Baldur's Gate 3: Warlock Build - The Whispers

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foreign [Music] what's going on everybody mortum here this time bringing you a warlock build for balder's gate 3. specifically the first build I ran through the game with for my review of the game and there's a bunch more content I want to make for it including 100 percenting it which is going to involve running through the game multiple times and people suggested that I post the builds of the characters I use for that so with that in mind here we are kicking it off with this one now to start the video properly I want to talk a little bit about the overview what the idea was here for starters warlock is my favorite class so this is simply the way I like to play the game the most but I do admit a tiefling warlock is a little bit on the nose so let's go over the specifics here and explain why I enjoy it so much and why I think it makes a great class for a first run of this game which by the way was on balanced difficulty the next build will be tactician though simply put warlocks as a Charisma based class make a great face character and with some of their class features they can also also do a great deal of spell casting including crowd control on top of being very solid in melee combat making them a bit of a Gish character which is to say a character that can do both melee and spell casting so as my main character I can use their High Charisma to talk to everyone do all of the conversational stuff myself and be very instrumental in combat as well with actually dealing some damage so to pull that off we're going to start at character creation naturally and we're going to make a Serial tiefling great old one warlock I personally played this as the dark urge origin but that's not necessary at all though I did have a lot of fun now we're gonna pick up zariel tiefling because as we level up we're going to get two melee abilities called searing and branding Smite which are great extra damage dealers in melee and being a tiefling in general gives us resistance to fire we are picking the great old one Patron mostly because I like it the most but also at level 6 and level 10 we get some really useful abilities that will go over in the leveling up section and those combined with the psychic based spells that get added to our spell list as a result make it a lot of fun for me personally now right here at character creation in terms of spells the main thing to pick up is Eldritch blast kind of a no-brainer for warlocks as it is largely the best hand trip in the game which we're gonna make a little bit better with other class features later for background if you are not playing the dark urge which has a set background I would recommend picking up charlatan as that is going to give us bonuses in the Charisma based skills such as deception which are going to make our life easier now let's talk ability scores you have a little bit of wiggle room here but there are two things that are really important Charisma as high as possible which means assigning our plus two bonus to that one which is going to bring it up to 17 and then ideally you want dexterity at 14. this is because we are going to be using medium armor later which caps our dexterity to AC bonus which makes it harder to hit us at plus two so having higher than a 14 isn't going to to do us any good besides giving us extra bonuses to initiative which we're not going to need personally I took strength to 10 Constitution also to 14 and then dumped wisdom down to eight we don't need wisdom for anything and at least on balance difficulty I can honestly say that the saving throw penalty you'll take here simply wasn't enough for me to care again though you do have a little bit of wiggle room main things are decks and Charisma now moving on to our leveling up portion at level 2 for our spell we are going to pick up hex and then for our invocations we're gonna get two but the only one that matters is agonizing blast agonizing blast adds our Charisma modifier as damage to our Eldritch blast and then you can pick whatever you want for the second one a lot of people like repelling blast but I personally forget to toggle it off and on all the time but the second one is really dealer's Choice level three is where things get interesting because this is where we pick up our packed Boon this is a bonus that warlocks get that gives them some extra features and in particular we're going to be picking up pact of the blade this is what it's going going to make us amazing in combat while also voiding the need for us to pick up a Proficiency in any weapon pact of the blade allows you to either summon or bind the weapon you are using as your packed weapon this does a few things for starters if you don't have Proficiency in that weapon it is automatically granted to you so long as the pact of the blade is active we'll double back to that the main thing this does though is converts our attack modifiers to use our Charisma instead of strength or dexterity and because Charisma is our highest stat now we're suddenly able to hit things in melee very easily and you can get level 3 within the first few hours of the game so until then just Eldritch blast everything the other thing we're going to pick up at level 3 though