Baldur's Gate 3 - 300+ DAMAGE EVERY TURN - Best Monk Barbarian Build Guide & SWORD FIST Multiclass!

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hello and welcome back to R gaming in a new balers gate video today though we're back for a new build a multiclass build concept using a cool mix of wild heart Barbarian and the Open Hand monk yeah we're using this massive twohand great sword here to smash foes but then suddenly mix it up and switch it up to punch with a Flurry of Blows for a bunch of different utility or just all the extra attacks and DPS that provides quite literally we'll be using our sword and fist all at once thanks to the mix of say the Barbarian raw which will half most incoming damage while active you can massively reduce all incoming damage and in this build we'll be benefiting from a lot of different ways to get lots of temporary hit points to further enhance our survivability combine that with a perks of being unarmored which this build has and the monk will flow in nicely the monk makes use of the bonus actions with Flurry of Blows of course while the Barbarian is smashing with the main action attacks generally utility does come in thanks to the monk though from its impressive movement the perks of say stunning strike which can be used with a weapon and the CH abilities for power powerful AOE potential if you're looking for that thanks to our Feats our strength is used to its maximum via the tavern brawler feat and the great weapon attacks tied to the Barbarian itself so great weapon Master Works in perfect there and the specific gear we're using allows for massive damage especially against bigger enemies or will be making ourselves big too the gear further provides things like reflective damage bonus necrotic damage and we can turn our jump into an offensive ability this unarmored monster then is surprisingly survivable the massive meat Shield of the party while also dealing big hits and many hits at that every turn you basically become a mini boss so let's cover how this all works starting with the leveling overall then this build will be a level three Wild Heart Barbarian and a level 9 open hand monk this is to push monks specifically to level 9 for the resident strike movement and Immunity to rough terrain perks that that has it is tempting to go for into Barbarian for the extra feet but it's also just such a big loss with the level 9 monk being so good to begin with though we start with Barbarian who will obviously get ready rage and the unarmored defense perk while not wearing armor we get to add a constitution modifier to the AC itself and of course we get the general proficiencies or barbarian when it comes to your starting ability points there's two ways you want to set this up because I am using these gauntlets here which are the hill giant strength gaunet they automatically set my strength to 23 so there's literally no reason to have a single point spent into strength even though strength is going to be such an important stat in this build if you do not currently have those gloves though this is the setup I would recommend we' start the game then with 16 strength 14 decks 12 on Constitution eight intelligences it's not important 16 wisdom since we have some wisdom modifiers from the Monk and eight Charisma whereas if you do have the gauntlets in your act three maybe it's time to Respec and sort out your ability points at which point you'd put your strength as low as possible pushing your decks your wisdom and even a bit of constitution if you not using the amulet to also set your constitutions 23 to have more of a balanced set but you can alter this however you you see fit depending on what gear you have and when it's very easy to resp from here the leveling itself is going to be simple we'll start with Barbarian as I've said and then at level two we'll go into Barbarian again this is when we get Reckless attack of course a major player in this build for level three we'll once again go into Barbarian now able to choose our subass where we're of course going wild heart in specific with the beastial heart we'll be going be heart which is the amazing rage that allows us to massively reduce incoming damage by half at this point then we can start to multiclass at level four going into monk for the first time where we're going to get Flurry of Blows the only important bonus action that's using our fists as our weapon this ties into unarmored defense though as we mentioned in the sort of point section while not wearing armor you add your wisdom modifier to your armor class from here all the remaining points will go into monk all the way to level 9 at level three in the monk though you will have your subass but we're of course taking open hand where we're going to really get some of the awesome details of Flurry of Blows being able to topple enemies stagger them or push them depend depending on what you need at level four in the monk we will finally get our first feat as said in the introduction the two that we're going to care about are going to be great weapon Master which allows for extra attacks in certain scenarios as well as the plus 10 to damage rolls when you use heavy melee weapons and the other feat we care about is Taven brawler benefiting our unarmed attacks from strength in that case at level five in monk we're going to get the all important extra Tech which will serve as a major power spike in the build at this point we'll also unlock stunning strike which can use the weapon to stun the target using