Try Not To Laugh Challenge #61

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(accordion honks) (accordion honks) (explodes) (bell dings) - Hey, what's up, guys! I'm down here right now! (laughing) - Why are you down there? - Cause I'm super comfortable! Hi! Welcome back to another episode of Try Not to Laugh! (all exclaiming) (shouting) - We're still trying! - You guys know how this whole shebang works. One of us sits here in the hot seat. We got a little harmonica in our mouth. It makes a little boop boop ba boop sound whenever we laugh, and we're just gonna give it a go - You got 30 seconds. - And try and make each other laugh. 30 seconds. 30 seconds. - It's 30 seconds, give or take five minutes. - Guys, we do new episodes of try not to laugh every other week so be sure to subscribe, and like this video and do the things that the youtubers do. All right, guys, who's up first? Olivia, do you wanna- Keith wants to go first! - Keith. - Uh oh! (explodes) - Are you ready for this? - Yes, I'm ready. (accordion honks) - Thought I was going to play the accordion. (chuckles) You're wrong. (intense orchestral music) (harmonica rings) (bell dings) (laughing) - What? (harmonica rings) (laughs) This is dumb. Stop. I hate this! (laughing) It doesn't look real. (swooshes) (Courtney claps) - Okay. This is Courtney trying things for the first time and committing super hard. First up, dancing like Michael Jackson. (upbeat dance music) (screams) (groans) - That's actually really nice. Courtney, that's really good for the first time. (screams) (buzzer buzzes) I'm really just impressed. (all laugh) (whooshes) (moans) - Keith Leak, Jr. In life, I was your best employee, Damien Haas. Now in death I'm the same, but I'm a ghost. You're gonna be visited by three spirits tonight. They're going to tell you all the same thing. Do you remember the time that we both learned like a TikTok dance together and talked about filming it together and then we never did it? - [Sarah] Aw. - I mean, that was pretty weird. (laughing) (bell dings) You didn't hit me up or anything. And you were like, "Oh for sure, brother." - You're making me feel really bad, and that did not happen. - No! It did happen! No! It did happen! Now you can feel bad. You don't remember. (chuckles) You remember the one? Where it's like (hums) (screaming) - Oh! Bro! No, he actually asked me to do it. I'm sorry. Do you want to do that? Should we do that today? I'm here. - Do it right now. - Let's do it right- I don't remember it. - Oh see! You don't remember it! (laughing) - Ho. (grunts) (bells jingling) (Carmen Habanera plays) Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. Ho. (laughing) Ho. Ho, ho. (harmonica rings) (bell dings) (shouting) (swooshes) - So this is Kimmy Jimenez's one year that she spent at a performing arts middle school, summed up. (laughing) - [Courtney] Hey, Kimmy. Thanks for coming. - Hey. - [Courtney] We'd love for you to read for this part. - I'm so excited! I'm gonna be a star. - [Courtney] Yeah. (laughing) Okay. So if you can just stand to camera left. - Huh? The ri- my left? - [Courtney] No. Camera left. Kimmy. - What? Is the? What side is that? - [Courtney] Just Kimmy, all you have to do is stand in the right position and then say the line. - I don't know where that is! There was just a stage left or stage right. (harmonica rings) (bell dings) (laughing) - I don't know. I'm gonna be here. Hi, my name is Jimmy Kiminez, and I'm auditioning for the role of the pauper. (laughing) - [Shayne] Jimmy Kiminez? (shrieks) (whooshes) - [Courtney] Those are real glasses. - [Keith] Those are real. - (sighs) No! My new year's resolution I promised myself I wouldn't do this! (groans) Oh, but I can't help it! No, don't do it, Olivia, don't. Don't do it. (groans) But I want to so bad. Okay. Come on. Oh no. I'm gonna do it. (yells) (barks) (laughing) (harmonica rings) (bell dings) (barks) (howls) (Shayne laughs) You get it? - You just a dog? - Yeah. (laughing) (whooshes) (enchanted piano music) - Wow. I've had a really good time on this whole date situation. It's crazy how much we have in common: two siblings we both have, we're both from not here, it's insane. I do have like one more question, and it will be a deal breaker. Um. Greymane or Battle-born? (harmonica rings) (bell dings) If you want to make it in Whiterun, you have to know whether you like Greymane or Battle-born. That's right, stranger. Ulfric Stormcloak is the true son of Skyrim! - What? - Greymane or Battle-born? (whooshes) (laughing) - Your eyes are not playing tricks on you, sweetie. I am the hottest (beep)ing grandma you've ever seen. (harmonica rings) (bell dings) Do you know where I can find a nice, white blond, blue-eyed, little something something that can blow my whistle? (catcall whistle) (harmonica rings) (laughing) (cheering) - This is what being on Twitter with no followers is like. (lighthearted accordion music) (lighthearted accordion music) Can't believe the 405 these days. So crowded. Why does everybody