is one of the key spells we're going to be using which is cloud of daggers I'll explain why later in the combat section but I mentioned that you have to keep pact of the blade active so every time you rest the game will actually clear pact of the blade if you are binding the weapon you're using rather than having summoned one so it's important to remember to rebind your weapon every time you rest which I forgot to do a lot and it got very annoying now at level four we're going to be picking up medium armor proficiency now this is the only part of the build I would say is a little bit clumsy because this is going to give us a plus one two strength or dexterity and personally I put this in strength and combined with another ability score Improvement that's going to bring our Charisma to 18 we can put the extra point in strength and that can give us a little bonus here and there for the occasional ability roll now I do this just because I like using medium armor because we're going to be in melee a good bit but if you wanted to forego the medium armor and move your ability scores around you could somewhat remove the clumsiness of this with the downside being that you'll have less AC generally kind of your choice there but I prefer the medium armor myself level 5 is a big one though this is going to give us our extra attack via our deepened packed packed of the blade here at level five gives us our extra attack that most other Marshall classes would get which means now we can attack twice this is going to keep us in line with most other Marsh social classes besides the fighter the other important thing here is that you pick up a spell called hunger of Hadar which is going to be one of our primary abilities against large groups of enemies because it makes the terrain difficult it blinds them and Deals damage to them if they start their turn in it which means we can large swaths of enemies because the radius of hunger of Hadar is very large itself so very useful against large numbers of enemies and is going to be one of our main abilities later at level 6 we pick up entropic Ward as part of our great old one subclass this can allow us as a reaction to force disadvantage on an attack made against us which means we are less likely to get hit useful if you're up close in melee of course now for the spell at this level I like to pick up counter spell which allows us to stop other enemies from casting so if they were to say Target you with a fireball you could put a stop to that and it's a very handy defensive spell for level 7 we're gonna pick up an invocation and another spell the invocation does not matter again just whatever you want there per personally I like the ones that give me extra spells per long rest but it's up to you for the spell I like blight this gives us a large single Target damage spell that we can use because while many people enjoy Eldritch blasting everything for single Target damage can trips have been nerfed a little bit compared to the tabletop version to make the leveled spells deal more damage so blight is admittedly a little situational you're not always going to be using it but it's the one I like and why I picked it up at level eight we get our second ability score Improvement Plus whatever spell you want to pick up at this point the Spells don't really matter we've got the three we need already for this ability score improvement though you're going to bring Charisma to 18 and then strength to 12 if you've been following along strength is admittedly useless but bringing Charisma 19 also wouldn't do anything for us that bring it to 18 wouldn't so it's just unnecessary that's going to give us an extra bonus to all of our Charisma rolls though which makes our life a little bit easier then at level 9 we pick up another spell again doesn't really matter though I do like telekinesis here as this will allow you to pick up and move even enemies and sometimes that can be incredibly handy but if you don't want to use telekinesis pick something else we also get another invocation again doesn't really matter at level 10 though we pick up thought Shield as part of our subclass this is really handy for this particular game because what this does is give us resistance to sidekick damage which means it halves it and then when enemies deal psychic damage to us we can also do it back to them and because this is a game that has a lot of emphasis on things like mind players which do a lot of psychic damage this one comes up quite a bit it's not the reason I picked the subclass to be honest but it is pretty useful at level 11 we pick up two spells via our regular spells and then Mystic Arcanum the Mystic Arcanum one gives us our choice of a level six spell I personally like Circle of Death Or animate dead but it's really just whatever your preference here is and then finally we have level 12. we're gonna get an invocation here and this is the only other invocation besides agonizing blast that genuinely matters and we are going to pick up a life Drinker this is going to add necrotic damage to our attacks equal to our Charisma modifier which is also going to be moving up to 20 because level 12 brings us our last ability score Improvement which we will use to take Charisma to 20. so that's kind of how to level the character up but