Baldur's Gate 3 Sorlock can BLAST, AoE, offer utility and more with this build!

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sore lock or the combination of a sorcerer and warlock multi-class is a powerful Caster build in Baldur's Gate 3. this version will also utilize two levels in fighter mainly for Action search or the ability to gain an extra action when burst is favorable this build will have access to many equipment options making it a strong versatile fun and even one of the best or most well-rounded characters to put in your party at level 1 we're going to start by putting up level into fighter and the reason for this is proficiencies this will allow us to get access to a very wide range of both weapons and armor that we can use the build is some powerful items that will enhance the damage output and some of these can actually be found relatively early on in your playthrough however having these proficiencies will allow us to use whatever gear we find along the way whether it be with level 1 or level 12. and we're also after fighter level 2 for Action search later on so we need to take this level at some point for fighting style we're going to select the defense so you can give us a plus one bonus to armor class while wearing armor one of the best pieces that this build has to offer for it in terms of gear is actually a robe you won't get advantage of this there's very little else here for us to take and as I mentioned before you have that robe you're going to want to equip some armor just for the added Armor class and you'll get additional benefit from this choice for ability scores like to go with a fairly balanced distribution for this particular build we're going to have a 10 strength as well as attend wisdom just leaving these essentially neutral we're going to dump the intelligence just to get the additional points we need to place elsewhere and we're going to raise the dexterity as well as Charisma to 16. dexterity is going to give us increased bonus to Armor class as well as increased initiative now depending on what kind of armor you're wearing you may not always get the additional Armor class from the dexterity but this will boost our initiative regardless Constitution at 14 gives us some additional Health as well as saving throws and if you prefer you can swap the dexterity in Constitution meaning you could have 14 in dexterity if you plan on wearing medium or even heavy armor and you could have your Constitution to 16 for additional health and additional saving throws regardless of what you choose to do there I would recommend having charisma at 16 because this is what we're going to be using to buff Eldritch blast which is going to be our main source of damage output for the majority of the game for skill proficiencies ultimately you can use whichever one's benefit you or your party the most in my particular case I went for intimidation because this is also buffed off of the charisma skill in the second one I chose here is acrobatics and this is because there was a niche that I didn't have filled by the current party otherwise at level two we're gonna put our first level into warlock that's gonna give us access to a couple can trips a subclass as well as some spells for the cantrips I would select Eldritch blast this is going to be the main source of consistent damage that we have throughout this build and ideally we're just going to be casting this as often and as many times as possible bladeward is also a nice choice this build leaves you somewhat vulnerable to incoming damage as well so bladeward is just nice to have in a situation that you would need to use it in terms of other damaging spells here you certainly aren't going to use any of them over Elders blast when this is available you could ultimately select some utility like say Mage hand or something along those lines as well if it's a niche or role that your party is looking to fill first subclass we're going to go with the great old one and this is because of mortal reminder when you land a critical hit against a creature that creature in any nearby enemies must succeed a wisdom saving throw or become frightened until the end of their next turn now what's really nice about this particular subclass for this build is because we're shooting off so many Eldritch blasts there's just more chances for this to proc the more attacks we get the more attempts that we have to roll a critical hit in which we can get this to proc it is worth mentioning that the fiend which offers four temporary hit points is actually fairly powerful at low levels now I wouldn't recommend playing this all the way to max level as a value of this will dramatically diminish as time goes on however if you're somebody that likes to respect often or doesn't mind respecting your character multiple times throughout a playthrough this is a decent option for low-level characters so just keep that in mind but in general I would definitely recommend going with the great old one and for spells we're going to select armor of agathus this is going to give five temporary hit points again this is really nice at low level has less value as we get higher level and dealing five coal damage to any creature that hits you with a melee attack this is just better than anything else we have access to five damage we can cast this at the start of a day last until long rest and anything within melee range that hits us is just going to take five damage this is gonna be good throughout the course of the game there's five damages decent to have it's just an effect that's gonna hit the enemy after they attack you and might make them think twice about which Target they pick for the second ability or spell here rather we're going to take hex your attacks are going to deal an additional one to six necrotic damage and give it disadvantage on the ability of your choosing this works for every single blast that we cast so as we get more blasts or additional actions to cast more blasts we're just going to get more and more damage incredibly powerful for the Synergy of this build at level three we'll put another level in torlock and this will actually be the final level that we placed into warlock this will