Try Not To Laugh Challenge #72 - Simon Says!

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(Olivia squawks) - Oh, don't you, don't you dare. - [Group] Yeah! (Damien laughs) (logo wooshing) (bell rings) (Shayne laughs) (Group laughs) - It's another Try Not to Laugh video! (Group claps) Welcome to another episode of Try Not to Laugh, but we've got a special version today. Today's rules are called Simon Says. Basically, whoever's in the chair gets to come up with a rule, a stipulation that everyone must follow. Whether that's using a prop, using a certain word, or a certain dance move, where you have to hop on one foot, whatever they feel like coming up with, we all have to do. - The first rule is that you have to like and subscribe. (group chuckles) (suspenseful thud) - Olivia, what is your rule? Okay, my rule is that with every person coming out, you have to be really out of breath. (group laughs) (Shayne crashes) (Shayne breathes heavily) (Shayne cries) (Olivia laughs) (bell dings) (Shayne pants) This is so weird. (Olivia gasps) Oh no! (suspenseful music) - Hi, Domino's? Let me get a pizza please. (Shayne pants) (Damien breathes heavily) (group laughs) (Damien coughs) - I have a hard time breathing. Do you want to know the story of how I got that way? It's quite a long tale. Basically, see, I'm an alcoholic. (Olivia laughs) (bell dings) And my lungs don't work so good no more. (Damien chuckles) Can I offer you some Canadian rye? - [Ian] We now return to "Ant Man III." (Ian pants) Quick, in order to defeat Thanos II, we have to shrink this baby slightly smaller. (heroic music) (Ian whirs) (baby squeals) (Olivia laughs) (bell dings) (group laughs) We did it. (baby coos) Yeah! (group laughs) - Hi, I heard there's a baby! I heard there's a baby crying over here. I came as quick as I could! (rattle rattles) Goo goo! Goo goo. (group laughs) (Olivia laughs) (bell dings) (Tommy laughs) Oh, you're not stopping. (harmonica whistles) (Tommy laughs) Okay, yes, okay. Other side of town, you've got it. All right, there's another baby crying. (group laughs) See you later! (drum beats) (Noah pants) Douche me, I'm Irish. (group groans) - Oh my God. - I don't get it. (group laughs) - It's cause it's St. Patrick's Day. Today's St. Patrick's Day, you know? I'm the holiday. You celebrate, (Noah exhales) celebrate with other people. Usually in like public places and the river's green. - But what about the douche? - [Moderator] That's time! (group laughs) (suspenseful thud) - Everybody, I want you to incorporate some sort of silly walk or extreme like, character movement. Just something that I would never expect. (group laughs) (lighthearted music) - Hi. Welcome to Islands. (Noah spits) (bell dings) - That's ridiculous. Great job. (Noah claps) (group claps) - Meanwhile, at the Captain Crunch Headquarters. Sir, the kids, the Gen Zs, they're not buying our cereal. I have an idea. (feet patter) Hello, I'm Communist Captain Crunch! (Noah spits) (bell chimes) There's no ethical consumption of my product in capitalism. (group laughs) Seize the means of production in your stomach! - Seize the means of digestion? - Oh, yes, you get it! (audience laughs) (suspenseful music) - Yar, prepare to be boarded. (group laughs) I can do it, I can still do it, you guys. (Noah spits) (bell chimes) I'm still the same captain I always was. Prepare to be boarded. You're about to get so boarded. Don't you dare laugh at me. (Noah laughs) Mm, I got you. - I'm being boarded? - I'm doing this cause I got you, not cause I need you to stand up. (Noah laughs) I'm the same as I was. (Noah exhales) (hip hop music) - Yo, pass the ball! (Noah spits) (bell chimes) (Noah laughs) - I don't have it! You can shoot! (group laughs) Oh my God. (Noah sighs) (intense music) (group groans) - Oh my God! (group laughs) - Here's the cash you withdrawed, sir. (Noah spits) (bell dings) (group laughs) You're pre-approved for a credit card, can I