Baldur's Gate 3 - A Masterclass in Gaming. | Baldur's Gate 3 Review

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squirrel bites your foot again oh [Music] hello uh this game is pretty damn good no spoilers in this review everything you're gonna see is from act one of the game so let's just get right into it so when I make a review I try to abide by two rules first I don't like to review games that are in early access second I generally like to have completed at least 70 percent of the game before I start making the review in my opinion reviews are there to help the consumer see if the game is one worth their money and two worth their time if I'm putting out a review I want to make sure I am presenting the whole package and letting people know whether it's a good purchase for them and then Here Comes Baldur's Gate 3 made by Larry Studios so I decide you know I'm gonna play the game so I might as well get it a week early and what my whistle as some would say just to see what I'm in for hit an early access bill that I could mess around in so I was like you know what why not and oh my God I scoured the Early Access build for any and all content I could get my grubby little hands on I played it for about 30 hours and that was just one playthrough I was amazed this build is amazing everyone needs to play it but then I remembered my rule and I was like okay fine fine I'll wait what's one more week I'll get the game speed through it and make a review no problem [Music] [Music] yeah no there was a problem very early on that I started catching on to I started playing this game and I couldn't stop the game had me on block so there I was playing 40 50 60 70 hours of this game in hopes of finishing soon not because it was bad but because I wanted to talk about it so badly and finally at the 76th hour I hit credits and I had some thoughts this game is my game of the year I'm coming right out and saying it it's better than tears of the Kingdom Harry Potter re4 remake Hi-Fi Rush all of it all those games are fantastic and you should definitely play them all but like if you had to choose Baldur's Gate 30 versus any one of those games I would pick Baldur's Gate 3 every single time and I even gave Ari for remake a 10 out of 10 and somehow this game beats that gameplay wise guys it's just D and D if you know what d d is you know how this game plays and like it's quite literally D and D it's based off the same rules as Swift Edition DND and it has just as many options in combat as you can creatively come up with as well as dialogue and character options that are insanely numerous more on combat in a second character creation is awesome they have plenty to choose from and if you're like me you will be stuck in the character creator for a while you get a lot to choose from like a lot and almost every race and class has sub selections that you can make that really change up the way you play safe to say character customization is an extremely in-depth process and has a ton of options for you the game does do a good job of walking you through the process so if you have questions slow it down and read through the tutorials and if you still have questions after that look it up there's so much online support for this game and the DND system in general you'll be easily able to find your answers for my first playthrough I went with a half elf monk named Batman and my My Chosen subclass was weird open hand and I loved my playthrough for this one you're seeing on screen now I played a Dragonborn Warlock and I was kind of going for a cowboy Vibe hopefully I achieved that whatever the case is the game gives you a great balance of team members that fill in the gaps really well so you play what you want to play and if you want even more customization you can multi-class meaning you can combine two classes together and get the abilities of both respecting in this game is also very cheap and very easy like very very easy to do and you can do it as many times as you want so do not be afraid to experiment layering really took the game and said okay yeah let's let the player have fun with it and experiment with everything they want to experiment with there is no need to force you to play something you're not enjoying I want to really applaud larion for implementing the future it's fantastic and every game Studio really needs to take notes make respecting easy and non-punishing after character creation the game throws you into the action right away and honestly combat is pretty fun and pretty intuitive the tutorials make it extremely easy to understand and the mechanics ramp up in a way that you're not overwhelmed and by the middle point of act 1 you will have encountered a lot of the game's special mechanics and features making the gameplay Loop pretty easy to pick up honestly and combat also places your strengths very well like if you like to play a certain way like stealth or going guns blazing you can do that almost every situation and conflict in this game has alternative ways to start prep or even avoid altogether but with the things you could do in this game I really don't think you want to skip any encounter like okay I am not the most creative when it comes to goofy game mechanics sometimes I'll find a goofy strategy and run with that and that works out great for me in most games in Baldur's Gate 3 the sheer amount of creative freedom and player expression you're able to partake in is mind-blowing you want fire arrows okay take this already lit candle out of your pocket and put it on the ground next to you and Bam now you can make fire arrows for free want to take 10 barrels of oil in your pocket and set it up in the arena before the enemy starts fighting sure you could do that if you think of an idea do it seriously if you see a boss fight or an encounter that you're struggling with get creative throw them in the lava flick them off a cliff drop an anvil on them I don't know try to talk to some of the guys around the arena who knows maybe they'll join you this game is a true