drive cars so much? (harmonica rings) (bell dings) (laughing) Wear a mask, idiots! (harmonica rings) Here's my Spotify wrapped if anybody wants to listen. (harmonica rings) (laughing) - Damn. (laughing) That was my Twitter account for years before I- - Same. (whooshes) (scats) (scats) - Hey. Do you want to say (beep) you to your coworkers? But also you like jazz? (laughing) (harmonica rings) (bell dings) - Why are you just the goofy movie? (all laughing) (whooshes) Here you go. Enjoy your order. - Yeah, Kylie, I finally feel like I fit in in society. It's pretty great. I um. Wow. Nice. (bell dings) Real nice, lady. That's fine. It's fine. I'm gonna go eat some like sour patch children. It's weird. Isn't it? It's weird, isn't it? Actually, Damien legit wants those. I love these. (whooshes) (drum beat plays) - There we go. What's that sound? - Sucking my (beep) - What's that sound? - I'm sucking my (beep). - What's that sound? - I'm sucking my (beep). - I don't need, you, bitch. I can suck my own (beep) (bell dings) (groans) - I'm so embarrassed. That song, Courtney, this is back in the Defy days. - Yeah. This is- I remember this. - That came from way back. (laughing) (cheering) - (laughs) I'm so excited. I've never been invited to a sleep over before. (harmonica rings) Thank you so much for inviting me, popular Sandy. What are all the fun, girly girl things we're going to get up to? Are we gonna like eat raw chicken? (bell dings) (laughing) I mean we're 27 years old. I don't know what else to do. (laughing) And that's it! (all clap) - I love that. - [Shayne] (sighs) Okay, guys. This is the moment. All our music that we've written down got burned in the fire. So we're just gonna have to go out and do our best. We've made it this far in the battle of the bands on our hearts and our minds and we're going to keep going with that, all right? - [Keith] All right. We got this. I'll follow your lead. - How's everyone doing? Um. I wanted to play some music for you. I'm sure you guys heard about the fire. (harmonica rings) But it's not gonna stop us. All right? (bangs drum) Three, two, one. (cacophonous instrumental music) (bell dings) (laughing) (yelps) (yells) (yelps) (yips) (yells) (yells) (yips) (yells) (yells) (yips) (yells) - Thank you. We have been Mumford and Sons. - What's that action movie with Michael Caine, and like the cute guy? - Batman. - They wear the suits. They wear the suits and then they go fight. - The Prestige. - Oh the Kingsman. - The Kingsman! You look like the main character from Kingsman! - You do! - Ha ha ha ha. So cool. So funny. - Hahaha. Golden circle. (chuckles) (whooshes) - Hey, babe. I'm back from the store. I got you that thing you wanted. I couldn't remember which (beep) problem you had so I just got both of these. (bell dings) (harmonica rings) (laughing) Pussy probs - (beeps) problems. (laughs) (intense percussion music) - All right. Everyone gather around. Ten hut! Get on in here, warriors! You guys, I gotta be honest. You were so bad at war today. (harmonica rings) (bell dings) I'm so disappointed in every one of you. We need to get out there and have some teamwork. - I'm sorry we failed you. - You did fail me. Now- - I'll do better in the next war. - They annexed Maine. (clapping) - Dang. (bells jingling) Ho! Ho! Ho! There's nothing that'll stop me from interacting with these kids. Even though it feels like I'm in jail and my kids are coming to visit me from Tennessee it's all good because I can still get to see them like this. Hey, little girl. How are you, even though this glass is in between us? Ho, ho, ho. (harmonica rings) (bell dings) Have you been naughty or nice? (harmonica rings) Have you-? Olivia, we didn't plan this. - Where'd the glass go? - Olivia, we did not plan this. The glass just like disappeared. Olivia, Olivia, you can't do that. - [Kimmy] Olivia just really wanted to lick you. - You want me to start over? You wanna start over? (groans) Olivia! You gotta stick to the freaking plan! - I forgot! I forgot! - Okay. Okay. So the glass, the glass. Do not walk past the glass. - Right, right. I forgot, I forgot. (beeps) - Hello, Santa (beep) (beep). - We do it one more time? - One more. Okay, okay. Hold on. Ho, ho, ho. We're gonna do this one more time. There's glass here, and I feel like I'm in jail. Ho, ho, ho, little girl, come the (beep) on. (laughing) (harmonica rings) There's glass right here. - Boing. Ow. Ow. (harmonica rings) (laughing) - I'm good. (laughs) (all laugh) - All right. Okay. Breathe in. (harmonica rings) Breathe out. (harmonica rings) Breathe in. (harmonica rings) Okay. Breathe out. (harmonica rings) - Goddamnit. - Okay. Um. So I'm not a doctor. (harmonica rings) (bell dings) (laughing) (whooshes) - [Courtney] This is a day in the life as those guys at the tennis matches that retrieve the balls. (pants) (laughing) (harmonica rings) (bell dings) (laughing) (whistle slides) (harmonica rings) (all laugh) (whistle slides up) - Well done. Well done. (claps) - Okay, guys, let's