Try Not To Laugh Challenge #65 - Everything is Connected!

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(audience member laughs) (harmonica blows) (everyone laughs) (bell dings) - Welcome, everyone, to the world's most dangerous YouTube show, "Try Not To Laugh!" (Jackie yells) Today we're gonna be trying something a little bit different because we noticed something because we pay attention to y'all. We noticed that Tommy here is beloved? (everyone laughs) And one of the things that he does so gosh darn well as an improv master is to take a joke that has been said and add a new twist to it and keep bringing it back or keep bringing the character back. So today we're gonna try to connect everything. We're gonna take whatever was said in the last performer's joke and either take an element from that joke, take the same character, take the location, maybe follow them to a new location. Just somehow we are connecting all the bits. If this is your first time watching a "Try Not To Laugh" video, well, first of all, thanks so much for finding us. Second of all, here are the basic rules. The person sitting in the chair is going to have a harmonica in their mouth. We're gonna take turns trying to make them laugh. If they laugh, you're gonna know it 'cause they're gonna blow through the harmonica. Got 30 seconds to do so, and we cycle through until everybody's been in the chair and everybody's tried to make that person left. (flames roar) - So now the performers can either continue anything that they saw from the previous hot seat, or they could just start a new like New Year's. - Yeah. (audience member laughs) Christmas was kinda tough this year. My aunt got me this hat, but I think it's made from dead dogs, but I'm not really sure because on the inside there's blood all over in here! And it's all on my head! And the first time I took it off, there was blood all in my hair, and I was like, "Oh my God!" So I had to shampoo it out, but I was like, "Auntie, can you stop killing dogs "and putting them on my head "and putting them in my Christmas gifts?" And she was like, "No, I'll have more for you next year." (harmonica blows) And I was like, "Okay," because I like presents. She's a, she's, she's a special woman. (everyone laughs) - Ah, grandmas. (everyone laughs) - Hey. Have you seen my sister Sarah? She comes here, and she complains all the time to random people about anything and just everything. I'm really happy. And I love to be here. You've got pretty eyes. Where'd you get them from? Are those real? Oh my God, they're so beautiful! They can't be real. They're purple! (harmonica blows) (everyone laughs) - What else? (Keith laughs) - I don't got (beep) else. (everyone laughs) - I'm the burger man. Here with a new joke that I made up. (audience laughs) Christmas was kinda tough this year. My aunt got me this hat, and I think it might be made from dead dogs, but I don't know. And there's blood all on the inside. So, I had to take a bath, and there was blood all in my bath, and I had to shampoo it out of my hair. And I was like, "Auntie, why do you always give me hats like this?" (everyone laughs) (harmonica blows) This is a new bit that I made up. (everyone applauds) - Okay, yeah, can we get the bread going? Thank you. Yeah, so it's going really well. Okay, what? There's three people in hats in the restaurant now? (audience laughs) They're not ordering anything? And they're complaining to one of our customers? Sounds like a Sunday to me. (harmonica blows) (everyone laughs) I don't know. - Oh my God. I just try and take my kids and my husband out to a nice meal at this restaurant. And I can't find them. They're all each individually sitting at separate tables. (harmonica blows) (everyone laughs) I don't know where they learned out how to complain. It can't be from. I can't complain. I don't know how, I'm incapable. (harmonica blows) I'm gonna go back to find my family now, bye! (everyone laughs) - [Man] Sounds like a Sunday to me. (flames roar) - Beep, beep, beep, beep! Red flag! You are on penalty for being too