an action and a che point which is very nice at monk level six we'll get the subass features of the manifestations of body mind and soul allowing you to add additional radiant psychic and necrotic damage to your attacks specifically when using unarmed attacks at level eight and the monk will be able to pick up Tav and brawler for the additional perk of that finally at our total level of 12 we will have level three in Barbarian and level 9 in the monk at which point we're going to get our unarmored movement maximum benefit jump extra distance when're not wearing armor and difficult terrain will no longer slow us down we also have the chi resonance which can generate the resonance and then blast it aoeing in forc damage which can be very potent now it's time to talk about our pretty interesting looking outfit this bone covered Warrior that he is now what I'm about to explain is the ideal armor longterm and examples of that in regards to working your way to an ideal set you want to aim for something that is going to enhance your damage items that provide perks like reaching Target effectively literally improve your damage and stats and otherwise because we're using our fist for some attacks and your two-hand weapon for others items that improve either of that will always help but here's the main items we're aiming for which come in act three our main weapon of course is the Baler runs Giant Slayer there's 2d6 great sword weapon that is a two-hand weapon comes with some unique perks it has its own class action giant form which grows you to a larger size adding damage to weapon sure but also giving you 27 temporary hit points and advantage on strength checks and saving throws for 10 turns and you can do this every short rest so every fight on hit it will double the damage from your strength modifier it also gives you advantage on attack roles when dealing with the very large creatures of the world it also comes with its own unique attack top of the big folk dealing additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus and yeah extra damage to those larger creatures so basically it's a very strong weapon that is outrageously strong against bigger enemies and also makes yourself big for both damage and health purposes this is the major Ward at the end of the worm way sort of Gauntlet found under the worm Rock the big keep that we pass through to get to the lower City I do actually have a how guide on this challenge how to get there the details of it it involves four cool puzzles and a big difficult combat encounter at the end it's well worth doing for the fun of it the lore and all that as well as the incredible weapon and a Helm that you get as a reward so strongly recommend that outside of this build from the top down then let's start with the helmet the horns of the Berserker coming with seeking blood you gain an additional two bonus to attack roll s when attacking creatures that have already taken damage second to that is bloodthirst you're unarmed and melee attacks what great Synergy deal in extra two necrotic damage as long as you don't have full health at the time it'll help you with that though because if you don't deal any damage that turn you take damage at the end of your turn though since we want to rage in a fight we want to attack every turn so you shouldn't ever really be dealing with that the horns of the Berserker though can just be bought from a vendor in act three dant Leons dancing ax by the worms Crossing Waypoint again right at the start of act three you can just walk on in and buy it and it's actually not that expensive for the chest piece though we have the bone Spike gar slab jaw determination gives you 15 temporary hit points whenever you rage so at the start of a fight we just start with the extra Health there's a lot of temporary health to be used in this build now it isn't actually armor it's clothing which allows us to remain in that unarmored state benefiting from the passives of the Barbarian and the monk which is really nice and why this is so good but it also keeps you alive in another way exoskeletal endurance reduces all incoming damage damage by two which is amazing and then the attacker actually will take six piercing damage each time they attack you awesome this is a bit more expensive compared to the horns of the Berserker though it's bought early in act 3 as well though and the vendor in the Rivington General right at the start of act 3 just head down speak with them and buy the chest piece it is well worth the money though bear in mind you can use higher Charisma and general trading to make it cheaper when it comes to the gloves it's a bit more complicated the gauntlets of the Hill giant strength are a major option setting your wearers to 23 as well as the plus one to strength saving throws this is insane and obviously it means a lot of our builds end up resetting and respecing once we get something like this to put as stren to eight as low as it will go because it's going to be set to 23 anyway this is found stolen from the House of Hope to do with Raphael and all of that storyline I have a full guide on the House of Hope and how to get all the items and the details of it and the different roots and paths and story stuff so if you're interested in that that's how you're going to get those and in the same area you can get the hell dust gloves which can be a great alternative your weapon attacks deal extra fire damage your unarmored attacks deal extra necrotic damage what Synergy there is there so there