INSANE COMBO! Warlock Class Guide For Baldur's Gate 3! - (Baldurs Gate 3 Warlock Build Guide)

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the Warlock is a fun class in Boulder's gay three you basically just cast Eldritch blasts maybe the occasional hex and that's it guy done like And subscribe no no there is more to that so let's go through everything you need to know about the best Eldridge blast bot in Boulder skate 3. let's go let me know in the comments who your favorite companion is now these class guides are designed to teach you the mechanics of the class and everything you need to know to succeed I'll have a link to the playlist here so starting out with the Warlock now this is sort of a different type of Caster to say the traditional Wizard or sorcerer in that you are a little bit more of like a battle mage archetype if that's the direction you wanted to go but you also do have a light armor and simple weapon for efficiency whereas mostly other casters don't have any armor or weapon proficiencies so you've got a little bit of flexibility there and also your primary spell casting modifier is charisma so you're actually a really good talker in conversations to pass some of those ability checks one key difference for the Warlock Caster as well is that you have warlock spell slots now these are different to normal spell slots in that one you'll have significantly less of them but they actually Refresh on a short rest rather than a long rest so in a single combat encounter this means means you can cast less like spells in total but over at the period of the using those short rests you actually get some of those spells back so each encounter you can still have some new spell slots that you can actually use so let's start with the best race for the Warlock now obviously role playing elements is obviously up to you so you can pick whoever you like but in terms of the warlocks because of their low amount of proficiencies especially if you want to play it like a sort of a battle mage type then consider something like say a human githyanky half elf or elf because they have those extra proficiencies like weapon proficiencies so say if you wanted to use like a long sword or something then an elf would fit that because it gives you that proficiency dark vision isn't as important as a warlock because you can actually get it as one of your Eldridge evocations when you're leveling up though if you aren't going to do that then definitely consider picking a class that has dark vision and it's very similar with movement speed right because you can learn Misty step you can just like teleport around the battlefield so movement speed isn't as important but warlock doesn't matter too much maybe pick one based on a proficiency if you want to use something else also just pick it based on looks that's up to you the best skills are very easy to think about for the Warlock because they are their Charisma skills so deception intimidation performance and persuasion because Charisma is our main modifier for backgrounds Guild Artisan Entertainer Noble or Soldier are probably the best though it doesn't matter too much because you know you're going to have a really high Charisma anyway so you can sort of use your background to get some other proficiencies if you choose for Ability points Charisma as we've already discussed should be on 17 and then you probably want to get your dexterian Constitution to 14 if possible because dexterity for that extra Armor class because we won't be wearing a lot of heavy armor and Constitution for a little bit of extra Health as you probably take a bit more damage as a warlock than some of the other casters because you can get into that melee range and use some of that sort of weapon proficiencies that you do have at character creation you'll also pick a subclass between the Fiend The Great old one and the arch Faye at a very high level these are eerily similar except one major like subclass Focus difference which we're going to talk about so consider which one of these is more important to you so for the fiend you will be able to heal automatically when you defeat an enemy via the dark one's blessing so when you reduce a hostile creature's hit points to zero your patreon will give you a certain amount of hit points based on your charisma modifier as a great old one when you critically hit against a creature that creature ended by enemies are frightened until the end of the turn and as an arch fate you get Faye presence which allows you to charm or frighten creatures until the end of your next turn personally I would suggest either fiend or great old one because their effects actually just like initiate as sort of like a passive just based on actions that you do do the fiend is probably the stronger one if you're looking for some sort of extra survivability in that sort of battle mage archetype but say if you just want to sort of sit back and relax in sort of you know ranged position then the great old one for that frightening when you do critical hit is also valuable to have as a warlock when you're leveling up you will make some important decisions and the first one that you'll make and you'll actually continue to make it as you level up multiple different times as different invocations unlock is the Eldridge evocation so initially you'll only have a limited amount of these options but then the further levels you get the more you'll get there'll be more options at level five seven nine and twelve now as you're picking the options here the first one you should absolutely pick is agonizing blast now what this will do is your Eldridge blast will get empowered by adding your charisma modifier to that so every time you cast Eldridge blast you will add your charisma modifier to its damage essentially just increasing its damage so the further you get up your charisma modifier the even more damage that Eldridge plus will do not only just including the fact that it levels up as a can trip repelling blast is again in this same category in that will Empower your Eldridge blast to knock enemies away you can actually use this in some scenarios to like knock enemies off things and like kill them by them actually taking that falling damage or say if they're up on like the rafters or something you want to knock them down it's definitely valuable for that now we already touched a little bit on it but Devil's sight is an option to grab if you don't have dark vision natively as your class will allow you to see in the dark which is useful