Try Not To Laugh Challenge #67 - Hard Mode!

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- [Shayne] All right, Courtney, are you ready? (Courtney mmhmms) (lights click) (comedians shouting) (Shayne growls) (comedians laughing) (logo whooshes) (bell ringing) - Ooh! Welcome to another episode of "Try Not to Laugh!" (comedians shouting) You guys saw in the title, it's another episode of "Hard Mode!" (comedians shout) Everybody here starts with six points. When you're in the hot seat, if you laugh, you lose a point. - Oh. - If you hold strong, you gain a point. - Yeah. - And when you're performing, and you're trying to make the person laugh, if you make them laugh, you get a point. If you fail, you lose a point. - Ooh. - And we'll see who ends up with the most points at the end of the game. As of the last episode, Damien was reigning champion of "TNTL Hard Mode." (goat bleats) So he's here, he's back today to defend his title. Is anybody feeling confident today? - I still think it should've been Tommy, but I'm just happy to be here. (everyone laughs) We're all winners, guys. - I don't believe that at all. - We stan a humble king! - No, oh, don't. - I don't believe that at all. (comedians laugh) (dramatic whoosh) Sass, I'm Tom Hanks. Haha, oh, and what a nice day out today. - Hi there, I'm Tom Hanks. (Courtney and Shayne laughing) - Oh no! - Oh no! - Oh no! - I'm Tom Hanks! - I'm Tom Hanks! - I'm Tom Hanks! - No! - Hi, I'm Tom Hanks. - Oh no! - Oh no! - No! - I'm Tom Hanks! - Oh no, I'm Tom Hanks! - I'm Tom Hanks! - No! - Oh no! - I'm Tom Hanks. - I'm Tom Hanks. (Shayne and Courtney laughing) - She is, she is Tom Hanks! (buzzer buzzes) - Why didn't you commit? - [Jacklyn] Time! - Wow. (comedians clapping) (energetic brass band music) (tapping foot) - Trick or treat! Do you know what I am? I'll give you a hint! (comedians laughing) It's my dad. (crowd ohs) (comedians laugh) Yeah. (laughs) Oh. (comedians awing) (sad string music) Oh no. (groans) (doll splats) I just ranched. (comedians awing) You made me ranch. I'm gonna tell my dad, and he's gonna beat you up! - Hanks, I'm Tom Hanks. (buzzer buzzes) - He can't drive here, but he's gonna walk! - [Shayne] Hey, Billy, Roger the grief comic is here! (Ian laughing) - Hey! Hey Billy! I heard that your dog has been feeling not quite great. Aw, that's just too bad! (comedians laughing) Well, your parents told me all about Sparky. He seems like, seemed like a great dog. Hmm, you know, he's, he went away to the hospital a couple of days ago. And how should I put this? He, uh, he, uh, he, uh, kabloom! (harmonica sounding) (comedians laughing) - I literally said to Noah backstage, how are we ever going to use that as a prop? - Straight up. - Like- (downbeat piano music) - Hello, it's Freya. I am the director of people also known as Kitty HR. I know our owner's been streaming a lot of "Stardew Valley," and he's been getting (comedians laughing) a little crazy, mau. (comedians laugh) But really, he is going to feed us, and we will not, no, Zelda, we will not starve, mau. (comedians laugh and aw) Oh, Zelda, mau! Are you, oh my God, why haven't you come in sooner? Mau, oh my God, Zelda, is that you? Zelda, no! You look so, I know he didn't put out water, he's been streaming so much lately! (comedians laughing) He's been on Twitch every single night, talking to his clever group, meow! (comedians laughing) (Jacklyn gagging) - Oh no, hairball. (buzzer buzzes) - Aw! - Guys, I gotta tell you, Jackie, you were real close until you acted out my pets dying a slow death! - (laughs) I know! - And next step on the green is Collum Mecklenburg. Now he is lining up, he's getting comfortable, getting ready for this drive. All right, look at that stance. Oh, oh. (comedians laughing) Look at that, and he seems to be doing a special technique, he's spinning the club around in order to get centripetal force. And now look at that, he seems to be distracting the other players. Oh my gosh. (comedians laughing) He's playing golf like no one's ever seen. And this why this man has won 13 jackets in the last three- (harmonica sounding) (comedians laughing) - Nice! (comedians applauding) - [Ian] Was that "Star Wars" kid? - [Shayne] That was a little bit of "Star Wars" kid thrown in there! - [Ian] Yeah, that was good. (dramatic whooshing) - Hi, welcome to Bennigan's! (comedians laughing) I hear we have a first timer here! (giggling) (comedians laughing) Oh, what