Ranking Terrible Life Hacks with My Wife

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👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/miniyellow 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
- This video is sponsored by Squarespace. Hey guy, welcome back to your channel. Remember, a few years ago, when life hacks were starting to take over the internet and they would range anywhere from pretty useful to how much free time do you think I have? Well, lately life hacks have been evolving so chaotically that I'm actually kind of scared now. Like, I don't know what it is about this egg spray contraption, but watching it makes my bones hurt. There's such a menacing aura here. I feel like no one should be able to wield this much power except for me. (eggs squelching) I'm making eggs. So, anyway, after eating my delicious and nutritious breakfast, my brain pooped out an idea for a video. So I went on Twitter and had you guys send me some of the most bizarre life hacks that you've seen lately. And today, I will be sitting down with my wife, who's been asleep for the past three months and we're gonna be trying some of them out and then ranking them on a scale that I came up with. Let's do it. (upbeat music) Hi, oh. (upbeat music) Hi. Are you gonna put that glass pumpkin on your head the entire time? - It's ceramic. - Oh, it's ceramic, equally breakable. My point still stands. - It's fall, I am allowed to wear this on my head if I want to. - Okay.(laughs) You're right. I just hope that you don't have to nod or feverishly shake your head at any point. 'Cause these life hacks are pretty bad, you're gonna wanna say no to them. So, as I discussed in the intro today, we will be ranking some life hacks. Some of them, we will be testing out ourselves, some of them we will not be because they're just total abominations and no one should attempt to recreate them. So my scale for this will be extremely useful, good but way too time consuming, didn't work, what the fuck, and never talk to me again. Would you say that you eat a lot of pistachios? (water burbling) Well, 5-Minute Crafts has come up with a brand new way to enjoy pistachios without all the hassle. (upbeat music) - What are they watching? - I think they're watching this life hack video. (Drew and Amanda laughing) - Yes. - Oh, I did it right. I get that, like, to eat a pistachio, you wanna have a second bowl to put the shells in, but like, you already need one bowl for this. Instead of cutting off-- Who thought of this? - I'm all for re-using stuff, but-- - Not in this way. I've already burned myself making one of these videos, why not slice a finger off while I'm at it. - Well, I always feel like we should say, don't try this at home, but we're literally doing a tutorial that basically is telling you to do it at home, and they don't have any warnings. - Mm-hmm, it's made for at-home trials. Not that you were gonna do this anyway, because we're the only people dumb enough to attempt this, but you know, it's worth saying. - Did you even measure it? - No, works perfect. - [Amanda] Still need this cup though. - True. Now it's going to have pistachio residue in it. My closet's gonna smell like-- - [Drew and Amanda] Nuts. (Drew laughs) - [Drew] Does it have to be that exact shape? The thing is, it doesn't matter how big this hole is, because you're just opening up the side to use the entire rest of the container. So this could just be the size of a pistachio and you squeeze it through every time. - So where do you store this when you're done with it to use it for next time? - In the laundry room, next to your regular detergent. - Let's make a little door. - Yeah. Knock, knock. Who's there? Nuts. (Drew and Amanda laugh) All right, dig in. (chewing nuts) - [Drew and Amanda] Mmmmh. - Well, I forgot about the phone part. So maybe we'll just put that there. (Drew and Amanda chewing) - So, you go over to your friend's house and you see them eating pistachios-- - They have pistachios on the couch, and you're like, no, stop, I have a better way. You dump out a full thing of laundry detergent-- Well, when you think about it, how long does it take to get two bowls out of your kitchen? Days maybe? - Months. - It could be months. But this only took us about five minutes, so. - You can make like a bird house. - Or a squirrel catcher. (Amanda laughs) Put nuts in as bait. - Git him - And then we feed him to Bem Bem. So here is the next one. (upbeat music) ♪ We pick up the pieces and start again ♪ ♪ Don't give up, we're holding on ♪ Yeah, it looks a little, so far. Don't worry, it takes a left turn. ♪ For what it's worth, I'll try to change ♪ ♪ We can fix our broken hearts ♪ - Wait, why did he cut a hole and put it there? - Because, it's romantic. So obviously I'm not gonna recreate this because we're already married, but let's just say hypothetically, I was going to propose to you, if I did it like this, what would you say? - No. - Okay, that's fair. I'm gonna say, never talk to me again. - Never talk to me again. - So this video is 5-Minute Crafts on Facebook, it's called, How To Survive Into The Wild For Urbanites: Vital Hacks For Sudden Camping. You