get you started on that? (Tommy screeches) (group laughs) - Tommy, how many of your characters are demons? (suspenseful thud) - For your scene, whatever this means to you, I don't want you to be a human. I don't want you to be like just a normal human. - Okay! - All right. (group chatters) - Not a human, not a human. (quirky music) - Hello, let me tell you about my, (taps foot) I used to be just a regular baby. (bottle clatters) Then one day, I ate a can of radioactive beans, you see. Now I'm made of beans. (Damien snorts) (bell dings) Would you like some beans? (group laughs) - Thank you. (quirky music) (Olivia squawks) (group laughs) - Do it! (group laughs) (Olivia squawks) - Oh, don't you dare. No. - [Group] Yeah! (Damien laughs) (bell dings) (Damien giggles) - I couldn't commit, I'm sorry, I couldn't do it! You asked, I couldn't do it. - There was terror in your eyes, and you were stone cold. - Okay, then. (Damien snorts) All right, so Mr. Damien Haas. Now, my name is Agatha. I'm the new, I'm helping Lisa out with HR. Now, I'd like to think of myself, I'm just here. I'm gonna be your little buddy. I'm just your little buddy, and I'm going to be here. So if you have any concerns or any questions about your benefits, or anything like that, you can let me know. I like to think of myself as a people person, which is ironic, cause I'm a crab. (group laughs) (bell dings) (Damien laughs) (quirky music) - All right, Mr. Hecox, it looks like everything checks out. So we're just going to drop you in a field, if that's all right. Before you go, we are going to take your temperature very quickly. It shouldn't be anything more than an inconvenience. Sure, that way. (group laughs) (bell dings) Thank you. - [Narrator] And on that Easter eve, the blue fairy turned that chocolate bunny into a real bunny. (Tommy groans) They forgot my insides. (group laughs) They forgot my insides! Oh! Oh! (Damien giggles) - Oh my God. - [Narrator] Merry Christmas, everyone. (suspenseful thud) - Okay, so this is a really simple one, guys. - Okay. - I need you to, I need you guys to play as Stephan Tennerman. - Okay. - All right, we got it. (group laughs) - Is that- - [Damien] Is that a person I should know? - It's Stephan Tennerman. - Stephan Tennerman. - It's all you need to know. - Yeah. (feet stomp) (group laughs) - [Both] We are Stephan Tennerman! (group laughs) (bell dings) (feet stomp) - [Both] We are Stephan Tennerman! (feet stomp) (solemn music) (Noah sighs) (Ian spits) (bell dings) - Stephan loved Chili's. (group chuckles) - Oh my God. (Ian claps) The moment I saw you start to unscrew it, I was like no (laughs). (quirky music) - Oh, oh, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. - Okay. (group chuckles) We've got a hot milk and beans for Steven? - Excuse me, it is pronounced, Stephan. Like Stephan me. (group laughs) (bell dings) Like Stephan me. (Olivia laughs) (Noah spits) - Ma'am you're getting very aggressive. You touch the milk tin, I'm gonna have to ask you to step back. (tin jingles) Ma'am! (group giggles) Steven! - Stephan! - Steven, this is hot milk! - Ow! - Everyone saw that they did that on their own, I don't know the word. - On the lore. - They did it on the lore. (quirky music) - Hello, I'm Stephan Tennerman and I'll be reading the part ranch. (tambourine rattles) Wow, creamy and salty? I'd dip a carrot in that. (group laughs) (bell chimes) I'm Stephan Tennerman, my agent is Ian Hecox, thank you. - Come on, Toto. Mr. Wizard of Oz, my name is Dorothy and me and my friends have traveled here from a far ways away. We've come to ask for just a couple small things. My friend, the scarecrow, he needs a brain, and my friend, the lion. He just needs his courage. And my friend, the tinner man. (group laughs) (bell dings) - God damn it. - He, you know. (group laughs) (suspenseful thud) - Tommy, I almost called you Tennerman. - Tennerman, Tommyman. - So Tommyman, - Yes? - What do you, what do