can I get started for you today? Bennigan's, where kids eat free or we kill your dog. (comedians laughing) (Courtney mms) Hey, welcome to Bennigan's. Please, leave while you still can, there's still time for you. (comedians laughing) (harmonica sounding) Quickly, my training is almost over. - [Courtney] God! - Achoo, oh no! - I don't know what Bennigan's is. - You've given me the gift of sight. (Courtney gurgles) (warm string music) (Jacklyn laughing) - Yes, queen. (comedians laugh) Yes, Queen. Yes, queen! Yes, queen. (thumping synthesizer music) Yes, queen. Yes, queen. (drum thumping) Yes, queen! You are a queen! You are a queen! You are a queen! - No! (buzzer buzzes) (comedians laugh and clap) - Oh my God! - Oh. - All right, bring in my next patient, please. - Hey there, doc. - Hey, what seems to bring you in today? - I don't know, there seems to be a problem with my feet, they feel really bloated. - Oopsy doopsy, let's take a look at those tootsies. - Yeah, lemme just take these off real quick. Oh my gosh, they're stuck. - Those bloated little tootsies. - Oh my gosh, okay. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - They look really bloated, right? - Yeah, that'll do it, that'll do it. - [Noah] Well, yeah, you're gonna have to check them out, right? And that'll take like a long time, it'll be inconvenient. - Well, lemme just get a little bit closer to those feetsies. (Courtney groans) - Pause! (laughs) I'm Adam Sandler from the movie, "Click!" And this is "Click 2!" Fast forward! (Damien burbling) (Noah laughing) What the pause! (Noah laughing) (harmonica sounding) - What the? (rustic guitar music) - Hmm. Hey there, little lady. It's me and my wife, Sally. She's a caterpillar, yeah. Yeah, we've been all places, this man and this girl, Sally. (harmonica sounding) (comedians laughing) - What? - Yep, we've been in a lot of places, me and this girl have. (producer and Courtney laughing) - [Shayne] All right, Courtney, are you ready? (Courtney mmhmms) (lights click) (comedians shouting) (Shayne growls) (comedians laughing) - Hah. (lights click) (comedians laughing) - [Noah] Shayne? - [Shyane] What? (comedians laughing) - You're so stupid! (dramatic whooshing) Oh my God, no! I do not wanna do this today. If I do this, right, oh my God, if I do this, it's gonna affect my whole day. God. Why is this a thing? Like, why do we have to do this? Like, why does this exist? Oh God. Fine. - [Voice On Phone] Thank you for calling Spectrum internet, please remember that all calls are being recorded for training purposes. For billing, press one. For internet services, press two. To be on hold all (bleep) day and be completely neglected by our corporate company, press three. (producer laughs) To be absolutely stepped on and obliterated by a daddy dom- (comedians laughing) (harmonica sounding) (comedians cheering and applauding) - Berries. - Excuse me, did you say berries? (comedians laughing) Berries and what else? - Um, cream? - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! (comedians laughing) Berries and cream, berries and cream, I'm a little lad who loves berries and cream! - [Producer] Yay! - Berries and cream, berries and cream! I loves berries and cream! (comedians laughing) - Yay! - Oh my God! - Hee-yah! - (bleep)! - Oh yeah, hell yeah! - Oh, oh God! - Mm, the berries, mm, mm! - This is how it ends! This is what it's probably like for people to sit next to Ian on a flight. (comedians laughing) Oh, you mind if I scoot in there, thanks. (light guitar music) I hear these types of planes crash all the time. (comedians laughing) I was reading, yeah, those apparently explode. Yeah. They, you think you'd die fast, but you probably die very slowly. (comedians laughing) And you experience it like all. (Shayne laughs) Sorry, I saw something really (bleep)ed up. (harmonica sounding) (comedians laughing) (tambourine clinking) - We- (comedians laughing) - Okay, just give it a second, he's gonna get to the good part. - Ell, I love my friends and I love my hat, I love my dog and I love my cat, but still, I have one question, that's where's Anthony? - Oh! - Oh! - Where? So, all I want is Anthony, and all I want is Anthony! - And all I want is Anthony! - And all I want is Anthony! - And all I want is Anthony! - And all I want is Anthony! - And all I want is Anthony! (comedians clapping) For real, though, thank you for my job! (buzzer buzzes) (comedians laughing) - [Damien] Cut