know, when you find yourself-- - We gotta go camping, now. - Suddenly, I'm camping. (upbeat music) When you're suddenly camping and you're not prepared, you might accidentally step into a puddle, but there's a solution. (upbeat music) Yeah, now that's whole thing. - Oh, how do you take that off? - Well, I guess we'll find out. (upbeat music) - Why do I gotta do this? - I guess that's a good point. Well, I've lost all flexibility in my foot. So if I would have to run quickly away from, say, like a bear-- - Yeah, you probably shouldn't keep this on long so you don't lose circulation or anything. - Now it looks stylish, of course, and it's very hard to walk in, but the test, the real test is going to be if my sock stays dry. Let's see what happens. - Uh-Oh, stepped in a puddle. - Oh, no. Oh, yeah. Alright.(sighs) Now, take it off. (upbeat music) Yeah, now my sock is all wet. (Drew and Amanda laughing) - It is. So you still get wet feet and wet socks and you have to put on and take off duct tape. - But we'll always cherish the time we spent together. ♪ I will remember you ♪ - That one just didn't work. Duct tape is good for many things, a makeshift shoe is not one of them. - So, remember when we went on that long road trip a couple of years ago and we would take turns sleeping in the car, but it was so uncomfortable? 5-Minute Crafts has come up with a brilliant solution. (upbeat music) ♪ Hey now, honey ♪ ♪ Second hey now, honey ♪ I like how the last shot makes it look like she's the only one in the car and so she drove all the way there like that. - I don't even want to try it.(laughs) I can just tell you, that's so unsafe. - Yeah, I don't want to try it, but for the sake of the experiment, I think we have to. Well, it's not great. I can't really see, and it hurts my neck and my face is getting really sweaty, and it's not really making me want to fall asleep because of all those things. So, I would say don't do this. - Big no for me. - So this one, probably not gonna try this one out, but just had to share this with you. ♪ The world outside only made me numb ♪ ♪ 'Cause I just wanna be here ♪ ♪ In our hometown ♪ - You shouldn't have a hack for safety. Like, why spend thousands of dollars on a life vest when I can just make my own? - Because you might die, and the human life is priceless. This one is somewhere in between WTF and never talk to me again. Maybe never talked to me again, just because if someone tries to do this, they will never talk to you again, because they're going to be drowned in the lake that they were swimming in. (upbeat music) (Amanda sighs) - Little trickier than we thought. - This is definitely a two person job. So I'm going to have you make this, so that you can squeeze it when you're mad at me. - (laughs) Exactly. Almost there. I can feel the stress melting away already. And then when you're done with the empty bag of marshmallows, you can put a ring in there and propose to your girlfriend. Hey, we may not always see eye to eye, actually, I can't stand you, but will you be my wife? So far so good I say, it's pretty cool. (Amanda laughs) - Here's another life hack. - And then pop it like a pinata and all the kids get the marshmallows off the floor. It's not too bad. But we have to try the stress test. Honey, you left the toilet seat down again. You know how hard it is for me to have to lift that up and put my hands on the gross little seat and get pee pee all over my hand, and all over the seat, and all over the ground, and all over the wall. That's probably the best one so far. - Yeah, I got to eat marshmallows. - So that is gonna go in extremely Useful. (soft music) I don't know if this is true or not, it seems wrong, but I also don't know how else you would make apple juice, so. - This is how they do it. - In the farmland. I froze some last night, pulled them out this morning. - I don't wanna touch them, they look so cool. - Well, we're gonna have to do more than touch them. We're going to squeeze the crap out of them. (juice pouring) - What is that? - The liquid coming out is very white. I think it's just like the condensation from being frozen. - It smells like apple juice. - Yeah, it does. All right, bottom up. (intense music) Kinda tastes like apple juice. (Amanda sips) All right, I guess we'll be squeezing the rest of these and filling a whole carton of juice and then selling it on the side of the road. But if this is how you make juice, it's not really a life hack, it's just explaining how to do it. - So, it's just a messier way to do it. So I guess that's a life hack. "A life hack is just a messier way to do things." - That's a really good way to describe all life hacks, honestly. - Good, but time consuming. - Now, if there's one thing I hate, it's robbers. I hate people who rob and commit crimes, but I also wanna have a key outside my house that's available to anyone, my friends or my family, who I need them to stop by if were out of town. Not that we literally ever go out of town, but this is a hypothetical scenario. But, if you just put it under the mat, people are gonna find that. Those robbers I was talking about, they're gonna find it, they're gonna break in. Or