Try Not To Laugh Challenge #55 - Disney Edition!

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- Candy. - Oh, look at this beautiful forest. - Oh, happy clouds. - What's up, you guys? - Hey, hello. - Hey, did you all get to stay human for your whole movie? (people laugh) (harmonica music) (bell dings) (people laughing) - Hi there, welcome to another episode of Try Not To Laugh. Today's episode is special because we're doing all Disney themed. - Oh wow, Disney. - Kind of. Fairy tales, whatever props we were able to find. That's what we got back there, so yeah, Try Not To Laugh. You know how it do. Someone in here, they gotta try not to laugh. We got harmonicas. You know, it makes a fun noise. If you want to stick around and watch more of these videos when they come out, make sure to hit subscribe so you know when they're here. - There's a special guest in the audience today. Keith is here, guys. (audience laughs) (audience claps) - [Man] Oh god. - When Keith is here, I really have to perform. - Oh my toy, I'm done playing with it. I hope toys don't come alive. That'd be crazy. Anyways, sure hope it doesn't see me getting undressed. (harmonica music) (audience laughs) Oh no. Sure hope it doesn't see my little tush. (laughs) I got you with a horny joke. (gentle music) - Yes, I just got the most excellent news. I finally booked a role. It's going to be the mother in a Disney princess movie. I haven't seen the script yet, but I have a feeling the role is going to be huge. I'll probably be in it the whole time. That's right, the mother in a Disney movie. In a Disney princess movie. (harmonica music) The mother, a huge role. Why, name three? Okay, there's... (audience laughs) (harmonica music) (audience laughs) (dramatic orchestral music) (harmonica music) - Oh dear. It seems Coachella is completely empty this year. R2, where are you? (audience laughs) - I laughed, I laughed. - [Man] Oh dear, I had just escaped the Death Star. (audience laughs) R2. R2. (playful music) - Oh. - Oh god. - Oh, I'm saved. It's the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on. (harmonica music) Please, all I need from you is a single kiss. For you see, I'm not a prince. I'm a toad and also my brother wants some, if that's cool. (audience laughs) Oh okay, sorry, is that weird? - [Woman] No, I do it all the time. (piano music) - I'm a caterpillar. (moans) (harmonica music) (moaning) I am a beautiful butterfly. (audience laughs) (bird squawking) Finally, I'm... (screams) (women screaming) - [Woman] I can't do it! I can't do it! (audience claps) - That was so sad. (audience laughs) Also, she doesn't know that I hate butterflies. (audience groans) - [Man] Oh wow, she doesn't know that. (upbeat music) - Riku. (harmonica music) Kingdom Hearts is light. Light is strongest in darkness. Maybe he's right. - [Woman] Gorsh. (harmonica music) (audience laughs) - Just Courtney shyly in the corner going, "Gorsh." - [Woman] I kind of like that. (tense music) - I know what it looks like, but no, I'm just doing the mocap for the new E.T. movie. E.T. phone home. (harmonica music) (audience laughs) (women giggling) - I like cotton candy. - Oh, look at this beautiful forest. - Oh, happy clouds. - Hey, what's up, guys? - Hey, hello. - Hey, did y'all get to stay human for your whole movie? (harmonica music) (audience laughs) - [Man] Oh my god. That's amazing. (audience claps) - Oh my god. (playful music) - [Woman] Oh, sorry. Oh man. Oh, hey, Jeremy. - Hey, Petunia, thanks for coming to my sex picnic. (harmonica music) (audience laughs) - [Woman] Yeah, that was my first time. - Well, good thing you brought food and a whip. - [Woman] I did, I thought it was going to be good. - All we do here. - Yeah. We dress up as Disney characters and have sex. - That's correct. (harmonica music) (audience laughs) - Yep. - Oh, what a beautiful morning. Me, a Disney princess. Wouldn't it be so lovely to start the day with a song with my lovely animals? (piano music) ♪ Oh, animals ♪ - [Man] Hey, I