Strange Artifacts and Unexpected Treasures Found Metal Detecting

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[Music] [Music] all right we're at it again we're up to a place that I visited in the very early spring and I'm excited about it because this is where I found my first and only Vermont copper which I've been looking for my entire life and when I found it on camera I couldn't make it out I didn't know what it was so I didn't have a chance to get excited about it I got excited about it once I got home and cleaned it up and figured out what it was so anyway we're back up here today we're going to revisit some of the same places we spent time flat last time and see if we can find some more stuff the weather today is pretty hit or miss it did brain this morning and but now the sun is shining and then who knows what's gonna happen the rest of the day so hopefully we won't get wet probably will give it our track record all right we're gonna keep going and see if we find something all right well I think I just found the handle of a little spoon but I have never seen one this shape before you think pretty sure that's pewter for clean there's no maker's marks on the back but that's interesting I'm gonna guess that that's what that is I'm soaking here to be a little design on the the ball end here but it doesn't look like there is that's cool anyways that's not a shape I've seen before but I'm gonna guess that it's a little little tiny spoon or fork I suppose but they're usually spoons cool let's keep moving what well I I just had a heart attack and I just woke up again this is not what it looks like unfortunately but this is unfortunately plated gold it looks like a pretty good plate it's still it's still mostly on there but I can see on the back the gold is flaking off a little bit I'm not entirely sure what this is maybe it was a leather adornment not sure but it's got very good plating on it all right well what's been a little bit more time in this area man I thought for sure that was a coin all right well we got a kind of interesting little thing here pretty sure it's made out of the lead at first I thought it was going to be a bail seal but you can see it has a shape to it that is not indicative of a Bale seal trying to figure out if there's anything on the face but don't think there is you know not really no no it's definitely led and looks like it was melted onto maybe a bottle top don't know you guys let me know what you think piece of lead looks an awful lot like a top to a bottle nothing on top pretty cool let's keep moving so I just thought this was kind of cool I'm right next to this blow over kind of a little one it must have been very dead this birch tree and I just looked at where the roots pulled out and check it out there's a piece of brick and I did swing my metal detector around here and I heard a big piece of iron look at this just stick in there it's probably part of a hoe but I just thought squirrels throwing acorns at me over there I just thought that was pretty cool that just uh blow over with a bunch of old stuff exposed cool we're gonna spend some more time around here and see if we can find some stuff in the ground well we cut yet another mystery item here is lead again it does not appear to have any writing or anything on it no designs it's just a flat kind of tapered on the ends piece of lead I don't know that's a tough one to know for sure but it's pretty interesting clearly old based on where we found it throw in the bag all right we got a really nice target here on the upper range of the machine and it was very crunchy so I wasn't sure I was gonna dig it decided to spend the time and we're gonna we're gonna see what it is here little further oh there it is nice it's just a little buckle I think it might be a coin but it's a little brass buckle this is probably horse tech but it's definitely an old one cool well I'll take that make sense being up here all right let's keep going all right we've got a bit of a crunchy high-tone here it's 74 it's awfully loud see oh my god come look at this cut this just popped out of the hole ooh that fell off let's see if maybe we can get identification off it yeah fraid not it is pretty smooth that's okay we know it's a coin and judging by the area and the other things that have been found here it's probably British colonial at the very least might be a state coin but regardless any coin is a good coin in my book that's exciting alright let's keep looking alright well I was walking through and I saw a piece of glass shining at me and it's green and I wasn't sure if it was old or not it's quite thick so I spent some more time looking around and I spotted this which is certainly older it says field I believe field mass I'm gonna guess that's a springfield mass it's got a lot of that purple color to it it's been sitting on the surface for a long time and after the last bottle that I found recently I decided to throw up a probe in my backpack and I it's not it's nothing official this is actually a gun cleaning rod that I lost the other end to and now all I'm gonna do is walk around here a little bit and just bury it in the ground and if I'm lucky I'll hear that sound and I don't mean there's more glass or maybe even a full bottle in there so we're gonna look around and if we don't find anything we're just going to move on but that's what I'm going to do [Music] nothing no more I mean there might be but not that I was able to find so we're gonna keep walking and there might be a dump somewhere around here that mean there's got to be but maybe somebody was just sitting on the Stonewall hundred years ago drinking soda or beer tossing the bottles hard to say we're gonna keep going see if we find a few more things before rains again so I was walking along the Stonewall again I did spot another piece of glass and just yank this out piece of uh maybe a lamp and I made my way along the wall and look at this what do you think this was still got some of his teeth this has been out here a while it's bleached out yeah I'm gonna say that's either yeah I can't imagine that's a cat I think that's probably a raccoon it's pretty cool I'm not sure where