BG3 Sorcerer vs Warlock vs Wizard - Which Baldur's Gate 3 Class Should You Play?

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in this Baldur's Gate 3 video we're going to be taking a look at the Warlock Sorcerer And wizard classes and kind of comparing them and seeing why you might choose one of these classes over the other this is the second video in our Series where we sort of take a group of classes that have similar play Styles in this case the mageplay style or Mage archetype that you might have played in other RPGs and sort of break down what they have in common what they have different to help you further decide what you want to play I know there are a lot of players out there that want to play a mage in this game and they're not quite sure should I play sorcerer can I play wizard should I play warlock what's the difference between these we're going to go through these things in this video again this is not a full class guide for any of these three classes it's just information to further give you an understanding of the basics of these classes so you can decide what you want to play so when you first look at these three classes during character creation before you've even done anything with them you're going to notice immediately that warlocks have more Health than Sorcerers or wizards they have light armor proficiency which sorcers and wizards don't have any and they also have proficiency with simple weapons while Sorcerer And wizard and have Proficiency in the same three of weapons which is a lot more limited than the simple weapons that warlocks have so what you can extrapolate just from that information right there is that warlocks are a little bit tankier due to their health and armor proficiency this isn't always true but just generally and they have a little bit more proficiency with weapons which means they lean slightly more toward the martial side of things than Wizard or Sorcerer And then looking over the saving throw proficiencies Sorcerers have proficiency and Charisma and Constitution warlocks have it in wisdom and Charisma and wizards have an intelligence and wisdom what's particularly interesting about the sorcerer and their constitution proficiency saving throw is that a lot of spells in this game have concentration which means that you have to maintain your concentration on this spell in order to keep it up and when you take damage you make a constitution check to see if you maintain your concentration or you got interrupted and by having Proficiency in Constitution Sorcerers are a lot more likely to maintain their concentration so if there are spells that you like that have in them sorcerer is going to be the better of the three options to use those spells Constitution is arguably the best saving throw Proficiency in the game so sorcers have a little bit of an advantage there but wisdom is also an excellent saving throughout proficiency so warlocks and wizards also have a very good one in that intelligence and Charisma you don't use nearly as often and then looking at the skills of these three classes each of these classes gets to pick two skills so that's like not different really but what's different about these skills is sorcerer is heavily skewed towards dialogue they have the option to choose from persuasion intimidation or deception so kind of like the three prongs there of dialogue warlocks on the other hand don't have the option to choose persuasion but they can choose from deception or intimidation and wizards have no dialogue options so if you want to be someone who's schmoozing people with persuasion sorcerer is a good choice here warlock if you don't mind using deception or intimidation to get what you want done in dialogue is not a bad option but wizard is not a very good choice if you are a character that wants to engage in dialogue successfully very often and some of this decision will probably come down to the way you plan on doing your playthrough and the companions that you bring with you right if you want to persuade people into seeing things your way you might be leaning more towards a good playthrough but if you don't mind intimidating people into doing what you want it might not necessarily be a good playthrough it might be a good playthrough with you know any means necessary to accomplish your objective but your companions might not do that favorably if you're bullying people and to do things and you're bringing like friendly companions along or ones that don't agree with intimidation so keep those things in mind when you're planning your class okay so those things being said let's jump into the Warlock first and see what separates the Warlock from the Sorcerer And The Wizard so the first thing to know about the Warlock is the Warlock has gained its spell casting power from making a pact with a powerful being and the type of being that that is is something you will choose during character creation which is effectively the subclasses of warlock so you've made this pack with this being and therefore you've been granted the power to cast some spells and the spell casting ability for warlocks is charisma that means they need High Charisma in order to connect with their spells and this dovetails very nicely with dialogue which we talked a little bit about a second ago so warlocks are very good in dialogue conversations because they have high Charisma to cast their spells there's a natural Synergy there but this is where things start to differ from the other spell casting classes and you're gonna decide during character creation what subclass you want and you're going to gain class features depending on the pack that you make the type of being you made a pack with is going to determine some of the class features that you get but more importantly it's going to determine some of the spells that you gain as you level up that are not typically found on the warlock spell list and just to give you a rough idea without going into this too heavily or we'd be here all day the arch Faye and the great old one give you spells that are kind of control manipulation based while the fiend gives you a lot of fire spell so if you want to deal more damage the fiend might be the way to go but if you want to be more manipulative and conniving and control things a bit more you might want to go the great old one or Arch Faye and if you really want you can use the wiki to see what these spells are ahead of time otherwise you can just go in blind not knowing what they're going to be but just having a general idea of the types