know you. You're that one lady. - Yeah. - Yeah, we saw you eat a bunch of chicken nuggets, you hypocrite. (harmonica music) - Yeah, it's pretty fucked up. I'm a goddamn sparrow and I see you eating chicken. I'm related to them, I think. (people chattering) - [Man] I once saw you eat a squirrel, snatch it straight out of the tree without even looking. (mysterious music) - Oh boy. Okay. - Poof. - Whoa. - Ooh. (harmonica music) Thank you for releasing me from my prison that I was in for a crime. I'm the Prince of Boo-Hoo. Now you're my wife. Ooh, now you're my wife. - Make it stop, make it stop. - Does this make it better or worse? - No, why are they way up here? - It's normal for my people. (man laughs) I'm a rabbit prince man. I was in there for crimes. - Yeah. - Woo. (mysterious music) (audience chuckles) (piano music) - Have you seen Fantasia? - [Man] Mm-hmm. (audience laughs) (piano music) (woman clears throat) (scats) (harmonica music) (audience laughs) - [Woman] Yes! (air horn buzzes) (audience claps and cheers) - Guys, I think the rest of us have to leave. (audience laughs) (brass music) - My son. Young prince. Today, you become a man. It's finally the day that you head off to the greatest test. You head off to Self Fucking School today. (harmonica music) Yes. I'm very proud of you. And I know you're thinking you can't do this, but I believe in you. Never forget that. (audience laughs) (harmonica music) And son, and son, and son. I'll leave you with these parting words. Go fuck yourself. - [Man] Yeah. (audience claps and cheers) - [Man] Introducing the most annoying couple ever. - A Disney themed marriage, that's what I want. I want to dress up as Minnie Mouse. - And I'm dressing up as Woody, partner. - And we want to get... (audience laughs) - I don't wanna see the rest. I don't want to imagine it. That wins. I don't want to see the Pinterest photos. I don't care. (magical music) - I'm very busy. I'm busy today. - Ma'am, the coffee you asked for. - Thank you so much. Oh, Ryan. Ryan? - Yeah? - Can you come back here for a second please? (audience gasps) (Ryan yells) (harmonica music) Why the hell is it not in my special sipping mug? - God, I'm sorry! - I'm the producer of this show and how am I supposed to preach positivity if you're like that? - I'm sorry. - I just want to say that I was appalled to hear about the actings of my other producers. (audience laughs) I'm solving the problem. I'm solving the problem. I want to apologize on behalf of everyone else. - [Man] That's so good. - I will fix it. - [Woman] Hey. How you doing? Just kind of wanted to shoot my shot, you know? (harmonica music) (audience laughs) Yeah, I missed. - Oh my god. - [Woman] I'm a virgin because I keep missing. Okay, I gotta go. (audience laughs) - [Man] Hell of a shot, kid, that was one in a million. (children chattering) - Goddammit. (piano music) I can't do this anymore. They just keep smiling. They tell you to keep smiling. I can't fucking do this anymore. They can't make me keep doing this anymore. - [Man] Attention, all workers, your lunch break is now over. (woman yells) - That's my only break. (harmonica music) - [Man] Susan, I'm talking just to you. Smile. (woman yells) The children can hear you in distress. (audience laughs) - God. - Well, hello there, BB-8. You know whose birthday it is? ♪ Happy, happy birthday just for you ♪ ♪ Happy, happy birthday you ♪ ♪ Your parents got me off of Craigslist ♪ ♪ And they're paying me in food ♪ Happy birthday. (audience cheers and claps) They told me you like Star Wars. No? Oh, I'm at the wrong house. (audience laughs) (harmonica music) (audience claps and cheers) (tone beeping) - Ah, I broke my (beeps) leg. Stop, we gotta stop. Stop the race. (harmonica music) Stop the race. Stop, you gotta stop. I broke my leg. (tone beeping) (tambourine shaking) ♪ It's the circle of life ♪ (cat meows) ♪ And it moves through us all ♪ ♪ It's the circle of life ♪ (harmonica music) - You can't copyright that? Copyright that. - Is this? What