you want to challenge us with? - I think it would be really fun if no one was able to speak and it was only your body and your props and that's it. - Okay. - Sound good? - Wow. - Yeah, that's easy. - That's dumb. Come on. (quirky music) (stool scrapes) (Tommy puffs) (bell dings) - What is going on? (group laughs) Just imagine a doctor being like, now you. (quirky music) (wrapper crinkles) (Tommy snorts) (bell dings) (group laughs) I'm laughing without sound. - I just need to- (quirky music) (feet shuffle) (water squirts) (squeegee squeaks) (water squirts) (squeegee squeaks) (water squirts) (squeegee squeaks) (knuckles rap) (Tommy chuckles) (bell dings) (car zooms) (group laughs) - Dumb. (energetic music) (stick boinks) (Tommy laughs) (bell dings) What? (Noah snaps) Oh (beeps)! Oh, there's a flute now! Man, pool is crazy. (group laughs) (feet patter) (quirky music) (group laughs) (Tommy laughs) (bell dings) So (beep) stupid. (group laughs) (suspenseful thud) - So, I think for mine, this is my thought. Tell me what you think. You have to make jokes either that I've already made on Try Not to Laugh, or jokes you think I would make. - Okay, I love that, okay. (quirky music) - Hi! (group laughs) Pizza please. (Shayne snorts) (bell dings) Hello. (group laughs) Is this a pizza place? Will somebody? (phone taps) Hey? (group laughs) - Yep. (Shayne giggles) (feet stomp) (drum music) - Listen up (yells unintelligibly)! (group laughs) (bell dings) There's not much gravity, so you gotta really flick 'em! Really flick 'em! (Noah screeches) (Noah screams) (Shayne laughs) (quirky music) - So, you must be the new assassino. (group laughs) (bell dings) - From the look at you, I don't know if you're prepared to take a man's life, but I guess I could train you. (Damien screams) Hm, seems reasonable. You didn't flinch even once. (group giggles) Impressive. I'm going to play Runescape Classic now. (Shayne laughs) (quirky music) (stool scrapes) (Noah imitates phone) - (Beep) Hold on, give me like 10 seconds. I see that you're the new fabric cutter Joanne's Fabrics. There's a hierarchy in this Joann's Fabrics. Ring the, ring, come on. (Noah imitates phone) (Shayne laughs) (bell dings) Hello? - Hi, Shayne? - Yes. - You have HPV. (group laughs) - Oh, what the? What the? (group laughs) - That counts. That was two of my jokes combined with one of your jokes. (group laughs) (quirky music) - Yeah, so me and my girlfriend, we were, you know, we were out on the town and we- - [Phone Voice] Read the Bible. (Shayne laughs) (bell chimes) Read the Bible, ha ha. - Yeah, we uh, - [Phone Voice] Read the (coughs), the Bible. (group laughs) I'm a white guy. (group laughs) - Shayne Topp, that's me, the Smosh guy. (group cheers) - Well, I don't know what I, I expected exactly that. So bravo to all of you. That was, man, that was great. Good job. Anyways, this has been Simon Says Try Not to Laugh. Let us know in the comments what other types of Try Not to Laughs you want to see, or suggestions for Simon Says Try Not to Laugh, because we'll go through and we'll see. I definitely need better suggestions. - Yeah, I love that, I love this. - But thank you guys for watching, and there's more for you to watch down here. - Whoa! - You can keep laughing! You're gonna keep laughing! Guys, I don't scream that much. - You scream a lot. You just screamed. - All the time. - You scream at me all the time. - I'm sorry. In the bathroom. - I'm sorry. - And make me cry. - I'm sorry. - She talked to me afterwards, she called me and said, "Is Shayne okay, 'cause he's really been rude lately." (group laughs) - My God!
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,329,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Try Not To Laugh Challenge #72 - Simon Says!, simon says, try not to laugh, try not to laugh challenge, tntl, 2021
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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