back to Anthony! - [Courtney] Yeah! (piano tones) - Hmm, I remember the chorus, but (bleep). I need to look at my notes. Okay. Oh, I wrote it down. Okay, wait, wait, wait. (discordant piano tones) Okay, hold on. (laughs) (comedians laughing) Okay. Can I just sing you the chorus? Okay. (Courtney laughs) (piano tones) ♪ Ian is the head bitch in charge ♪ ♪ He's the bitch in charge ♪ ♪ He's the bitch in charge ♪ ♪ Ian is the head bitch in charge ♪ ♪ Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch ♪ ♪ Ian is the bitch in charge ♪ ♪ Ian is the bitch in charge ♪ (Ian clapping hands) ♪ Ian is the bitch in charge ♪ ♪ Ian is the bitch in charge ♪ ♪ Diggy dog, diggy dog, diggy dog, diggy dog, diggy ♪ ♪ Ian is the bitch in charge ♪ ♪ Nuh, nuh-huh, nuh, nuh-nuh, nuh ♪ (buzzer buzzes) ♪ Ian is the bitch that's in charge ♪ - Yeah! (comedians clapping) (dramatic whooshing) - [Shayne] Welcome back to any Lifetime movie. (Damien sighs) - Well, I'm all done cleaning out those gutters, Ms. Duke Marriott. I guess if that's all, then let's get to the tutoring. (Courtney laughing) I think it's admirable that you're going back to college after leaving your husband, and finding your own way in life. I feel like there's so many things I can teach you. So let's start with long division. Basically, you're gonna have to, (comedians laughing) you make a little bracket right here. Yeah, right there, real close. Oh, uh-oh, act two, I'm pragant. - [Ian] Oh no! - I peed all over this box. Turns out I'm pragant. (comedians laughing) (buzzer buzzing) Dammit. (comedians clapping) - [Courtney] We need all actors to set, repeat, actors to set, please, thank you. - Hey, if you're uncomfortable, if this is your first sex scene, don't worry, I've done a lot of them. (comedians laughing) And we're not really naked, it's in a sock. And also, don't worry, my wife's here to watch. (comedians laughing) Hey honey. - Hi. (comedians laughing) Good luck, Ruben. - Thanks. - I wish it was me, it's not, but it's fine. - Anyway, so, we're in cave, there's a bear in the back. You know, there's no firewood, nothing, so this is our last resort, you know, for body heat. - He likes being tickled on his lower back. (comedians laughing) It's funny! - Oh! (buzzer buzzes) (comedians laughing and clapping) - What the (bleep), yeah, guys! (mysterious orchestral music) - Okay. (comedians laughing) - So, what's under your robe? Do you wanna know what's under my robe? (producer laughing) (comedians laughing) - What? What? - Just, just hats. (harmonica sounding) (comedians laughing) - I hate you so much. It's so stupid. (elegant regal music) - Oh. Oh, my God. Oh no. (Courtney laughing) Cinderella dropped her shoe. And by the looks at it, she will totally step on my balls. (funky porno music) (comedians laughing) (harmonica sounding) (Jacklyn laughing) - Oh no! What's up with that? - Da boopa, doopa, doop, boop boop! Ah! (stool clattering) Hello everybody, I'm Bumbling Bob. (comedians laughing) Not to be confused with Crumbling Rob. Everywhere I go, I step on things, like stools, cars, and chicken wings! One time, I went hiking, I tripped and I fell! An hour a, wait, no. (comedians laughing) Hold on. Wait, stop the timer. - Okay. - Oh, that's what it was. Every time I go hiking, I fall down a hill! And one time, I, about an hour ago, ate a cyanide pill! (Ian thunks) - Hi, I'm Crumbling Rob. (comedians laughing) Not to be confused with Bumbling Bob, who is now dead. And you're the main suspect. (comedians laughing) (buzzer buzzes) - Oh! - Oh! (comedians clapping) Wow. (dramatic whooshing) - This is the Super Bowl. (crowd cheering) I can't come cracking, just, oh! Oh my God, Juh, oh! What. I didn't do it, that bitch was trying to get naked. What do you mean? (comedians laughing) Justin, why won't you defend me? I dunno, I was too busy (bleep)ing Britney, I don't know! Oh my God, my breast is out on the TV! I'm sorry, I was in NSync, I'm sorry. Oh my God, why won't you support me? I'm Justin Timberlake. (laughs) (comedians laughing) (buzzer buzzing) - [Courtney] Oh my God! - Oh no. - In the comments. (Noah clapping hands) (grabber clinking) - Man! Community service sucks. Ah, not even any trash around here. (thumping hip-hop music) Oh! (harmonica sounds) I'm sorry, sir, I was just trying to pick up that dump trunk, (harmonica sounding) dump truck ass! (comedians laughing) (harmonica sounding) - Dump trunk. We now return