is this thing called again? - BB-8. - All right. (audience groans) (playful music) Is BB hungry? Nah, BB-8. (audience laughs) (harmonica music) - [Man] Yeah. We'll be right back after this break. (audience laughs) - Oh my god, this is the worst day. I have never babysat a droid before. This is a lot. Oh my god, I'm calling the parents. Hi, this is too much, I can't do it. (man speaking in foreign language) What? No, I can't babysit for six more hours. It's gonna give me a concussion. (man speaking in foreign language) What do you mean they have... A diaper? (harmonica music) What comes out? Cool, it's Twi'lek speech. I don't know if you got that. - I did. - Deep cut. (groovy music) - So, hey, big boy. What brings you to this part of Main Street? (audience laughs) If you want, we could head to Adventureland. (harmonica music) (audience laughs) (melancholy music) - Yeah, I'm Grumpy. (audience laughs) You'd be grumpy too if you had to live with six other men. (harmonica music) (audience laughs) And we gotta share the same woman. - [Man] Oh my god. (audience laughs) - I mean, I get no time. I'm just like, "High Ho." (audience laughs) - I've seen some shit, man. I've seen some shit, man, and I know what I saw. I saw a young girl talking to a tree and it talked back. (harmonica music) It talked back. I saw another young lady turn into a frog. And you know what happened? She turned a man into a frog and I'm trying not to get turned into a frog today and it's not the lead. It's not the lead, I know what I saw. I'm so sorry, where are my manners? Lead? (harmonica music) (audience laughs) - [Man] Lead? (audience claps) - Mad Hatter, hell yes. (playful music) - Princess? There she is. Sleeping Beauty. Just one kiss will awaken her. (woman slurps) (harmonica music) Okay. Here I go. (woman slurps) Oh, wow. (harmonica music) (audience laughs) That's a lot. That's moving a little fast. Oh, okay. I guess she does understand what's happening a little. (woman slurps) No. (audience laughs) - Oh my god. (audience laughs) Oh my god, I love it so much. (peaceful music) - Mm. (harmonica music) Sorry. (women laugh) Enter. (harmonica music) - Oh, the princess. (harmonica music) With just one kiss, I will awaken her. And here I go. - I'm horny. (harmonica music) (audience laughs) - [Man] And now for the DVD re-release. Unproblematic Jar Jar Binks. - [Man] Hey, what's up, Ani? Yeah, I just think it'd probably be smarter if you didn't get in that space fighter. (harmonica music) Yeah, also, there's something up with your blood. I can see it. Yeah, all right. (harmonica music) (audience laughs) - He's better now. - All right. (man mumbling) - This sucks. (harmonica music) My mom's so stupid. Frick, man. I just want to hang out and smoke. - [Woman] Son? - What, yeah, Mom? - Son? Son, make sure you go out and do something evil today. - Oh my god, Mom. My mom's Maleficent. It sucks. God, I just want to do something good. (audience laughs) (harmonica music) - That was amazing. You guys made me laugh. - That was so fun. - I liked the theme. - Yeah. - It was nice. - It definitely inspires more ideas when it's a theme like that. If you guys have any other ideas for themes, post in the comments. We'll love to check those out and we also have a Reddit if you guys want to post there as well. Comedy's our thing. It's what we love, it's our passion. We love being silly and goofy and random. We have lots of other silly, goofy, random videos if you want to check them out. We have two right here just for you, just for you only and only you can see them. - Don't tell anybody. - You, the person watching right now. Nobody else can see them.
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,438,540
Rating: 4.9721375 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Try Not To Laugh Challenge #55 - Disney Edition!, try not to laugh challenge, disney, disney parody
Id: P4REVV141oU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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