the rest of him went but we'll leave them right there [Music] well just like most of my trips out I've got a pretty good handful of buttons already you know mid 1800s brass buttons and this is the first I've pulled out I'll choose I think it's a button yeah I'm pretty sure it's fun um this is the first I've pulled out that's this big Co button size of course the the holy grail of big buttons is that it's a George Washington or even a loyalist of some kind but appears to just be blank and see that there's a little tiny dimple back here which is where the shank would have been attached and most likely would have been gold-plated or maybe silver-plated I'm so I was coin there for a second it's not it's no button still cool alright with the rest of them man we are on a roll today with mystery items this is again I think pewter and I'm wondering if maybe it's a drawer pull but I don't know that's again what not something I've seen before this is a don't know a hole I guess maybe it could be like a leather adornment something pretty maybe it was functional tie down or something but we're in an old spot so I have to assume it is also old alright let's keep going all right well I spoke too soon that mystery item just came out of that hole here I'll get it out again here it is and I rechecked the hole and there's something else is down in here I already pulled it out I just need to clean it off still it's kind of a crunchy mid-tone the heck is this that looks like it went like this or maybe like this do this like slip on here was this like the lid to a little pot a little teapot or something interesting maybe it goes this way no no you guys let me know what you think I'm gonna I'm gonna call it a mystery item for now and happy to hear suggestions all right moving on so as you probably noticed in recent videos probably a lot in this video I've been filming a lot of mushrooms I don't know if it has to do with the amount of rain that we've had recently but the sheer abundance of a variety of mushrooms that are up right now is crazy I've never seen anything like this in the woods some of them I I know you know the the oyster mushrooms and the chicken of the woods and stuff but the some of these are like very alien looking it's pretty cool which is why I'm filming them I know a lot of you folks are very knowledgeable and mushrooms and you're always letting me know in the comments of the videos which ones are good to eat and i truly appreciate that i'm gonna have to buy a book with photos in it maybe for next year and i'll try my hand at foraging some of these but you know i'm not sure i like mushrooms enough to risk picking the wrong ones and eating them clearly a lot of people do but i don't know seems a little bit risky to me so anyway we're gonna keep walking I still know what the weather's doing it gets real dark and then it the Sun comes out I don't know we'll see we're gonna go see if we can find some more stuff that that are not mushrooms [Music] all right I'm sure you can see it this this had me fooled this I thought for sure was going to be a button but clearly it's not that is a silver coin use my water here if I had to guess based on what we found here in the past I'd say it's Spanish let's see this yep that looks like a half rial oh man this place is amazing let's wipe the date just a little bit here 1773 looks like that is beautiful well the coin isn't in great shape but it looks like there was a root laying up against it that discoloration right there that's what I'm guessing and it's very very white which is the water will do this to silver coins turn them white like this man that is amazing all right well you know I've said this in the past just thinking about how a couple hundred years ago people are using foreign coins Spanish and British somebody dropped this and here we are all this time later you can find it and it's just incredible man what's going on lately with Spanish silver but yeah I'm not complaining it crazy all right well don't think we're gonna do any better than this today so we're gonna we're gonna pack up and do a quick recap II get out of here [Music] all right well this place does not disappoint the first time I was here kind of Vermont copper and the second time I was here Spanish silver half real crazy we did pretty well today we found two coins and then a whole mess of mystery items all right well starting from the top we have our brass buckle we have a whole mess of you know lead ammunition here musket balls and there's a deer slug in there we have a handle of a iron spoon you know usually there Brassard or pewter but this one this one's iron a couple rivets brass rivets we have three buttons this I believe is a spoon handle our mystery lead shim thing how our mystery lid I don't know led to something finally our mystery led cap a little gold thing unfortunately a broken in the case it was not affixed very very strongly whatever it is and then lastly our mystery copper if I am able to figure out what it is you'll know and of course our Spanish half real amazing these things never get old 1773 awesome all right folks well today wound up being another amazing day up here on the mountain both weather-wise it's blue skies now it must be 90 degrees and also when it comes to what we found you know I didn't have a ton of optimism today the last time I was here I walked all day to find what I found again we walked all day but we did all right on a day like today with the weather and birds are chirpin and chipmunks are running around today would be worth just coming out and spending time in the woods and hiking but found treasure while we were at it which makes it all the better so I had a ton of fun today I hope you enjoyed watching thanks [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 97,156
Rating: 4.9630575 out of 5
Keywords: coins, old coins, relics, cellar hole, mysterious, garrett at pro, vermont, history, amazing, discovery, buried treasure, find adventure, best metal detecting finds, new england, gmmd, silver coins, spanish silver, reales
Id: gbYsWTCGlDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 31 2018
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