Treasure Hunter Unearths INCREDIBLE Rare & Valuable Revolutionary War Artifact

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[Music] all right we're in August starting the end of warm weather is in sight [Music] all right well longtime subscribers may know that I if I find something good really good I have to go back and check the area usually multiple times just to you know just to be safe I didn't miss anything this is my first trip back to where I found the Adriel the best thing I've ever found by far I'm getting a little bit nervous because I just found it a 50 target like right next to it I'll show you this is where the Brielle was this is my new target it was kind of chunky with iron there was a little bit of a mid-tone in there and I popped the plug in the mid-tone it's nice and loud now so we're gonna film the rest of this it's actually like a 49 it's alright it's a little different to button it's a button alright gold rings up in that range on my metal detector and I figured if they dropped a coin that big such a high value thought maybe there'd be a chance there might be a gold coin in there but uh end up being a little Tom back button maybe this was the button that was holding the coin in the pocket could be all right let's check one more time and then we'll move on [Music] so we finally made it up to the top of the mountain and we're back in this pine forest at a site that we discovered at the end of a previous video the video where I found the enormous atrial Spanish coin from 1780 we did find a pewter spoon in the area which indicates that it's of the same era at that that reales basement is much more modest than the main basement but who knows maybe it was the same property same people unfortunately my town doesn't have much information on this site going back that far excited let's get started alright first target on this return trip to this new site and the first item is another pewter spoon alright well so far we've got two spoons here very good sign it's an old one let's keep going alright we got a pretty nice target here real close to the surface 77 well said a coin already we just got here Wow crazy alright let's see if we can clean it off together here whoa looks like it's in really good shape see that there's a bus there all right let me get up my toothbrush Wow that's ensue pergurt shape that's crazy well that's a george ii back unfortunately isn't that great yeah might clean up alright we should we get it date off of it well there's definitely something down there I think I can just barely make out the last digit as being an eight or a two not sure but um you know the more I look at this it's still you know seventeen twenty something to seventeen sixty something old old copper coin and in such great condition I'm happy crazy - I just got here alright well let's see what else we can find alright so I am in the base of the cellar and this is what I think it is it's my first let's see what do you think is that a spur this appears to be brass yeah definitely it's cool whatever it is I wonder if there's a design or something down here and I'll see anything this is full of dirt here in here they appear to be different lengths I don't know you guys let me know I'm gonna call it spur for now but uh pretty awesome regardless big piece of brass like this in a colonial cellar let's get going I showed these uh flowers a couple videos ago and I got a couple comments on them so I thought I explained what they are a little bit so these go by a bunch of different names I grew up calling them ghost flowers I think they're called ghost pipes Indian pipes glass flowers glass pipes a bunch of different names but what makes them interesting I think is they don't have any chlorophyll so they're essentially clear in some spots and so they don't get any nutrients from the Sun and so essentially there are a parasite since they don't get their nutrients from the Sun they feed off of funghi that's in the ground which is then feeding on you know dead material so they're not particularly rare you know I can see three or four patches of them right here but to have a very short lifespan they're in femorals so after a good rain they'll pop up do the thing and then die in a very short period of time I think it's pretty cool and plus they look cool and with the name like like a ghost flower come on all right let's see if we can find a few more things all right check it out it's another shoe buckle I've been on a roll finding shoe buckles the last few videos look at that that is absolutely beautiful it's broken but they often are it still has both internal pieces look at that has a beautiful pattern around the outside see that these still even have their teeth a lot of time the teeth break off but this one still has them that is absolutely beautiful well look at that it still moves geez this thing's been in the ground for almost 300 years and it still works does this one move yeah they both still move crazy that's unbelievable all right we're gonna try to transport this home so it doesn't break pack it tight awesome all right we've got another pretty nice target here just a 75 there's a little bit of iron in there so it might be a nail see pretty confident it's in my shovel here find it well look Shh another coin Wow Wow another coin all right see if we can get this one cleaned up geez this one's in super good condition - must be the soil here it's treating these really really well let's see Wow look at that crazy how good that is let's get this I cleaned off Wow holy mackerel look at that 1775 clear as day unbelievable that's unbelievable 1775 this is a George the third better-known over here as the king who lost America I don't think I've ever dug a copper so old in such good condition these soil conditions are just amazing look at that Shh that is absolutely beautiful - sense all right well let's keep going well because of you know where I am the things we found here in the past making it a point to dig anything I'm just a little bit unsure about which yielded us the infamous axe head I dig these quite often I typically don't show them just because in this part of the country logging was a big part of life around