they're just gonna unlock the door, they don't have to do any breaking. - I guess they're not really breaking anything. - So this is an interesting twist on leaving your key under the mat. (upbeat music) So yeah, you put grass on a key basically, and then you stick it in your-- You seem intrigued. It's not terrible. The person who sent this to me, said, "How to lose your own keys on purpose." (Drew and Amanda laughing) - Yeah. - Yeah, cause when they zoom out, it's like, uh, shit. You're spending like two hours on your hands and knees trying to find it. I don't know if any of these categories actually work for this, cause it's not time consuming. Well, maybe it's time consuming if you lose it, and it takes you two hours to find it. So, just for it being good, I'll go ahead and put it there. (upbeat music) ♪ Spinning like a broken record ♪ ♪ For a player ♪ - No! - I like the perfectly positioned woman in the back is like, (gasping) which, like, you know, points out the absurdity of this. It's like they're admitting if you do this, people are gonna look at you like you're crazy. - So she just drops her pants, and-- What is she paying for? She just stops in the middle of running and pulls her pants down and just pays someone off screen. - I'd like to continue running outside.(laughs) - Who just accepts the money, no questions asked. - Well, wouldn't you? This seems trustworthy. Hell, I'll put it in my pants. What do you think? I'm kinda thinking, WTF. - Well, I would say never talk to me again, but if you're giving me money while you're doing that. - [Drew And Amanda] I'll talk to you. - So we'll say, WTF. So then, finally, this one is going to require probably the most work. (upbeat music) Ooh-oh, these pictures suck, pa! (upbeat music) High five. Sorry about bashing your head in earlier. I don't know how many oranges we're gonna need for this, but I got four, just in case. I forgot they were round. (gentle music) Do I look good? - Yeah. - Why did you hesitate? So, I may have to like lay down for this? Do I look like a model? - Yes. - Why did you hesitate?(laughs) (gentle music) This is a bad time to tell you I'm allergic to oranges. (gentle music) This is awesome. - What would you rate this? - Without even seeing the picture? - [Amanda] Yes. - Well, I would say extremely useful without seeing the picture, but I don't know how bad it's gonna look. - [Amanda] How's your experience? - Uh, it smells like oranges, like a lot, and my face is kinda wet. (bell rings) All right, moment of truth. I have a giant mark on my forehead now, but it'll be worth it because this will be a very good picture.(laughs) - Do you like it? - They look great. I look so good. (laughs) That is our definitive tier list, I suppose, of 2020 life acts. - Well, you put them in the categories, but they're either dangerous, wasteful, absolutely absurd, one percent of them are decent. - I mean that's kind of just the general rule of life hacks. - Yeah. - What was that you said earlier? - A life have is just a messier way to do things. - Very well said. Well guy, Gooden family signing off once again, wishing you a happy birthday. - New Year - Oh boy, that was fun, and I didn't even get injured this time. I will say, even though it's been a couple of hours, my stock is still soaking wet. So, while I go change that, let's hear a word from today's sponsor. Hi, I'm founder and CEO of pictureofhotdog.com, the worlds most visited website. Let me tell you, my DMs have been absolutely flooded lately, with people thanking me for adding the make-it-beautiful option to my website. Many of them going as far to say, it's the sexiest hotdog they've ever seen, and that's high praise. But as much as I'd like to, I can't take all the credit here. My award winning website wouldn't even exist without the help of today's sponsor, SquareSpace. Guy, if I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, SquareSpace's good. They've all the features you could ever need to turn your idea into a reality. Whether you're making a landing page for your business, a website for your portfolio, or maybe you're tying to turn your passion into a career, and create your own online store. I can tell you from firsthand experience that SquareSpace's e-commerce tools are fantastic. They make it easy to organize your inventory, manage your product, set quantity limits, but more importantly they make it easy for the customers to use it. You can set up multiple different payment methods and accepted currencies. 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If you're new here please subscribe, I'm trying to his a billion subscriber's by the end of 2017. Well anyway, I'm kind of on the run from the law, long story, but if anyone asks I wasn't here. I'll see you guys next--
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 2,757,534
Rating: 4.9796486 out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, cringe, life hacks, bad life hacks, 5 minute crafts, troom troom, trying life hacks, trying crafts, amanda, life hack fail, recreating life hacks
Id: cTU_TsVocJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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