of spells you're going to gain from what I just said and one of the biggest differences of warlocks compared to Sorcerers and wizards is that they have far fewer spell slots than Sorcerers and wizards and when I say far fewer I mean a lot fewer and to give you some idea what I mean at level 5 which is the current cap of Early Access warlocks have two spell slots that means they can cast two spells before they need to rest to gain more spell slots Wizards and Sorcerers have nine that means they can cast nine spells before they need to rest in order to gain their spell slots back the biggest difference is are that warlock will always cast its Spells at the highest possible level of spells known for the Warlock so this means at level 5 they now know level 3 spells so let's say they're the fiend and they picked up burning hands burning hands is a level one spell but it can be cast at level 2 and level 3 on The Wizard and sorcerer but the Warlock will always cast it at level three and another key difference here is that warlocks will regain their spell slots when they short rest and since you can short rest twice in Baldur's Gate 3 before you need to Long rest to regain your short rests charges you can actually cast six spells with a warlock before you need to Long rest compared to the nine of sorcerer wizard at level 5. when you look at it that way they're not as far behind as it would initially seem particularly since they'll cast all of those Spells at level 5 as level 3 spells which is actually more than Wizard and sorcerer get because they can only cast two level three Spells at that level before they need to rest however this does come with a negative that when you're in a combat scenario you only have two spells when you run out of those two spells you're gonna have to short rest and you can't short rest mid combat and this is where Sorcerer And wizard come you know into play and pull ahead a little bit in this regard is that they have potentially if they just rested nine spells available to them in one combat whereas you only have two if you're playing a world and another main feature of the Warlock is Eldritch blast Eldritch blast is a cantrip which is basically again a level zero spell that you can cast as many times as you want you can cast it every turn you want and this uses your charisma and targets enemy armor so kind of like if you're using a ranged weapon with dexterity this is kind of like your ranged attack but you're using Charisma and you can upgrade this later to deal more damage based on your charisma and this beam will get stronger over time as well and you can make adjustments to it but it gives you a reliable attack every turn instead of casting a spell so you might think well warlocks can only cast two spells in combat so once they're out of two spells they're kind of useless that's just not the case the Eldritch blast is what makes them have very reliable damage every turn compared to like a wizard or a sorcerer which once they run out of spells they really aren't proficient at you know combat with martial weapons so they can't really do much you pretty much gotta go rest when you run out of spells with them whereas with a warlock you can keep using Eldritch blast and reliably deal damage kind of like a martial class okay so I know that was a lot to process I hope you're still taking that all in let's move along to Sorcerer And Sorcerers are spell casters that have raw magic potential right they have magic flowing inside of them for whatever reason from their bloodline or maybe an event happen to them where they gain their magic so this is why they can cast their magic and they also use the spell casting ability modifier of Charisma so just like warlocks they use Charisma to determine how successful their spells are going to be in combat and again just like warlock Charisma works very well in dialogue so you can cast if spells effectively while also improving your dialogue options but in this case you have persuasion as well if you want to take persuasion and be like a good character who convinces people to do things rather than forces them so sorcerer is a great option if you want to be a very dialogue heavy character that does good things but also is still very effective in combat and the explanation of how sorcerer Works thankfully is a lot shorter than warlock so what's special about Sorcerers is that they gain this resource called sorcery points which allows them to modify how their spells are used in combat through something called meta magic and as sorcerer's gain levels higher and higher they'll gain more meta-magic features that allow them to change their spells in even more ways and I'll give you a couple examples of what those are one example is metamagic distance spell which increases the range of your your spell by fifty percent and if the spell has a range of 1.5 meters then this is increased to 9 meters so like a touch range spell we now actually have some range to it if you're going to use Touch spells and this costs you one sorcery point and then affects the spell of your choice so maybe an enemy is just out of range and you need to get a little bit more range on your spell maybe have a touch spell and you can't quite get to the enemy this would be a great thing to use when your sorcery points on to further boost your range another example is metamagic height and spell which makes it so that the target if they require a saving throw from the spell you're about to cast has disadvantage on their first saving throw so that means they're going to roll two dice and take the lower value of the two which means they're less likely to protect themselves against your spell and now this costs three sorcery points so it's a lot more expensive in terms of sorcery points but it has a lot more potent effect right and another example is metamagic quick and spell which allows you to take the next spell or the spell that you affect with this as a bonus action instead of an action and this costs three sorcery points as well because it's very effective and what this would allow you to do is make a spell a bonus action cling that spell and then fling another spell with an action and that's extremely powerful allowing you to potentially throw two spells in one turn and if maybe if you multi-class your sorcer with something like the thief you might actually have an extra bonus action so maybe if you had enough sorcery points which increase as your sorcerer levels up you could actually fling two spells for the bonus actions and one