the other big part of progression is of course some of the gear we'll be using generally speaking I like to do this with two-handed weapons which means using the best two-hander I can find the best medium armor I can find and then all of the other gear is really just the stuff with the most interesting effects now I'm going to walk you over the stuff I found that was particularly interesting that you should keep an eye out for for starters we have the birthright helmet this is going to give us another plus two Charisma to bring us up to 22 and while this is a really good Helm you can only get it in the last Act of the game so before then there is another one that's really useful that you can get towards the end of act one if you take the mountain pass that drops off of an enemy there while you're doing lazelle's origin Quest it gives us stacks of an ability called arcane main Synergy that will let us deal extra damage to enemy spell casters for our cloak if you're playing the dark urge you'll get a cloak called the deathstalker mantle just for free which lets you once per turn when you kill an enemy become invisible for two turns which lets you get advantage on your next hit which can be very very helpful in terms of helping keep you alive but also dealing damage a fantastic cloak now for medium armor truth be told it doesn't really matter here the main thing you're looking for is just the highest AC you can get but this justicier armor that you can get I personally thought looked really cool which as we all know is half the reason to pick your equipment but in all seriousness here just whatever is going to give you the most AC with a decent effect now in terms of our gloves if the tieflings make it to act 2 specifically A Smith you can bring them some materials and he can make these hell dusk gloves for you which will add fire damage to your weapon attacks which is just going to be handy in general when you hit things in melee and then for boots if you take the underdark path to act 2 you can find these night walker boots on an enemy there that will give us a free cast of Misty step as a bonus action which is a big teleport spell which can be incredibly handy for closing distance on certain enemies and I liked them quite a bit but they also make sure that we can't be in webbed entangled or slip on anything which is also very useful for Rings also in the mountain pass with lazelle's origin Quest we can pick up this strange conduit ring which means while we're concentrating on a spell we can deal extra psychic damage with our weapon attacks and both cloud of daggers and hunger of Hadar require concentration which means we'll get good use out of this the other one killer sweetheart is amazing and for the life of me I can't remember where I picked it up at but when we kill a creature our next attack rule is automatically a critical hit this is fantastic because that essentially means we are guaranteed to hit our next attack and it is also going to be a critical because this essentially forces a 20 roll incredibly useful ring I wish I remember exactly where I picked it up but I do not I do know it was in the last Act of the game though and then for our amulet also in the underdark if you do the micanids quest you can pick up envoys amulet which gives us a once a day bonus to our Charisma checks and conversation which is really helpful as the face of the party and then last but not least we have our soul breaker Greatsword which is just a really cool Greatsword I found also in the same place as lazelle's origin quest in the mountain pass ideally you'd probably want to give this to Lazelle because it does extra damage if you're a get the Yankee so if you're not playing it get the Yankee you'll lose a little bit but the other thing it does is give you a plus two to your initiative which was so useful on its own that I gave it to my main character anyway because there's not a lot of ways to boost your initiative but combined with all our items that are giving us extra damage to our weapon attacks and our Charisma to our modifiers here anyway we can still get some really fantastic damage out of this great sword while also guaranteeing we move faster in combat which is why I kept using it until the end of the game but really any sword or two-handed weapon that's going to deal the most damage possible would be useful and realistically you could even go like sword and board if you wanted to as long as you're remembering to use packed blade on your weapon it's not really going to matter what you use and then you could get the shield to AC it's really just dealer's Choice there but I vastly prefer the two-handed weapon now that brings us to combat what is the point of this and how does it play as I mentioned make sure you've got packed of the blade actually activated because if it's not activated especially on a weapon you don't have Proficiency in you're gonna have a bad time so step one to combat is always remember that that is turned on from there though it can largely be boiled down to a few different things basically we're going to use either cloud of daggers hunger of Hadar Eldritch blast or hitting things with our melee weapon depending on the circumstances but those are like the four main moves you're going to be doing everything