translation of the d d formula and I love it I cannot stress how much this game lets you do it is ridiculous I was stunned I fear the creativity of the human mind sometimes and games like these remind me why some of the stuff some people have been doing are worthy of war crimes and it's awesome not the war crimes part but the fact that the game allows you to do it if you think of it of course it's not like unlimited but the ceiling is pretty high every encounter every fight had me looking to experiment and see what I could do to make it more fun or what I could do to change the landscape of the fight in my favor in a wood house sure light it on fire and leave block the entrance and Bam they're burning to death they can't do anything because they can't leave again I am speechless with the amount of choice you're given here if you're looking for something to really flex your creative muscles this game is it and if you're not that's also fine punch the problem away you can do that and you have full control of your party as well so like you're able to set up some really goofy traps while you're talking to an NPC or they're talking to an NPC or they could do a surprise attack XYZ all the stuff you can do it's wild you can also respect your team as well so like if you want someone to be a Bard for example you can do that their stories will remain intact so feel free to do whatever you want with them the amount of weapons armor magic and just like stuff in this game is huge like hundreds easily I find myself leaving some stuff behind because sometimes I had so much other stuff I didn't even know what to do with the new stuff I got the smallest items could make the biggest difference in a fight or sometimes the big item doesn't act the way you think it would again do not be afraid to explore and experiment water behaves just like water if you shock it everyone in the puddle will get shocked as well fire behaves just like normal fire throw oil on it it explodes and goes everywhere it's truly great and items are spread out and made in a way that they really help the player better their bill build on a gradual level just like real DND your DM would give you better weapons armor and Magic as you fight and explore the world same thing here it's so cool completing like a mini dungeon or a puzzle or a boss fight and almost always a rewards are something you could use and even if you can't find a use for it now save it for later and maybe you can find the use eventually fights range from run-of-the-mill goblins to fights with epic gods and the placement of these fights is done really well of course it could change depending on the path you take through the game but if a fight is too hard for you just come back later or don't play your way I found myself ready to fights that were sometimes a level or two above where I was and I attacked them just to see if I could do it a lot of the time I couldn't but hey it was still fun if you're gonna play this game you can go one of two ways you could save scum where you save them for big decisions and try to get the best outcome if you don't we love to save all that stuff or you can take the results as you go now for me I opted in for the safe scumming route I wanted to experience every little bit of content I could with this game and I wanted to see what other options would lead to as well sue me you play how you want I'm not gonna judge and what's even cooler is that everything in this game is determined by dice quite literally the game is rolling dice in the background running calculations taking into account all of your characters your classes bonuses everything from a technical standpoint super cool from a gameplay standpoint it's really neat because sometimes you can squeeze through some seemingly impossible scenarios by sheer luck of the dice alone now this game is Co-op so you could go through with up to three of your friends I played solo but I'm hearing the co-op experience is fantastic you could do some wildly goopy stuff together if you're planning to play solo like I did the side characters that you can obtain on your adventure are very well written and all have unique quests associated with them through the course of the game you could help them with their quests and every Quest has its own unique flavor their senses of morality differ sometimes they argue sometimes they agree they're all fully fleshed out characters and Laren took the time and effort to make sure they are worth spending time with if anything they hit two good of a job I just had such a hard time juggling all the characters in my party because they were all so unique to be around every encounter and conversation had at least one of my party members speak up and offer advice or criticism or something it was dope like there are so many companions in this game I was genuinely struggling to juggle them all it was awesome and when I say struggling like I don't mean that in a bad way it was more so I wanted to spend time with all of them I actually did manage to complete all of the main companions Quest lines and while some of them did feel a little flat in the end the vast majority of them were excellent and had development in Acts 1 2 and 3 of the game as for you the player you can act in any way that you want for me I played as Batman so I tried to emulate him as close as possible but you can do whatever you could be evil concerned about coin try killing everything you want again play your way the gameplay is point-and-click just like dos 2 and you have a huge map to explore in Every Act and sometimes Maps within Maps the game really demands exploration which yeah DOI it's a DND game you need to explore to properly play the game and exploring is really important because you quite literally do not know what's around the corner and even on my second playthrough I'm finding brand new content that I did not find on my first playthrough or the Early Access build some maps have hidden areas and some have whole Quest signs that you won't find unless you really explore