with your main action which would be very very deadly indeed now you don't gain access to all these metamagic class features instantly and you'll have to choose the ones you want from a pool over time so you'll have to look at what they do and decide what's the most valuable to you and we'll give you tips about that in our sourcerer class guided launch but that's just kind of the mechanic of them and another thing to note is that you can actually exchange sorcery points for extra spells if you want to cast another spell and sacrifice some of your sorcery points or you can sacrifice a spell to gain some sorcery points so you can boost another spell and both of those things are a bonus action so you could potentially do those in combat then use some sorcery points and then fling your spell and then if you're talking a bit about the subclasses for this class and what they do you have wild magic draconic bloodline and storm sorcerin and I'm not going to go into these in complete detail we'll go to them more in our class guide but essentially what these things do is if you choose wild magic basically have a chance for some crazy stuff to happen whenever you use a spell a sorcerer spell and it can be a good thing or a bad thing and it's kind of random so if you like random things happening in your game you might choose that subclass draconic bloodline makes it so that you gain your powers from a dragon and it also gives you like damage resistance and extra damage effectively that's the simplification with a specific damage type from the dragon that you pick so maybe it's fire you have a way of increasing your fire damage on your spells and you also have a way of protecting yourself from fire damage as you get higher and higher level and you also gain increased Armor class when you're not wearing armor so if you want to be a bit tankier and not wear armor then this is a good choice for you now keep in mind that you can always multi-class or pick up a race that gives you armor proficiency that might be better than doing this but if you're planning on not using armor then this is not a bad subclass to choose and then storm sorcery has a focus on lightning damage so if you want to play like a lightning specialist in terms of the sorcerer that you want to play this is the subclass that you would choose okay so moving on to wizard Wizards and Sorcerers have a lot more in common than Wizards and warlocks do and that's because at level 5 they can both cast the same amount of spells from the same levels so when you think about it that way there's a direct comparison there and they're about the same in that regard what makes them different though is that Wizards use intelligence for their spell casting modifier instead of Charisma so they're not as good at dialogue obviously because they're not going to gain those extra points in dialogue scenarios you're not going to use the wizard to be like a chatty Kathy with people generally but intelligence is also very good with skill checks and things like that there are a lot of intelligence checks in this game so Wizards might lean a little more towards the skill side of things outside of dialogue to help you with things and really what separates Wizards from Sorcerers besides the fact that they don't have sorcery points is that they have a spell book and they can learn spells and know tons of spells they have the potential to know more spells than any class in the game but what separates them really besides this is that they have to prepare the spells that they want to use so you might have 50 spells that you know but you could only prepare maybe like eight at that point in time and you have to choose what those are so maybe you know the fireball spell but you go into combat and you forgot to prepare it maybe you have some other spells prepared insteads you're looking for your Fireball and your spells and you can't you can't find it because you didn't prepare it ahead of time so what you can do is you can either reload and go back and prepare that spell or you can finish that combat and then prepare that spell afterward and the way you prepare spells in Baldur Skate 3 is simply by being outside of combat going to your spell screen and then preparing the Spells just by clicking on the ones that you have prepared removing one and putting another one in if you want to change them around and you'll frequently change these around in the game as a wizard and the unique thing about the wizard is they have the sky's the limit for them and what they can do they just need to know that they can do it or prepare to do it ahead of time so there's some preparation that takes place and I imagine wizard will become more and more of a popular class as time goes on and people become more familiar with the game probably in successive playthroughs where they know what's about to happen they can equip the right spells but when you're playing blindly you never know what's going to happen so you have to have a variety of spells prepared maybe you have some damage spells some protection spells manipulation spells Etc so that you have something ready for everything and a lot of being a wizard is kind of setting yourself up for Success depending on what you're about to do by preparing the right spells and just like Sorcerers Wizards have to Long rest to gain their spell slots back so after you've expended you know your spells and you have nowhere more spell slots or maybe you've tasked them but you're about to go into a tough fight you want to have all of them you need to go to your camp and rest just like sorceress to gain these back warlocks don't need to do that they can short rest but again they can only fling two Spells at level five so lot less spells to throw than you know Wizard or sorcerer will and at level 2 Wizards are going to gain something called Arcane traditions and what these are are basically your subclasses and you're going to focus or you know prioritize in your studies if you will a specific type of magic because Wizards gain their powers by studying like length these magic spells and becoming more and more proficient with them through study you're going to focus on one of eight schools of magic more or less and we do know that the Scrolls that you learn spells from cost less from the school that you're in but they don't cost a fortune anyway so if you go to learn a spell from one of the Scrolls you find in this game that is a wizard class because as of patch 9 of this game in Early Access you can only learn wizard spells from