg and welcome back to another episode of acting 101 today i'm going to be giving you guys a lesson on how to become a successful actor i'm tick-tock hey easy today we're going to be talking about new main he's a content creator on tick tock who mainly produces comedy sketches he's come under fire recently and sort of been dubbed the king copycat of tik tok he's apparently been stealing like a bunch of content from people on take talk and the way that he has been addressing the situation is so funny to me i'm an actor he says he's an actor so it's okay admittedly i am a couple weeks late talking about this so you might have already heard all of this before but i just think that it's so funny and such a unique situation i've never seen anyone act like this in real life before so i just i really want to talk about it okay before we get to all the good stuff let me just give you a little bit of backstory real quick new maine has millions of followers on tic tac right now he has 2.7 million followers he's a very prolific creator he's like posting every day it seems like he's always posting like banger tick tocks that seem to do really well on the tick tock algorithm i mean they all have like millions of views some of them even have millions of likes this one has 1.7 million likes and let me just show you one of these so that you can get like a concept of the type of stuff that he posts hey hold up hold up hold up that [ __ ] is good because it caught because it's gas because it's a gas station so yeah just funny little videos they have a quirky little concept like a guy trying to fill up his electric car with gas and a gas station employee coming out and saying guys things have been going really well for new maine i've actually seen him on my 4u page like a bunch of times without even realizing he was like the same person in all of these tick tocks but then about a month ago this other dude joey bailey who is another content creator on tick tock he's a bit smaller than new maine made this compilation of new mains tick tocks side by side with the ones that he's stolen showing that all of them are like literally shot for shot remakes of other people's tick tock this tick tock went pretty viral it's got 1.9 million likes right now and this is when people started to realize just how much new maine was stealing on tiktok now before we get into what happens next i should say that like i know that stealing tick tocks is not the biggest deal in the world to a lot of people i feel like when it comes to copying content on tick tock pretty much everybody has a different view on it personally i try to steer clear of posting the exact same joke that i've seen someone do before and if you do reuse a joke on tick tock i'm generally of the mindset that like it's not a huge deal as long as you tag the person and give them credit if you really didn't come up with a joke then you shouldn't be passing it off as your own thing but i know that some people on tick tock straight up don't care they just want to watch funny stuff and if something funny comes up on their page they don't really care how it got to them plus tic tac is an app that's basically built around the concept of copying content there are so many songs where if you click on the audio it's literally like the exact same joke with just a couple words switched out to make it more like relatable to a specific person's life however i would argue that new main is not doing any of that it's not just like new maine was like hopping on trends and not giving credit to the person who originally started the trend new maine was like directly copying people's ideas word for word and in fact in many cases even lip syncing their audio but then when he posts the video he would go out of his way to make sure that it doesn't post to the original creator's audio so he would be mouthing words that somebody else is speaking but when you click on the audio on his tick tock it just takes you to a sound that he owns and he's the only person who has made a tick tock with that sound so yeah i don't think it's really the same as just like hopping on a trend that everybody else is doing it seems pretty malicious right tic tac makes it so easy to use a popular sound and credit the person who made the sound all you have to do on tick-tock is click use this sound and then you post it and everything's taken care of for you it could not be easier to steal content ethically but for whatever reason this dude is going out of his way to i don't even know how he's doing it he like saves the video privately and then re-upload it making it look like he's using his own sound which is pretty trippy in a lot of cases because like you click on one of his videos and because it's his sound you just think that that's his voice and he's not even lip syncing but then you click on a different tick tock and he has a different voice but it's still his sound joshua do you want to form an alliance mr where where miss 305 darling so i feel like maybe a lot of people think that he's got like really good voice acting abilities or something because he just has like a million different voices which i guess probably helps contribute to his actor persona i'm an actor we'll get to that later i know i keep cutting to that actor clip we'll get to that in a little bit that's part of the that's part of the good stuff so yeah joey bailey who has had his content stolen from new main before post this video with all these side by sides and then a few weeks later he posts a video on youtube and another one on tick tock outlining what happened next i would recommend you go watch it for yourself if you want to because he outlines the whole situation and he's actually pretty funny but apparently new main reached out to him privately because of this video and when i first heard how new maine reached out to him i think i lost my mind that's exactly what he said all right now listen bro you can kindly take it down and we can just be chilling i cut out yeah you can kindly take it down and we can just you know be cool and move on from all this [ __ ] or you can just leave it up and uh have a lot of enemies from here on out he's like a