else you've got is more situational so you might want to use something like slow in a given situation or maybe something like blight if something's out of your reach and you want the potential to do more damage than Eldritch blast does or if there's a large number of very low Health enemies maybe you want to use Circle of Death to hit them all for a lot of damage but outside of those situational things cloud of daggers hunger of Hadar Eldritch blast melee weapon attacks so with the opening of combat it's usually going to be either cloud of daggers or hunger of Hadar now the nice thing about warlocks is they're packed magic they're never going to get a lot of spell slots but every spell they cast with those slots is cast at the highest level possible so while cloud of daggers is a level 2 spell whenever we use it it's going to become a level 5 spell at maximum level this keeps the damage relevant and the reason we would use cloud of daggers is twofold for starters we're going to be in a lot of areas that have somewhat cramped quarters and what cloud of daggers does is drop a spinning whirling cloud of daggers that will deal damage when you initially put it down and also when the enemy's turn starts which means if you cast this directly on an enemy it's gonna deal damage twice before that enemy gets a chance to move out of it it and this combined with the cramped quarters we're in mean that we can usually cast these things on a choke point that's going to ensure we deal double damage to at least the enemies we cast it on and then we can start using the cramped quarters to funnel other enemies who are forced to walk through it and if you have any abilities that knock enemies around you can also knock them into it and with the right positioning and the warlocks packed magic spell slots this can do a lot of damage very consistently and it was useful throughout the entire game now the other option though is hunger of Hadar hunger of Hadar is useful when you are facing a lot of enemies because it will crowd control and blind them hunger of Hadar effectively puts down a large field of black Frost so to speak enemies within the range will be blinded and be on difficult terrain difficult terrain means they have to use twice as much movement to move and because they are blinded they cannot attack anything unless they are right next to it and while this won't deal damage initially if enemies start their turns in it they will take damage so when fights against large groups this is a great spell to start out with to basically slow them all down and give yourself some breathing room while you pick off the enemies that are easily dealt with it won't be a big damage dealer but it will force enemies to come to you and move out of it which will effectively waste their turns and against large groups of enemies that is really really useful now outside of those two instances it's usually Eldritch blast or melee ability and the deciding factor there for me is usually chance to hit and distance if an enemy is right next to me I'm usually going to have a higher chance to hit with melee because Eldritch blast being a ranged attack takes a penalty and because we get two hits with our sword via pact of the blade and it's using our Charisma we can use something like our racial abilities searing or radiant Smite to deal a lot of damage this way however if an enemy is a good distance away from you or you'd like to attack multiple low Health enemies Eldritch blast can be useful because as you level up Eldritch blast will get up to three rays which can be targeted individually sort of like magic Missile or scorching Ray Etc so you can hit multiple targets with it and if something is farther away then you could reasonably move to it it can be a great way to still deal damage that turn and Elders blast does very effective damage thanks to our invocation agonizing blast and while that's a relatively simple strategy to combat that is essentially how I beat the game very very quickly the first time through with a dark urge Warlock and while I wouldn't say it's anything too crazy as far as builds go like this kind of thing is very common when you're playing a warlock it is nonetheless a really fun effective way to play through the game the first time and get to experience a large swath of content thanks to your ability to do a lot of things very well so with that in mind I hope you enjoyed it if you did like comment subscribe all that YouTube jazz if you have any questions drop them down in the comment section below but that is going to do it for this video thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate it may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 269,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, Baldurs Gate, BG3, BG2, BG1, Baldur's Gate, baldur's gate 3 story, baldurs gate 3, bg3 story, bg3 gameplay, bg3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, bg3 classes, bg3 review, baldurs gate 3 review, baldur's gate 3 combat, baldur's gate 3 review, bg3 warlock, bg3 warlock builds, bg3 warlock guide, bg3 warlock build, bg3 warlock gameplay, baldurs gate 3 warlock, baldurs gate 3 warlock guide, baldurs gate 3 warlock patrons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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