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Lol we had car class

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/dongsuvious 📅︎︎ May 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guy welcome back to the mid-2000s please comment down below if you're currently watching this video on your Zune so I want to take a little trip down memory lane today and reminisce about two of my favorite childhood movies High School Musical and Camp Rock these movies were very much a part of my formative years as a growing manchild so I want to revisit them to see if they actually hold up or if they're hot garbage now High School Musical is a classic I know that there's a ton of YouTube videos of people talking about this already so I'm not gonna sit here and like explain the plot to you if you don't know the plot of High School Musical and you probably haven't read the title yet it's pretty much that well technically I guess they don't actually perform a musical they just audition for one maybe it should have been called high school audition but I'll let it slide so at the beginning of the movie there in like Alaska or maybe the North Pole and the two main characters meet because they're forced in Macario totally normal situation nothing to see here except for what's on TV the TV's at this party are playing footage of the party who set this up who set up a live stream that's being shown to the people in it and who's filming it I don't see any cameramen so is it the movies cameramen they're supposed to be filming the movie I know it's a weird thing to focus on but I noticed this every time I watch this movie I don't want to be this freaking genius girl again I don't want to be smart and beautiful I want to be stupid and ugly one of my favorite things in movies is watching the extras in the background of walking hallway shots because someone will always look at the camera every time there's a couple of these shots in this movie what is the girl an orange doing here in the back she sort of just walks into the corner and stops does anyone know what the musical in this movie is actually supposed to be about it's called twinkle town and the only other thing we know about it is the three songs that they sing from it but the songs have nothing in common so I have no idea what the plot is what the heck those two doing at a tree also I've always been confused by the timing of the movie so they come back from winter break and have the championship basketball game coming up in two weeks so we're supposed to believe that they played through the entire regular season maybe some playoff games to get to the point where they determine who's in the championship then they go on a two-week winter break have another two weeks before the game even takes place I just why such a long day I almost wonder if the championship game is the only basketball game they play all year because it's a game between East High School and West High School so they've got to be the only two high schools in the area right maybe they just play one basketball game every year and the winner gets a trophy hardly college scouts at our game next week Troy your scholarship was worth these days later on Scouts are gonna be at the game well you got to play your best then you know how much college basketball teams are gonna be drooling over the prospects of a five-foot-eight white kid from Albuquerque she's not a problem she's just a girl but you're not just a guy Troy you're my guy there is a feeling I'm reminded of whenever I think back to this movie Zoey 101 and even Ned's Declassified to an extent school Envy I went to the most boring high school in the world meanwhile these kids are living in dorms on some beachside resort East High School has a private rooftop garden and apparently every extracurricular activity you could possibly imagine there are so many things going on in this school that the climax of the movie is based on the premise that there are three major events happening simultaneously I don't think three things happened at my school the entire time I was there can we all agree that this song is by far the worst part of the entire movie it's a boring song that sounds like it's being sung by two different people also I love that her belt is not even holding up her pants it's wrapped around them all right good to go I like at the end when they hack into this beaker to get it to heat up yeah I think that's how computers work but it buys them enough time to get to the audition along with every single person who's ever gone to the school there are a few things I still really like about this movie I like that the final song is teased throughout the movie so when it finally happens there's sort of been this anticipation for it it's a big payoff I may have been a 13 year old boy when I first saw this movie but I definitely got goosebumps overall I think this movie holds up pretty well I'll say it yes I know the story is very cliche the whole idea that wait you can do more than one thing you ever think maybe I could be both you want to sing and play basketball but there's no time but you know what it's a wholesome enough lesson for a movie made for kids that you shouldn't put people into a box just because of the way they look I also really enjoy the choreography of everything not just when they're singing and dancing but their scenes where like you can tell the characters have deliberate movements the camera moves with them it feels like you're watching a musical even when there's not music this all culminates in one shot at the end that's over a minute long there's no cuts it's each character taking turns sort of weaving back and forth saying their final lines to each other and there's like 200 people in the background that could have easily messed this up I'm sure they had to do a bunch of takes to me this is really impressive filmmaking I'm at a point in my life where I've seen movies with much more impressive filmmaking but for what it is they could have easily gone down too lazy or out so I appreciate the extra effort although it is kind of lost because of how dumb the end of this shot is gosh I got this big old ball here and I just don't know what to do with what I could help you out there ma'am and you consider tossing it into the bed laughs thank you sir and then all the lessons from the movie come together in one final song that I definitely tried to learn the dance to but only got about this fall it's kind of funny how life comes full circle sometimes the message of the iconic song at the end is now being used by every single brand in the world and their commercials we here at mustard know that things are pretty crazy right now but you're not alone and you can still give us your money now on paper Camp Rock and high school musicals seem like very similar movies but there is one key difference that I noticed which is that this movie is absolute garbage that doesn't mean I didn't like it at the time because I most certainly did I really like the Jonas Brothers I had a crush on Demi Lovato because she was a girl and that's pretty much the only box that needed to be checked and I liked one of the songs so much that I bought it on iTunes even though I only had about nine dollars to my name that's the song yes thank but the combination of overacting and weird writing choices make it pretty hard to enjoy this movie as an adult check me