Scrolls you can't learn them from other classes like cleric or Druid Etc but they didn't cost very much to learn to begin with so cutting that in half is still there but it's not like super important to this game and what that means is that the class features of the school are going to be more important in my opinion than that so you really want to take a look at what the class features are going to be we don't know what these all are because we haven't seen most of these classes yet but to give you one example of a class feature from the evocation class the scold spells feature makes it so that Allied creatures automatically succeed in their saving throws and take no damage from spells that you cast so if you throw like an AOE Fireball into a group of enemies and your fighters in there and your barbarians in there they don't take any damage from that that's actually huge and it's not such a huge thing early on in the game because you don't even have Fireball early on in the game or a lot of the AOE spells early on but later in the game that'll be really important particularly when these spells start to hit harder and harder and you don't want to hit your friendly units and you don't want to make decisions about where to position them so you're really going to have to take a look at what these class features are for each class or subclass of wizard and make your decisions based on that with that said though even though we don't know how all the subclasses are going to be we do know that you know Wizard's going to play more or less the same and that the effect of each School of magic might be a little less than it would be in 5e just because of some of the changes and it's not going to be as big of a deal as it would have been on tabletop so before we wrap things up in this video let's talk a little bit about multi-classing and why you might multi-class some of these classes and what you might multi-class them with I'll obviously go into these things more detail in their class guides let's jump into this people really like this from the previous video so I want to talk a little bit about this so talking a bit about Warlock and sorcerer first since they're both Charisma based these two classes multi-class very well together because they're both charisma-focused so they Charisma benefits both of their spell groups and that's really really good A lot of people like to multi-class to pick up Eldritch blast on their sorcerer or maybe pick up some of the sorcery points on their warlock so these things are very good combination there are also other good combinations like barred multi-classes very well with these because it's Charisma based as well and you can even multi-class Paladin with either of these classes because it is also Charisma based for its spell casting so you can get a wide variety of combinations for these but generally speaking when you're multi-classing either sorcerer or warlock you're probably going to be trying to multi-class it with another charisma-focused class and talking a little bit about Wizards Wizards use intelligence for their spell casting modifiers so they don't necessarily mesh as well with forcerer or warlock a lot of people like to take fighter on their wizard might sound counter-intuitive but they like to get the armor proficiencies from it to help make them tankier and also some weapon proficiency so they can actually use some weapons effectively in combat and another thing that sort of synergizes here is the Eldritch Knight subclass of fighter which also gives you wizard spells so when you reach level 3 you're actually going to gain some spell slots which will help catch you back up to where you would have been with your wizard if you just taken wizard all the way although you'll be missing out on a few higher level spells so there is some Synergy with that as well you could also multi-class with Rogue for similar reasons to gain you know you gain spells with Arcane trickster at level three that would help catch you back up and would give you you know some proficiencies particularly skill proficiencies which synergize is nice if you want a very well-rounded skill wizard and a lot of people like to multi-class their wizard with cleric as well in order to pick up some spells from the clerics spell list even though clerics use wisdom for their spell casting ability modifier there are other things you can gain like passives for instance if you take the war domain subclass you're gonna gain bonus proficiency with martial weapons which you had very little weapon proficiency before and you're also going to gain heavy armor so you could actually be a heavy armor wizard with no dexterity being very very tanky and have weapons and still cast your spells just by taking a couple levels of clearing so that wraps up our video on warlock Wizard and sorcerer I hope you guys found this useful again this was not meant to be a full class guide on these classes and I didn't talk a bit about every single detail that they get as much detail as I did on Ranger and Rogue because this video would have been another 15 minutes long but I hope I gave you some idea how these spell casting classes operate to help you further decide which one you would prefer to do in combat again if you guys have feedback on the way these are going if you have things you want to hear more about such as multiclassing or if there are combinations of classes you want compared please leave them in the comments this is helping me decide what to do next we obviously have a lot of different combinations of classes you can do together because there are similarities between a lot of different combinations of classes but the idea is that I'm trying to group classes that people might have narrowed down their choices to and help them decide between those two or three classes [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 574,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3 sorcerer build, bg3 sorcerer vs wizard, bg3 sorcerer vs warlock, bg3 sorcerer spells, bg3 warlock subclasses, bg3 warlock vs sorcerer, bg3 warlock vs wizard, bg3 wizard subclasses, bg3 wizard or sorcerer, bg3 wizard multiclass, bg3 sorcerer multiclass, bg3 sorcerer subclasses, bg3 warlock blade pact, baldur's gate 3 warlock, baldur's gate 3 wizard, baldur's gate 3 sorcerer, baldur's gate 3 sorceror, baldurs gate 3, bg3 classes, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate
Id: lqs65njn2gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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