thick! Triple Cs. That is out of bounds! Dump truck asses are illegal in the APPCCA. (audience member laughs) (plunger pops) (harmonica blows) (everyone laughs) That's your penalty box. I just drew it for you. (everyone laughs) - Mother, I have terrible news. I'm afraid I did not make it into the ASBCBCBA. (audience laughs) So I'm giving up my hockey stick. I'm giving up my ball of baskets. I'm giving up my Tom Brady's special. That's right I said it again. (harmonica blows) (everyone laughs) I'm giving up all sport game... (Tommy laughs) From Gryffindor. (everyone laughs) That's how you give up on a bit halfway through! - [Audience] Yay! - [Keith] Hi! (harmonica blows) (everyone laughs) Hey coach, I'm here to tryout for the thick team. - Beep, beep, beep, beep! Red flag! You're not even real! - [Keith] Yes, I am! (everyone laughs) I'm dying! I'm dying! - Penalty! (everyone laughs) - What's up? I'm Cool Guy Rick. I've been hearing nobody's made it into the NSAACP21. (audience laughs) But I can show you how. You ready for this? You ready for this? Touchdown. Yeah. Oh, wait, wait for this. Wait for my three pointer. Oh, definitely better not hit a four. (harmonica blows) - Stop. - Sports! (everyone laughs) It was all wrong! - Hey. I'm here to audition for the thick team. (audience laughs) Yeah, I like to make touchdowns. And you can be inside my little box. (harmonica blows) (everyone laughs) You ready for a hat trick? (everyone laughs) You want to make goal? Can I join the NAACPXYZFNR? (everyone laughs) Call me. (everyone laughs) (everyone applauds) (flames roar) - Hi, everyone. Welcome to my musical genre mashup show. I'm so ready to sing you my countropera. Country opera. (Courtney exhales) (harmonica blows) (everyone laughs) No, no, no, no. ♪ Red truck, blue jeans ♪ ♪ Tie my pants into my knees ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Beer ♪ (everyone laughs) ♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Beer ♪ ♪ I love ♪ ♪ I love beer ♪ Sorry, I should have just like quit while I was ahead (everyone laughs) - Hi. Hi there. I'm the backup singer and guitarist for the countropera band. Shoot, I heard that my lead singer already went on and performed, but I still need to perform. So, I'm just gonna do my bits. ♪ Beer ♪ ♪ Beer ♪ ♪ Rock and roll ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ Country road ♪ (audience laughs) It sounds better when it's all together. When you hear the two of us in harmony, it's quite fantastic. All right, I'll just leave this BJ's now and get going. (harmonica blows) (everyone laughs) - Hey, how are you guys doing tonight? (audience cheers) Oh, welcome to this countra, countropera or whatever it's called! Everybody, give it up! (audience cheers) For the first two contestants. I am your host Sunny Side Ass. (audience laughs) Yes I am. I'm feeling egg-cellent. (audience member cheers) Egg-xactly. (Keith laughs) No? No, that didn't work? Give it up for our first guest. Again, she's gonna sing a song about eggs! (harmonica blows) - [Courtney] Me? - Yep. (harmonica blows) (everyone laughs) - I didn't know. - I guess confusion mixed with beer is what gets me. (Courtney sings) - Did she say the C-word when she started? - I'm so ready to sing you my cuntropra. Country opera. - She did. It's a horrible, horrible show. (harmonica blows) (everyone laughs) Well, I'm gonna go walk into traffic. (everyone laughs) - Yeah! (bones crack) - Five, six, seven, eight. (Courtney sings) ♪ Red beer, blue jeans ♪ ♪ Jeans, beer ♪ (Courtney vocalizes) (Jackie tamborines aggressively) (harmonica blows) (Courtney vocalizes) (harmonica blows) (everyone applauds) (flames roar) - Okay, are the cameras rolling? The camera are rolling? Great. Wonderful, okay. And we're live in three, two, one. I'm live here on the scene in hell. The fires are burning. Always burning. That's right, there's no new news here in hell because we've all been damned forever. I know that when I was a newsperson on earth when I was living, I ran over someone accidentally. That was a bad, bad sin. And now I'm burny, burny