are other options just be aware of it for the boots I'm going with the bone Spike boots for the theme with the bone Spike chest these come with an awesome perk which is plus one bonus to AC and saving throws as long as you're not wearing armor or holding a shield which we aren't in this build so just an extra AC in a build like this is certainly nice to have it also gets a improved jump distance and its own class action the brutal leap which appears down here on the bottom R so this allows us to LEAP a Target and maybe knock it down but it's an offensive aggressive leap jump in combat which can be pretty cool for closing gaps and getting to a Target while also being offensive as it will knock them down meaning more damage when you attack them it's found in the chest found in the secluded passageway aka the small cave found all the way west in the starting area of act 3 of Rivington it's just the chest in the cave you need to disarm it and open it up but first you may have to potentially fight your way through two factions that are about to brawl right is you approach this Cove area again all the way west in this region in regards to your rings and amulet it's more like Dealers Choice there's going to be things that going to help you get to targets like extra movement speed from the Chris's ring and as mentioned there is the Amulet of Greater strength which will set the wearers Constitution to 23 again meaning we can put our constitution to eight on a Respec and benefit from points elsewhere it's obviously very very strong and also comes from the House of Hope so the same guide as the gauntlets of the Hill giant strength same area now let's cover the gameplay guide generally build and play style is a neat concept here with both weapon and unarm attacks being used like we say with the Flurry of Blows as your bonus action options and your main actions being used as your weapon attacks but there is utility in other options you have stunning strike which comes in both melee and unarmed attacks we have the chi resonance where you apply the resonance to a Target and then pop it using the blast for an AOE damage of force damage the monk provides step of the win for dash disengage and defense in most cases though we'll use it for dash which will double our movement speed and the jump will no longer require a bonus action as another way to reach your targets when it comes to the Flurry of Blows you'll be choosing between Topp or stagger and push which will most of the time be topple because it'll knock a Target prone making them more vulnerable to attack the weapon does come with its own proficiencies like poml strike or cleave or lacerate but pretty much every fight will be using giant form to get big get the temporal hit points improve our damage and ideally hit someone hard with top of the big folk the powerful weapon proficiency that comes from the great sword itself so to play it out we'll start the fight by using our be rage mode of course and ideally as soon as possible giant forming while our be rage is going then we're going to be massively reducing all incoming damage while active it halfs most damage types including physical which is going to the most and major damage reducer there to maintain the rage though you do need to make sure you attack every turn so while it lasts a total of 10 turns it'll only last while you do attack each turn so make sure you attack to maintain it in any way you can each turn to perform the attacks though will most likely be using Reckless strike which allows us to attack twice with our weapon then we'll use our bonus actions to Flurry of Blows or resonant CH depending on the situation whenever we want we can use our other class actions or specific weapon abilities for any added power like I said I think it's pretty cool we're using our actions generally to use Barbarian combat while our bonus actions generally go to the monk combat weaving the two together to make this sword and fist style of combat it is very cool and effective and fun everything when it comes to utility and timing and choosing when and why you use other stuff is up to you of course but there you have it another unique multiclass build concept to try out as always if you have any tips or build changes you might suggest you can drop it in the comments but I do think this is very cool this simple idea of using both your weapon and fist at the same time while also being very effective because bg3 allows for it it's really nice obviously the long-term plan is to use the specific gear of explained in act 3 where things obviously get very crazy but it is important to adapt the build around gear that you find in your own Journey till you reach those more ideal items for now though I been Hollow been new thank you for watching and we'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 176,725
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 barbarian, baldurs gate 3 monk, monk, monk build, barbarian, barbarian build, flurry of blows, monk way of the open palm, way of the open palm, baldurs gate 3 best build, best build, baldurs gate 3 best multiclass, multiclass, level up guide, feat guide, feats, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, best class, build guide, new player, baldurs gate 3 combat, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, subclasses, class, best feat, monk multiclass, bg, ragegamingvideos
Id: 4KwjG08DUaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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