super villain i honestly have to give him credit no no so much secondhand embarrassment from listening to those voice memos just the fact that he accidentally sent the his voice memo before it was done i don't think anything takes the power away from what you're saying quite like having technical difficulties in the middle of trying to threaten somebody listen [ __ ] i don't know where you get off thinking you can just go around talking [ __ ] about me behind my back but i swear to god if i ever see you in public i'm gonna pummel your stupid little face into the door hello hello what can you i think i lost you can you hear me yeah can you hear me yeah i can now sorry i have really bad service in my house my dog's being attacked by a coyote right now um what were you saying wait hello hello hello hello i'm going to pummel you did you pay the phone no it's not working okay okay i'm gonna kick your ass [ __ ] now i don't have service how it's just such a weird threat too you're gonna have a lot of enemies after this like who is on who's gonna be on your side i just don't understand where that threat is coming from what is he gonna i mean like i guess he has a lot of followers but what is he gonna do post a tick tock being like hey guys uh for those of you who don't know i've been stealing this guy's content a bunch lately and he has the gall to call me out for it i swear to god you guys gotta go harass this jumper something like you can't really stick your followers on him without also mentioning why he's upset in the first place although since he does consider himself quite the actor i wouldn't be surprised if the the many enemies that newman was talking about are just different new main characters which you know what actually reminds me i've been seeing a lot of comments on my videos lately saying that greg isn't the fastest growing army on the internet which honestly that's fine dude keep on saying that see what happens just keep on talking that [ __ ] just know that it's gonna make you a lot of enemies buddy i work at a gas station one of my favorite details about these voice memos is something that i don't think i've seen anybody talk about before but it's so funny to me what is this click sound yeah you can kindly take it down and we can just you know be cool and move on from all this [ __ ] or you can just leave it up and uh have a lot of enemies from here on now what is he doing right there right before he says you can have a lot of enemies in my head he's trying to sound like really tough i almost feel like he's like putting on a voice he's like why don't you say why don't you say that to my face you're gonna have a lot of enemies from here on out you better just let me steal your content forever and i know this is kind of a bold assumption but i can't i can't help but picture him like sitting at his desk in like a full suit he's got like three computer screens in front of him with pictures of joey all over and right as he's about to say you're gonna have a lot of enemies he like flips open a pocket knife or you can just leave it up and uh have a lot of enemies from here on now the thing is in the grand scheme of things like what new main did isn't even that horrendous like sure it's a shitty thing to do he should be crediting people if he's stealing their content if newman had just ignored this and just like let it be and just let people talk their [ __ ] and forget about it he would probably still have a ton of people on his side a lot of people on tiktok just don't care about copied content so like they'd probably be on new main side and be like why are you being such a baby about copy content granted if i was in joey's situation i would be upset as he is i still think it's a shitty thing for him to do i just feel like there are people that would have agreed with him if he just ignored this whole situation but the way he like doubled down and then tried to turn into some like mob boss like the godfather of tick-tock or something it's just i don't know why he would do that maybe he's working on a new character or something he's working on a new mob boss character apparently you sent joey another message after that saying he was also going to sue him for a false accusation lawsuit which i don't think is a type of lawsuit i think you could say like libel or maybe defamation like if you're lying about someone and it's ruining their career then you have a case but from what it sounds i mean like there's video evidence i don't think he's lying about the copied content so i don't really think he's telling the truth i think in all honesty i think he might have been pulling a classic reviewing as legal options slapped by legal type scenario which honestly i respect the hustle no you're right go off king i mean this is not within your rights you are you are in the wrong here but you should know them you should know your rights and now the infamous live stream so i believe new maine went live on tick tock and people started asking him about all of these like voice memos and this false accusation lawsuit the best clip i've been able to find of this is this girl's tick tock which now has 900 000 likes this is what happens when views and followers gets to your head [Music] like i'm an actor i'm not a writer i'm not a [ __ ] storyteller you give me a script i will [ __ ] nail that [ __ ] i'm not gonna think of it no but i'm gonna make yours better or make yours you're gonna be good like your [ __ ] is probably not as good and that's why it's not performing well dude what that's gotta be the weirdest explanation i've ever heard he's an actor i'm not gonna think of it first off he started saying like i'll take your video and i'll make it better or make yours you know be good like your [ __ ] is probably not as good and then for some reason like retracted that and was like actually i'll make it good it wasn't even good in the first place which is such a weird thing to say but also why are you stealing content that you don't think was good in the first place and i'm sure this is very obvious by now but even if he was an actor this is not something that actors do saying you're an actor is not a valid excuse