for casting and things like that and as you sort of get up the levels it's really dependent on what makes sense to you and sort of what is interesting to you though I would meant to grab the book of ancient Secrets as it will allow you to cast Ray of sickness chromatic orb and silence without consuming a spell slot when you cast it gives you more options as a Caster so you don't have to waste those two warlock spell slots on these spells and chromatic orb is great because you can deal multiple different types of damage with this spell so you can sort of adjust depending on the enemy's resistances the next thing you'll pick is a pact of the boo now there's the pack of the chain the pack of the blade and The Pact of the Tomb each one of these will give you a different benefit the chain will give you a service of a familiar so you can summon a face Spirit to help you either in combat or out of combat the blade is more of that battle mage Focus so you can either summon a packed weapon or you can bind your existing weapon which will add your spell casting ability modifier to that weapon's overall damage on this case Charisma instead of strength or dexterity and when you deepen your connection as this you'll also gain an extra attack so if you want to actually attack in Milly range often with your warlock this is definitely the option you want to go and then the last one is Tomb your Patron greens a grimoire called the book of Shadows which allows you to cast guidance vicious mockery and Thorn whip I personally think that you should go tomb if you're looking for that Mage route if you want to go the battle mage then the blade but the tomb route is really good because of guidance now if your warlock is going to be your main talker even if it's not right and you have a work in your party guidance allows you to have a higher chance of passing those skill checks because you can add guidance to those skill checks right like it'll pop up you can add that extra 1d4 so you've got a higher chance of passing it but you've got the freedom here to pick what you like now the last decisions you'll make in the leveling up process is your Feats and I think you should grab defensive duelist if you're using FNS weapon which if you're playing as either will or in the most case for the most part you probably will be using a finesse weapon as a warlock now what this will do is you'll allow you to use your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your armor class and hopefully this will cause enemies to miss make sure in your reactions you turn on the option to ask because you can actually read what their attack roll is right let's say that their attack roll is 12. and your armor class is 10 and then if you pick this adding your professionally bonus to two that'll make it 12 meaning that they'll Miss so you'll be able to tell exactly when they're going to hit or miss based on that pop-up so you can choose whether to use your reaction or not so just make sure you're reading that but for the most part this is a good way to avoid damage as a warlock and then I would grab ability Improvement to get your charisma to 18 or you could go performance say if you just wanted to use some instruments but that'll also get your charisma to 18 as well now the best spells and can trips is super easy right just cast Eldridge blast basically every combat turd like that's all you sort of need to know because its damage is so strong it will also level with you so as you level up you'll be able to get initial cast of it it's a valuable spell plus with Charisma modifier it's really really good I would also be using hex regularly throughout your combat turns as a warlock so hex is a bonus action spell which will give disadvantage to a certain ability that you choose which isn't the main reason you'll use it but that can be valuable the main reason is that anytime you attack that Target it will add necrotic damage so if you are using let's say Eldridge blast and you've got two cars of Eldridge glass hitting that same Target it will do one D6 necrotic damage for both of those Eldridge blast casts so it just gives you a flat damage increase to the amount of damage you do Misty step is also super valuable as a warlock so you can teleport around as part of your spell slots but otherwise as a warlock because you've only got two spell slots hex is going to consume one of those and if you miss your step once in that encounter it's going to use it as well so you've already used up those slots so otherwise just think about how you're using those slots and whether you're going to just cast Eldritch blast or do you even need to miss your step and we've already talked about like the array of sickness Etc that you get as part of your eligative location so you can cast in combat as well a couple of quick tips for the Warlock now warlocks have that small spell slot pool as we mentioned after every encounter you should be short resting as a warlock just so you get those spell slots back and they are great talkers plus with guidance you can pass almost any conversational check that you do need to if you want to be a talker really valuable for that and the Warlock and Eldridge Knight are you unique in that there are some weapons in the game that are only useful for them as they get additional bonuses if you do have a packed as a warlock or you are an elder tonight so pay attention when you do see those weapons as they're really good to use if you can actually use them as sometimes they're more sort of lean towards the Eldritch night but I just thought I'd call that out even though I don't usually do equipment in these videos but thank you guys for watching this video till the end thank you to our members for supporting the channel my name is norza and I hope you have a great day foreign
Channel: NorZZa
Views: 154,140
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3 warlock, baldurs gate 3 warlock build, baldurs gate 3 warlock guide, baldur's gate 3 warlock, baldurs gate 3 warlock class, baldurs gate 3 warlock spells, baldur's gate 3 warlock guide, baldur's gate 3 warlock build, bg3 warlock build, warlock class guide, warlock guide baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 warlock build guide, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldur's gate 3 eldritch blast, warlock fiend, warlock great old one, warlock archfey, bg3, bg warlock, norzza, warlock
Id: rjcaDQAf8O4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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