it is truly astounding how big this game is like I need you guys to understand there is so much to do here by the time act 3 comes around you won't be able to walk two steps without running into new quests or areas to explore it was amazing and each of those quests and areas almost always have something unique meaning Sometimes some options show up because of your class you picked your party members or even the items in your inventory I am amazed at how much there is in this game and how in-depth it goes the world feels alive and robust so much is going on in every single corner of this world NPCs are talking quests are being set up items are hidden it's all here and it's all like grounded wander to an area you don't have clearance for you better leave kill all the guards or come back disguised to someone who does have clearance and maybe you'll get through or bribe the guards there's just so much in terms of options here found a dead body maybe there's Clues around sometimes you don't know what to do so you leave only to be redirected to that same dead body you found hours ago and this time you have the answers because you were there earlier characters returned between acts as well as their stories and depending on how you talk to them earlier they'll like you or hate you it all depends on how you approach the situation if you approach it at all you could have missed it entirely with the amount of stuff in this world I do not blame you I know I for sure miss stuff your actions have consequences and they carry through acts 1 2 and 3. now okay I know I keep iterating how much stuff there is in this game and I know after a certain point it gets annoying I understand that but like I need you guys to understand that this love level of content is unprecedented in most if not all AAA game releases and it's all good is the thing like what happens often is that yeah you have a lot of content but it's not great or you have less content and it's all really good laryn has managed to achieve The Best of Both Worlds and it really shines amongst its peers now this game is long and it's very dense and with that comes some bugs however for me I didn't encounter any that were so bad they've ruined any aspect of my playthrough and while I was playing it I believe about two to three Hefty patches came out to help mitigate some of these bugs the game is constantly getting passed and Larry does a great job with listening to community feedback act three is by far the buggiest but again it's something they are actively working on by the time you get to it I assure you there's going to be another patch coming out oh also before I forget this game has amazing controller support if you're thinking about getting this game for console you can easily pick this game up and play with controller definitely a great way to play a game like this [Music] genuinely this game is fantastic it is not perfect but it's pretty damn close larion Studios has once again knocked it out of the park if you like d d and want a nice contained tabletop RPG experience I have to recommend this game to you and like I said earlier bottle Skate 3 is going to be Game of the Year in my opinion hands down it's one of the best games I have ever touched and I know this is a hefty claim to make before the year is even up but for me this game has it all I really doubt there's anything coming out within the final quarter of 2023 that will come close to beating this I just don't see them stepping up to the massive challenge that Baldur's Gate 3 set up as for what already came out this year unfortunately while tears of the kingdom and re4 are both great I think Baldur's Gate 3 is showcasing a much more robust package overall the sheer amount of quality content passion and player expression present here is absolutely amazing I cannot stress this enough and knowing larion this will be supported for years I don't know what else I can say about this game to convince you to get it if you're on the fence it's amazing plain and simple tons of content tons of gameplay just it's so good if you're looking for an experience that can range from 40 to 80 hours has massive amounts of replayability tons of exploration creative combat excellent writing unprecedented levels of player expression in-depth Quest and level design then this game is for you I am giving Baldur's Gate 3 a 10 out of 10. an experience that role of natural 20 in every regard and easily achieves game of the year I am also saying this game is worth it at full price it is so jam-packed with content the price to content ratio alone makes this game worth it in my opinion it's just a good game man like I have nothing else to say about it it's good that's it this is what you've been waiting for if you're waiting to spend your money on a game this is it I'm currently on my second playthrough of bg3 and I'm loving it just as much as the first if not more because now I can pursue different ways to play and look for alternative endings that I didn't see the first time I am astounded like oh bro 2023 is wild there are so many good games coming out and or that have already come out we got armored Core 6 coming out cyberpunk Starfield lights A P bomber cyberfunk I just I am so excited for the game awards because there's just so many games to talk about and I'm actually more interested to see what gets left out of the game awards like for example Jedi Survivor Hogwarts Legacy even maybe Final Fantasy 16 like those are all good games right but was it good enough to compete against like re4 choose the kingdom I don't know I don't think so but you know we'll see great year for games honestly in a world where we are spoiled for choice this is a good problem to have whatever the case is thanks watching now I have to go and decide if I want to play Armored Core or won't be G3 I'm foreign
Channel: Glass Muffin
Views: 5,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 243BQahDlio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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