for stealing someone's content and passing it off as your own yes actors often recite lines that they didn't write but that's because they were hired by the person who did write them to recite them can you imagine if one day tom cruise just came out with his own avengers he was like yeah i really like the avengers movie and so i wanted to make my own so i stole the script i spent hundreds of millions of my own dollars and i produced the avengers movie starring me i didn't change any of the lines i played all the parts and now i made the avengers and when people confront him about it he's just like what that's what i do i'm an actor i take movies that already exist and millions of people already love and i make the exact same thing how hard is that to understand that's what actors do what or what or what do you think mark hamill wrote star wars no that's not how that works mark hamill didn't write star wars but he also didn't fund it and he also never claimed to write star wars in your version of the avengers movie you're listed as the writer in the credit you think actors just write their own movies oh let me guess let me guess you also think seth rogen wrote pineapple express huh okay that's actually probably the worst example you could have picked because seth rogen did write pineapple express okay man what what did he really read pineapple express i know i haven't shown too many of new maine's tic-tacs so far so you might not even have a good idea of how good of an actor he is but why don't we take a brief moment now to uh take a look at his acting portfolio let's see the types of characters he plays the types of scripts he chooses but in a way to save time i actually figured out that i can play a bunch of them at the same time because uh they sort of line up and you can just watch all of them at the same time it's kind of kind of a weird coincidence but i'll just play it now man this guy's got range you give me a script i will [ __ ] nail that [ __ ] yep guys he's an actor like you know how jon hamm is in a lot of movies and tv shows but like three-fourths of the movies and tv shows he's in i have the exact same script but just some of the character names are swapped out yeah that's pretty much what actors do anyway that's pretty much the end of the entire controversy i haven't seen really anything happen since then he is still copying other people's tick tocks but now he is crediting people at least which you might not realize at first if you look at his tick tocks i mean he is using the correct sound now on tick tock but his captions still don't mention the person who created the original and you have to go into the comments and scroll often like pretty far down to find where he commented the person that inspired inspired here meaning wrote and conceptualized and also acted and uh came up with all the shots for the original tick tock anyways i just wanted to bring this up because i think it's really funny i don't want people to like go and harass new man i never want the result of my videos to be the person getting like harassed and stuff and yeah that's pretty much it now it's time to talk about our sponsor morningbrew thank you to morningbrew for sponsoring this video guys if you don't know morningbrew is a daily newsletter that's delivered monday through sunday and it gets you up to date on business finance and tech news in just five minutes i feel like for most of us this is true but before i knew about morning brew the first thing i would do in the morning when i woke up would 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wearing guidelines they just changed the guidelines for fully vaccinated people to only have to wear masks when you're attending a crowded outdoor event like a live performance or a sport event which i did not know and then another article more on like the business tech side this one is talking about how apple and spotify both have plans to offer subscription services for like premium podcasts so that podcasters can make more money it's not sort of like a patreon thing but within apple podcast and spotify podcast apps since it's free there's really no reason not to try it out if you're interested in business finance and tech and it only takes like 15 seconds to subscribe i thought i was gonna have to like create an account or something but i literally just went to the website and typed in my email and it was like all right you're good there you go you'll just get it now so if you want to sign up then go to danny gonzalez or click the link in the description that's danny gonzalez thank you to morningbrew for sponsoring this video and thank you to you guys for checking out morningbrew it helps me out a ton when you guys check out my sponsors and i know that if you are interested in these types of topics you're gonna love morning brew it's a great way to wake up so thank you guys and this is the end of the sponsored segment now all right well thank you guys for watching this video i hope you enjoyed it like i said in the last video i've been streaming on twitch a lot so if you miss me between uploads i'm streaming every monday and wednesday at 6 p.m central time i might add another day sometime soon right now i'm playing minecraft i'm very close to beating it so maybe by the time you see this i'll have already beaten it who knows if you enjoyed this video and you're not subscribed yet make sure you subscribe and turn on my notifications to join greg greg is the fastest growing army on the internet please do not look that up i will thanks for watching bye this video is over now over [Music] so why are you still watching this gives a [ __ ] about some little copy content like i'm an actor i'm not a writer i'm not a [ __ ] storyteller you give me a script i will [ __ ] nail that [ __ ] but i'm not gonna think of it no but i'm gonna make yours better or make yours you know be good like your [ __ ] is probably not as good and that's why
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 7,556,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor
Id: B-lCoGkydCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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