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[Music] watch this hello Pizza Hut Oh baby we back it's another try not to laugh we're very excited we're very stub look at guys we have two of probably my favorite guests we've ever had on this show we've got jacksFilms we've got Eric come Internet comment etiquette I'm actually not kidding I am definitely geeking out these are my favorite channels I've watched a lot of this stuff it's really great mostly airing I second that yeah he's the funny one no touching and before we begin make sure to punch that notification Bell dropkick it slap it uh whoa verbally say mean things to it whatever you want to do are you guys ready this is my impression of you I think I've been doing it so long I'm just running out of ideas you know I like I just I want to make you laugh know what I was doing whose side are you on I mean I'm like impersonating [Applause] nobody's allowed to use it ever again this is the end of it welcome back everybody my name is chef grenadine we're gonna be roasting your lame-ass Bali your shoes look like you still live up a Polly Pocket what's your deal the crack nothing L did you laugh at crack he had so much more prepared Olivia save it no it was he in put stuff in his mouth in every episode Mandy delivery was a success I want to say here he is Benjamin Button it's an old prospector and anything Olivia has never been this easy to bring this up Eric watch my baby watch my baby watch it spiral well yeah are you are you okay today alright crack king of the physical pain no way crazy Jory broke me you don't have to read break me pretend I am the Jason Mraz of kuba my name is Alfonso and you wanna pay me $100 what is the taste and wrath of Juke I don't know what that me I'm so sorry but also with the work in a future post-apocalyptic world too hot space cops must solve yeah David dystopian space crimes Devin I don't know who killed these people but we have to find them right now if we don't then [Applause] that's just Talent hey how's it going I'm your babysitter yeah there goes that bit all right welcome back to baby food so normally baby foo you think that we teach babies how did you come to but I'm actually gonna teach you how to protect yourself from babies let's say baby want some milky you know but it's too late for the milky you know baby all right that says number one let's say you know baby wants to suck up some titties you know and he's too late suck on you know is it no baby it's only cuz I do that every day oh so is that that's everyone okay do I list my favorite if you could I mean blind man Eric is pretty huh pretty tough to be like game over I trained our Daniel day-lewis is that right very matte very Airy watch this hello Pizza Hut I'm a registered sex offender watch this though hello Taco Bell I'm a registered sex offender watch this though hello Karen why the [ __ ] won't you go out with me we all know I'm Karen am i right look at all these limbs I found the other day it's pretty crazy none of them are mine allow me to introduce myself my name is bolus then I think about a lot of lenses are you gonna get us they say and you know every see [Applause] [Music] you get it you know who I am and you know I am why don't you call me anywhere daddy I got someone you want to talk to [Music] [Applause] how did I immediately know it's Total Recall I was just like yeah God imagine if that movie as dark as it is if it was just the sweetest looking puppet for that alright I'll just get that door for you there you go and we are off nice night for a drive a Miss tonight of course being August 31st 1997 any particular music you want to listen to Princess Diana there was a whole second bid I had planned with Courtney where you find out she's still alive and everything's fine I sue hey what's that in the road right there hey I'm time shower and you two are the only one that can can help me save the world in the future but what about our responsibilities on earth won't people notice that we're gone Oh so we'll be okay saving a different time line Thank You Courtney I did it we did it way wider No so this is the promo shoot of War of the Worlds Dakota Fanning Tom Cruise [Music] act natural Dakota did you don't even use a crew member it's still the weirdest thing I've ever seen you know those were all really solid I managed to hold my own on a couple of them yeah and Courtney gotta give props to Jax for shouting out my own joke and really taking it to another level another criminal level was not expecting Damien to come in with where I ended it the darkest joke ever said but then he kept going and it's not bad it had a twist and it was great to see that play out all right ready to begin our Metallica tribute band so look I think we've lost our minds this a a meeting sucks show me your moves falcon pawnch yes how long have you been planning on the inter Sandman I've had it for a long time and I knew I could only use it on you I wasn't sure who else would get it Enter Sandman Willy Wonka yeah so good and now for an interpretive dance by Bobby [Music] I was lacking I just have a really big mouth I'm able to slosh the water as they get cheat code yeah Tommy's just been at home drinking all my Pinot oh yeah I know three you know hey did you read the hoagie I did throw nice I know you got the syringe yeah that's nice no I kind of look like my husband do you want no I can hook up some more sure thought you wanted us to shoot up here whose insulin hey everyone I'm Jeff Dunham and I'm here with my brand-new commie puppet boner say hi boner all right hey liberals bonus boner no that's not nice Donald Trump for president Oh where's Boehner why are you so weirdly Republican he knew I'm gonna be able to play like like a wood or instrument after this you're strengthening my lives stretching that my cheeks are doing yeah it could be a natural Neil Armstrong after this sickest joke the sickest joke [Music] cuz like I look like a crow in this and this is like fro was i holding it upside down mm-hmm I didn't realize that welcome I don't deserve it laughs honestly I'm really sorry we're all black you guys are all very funny I think Shane you were my favorite one but I figured out the trick and I didn't have enough water in my mouth I think I would okay cuz that was pretty beautiful like not even a comedic way just like you gave that away you could have you could make something Madame an show as a whole body I just become erect also is that a mosquito condom I don't know we have some weird things yeah Courtney oh oh you look really different from the tinder hi I'm I'm Jeff I live with my lovely mother Barbara um I don't like to be touched intercourse is off the table let's talk about anime Wow welcome to Chevys would you like the mariachi play music okay thanks are you saying like you're a condom so you protects from yeah various it was nice get out of here this is how you properly clean in here you stick your index finger again like on the drum well that was just for daiquiri yeah yeah we the council of the academy of weird sounds hereby banished Courtney Miller for the use of illegal sounds pertaining to but not limited to that sounded to make when you run yo fork across the surface of mac and cheese that sounded to make a when you stick a snorkel up n hole that sounded make a when you slap a dinghy with an banana that sound its maker when you bump your balls into a pasta of or text only council members yeah you got any gas I'm so close to home like a block I couldn't find the other one you swing [Applause] Wow Bravo y'all got me so Courtney what do you think oh my god my face those hands down my favorite weird sound Academy you guys you don't know I've outgoing character again and then nice weird noise Academy weird sounds well Bravo to all of us but mainly Bravo to jacksFilms an internet comment indicate you guys killed it make sure to check out their channels they are incredible and also make sure to hit that Bell didn't hit it hey now we'll see you next time oh you dad bye goodbye goodbye get out get out of my room man I can't believe jacksFilms did my joke better Eric and Jack just the best boys hey click this video over here for a playlist of all the try not to laughs and click this video over here for a video made just for you [Music] you
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 6,581,016
Rating: 4.9348364 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, try not to laugh, smosh try not to laugh, jacksfilms, internet etiquette, internet comment etiquette, you laugh you lose, ian hecox, courtney miller, shayne topp, challenge, tntl, smosh tntl
Id: -PljiVXB6X4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 51sec (1311 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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