skeleton lady. Back to you, Jerry. Okay, we're done. - Ew! (everyone laughs) - Oh God, it's hot as hell. (audience laughs) (Jackie laughs) (everyone laughs) - It's so funny! - Why are you here? (Jackie snorts) (everyone laughs) My mom kicked me out. She said, "Go to hell," so that's why I'm here. (everyone laughs) Brought my ass down here and it's hot. You know where I can get an air conditioner? (everyone laughs) (rock music plays) - Whoa! What could I have possibly done to deserve this? (harmonica blows) Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! - All right, Jacklyn Uweh, I'm so sorry to tell you but you've lived a very sinful life and now you're on the 10th level of hell that they don't talk to you about. It's where lions go and people who make the same sin you do. Your punishment I'm afraid is that you have to watch a lion do a tight five with a snake over and over. But it's my first time after a class on standup. (audience laughs) My mother-in-law is a lot like this snake. (audience laughs) Mostly because she's a real snake. (everyone laughs) Do I have anyone out here from Portland tonight? All right, two of you. (Jackie laughs) I hear it's quite cold there. (audience laughs) My neighbor said the craziest thing. He was all like, "My yard stops here. "I'd appreciate it if you stayed on your own yard." And so I said, "Okay." (everyone laughs) (everyone applauds) - Hi. Oh, I'm so glad to see everyone attending yoga in hell. All right, we have one million attendees today. That's fantastic. We're gonna start with a simple, easy pose. And yes, I am Guy Fieri. (Jackie laughs) This is how I'm treated in hell. I don't want to do yoga. Okay, so first we're going to breathe in the demons and all that nice soot. And then we're gonna breathe out just pure fire. Fire comes out of our mouths in hell. Okay, let me go get my yoga block next. It's a little assist. Little extra assist for this next very complicated pose. (everyone laughs) Yes, yoga block. This is a very complicated pose. - Get it. Come on, girl. (Kimmy screams) We did it, we completed it. - Girl. - [Kimmy] Yes? - It is too hot to be doing yoga in hell! (everyone laughs) - Jackie, one of the best parts that you unfortunately didn't get to witness was backstage when Kimmy said, "Yes, I'm Guy Fieri. "I'm in hell." Keith goes, "Oh, did he die?" (everyone laughs) (flames roar) - Well, what a lovely day with our royal family. - Yes. - Another royal day doing royal things. - Being inbred. - Being inbred, eating soft beans. - Talking in the back of our mouth. - What even is bottom lip? - I don't know. - Does anyone else have a little hat under their crown? (Keith laughs) Just me? - Royally funny. - There he is. There he is, that's Jesus. - Oh my God, that's Jesus. - I heard he's pretty cool. - Oh yeah? - Let's see what he's got. - And of my body there is bread for you. - Oh. Oh, see I've been baking bread every day in leprosy quarantine. It's easy. A lot of people do that. - Yeah, I have wheat. - Yeah, I didn't even have to use any of my body or nothing. Not a single ounce. - I even had my eyes open. - And of my blood, some wine. - My uncle used to make wine in his bathtub. It's easy. - Yeah, I have blood. - Yeah I got blood. I didn't need to bleed in the wine or anything. - Like, who doesn't have blood in this business? - That's like, "Everybody come get your juice." - Like, Nazareth my ass! - [Producer] Time! - Okay, this is every little girl at church. Ha! Don't tell the priest, or the pastor, or the anything. Non-denominational church. Look at me! Look at me! Look at me do this! Look at me like this in the hall! - Kimmy. Kimmy it is time to be baptized. - Okay. - We need to be reverent. - Okay. I got too much energy for this. Where do I go? Is it time to swim? - No, we have to cleanse you of your filthy little sins! - Okay! - Okay, come on. Where are you going? The water. Oh, she's drowning. She's drowning. She's drowning. She's drowning. (buzzer buzzes) (everyone applauds) - [Damien] Good old iron Keith today. - Oh God. - [Damien] Immediately, let's