give us access to another spell as well as Eldritch invocations for the Spells you can choose between arms of Hadar or honestly hellish rebuke is pretty good as well hellish tribute can be used as a reaction to deal damage to an enemy after they attack you this will add additional damage on top of that armor of agathis very strong early on as well so keep this as a consideration in general I like arms of fedar this is actually an AOE spell and at early levels there isn't access to many AOE spells and this just kind of rounds the build out nicely so this is definitely my Preferred Choice but like I said there's nothing wrong with Heller's tribute here for eldish invocations agonizing blast is hands down the best one you can choose here when you cast Eldritch blast it's going to add your charisma modifier to the damage it deals unless it's negative this is obviously going to synergize very well with our build the more Eldritch blasts we do they're all going to get Charisma modifiers added onto the damage dealing more damage than we would have had otherwise I also like to take repelling blast here when you hit a creature with Eldritch blast you can push the creature up to four and a half meters away from you now this can be toggled on and off so you get to choose when you want it to knock the target back or when you don't and this works every single time that you land the attack meaning you can basically determine whether you wanted to get knocked back on a successful hit or if you don't want it to very good for just punishing enemies that are out of position or near the edges of cliffs Higher Ground and so forth another option here is Devil's sight where you can see normally in darkness both magical and non-magical to a distance of 24 meters there's also the option to cater this build to playing in and around darkness and essentially you can move yourself into a position cast Darkness around you and have success attacking enemies while they're penalized for attacking you so that's an option as well that's more of a specific build that we won't cover in depth in this particular guide at level 4 we gain a second level in fighter giving us two levels of Warlock and two levels of fighter this gives us access to action surge we can immediately gain an action to use this turn meaning we can fire Eldritch blast use action surge fire Eldritch blast again at level 5 we'll put our first level into Sorcerer And the remaining levels that we have will all go into sorcerer this is going to give us access to some cantrips spells a subclass a dragon ancestor as well as a chronic bloodline for cantrips I like to go full utility and this is because again our primary source of damage is going to be Eldritch blast we're just going to spam Eldritch blast in terms of dealing damage so we have access to pick up four cantrips magehand minor illusion friends as well as light first spells like to take Shield this is something we can use defensively and again this build does leave you somewhat vulnerable I do pick up magic Missile in this situation and you have some other options that you can choose from the reason I take magic Missile is because it has a 100 chance to hit so if I'm in a situation where I absolutely need to land a kill it's worth the spell slot in my opinion to use the spell in order to get that as opposed to using your teldritch blast for subclass draconic bloodline is the Preferred Choice here and keep in mind that one of the subclass features here is that you get your chronic resilience you're going to get an armor class of 13 when you're not wearing armor now we've already mentioned before that up until this point we're probably going to prioritize or favor wearing armor and that's because just what we have access to as we're leveling the character at this point it may be worth it to you to change your build if you haven't in order to get additional Armor class out of your dexterity this choice is totally up to you another thing you can do here if you're willing to respect is actually select storm sorcery for the time being and once you require some robes or better cloth armor then you could go ahead and respect integer chronic bloodline ultimately the choice is up to you and how you'd like to go through your own playthrough for Dragon ancestor you want to make sure that you select either blue or bronze and that's because we want to be in the lightning family the draconic bloodline will allow you to add some scales to your character if you choose in the sake of this guide I actually chose to leave them off level six we'll put a second level into sorcerer this will give us a spell as well as two passives for the spell I like to pick up enhanced leap at this point triple creatures jumping distance just very handy to use outside of combat for the passives I like to pick up distant spell as well as twin spell distance spell is going to have the ability to increase the range of spells by 50 and melee range spells can now get a range of 9 meters which is fairly nice for twin spell spells that only target one creature can Target an additional creature this is incredibly powerful on a spell-like haste at level 7 we'll put a third level into sorcerer this is actually a pretty big Power Spike for us first spells we'll get access to level 2 spells I like to pick up cloud of daggers at this point Eldritch blast primarily is a single Target ability and as you get more casts of the Eldritch blast you can Target different creatures however in terms of the damage output it does it's typically better to focus them on one target until it's killed and this makes cloud of daggers just more appealing in my opinion clatter daggers is such a powerful AOE spell especially for a level two this does require concentration which is part of the reason why we have buffed certain statistics when we were back at level one putting our first level into fighter for class passives this point we want to pick up quick and spell spells that cost an action cost a bonus action it's set this is just incredibly great for the Synergy of this build this means that we can Eldritch blast use Quick and spell and then Eldritch blast again as the bonus action doubling our damage output