out cool also the reason it's becoming relevant again is because it's so bad that people on tik-tok are pointing out how bad some of the scenes are but I don't just want to talk about this movie I have something a little different in mind that I'd like to try instead that's right I'm talking about the official Camp Rock DVD game so would you like to explain to everyone how you came into possession of this game it's never been open we all have one who knows if it meant more that was purchased at a clothing thrift store it was to be sold for three dollars but I got it 25 cents can you believe the deal we got on this and can you believe the restraint to go three years without playing it she's asked me multiple times can we play the DVD game can we play TDM and I said no now's not the time I figured saved it for this moment yeah I figured something important would come along one day I'd find a way to turn it into content and then now we can write off that 25 cent purchase is a business to purchase so that's pretty cool actually well tax like a friend so was this used and they put new shrink wrap over it because this box is very beat-up I've never pulled shrink wrap off of something that's been this dilapidated before you're ready to take the stage and steal some hearts pick up the remote and play camp rock DVD game yeah Brock DVD a holographic game board this is worth at least twenty to twenty-five cents when the movie came out I was an eighth grade and me and my two best friends were so excited that we put every photo that we had of the Jonas Brothers around us just to watch the movie who's your favorite Jonas brother Kevin no be honest her favorite brothers brother I'm so embarrassed about this was Joe she loved Joe but because her friend already loved Joe she agreed to love Kevin instead and I just think that that's really sad and I wish that there were two Joe's and zero Kevin I even drew a picture of Kevin on my back in sharpie just to prove how much we love the Jonas Brothers oh no when it's your turn spin the spinner and do what it says okay I guess I'll go first Jam time which came first that's the beginning in the movie that's the only time she's in her house in the entire movie yes he makes me play this with her every night before she goes to bed otherwise she has a really bad nightmares about Camp Rock to do what it says free card I wanted sultry Joe [Music] yeah I figured they might be which came last they're playing the clip from the movie sure you know all concept of DVD games seems fun I don't know if I ever played any though trashcan trashcan said that and throw it in the trash oh boy this service fun yeah honestly I actually don't know I had no idea this one's hard game second I don't know whether to be proud or embarrassed of how well we're doing so she got Go Fish which i think means she can ask me for one of my cards okay okay hi um I played this camp rock DVD game it totally say no more they give you a voucher Wow a thousand dollars where's peg I think Go Fish which means I get to ask you for the mom card that you just picked up I'm back at the bank now I'd like to redeem my to mom cards and one wild card this guy's got to mom cards go on boys card give them a guitar pick yeah they're in the vault all right you'll get a lot of people like you coming in here boy I got a guitar pick is it even possible to feel when driving this thing yeah where we just stowed lately pick the wrong one Oh funny you want to do that on my turn pick your card hold the voice and you got to Jose welcome to the bank ma'am may I take your order I have two Joe's and a golden boys Wow there was some lanky guy in here a few minutes ago with two moms and one golden voice do you know your son tell them he's a real nice young man can we put this game in the trash you want to be like me but you just don't want to be bucket or thank heaven and Joe and Nick and my wife Frankie if you're out there and I knows you're watching this video right now I know you're a big fan keeping new rocket rock oh my god Frankie you're out there rock on Kevin okay I guess I'm Timmy then you really give me a choice there ladies gonna play the whole movie but without saying really awesome if anyone out there is looking to play the camp rock DVD game good luck getting it I don't know where you could buy this you got to just hope that a thrift store is on the verge of closing down and they'll give it to you in exchange for one quarter well before we go do you have any words of wisdom you want to impart on any aspiring DVD game creators out there yeah sorry misfiring DVD game creators it's too late make a happen yeah all right big play us out cool well boy was that a lot of fun and I definitely didn't forget to film an outro I'm doing it man gotta cut to commercial break real quick but be sure to stick around because when we come back I will be showing you a really great thing that I just got in the mail and it's gonna be worth it so please don't go anywhere okay stop trying to order a pizza from me this isn't Domino's hi I just want to be left alone I want to browse the internet anonymously I want hackers and my internet service provider to keep their crusty hands off my data is that too much to ask for no it's not another character I'll take it from here when you use a virtual private network your data is encrypted your IP address is masked so even your internet service provider can't keep track of what you're doing and they can't collect your personal information and then turn around and sell it expressive man isn't just for security though you can also use it to watch movies and TV shows that are either unavailable or even blocked in your country it works by giving you the ability to change your location to one of 94 different countries tricking the internet into thinking that that's where you are finally the world wide web is living up to its name expressive and isn't as effective it's also fast it both significantly higher speeds and other VPNs out there there is another one that I tried using in the past and I can't say it by name but I will say that it throttled the hell out of my internet speed which is a big reason why I use Express at the end also because they gave me this shirt I knew these ads for free I just asked for a sure in return they also come with a 30-day money-back guarantee and they have 24/7 customer support in case anything goes wrong to find out how you can get three months free click the link in the description that's expressvpn comm slash true Express UPN because that's the name of the product and drew because that's the name of me take back your internet privacy today and also watch a few episodes of friends while you're at it thinking expressvpn / sponsoring this video it's this pillow that's what I got in the mail if you want to see what's on the other side of the pillow please drop a like button now it's the same thank you so much for watching today guy remember to subscribe if you want to see more videos of me catching a fish with my bare hands and then feeding it hole to my cat alright
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 1,935,685
Rating: 4.9848437 out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, cringe, disney channel, high school musical, camp rock, dcom, musical
Id: aRmo_D00LJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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