go. (audience laughs) - Thank you so much to the congregation for being here today. I just have a song to sing. (audience laughs) ♪ I just have a song to sing about Jesus ♪ (out of tune ukulele note) (Keith laughs) (everyone laughs) ♪ I just have a song to sing about Jesus ♪ (everyone laughs) (Tommy laughs) - Give it up for our beautiful performers today. (everyone applauds) Okay, today I will be wrapping up our open mic by doing a very, very nice "Rule, Brittania." Get prepared for this. (audience laughs) Those are my family members in the audience. - We love you. ♪ Rule, Brittania ♪ It gets me every time. (everyone laughs) And now for some poetry. I lost my kingdom to a battle. (everyone laughs) And now I'm in hiding. (everyone laughs) But not for tonight. Brittania! Did I get you? (everyone applauds) (flames roar) ♪ Is there anybody out there ♪ (audience laughs) ♪ I'm stranded on the moon ♪ ♪ It's kind of surprising ♪ ♪ That I'm still standing and I'm not floating on the moon ♪ ♪ But I got left off of the spaceship ♪ (harmonica blows) ♪ And I don't get to go back home ♪ - Oh no. ♪ So I'm a little lost tonight ♪ ♪ Stranded here all alone ♪ ♪ I'm on the moon by myself ♪ ♪ I'm on the moon by myself ♪ ♪ I'm on the moon by myself ♪ ♪ I'm on the moon by myself ♪ ♪ I'm on the moon by myself ♪ - Hey, hey, hey! - Somebody help me! No one can hear my screams! Sandra Bullock! (everyone laughs) (everyone applauds) - Jackie! With the bops today! (audience member laughs) (harmonica blows) (everyone laughs) ♪ I'm alone on the moon ♪ ♪ I'm a little astronaut on the moon ♪ - Do you hear that? - Yeah. - That sounds like a human. And it sucks really bad. (everyone laughs) - [Jackie] Sandra Bullock! - Sandra Bullock. (everyone laughs) - What you gonna do with that? (Damien screams) - I'm reverse Santa Claus! I'm wearing purple like the last guy! That's the connection. (harmonica blows) I'm also from the moon. I don't give toys to children. I take their organs! This is from a baby! And I teach kids to smoke. All ways of smoking. You're never gonna vape. I'm gonna teach you to use a pipe! Oh, it's real good! I'm reverse Santa Claus! I'm wearing purple like the last guy! - Purple like the last guy. - It's all I can do. - It's good. (everyone laughs) (Christmas music plays) - Did you see that guy? I'm regular Santa Claus. (harmonica blows) (everyone laughs) You don't have to worry about me. I'm not that guy. - I didn't even see your hat 'til just now. (Kimmy laughs) (harmonica blows) - I'm not just Santa Claus on Earth. I'm also Santa Claus on the moon. (harmonica blows) And that's my connection. (everyone laughs) - Yay! I like Santa Claus's new look too. The red leather. Hell yeah. Santa Claus be stylish. (Kimmy laughs) (harmonica blows) - This is a lovely vacation to the moon. Yes. Interesting climate. Do you hear something? (Keith vocalizes) - This is a bad show. - This is hell. - My wine keeps floating out of my cup. (Keith vocalizes) - You know what? Let's go grab a bite at the Burger Man Hut. - It all connects! (everyone laughs) - Thank you so much for sitting in that stool, Kimmy. - Oh, any freakin' time. I love to sit. And thank you guys for watching this video. If you have other "Try Not To Laugh" ideas, put them in the comments down below. We read them. We sometimes use them. It's a good time. This was really fun. I really liked it. It's always fun to like challenge ourselves in specific things. - Oh my God. Look over there. It's another video. - And another video over there! And you want to know something real crazy? This shirt and also the shirt under there are from our website We have all kinds of cool threads there, and you could probably wear those on the moon underneath the safety gear. Bye!
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,435,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Try Not To Laugh Challenge #66 - Everything is Connected!, tntl, smosh pit tntl, sketch, skit, improv
Id: KX5SisBAt84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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