on that turn and then you could always use your action surge to Eldritch blast again at level 8 we'll put a fourth level into sorcerer and again another fairly large power Spike here we'll get a cantrip a spell as well as a feat can't trips honestly I don't think it makes much of a difference which one you select at this point just sticking with the utility theme for my cantrips I have selected dancing light you'll probably could select any of these if you want to have a different source of damage than the other damaging abilities could be good I think there's an argument to be made for Ray of frost just because of its ability to reduce the target's movement speed as you get further along in the game this can be handy to keep hard-hitting mobs off of you for spells Mirror Image this is going to create three duplicates of yourself each duplicate increases your armor class by three you're going to be vulnerable to damage said that a couple of times at this point mirror image is going to dramatically help your survivability with this build and allow you to be in position and relocate yourself when needed without getting dropped down really quick for the feet we're going to select ability Improvement and I really feel strongly about this choice at this point we're level eight selecting our first feet almost every other character build is going to have one if not two feasts at this point now if you're going to get something like hair of the hag and give it to this specific character you could do that and potentially select one of these other Feats and still wind up with an 18 charisma at this point as well that choice is ultimately up to you at level nine we'll put a fifth level into sorcerer this will give us access to level three spells now I think the majority of people are going to decide between either haste or Fireball and I think that's probably the correct path to go in my opinion I think that haste is a little more powerful and the reason for this is because we can pre-buff and also you can use this on an ally so depending on the situation or the encounter might be going on you have the potential to buff an ally as well if you think that their actions might be more beneficial in that situation in general being able to pre-buff yourself and have characters out of combat while somebody's initiating dialogue or just drawing the attention or aggro so to speak as that combat begins is really powerful in this game and that's why I think that haste really wins out at level 10 we'll put a sixth level into Sorcerer And this is going to unlock some of the subclass features we're also going to gain access to an additional spell that we can choose and at this point we're going to select Fireball we didn't have at the previous level this makes it the pickup for this time subclass features the really important one here is the elemental Affinity damage when you cast a spell that deals damage of the type associated with your chronic ancestry which is going to be a lightning damage in the situation that we've shown in this guide you add your charisma modifier to the damage the reason this is important is because this allows us to make use of the Lightning Charge items in the game and essentially when we set out the lightning blasts from these lightning charges we'll now get a Charisma modifier to that damage and we can frequently set off these charges with a setup that we're using and the number of Elders blasts that we can cast we'll also gain Elemental Affinity resistance when you cast a spell that deals damage to the type associated with electronic ancestry you can spend one sorcery point to gain resistance to that damage type this does have some uses in general we will Reserve our sorcery points for dealing more damage or having more damage output than we will preventing damage coming in character level 11 will gain our seventh sorcerer level and at this point I like to pick up ice storm gives us a source of cold damage large AOE in fact it's a very large AOE which is something that this class lacks in terms of damage output on top of that it can cause other characters that go through this ground to slip and fall on the ice becoming prone which is just nice for kind of keeping some separation or distance from the enemies whether it's for this character or other characters in your party character level 12. we'll put our eighth level into sorcerer which will give us another level four spell as well as a feat for this spell I like to take dimension door and this is a personal preference like everything else in the character build however Dimension board allows you to teleport yourself in up to one adjacent Ally to a place you can see just adds a tremendous amount of Mobility to this and again I can't say it enough that this character can actually get stuck out of position and is one of the biggest weaknesses of the build but in general the amount of damage that you can deal allows you to keep yourself safe essentially killing the enemies before they're able to kill you but this is just nice to have as a safety net for feet I take another ability Improvement here to push the Charisma to 20 and again if you've done other things in the course of your playthrough whether it be getting some of the items that increase your stats and things along those lines you can choose to do other things with your feet here or potentially even boost one of the other stats if you want to go for saving throws you could boost your Constitution or if you want some more Armor class because you're Now using a robe you could boost your dexterity and so forth overall the store lock is very strong and that's whether you're spamming Eldritch blast or making use of all the spells in Your Arsenal and although this doesn't require any specific gear to be viable there's definitely some very powerful items in the game that will take it to another level as always thanks for taking the time to watch and have a great day
Channel: MinMaxRPG
Views: 40,066
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Id: 82PxXsj82e0
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Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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