PILE of Old Coins FOUND Metal Detecting Frozen Mountain Ruins

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well Mike and I are out on 20 degree day that's freedom degrees Fahrenheit and the wind is blowing we've got maybe an inch of snow in the ground all right in the heart of right Hill season oh I tailed deer season it's pretty dumb pretty dumb movie out here today but we're here we hiked 40 minutes or so to be here or at an old home site we think we don't know anything about it really but we're here and we're gonna try to find a few things to make a day of it we both have our hot hands packets going cold it's very cold so we're gonna see what we can find all right we've got our first really nice target here it's a 1991 look either that's a big piece of brass or something more exciting oh sweet it is a big piece of brass but check this out it's a giant buckle well if you can see that let me turn this camera a little bit that's awesome I'm more than happy with that no it's big it's brass but it's a nice old horse tack buckle beautiful you owe me a dollar right there first coin I'm not sure what it is but the size of a large cent yeah I think that's what it is alright let me get it cleaned up a little bit alright I don't know if you can make that out it is a large cent it's one of the later ones I can't quite make out the date but how many guesses 1840s maybe somewhere on there which is plenty old it is uh freezing out right now it's clearly old stuff here it's a promise thing spend a little bit more time and see if we can find a few more things awesome I just got a really weird thing here mystery item just saying it looks like the looks like our logo it's funny I think it's led it's pretty soft it's pretty cool whatever it is lightning bolt mountains we got a good target here eighty-six oh I see it it's a large coin right here that was not very deep Oh miss another large cent this one looks like it's actually in really pretty good shape wow that's a little older than the other one it's pretty worn though this side is immaculate the date side not so much look at that it's in super good condition there's a little date down there the sight is amazing all right two copper coins on the board here awesome is that nice so Mike and I just came across something I have never seen in my entire life look at that is that I'm gonna take a piece yeah that's ice that's so bizarre how do you suspect that happens it's all over right here here else here here that's so weird they're like crystals but like fingers step on it I could be bad luck crazy just poking up out of the ground all right it's gone [Music] Mike just called me over he thinks he has a point you write on the edge of the road huh you've had a lot of luck in the road for sure that's a coin yeah it's all wet huh that's what I do there it is you see it the bust is facing right well I think you have a classic head it's they were only made a few years I think that's what it is yeah it's a classic head that's like 18 10 18 somewhere around there that's older than the other ones that I found you got your large set that's your first Larson right those shoes in better condition but still there's more here for sure supposed to throw that right yeah first one yep yep you bite it in half friend day to my place all right check this out I can see a little bit of poking out of the hole here I think I know what it is awesome look at that I think that's silver plated brass but that is just a huge serving spoon could've been a fork I suppose but they're usually split is it head awesome everyone thought it was Tom Bakk or pewter or something but I definitely think it's a silver plated brass certainly had some money up here it's pretty uncommon up in these mountains cellars but every once in a while awesome let's keep going man what a place this has been I just got a super faint high tone it didn't feel like getting out my camera it's so cold like if my fingers but it's another coin another big copper coin looks like it's another large cent this one's pretty crusted up in that very Gris copper rust let's see if I can get it cleaned up well I can just tell that she's facing the left probably not gonna get a date off this one either but it's not their old copper coin from the 1800s unbelievable sitting out here under the ground hundreds of years all right let's keep going got an awesome place well we find a lot of buttons out here a lot of buttons but uh don't find a lot of these yeah that's a four-hole brass button this is the second one I found today never find these supercool from what I understand these were underwear buns yeah underwears and undergarments could be anything not just what we think of as underwear because they would lay flat against the body very cool awesome they're this throw the bag keep going man oh man I'm gonna have to stop digging these high tones save some for a return trip because I just got another coin in credible and this one has a beautiful date on it check this out it's like 1838 you can make that out this one's an awesome shape back it's actually not all that great but this side is really good 18:38 holy smokes alright coppers galore today all large sense I'd love to find a piece of silver from this era he clearly had enough money to drop let's keep going well it's taking a little break here you'll have to excuse my marble mouth my lips are no the hard time talking and it is so cold out right now I have a lithium battery in my metal detector rechargeable and they do not like the cold my phone is almost dead alkaline batteries just do a little bit better but I don't think we're gonna be out here much longer because of the cold and all of our equipment alright spend some more time soon we'll find a few more things [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well the wind is picking up so I apologize if microphones going nuts I just got a sweet little fine check this out it's so amazing it's a little Tom Bakk bell it's what you'd call a Conestoga Bell I could hang off what you would call the Conestoga wagon more than likely clangers gone but yeah they they could I mean this could have been on anything really but I seen them a lot on these wooden poles whole string of them and then they would all move at once and fing ding ding ding ding that's an awesome find awesome alright well hey I don't see any initials or anything let's keep going see them to find some more stuff here [Music] nice is it a coin but oh it is a bun oh wait there's no way that's a but let's look let's drink this is a coin that's exactly look you can see it says it has the wreaths for where it said one cent on the back so there's the wreath for the back of the the large cent or maybe it is a large cent seems small well I guess it is a large son I thought it looked small in your hand Mike but you just must have been gonna be Emily hands made it look smaller but it has two holes in it which could be two things it could either have been turned into a button which is less likely then it was turned into a wizard toy by a kid which is they would put a string through and they would go like this with the string and go woo and you find a lot of things with holes in it like that that there turn into the toys which one sent I guess was cheaper than buying the kid a toy here here's a penny go have fun that's really cool I've I don't think I've ever found a large cent turned into a wizard I put a lot of bottom and I've seen pictures of them awesome good job Mike see it we have here another copper coin ma'am unbelievable another one it's like it's not that large cent so a large set this one is pretty smooth I don't think we're gonna get a date off that one but the design should give us a date range yeah we just barely make out the 1 cent on the back of this one man the winds are whipping up here check this out I think with that note I'm gonna start picking up I am freezing awesome let's get all the stuff out and see what we found today all right well this place is incredible between Mike and I we found seven coppers and we maybe spent five hours detecting today maybe not that much a lot of it was hiking around trying to stay warm but we have to get out of here because the Sun sets so early this time of year and we're both freezing I can barely talk like what we found check that out so from right to left this is a spoon Bowl this is actually I think that's really cool Mike found that that's a chronal Bell a jingle bell that's been broken and flattened that's really cool I've never seen anything like that my big horse tack buckle which I'll probably repurpose I've repurposed these in the past I have one on my metal detector bag I just think they're awesome they sign up beautiful I've got my green mountain belts acting logo I don't know what that is Mike found this spoon Bowl and you know what I think it might actually go to mice my spoon handle I found that's pretty awesome six buttons all nondescript no military buttons or anything and then we have our coins seven all and one of them was a is a child's Whizzer toy which is awesome most of them the dates can't be read but they're all like 1810 to 1840 or so and my little bell which I'm really excited about it's really cool maybe I'll even be able to fashion a a new clangor in there there goes everything all right awesome day oh and I have a little musket ball a little teeny tiny one all right so this may or may not be the last trip this year for metal detector hopefully we'll have some more metal detecting videos before spring but if not hope for a short winter thanks for watching we'll see you soon
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 279,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, treasure, treasure hunting, old coins, large cents, cellar hole, mountain climbing, hiking, outdoors, best metal detecting finds, gmmd, history, adventure, new england, incredible finds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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