here so we find these a lot I'm quite a ways away from the home site and I'm always wondering how they wind up out here do they I assume maybe they break oh look at that there's still wood in there I mean it's barely wood but do they break the handle and lose the head this would have been important back then I can't imagine why they would discard it and I can't imagine they would easily lose it but we find them a lot anyway that's pretty cool unfortunately I'm not gonna carry this out I'm gonna leave it by the seller and let the landowner know that's where it is if they want to retrieve it but uh too heavy for me to carry out it's cool though all right let's keep going so a couple people and some recent videos in the comments section have asked about my my holsters that I wear on my belt so I just thought I'd talk about them for a second my winter hobby here in the Northeast unfortunately can't be metal detecting because of the snow that we get so a few years ago I picked up leather working and so I make holsters I made my own holsters and if you go to my website I sell some holsters there too for metal detecting so this here is my pinpointer holster and it's just all veg to another and I've been using this one for three years and the dirt doesn't affect it every once in a while I'll just wipe it off and give it a coat of boots foot oil it's good to go and then I also made and I also made the holster for my Glock that I don't always carry but if I'm in the middle of nowhere like I am today I usually have it on me come across too many bear and moose out here to thunder to not carry something so yeah so I make my own holsters and unfortunately I can't make you a holster for your handgun because I need the handgun to size the holster and mold it and everything and it's too much of a pain to try to ship stuff like that back and forth so if you need a something for your pin pointer or your digger make bigger holsters as well all right getting pretty close to half and get out of here we'll see if we can find a few more Thanks [Music] I got a little target here that I thought for sure was gonna be another modern bullet I think that it's a piece of brass I just peeked at it it's a very peculiar shape and what the heck is this ever it is very decorative that discussion I guess drawer hardware that's probably what it was maybe the side of a drawer pull whatever it is it's it's very pretty it's actually pretty heavy for being I assume assume it's brass that's pretty cool cool fine let's keep going all right we we've got another really beautiful target here it was under this log man doesn't get better than that 85 on them no see if we can actually get our pin pointer to read it just like this just a little bit right there I wanna make sure we shovel this out so we don't hit it whatever it is well that's it a belt buckle look at that right that's what that is or a buckle of some kind what the heck is gonna be on the front of a colonial buckle oh my god all right whoo all right let's see oh okay please be a design please be a design please be a design ooh there's something on there whoa 53 53 53 all right well your guess is as good as mine I'm gonna have to do some research on that one so today is a few days later and I had some time to research the buckle and it turns out I have a right to be excited about it it's British it's Revolutionary War era it belonged to a soldier of the 53rd regiment of foot who were involved in a ton of campaigns and raids in the colonies during the Revolutionary War they were specifically in Vermont during the Royalton raid in Royalton Vermont where they and some natives burned three towns so anyway very excited posting through social media other people were very excited about it and definitely fine to remember so we'll go back to the clip of me not knowing what the heck it is I found holy mackerel the kind of wish I didn't hit it with my shovel I don't know is that a regiment of some kind I really don't know I'm just taking shots in the dark guesses here but that 53 has to represent something I don't know what it is but I'm excited about it finding a buckle like this with with something I can research super exciting it's actually it's actually a stamp on the back hang on a second right here and now if I can figure that out I'll let you know that'll be a good place to start researching this unbelievable all right let's keep going a little bit longer it looks like it's starting to rain incredible alright well I don't know if you could tell but it is incredibly dark out and the rain is coming and going but it seems like it's just about to start so we're gonna make this quick all right we have oh here it comes we have to colonial coppers they're both British and they're both in immaculate condition I can't believe the kind of soil this site has we have this beautiful shoe buckle this buckle that I have no idea if I should be excited about it or not I'm gonna I'm gonna be excited about it until I learn otherwise but that that is prep I don't know that's I'm excited about it we have our potential stirrup again it seems a little small but yeah I don't know maybe people were smaller back then yikes it's getting loud out here we have two pewter spoons back here big one and just a handle I actually did find this also it's I mean it's not doesn't go to this but it also goes to a shoe buckle and what do we find one two three four five six seven buttons so I am legitimately a little nervous because I've got maybe a 45-minute hike through just trayless mountain and it's starting to downpour but if you see this video I made it home just fine thanks for watching I hope you had as much fun as I did and hopefully I'll see you you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 235,562
Rating: 4.9350829 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, treasure hunting, real treasure, best metal detecting finds, belt plate, 53rd regiment of foot, british belt buckle, 53rd regiment, coins, old coins, relics, mysterious, history, amazing, gmmd, find adventure, new england, buried treasure
Id: dyxGWy6-oYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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