to! Oh, sorry. (harmonica sounding) (comedians laughing) - Yeah! (harmonica sounding) Standing- - What was that crap? Okay, I'll go over here, I'll just give you, I'll give you the rest. (harmonica sounds) (comedians laughing) But it's not gonna do that again. (harmonica sounding) We now return to The Adventures of (bleep)man, the man who (bleep) himself! (triumphant fanfare music) Hello, I'm (bleep)man, the man who (bleep) himself! (harmonica sounding) Wanna see me run fast? (harmonica sounding) - Oh my God! - Yeah! - Yeah! (dramatic whooshing) (upbeat guitar music) - I paid money for this to happen. (fists thunking) (intense "Punch-Out" music) (comedians laughing) Okay, okay. Okay, okay. Okay, okay. (comedians laughing) (fists thunking) Oh yeah, thank you, thanks, yeah. Do you need more money? (buzzer buzzing) (comedians laughing) - Why aren't you (bleep)ing laughed? (Noah laughs) I'm so sorry. Oh my God. - That was what they asked, that's what they asked for. - Dad, dad, I just invented hentai! ♪ You are the one that I love ♪ ♪ You are the woman I love ♪ ♪ You are the man that I see ♪ ♪ You are the girl I smell ♪ ♪ You are the one that I smell ♪ ♪ You are the girl that I see ♪ (harmonica sounding) ♪ You are the man that I love ♪ ♪ You are the one that I see ♪ - Thank you. - All right, oh! (lights click) I have been with a white man before. (harmonica sounding) (comedians laughing) - Konnichiwa, fellow otaku. (comedians laughing) Is this your first time at that tentacle hentai convention? (comedians laughing) - He's squirming! - So, who do you prefer? Mikasa or Armin? (comedians laughing) Good Mythical Morning! (comedians laughing) (harmonica sounding) - Okay. Thanks so much for this opportunity. I'm really glad I got to do this for you guys. So, just when the green light is? Okay. Okay. (ukulele tones) Thank you for calling Spectrum internet. (comedians laugh) We know we've probably (bleep)ed up somehow. Oh, sorry? You don't want me to say that? Okay, okay, sorry, sorry. Welcome to Spectrum internet, thank you for calling sec-sec-sex room. Do you wanna get stepped on by a daddy dom? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Oh, lemme do it again. I'll do it again. (comedians laughing) (ukulele tones) Thank you for calling Spectrum internet. For what, for billing, for sex, for button, we something, (comedians laughing) we are a deteriorating corrupt corporate company, and please give us your money. We want your money, and we will step on you, and we'll give you wifi. (ukulele tones) (comedians laughing) (buzzer buzzes) (comedians clapping) No! - You almost went Jeff Goldblum there. Well, uh, well, uh. That's the game, everyone. Here are the "Hard Mode" results. In fourth place with two points, we have Noah! In third place with four points, we have Courtney! In second place with six points, we have Jackie and Ian! And in first place with nine points, we have a tie between Damien and Shayne! (crowd cheers and applauds) (triumphant fanfare) We did it! - We did it! - Wow! - [Ian] They share the goat! - You share the goat! - We're both the goat! - You're the go, I'm the at! (Damien and Shayne laughing) - So Damien, you and I are now tied. - Yes. - The goats of- - Yes. - "Try Not to Laugh: Hard Mode." - For sure. (Courtney mmhmms) - Which means, in the next episode, we gotta break this tie. ♪ Tie breaker ♪ - Oh, yeah, what kind of pants are you gonna wear for the next one? - I'm gonna wear the exact same pants. - Great, good luck, 'cause these were on clearance, and I think they're gonna be pretty hard to find. - (laughs) Oh! - Yeah, at Ace House. - You know what else is hard to find? Not more funny Smosh videos! (group laughing) - Yeah! - Hey, come on, guess what! - Guess what? Both of them are right here, you can click on this side of the screen, you can click on that side of the screen. You can hit subscribe, notification bell. Who else wants to tell them what to do? - Eh. - You told them, you Soulja Boy told them. - Oh, Soulja Boy, tell them to comment down below as well, and give a like on this video. - You mean the video game mogul, Soulja Boy?
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,222,805
Rating: 4.9683347 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Try Not To Laugh Challenge #67 - Hard Mode!, try not to laugh challenge
Id: Wzm-kbZe5nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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