play charades. - I love this game! - I love this game. - Okay. So this is our thing. - I love this game. Where do we go? Where do we go? - You have to sit down. You sit down. Okay. Sit over there. - [Both] You're guessing. - How come I have to be the one that's guessing? - Just- - [Olivia] Is it because I- - Because that's the scene set up, Olivia! Okay. Ready? - Okay. All right. Current events. Current events. Okay. Here we go. (bell dings) - What do you think it is? (whams) - Oh, I know this one. High school musical? - You're a cyber bully. I don't like that. - Okay. (laughing) - Floor planning. (harmonica rings) (bell dings) (laughing) - What? I am so done. - Floor planning - I am done with Olivia. (laughs) - You told me to guess completely wrong! - Yeah, but I (stutters). Whatever. (whooshes) - [Shayne] This is my impression of someone who has played dark souls. Okay so Damien, in this scene, you are a, an army veteran. - Mm hmm - You're you're just sitting politely, just minding your own business, but you're in your military attire. (sighs) Oh, thank you for your service. Yeah. I've been through my own wars. Many. Like I've died a million times. You know? I know what it's like out there. Yeah. Nope. I've basically served. Basically. (harmonica rings) (bell dings) Played a little thing called Dark Souls. (harmonica rings) (sighs) After you play, you come back different. (laughing) - Is this how you see me? - No. I play dark souls, too. - (stutters) Well, dark souls one. (laughing) - Oh gosh. Wowza. It's so hard being the nerd in every teen movie that's ever been made. Whatever shall I freaking do? Oh, Oh my God. Oh my God. I know. (upbeat rock music) Now I'm hot! (harmonica rings) (bell dings) - Whoa! - I wonder if Josh will finally go to the prom with me. - Hell nah. (harmonica rings) (laughing) (whooshes) - Welcome to heaven, my child. I'm afraid you didn't survive the car crash, so this is a little bit of orientation. (clears throat) (plays accordion) ♪ Welcome to Heaven. ♪ ♪ Every religion's wrong. ♪ ♪ Let me tell you about heaven in my heaven song. ♪ ♪First, on Tuesdays taco day. ♪ ♪ On Sunday, we worship Satan, ♪ (bell dings) ♪ but that's not part ♪ of the religion. ♪ It's just a thing we like to do. ♪ (harmonica rings) - [Shayne] Welcome to ye olde giggle hut. Next up is our famous standup. Oh, he's a sinner. That's right. It's Sinbad. (laughing) - [Woman] Oh my God. (harmonica rings) (bell dings) (boings) - Oh, hey! Hey, everybody! How you doing out there? (cheering) Yeah. Hey. Yeah. Thank you guys. (beep) Hey, what's up with actual standup comics? I mean, they're not really that funny. (laughs) And they don't have a- (beep) - Get out of here! (cheering) Oh my gosh. I haven't seen you do the Freakaleak in so long. - [Kimmy] So this is, Ariana Grande but tall. (laughing) (funky techno music) Hi. (harmonica rings) (laughs) (harmonica rings) (bell dings) - What the (beep) - You've never seen the 27 year growth spurt? My voice sounds weird. (all laugh) - Height does that to people. - I have no idea what I just signed up for. Okay. - It's crazy. (laughing) It's so crazy actually. I can't believe it. Oh (beep) (beep). I hope he likes me. I hope he likes me. I can't believe I'm wearing this. I just couldn't close it. I don't know how to close it. Okay. (Courtney snorts) - Rubanca? (harmonica rings) (bell dings) (laughing) Are you pulling out a gun or a knife? Oh. Just a pipe. (laughing) - What the (beep) - Do you want to get married? - Yeah. (all laugh) - 2021, back in full swing. (clinks) (upbeat rock music) - Oh no. (groans) (harmonica rings) (bell dings) - It went in my nose. It went up my nose. - You didn't finish it. - I didn't even get that far. I saw a guy on TikTok chug a whole corona. (laughing) He was so cool. (upbeat rock music) (laughing) (coughing) - Wow. That's as far. Aw, man. That gave you so much pain. - Wow. - They're so good though. - That was really good. Wow. (clapping) Wait, it's done! We did it! - If you've seen other videos of ours, but you don't think you've seen all of them try one over here. - Try not to not, not watch every Smosh video on the internet challenge. (grunts) - Call out. - I wonder how long it takes to watch every single Smosh video known to man. - Try to see if you could watch every single Smosh video in the next day. - I'm gonna be here doing this till you do. - Yeah and you will be quizzed. Next up, two other videos. Stay tuned or just please click one cause we don't know how to that technology works. I don't know. I think there's a lot of play, but just pick one. Just pick one. There's literally two, so if you just pick one. - Can someone hit me on the back? Are you okay? Burp him.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,631,762
Rating: 4.9654288 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Try Not To Laugh Challenge #61, try not to laugh, tntl, 2021
Id: -LX9q6nmkBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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