Treasure Hunter Finally Finds What He's Been Searching For

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[Music] [Music] folks well today we are spending this beautiful autumn day out here up in the mountains of Vermont hiking this old road to go to a place that I found in a previous video I never mentioned it I just cannot stop thinking about it some of you may remember back in the springtime I was out on this piece of property hiking through these fields which obviously they're not fields anymore 200 years ago they were sheep fields hoping to find a place where some Revolutionary War troops that use this road kind of parked off and spent the night or something and I did find a us a button which was incredible look at that USA you've got to be kidding me that day as I said I didn't didn't mention in the video I found a fairly large Patrick I'm here with my metal detector and I spent about 20 minutes there and I really didn't find much but nails but I just could not stop thinking about this place all summer was that so we're back again today to kind of sift through those nails see if we can find something else unless somebody threw a bucket of nails out in a field there was a structure there and hopefully somebody lived there used the building for something and we can find something amongst those nails we got a ways to go I don't exactly remember where it was kind of all looks the same up tailors this direction up [Music] [Music] all right well I believe we have arrived like I said it all kind of looks the same out here but I do vaguely remember this kind of peak in the Stonewall right here a little piece of flat quartz on top pretty sure this is the spot we're gonna get the metal detector out try to find this place again with all the nails something I noticed is there's no break in this stone wall oftentimes if there was a home out here it'd be a place to you know get to the road from the home I don't see one of those but let's see so we're gonna spend our time sifting through these nails trying to find something interesting and I'm gonna dig every target that sounds like something more than a nail even things that are ironed that are larger can be interesting and can maybe shine some light on what this place was let's see what we can find all right well I'm wandering around in this patch of iron that we found as expected their nails a lot a lot a lot of nails and so far not very many non-ferrous targets that's okay our plan is to sift through this and see what else we can find I'm trying to determine if people stayed here for any period of time I'm hoping they did and the thing that I just found here I think it's a pretty good sign of that it's hard to tell and the only reason I know what this is is because I've found many of them in the past although I will say I've never found one with this shape before this would have had it looks like probably wood and scales on here maybe bone and this was a fork and there would have been probably two prongs and used for eating eating a meal out here so that's good sign people were here at least for a night the nails obviously they would have built something here they would've been here longer than one night but hopefully while they were here they dropped a few things besides their color II see if we can find some of that all right well we finally got our first non-ferrous non iron target here and it appears to be a very old pewter button it does still have the shank on the back and I'm just going to get a toothbrush and very carefully wipe that see if maybe there's something on there nope doesn't appear as though it's like it's bits blank but the little pewter button this is a good sign this is probably mid maybe early 1700s in a good spot all right well I just found something I thought was gonna be another nail I've been taking a lot of nails today I'm not sure what it is I'm on the fence and I found things similar to this in the past and I think that the consensus in the comment section of the videos was that it was a wedge for me like an axe but it's got this curve to it and appears to be broken here I'm wondering if this is actually one of the tines on the back of a claw hammer pretty interesting for a piece of iron maybe we can find the rest of the hammer all right well it's been pretty slow going digging all this iron looking for the non-ferrous stuff but it seems to have just paid off again we can identify it as a shoe buckle or knee or hat buckle with a pin still intact there would have been you know Fork and a shape there as well that's long gone unfortunately very cool colonial early 1700s I would guess awesome well if you couldn't tell or just past peak foliage right now in the mountains of Vermont down in town the leaves aren't quite this far but the elevation that I'm at right now there are a lot of bear trees out here it's a very interesting time to be in the woods a lot of the songbirds are gone the geese are gone it's very quiet out here got the wind through the leaves and stuff but don't hear any animals you know in the summer time you can hear Chipmunks racing around across the stone walls but it's quiet it's nice little eerie that's nice we're gonna keep going girls like [Music] all right well this is a pretty common find it actually sounded pretty good on the metal detector because of the hole in it probably guess what that is chain link pretty much unchanged how they are today except this would have been made by a blacksmith with a hammer which is pretty impressive if you think about it how much time and effort would have gone into something like a chain again typically wouldn't show you on any other day but today anything but a nail is getting me excited so a lot of people comment on just how soft our soil is here and you know I can't disagree and a lot of people often ask how deep the stuff is that we typically find most places I go in the woods if you can get the plug out and see how thick this plug is this is all topsoil usually right beneath this plug is a layer of harder soil like clay and most stuff will sink through the top soil over time over a hundred years and sit on top of that clay you don't usually find stuff incredibly deep in the woods in cornfields and stuff you will because the plow puts it underneath quite deep this hole however I hit the clay this is the harder stuff and in the target was still deeper so I dug and I dug and I dug and way way down here we have another shoe buckle fragment I don't think that it's the same let me get it out I'm quite a distance from where I found this other one though that might be the same one I guess there would be this side because this is the center well that's pretty cool I'm you know I'm not convinced I think this one is skinnier I think these are two different two different buckles well hey shoe buckles is a good sign hopefully we can find a full one out here although judging by the condition these are in probably not all right well as the day goes on uh non-iron targets are harder harder to come by we just got one and very similar to our first find except this one is most likely a spoon handle does appear to be pewter because how much it's falling apart and some of them hold up and some of them don't looks like this one actually had a plating of some kind but you can see here just on the back it might have been a very kind of modest silver plate which is mostly gone now that's what that is you can see the spine on the back of it here would have been a a spoon long ago you know I find utensil handles pretty regularly but it always feels a little bit different when you find one so old what were they doing out here and where did they go all right well I can't believe it cannot believe it I was just it was a not a great target like the rest of them today and this caught my eye spent a couple minutes looking at this I was like oh wow look at this it's like a whatever it was it had some glaze on it I thought it was a brick at first I had an interesting back on here okay put to decide continue with my whole check it out I think this is a coin unless it's a button shaking a little bit this today's been such a long day fighting through all these nails man what in the world is this seems to be quite a bit of text on there all right I'm not gonna brush it I'm not gonna do anything I'm gonna try to pop this soil off all right we're gonna get the flashlight out see what we got here no no way no way oh my god I can't believe it aah can you see this check it out this right here see if I can get it just the right way is a Sun peeking over some mountains this is actually one of my logos that I use for the channel it's a coin that I've never found legible I did find one and I had to go through some extreme measures in order to identify it it was absolutely smooth and I used some acid and I was able to to ID it but it is it it was nowhere near this this was the top of my bucket list this is the thing that I've always wanted to find and in the condition that it is I haven't even mentioned what it is this is a Vermont copper this is a Vermont NC 'm Vermont copper coin so up up here you can see the SI um of Vermont NC 'm there's the little there's the Sun looking over the mountains with the trees in credible there it is there's my my white whale beautiful be hard to beat that today let's keep sticking around here and see what else we can find [Music] man I can't describe how excited I am about finding that Vermont coin I've just been standing here staring at it you know it's not incredibly valuable as far as coins go from that time but having been born in Vermont living here my whole life being in love with this place finally finding the Vermont coin it's hard to describe beautiful day foliage these are all turned perfect time strange place to find it not much here buttons to buckles in on Vermont coin in incredible we're gonna keep going see what else we can find here maybe we'll find some more but even if we don't [Music] all right well I've been chasing this one around for a while it was a pretty good target despite its size there's a lot of iron in here I took a bunch of nails out of here but we're able to find this teeny-tiny a little ball of lead which from what I understand was a projectile very similar to our shotguns of today they would put a bunch of these down the barrel instead of you know one big musket ball and they'd all come out and give you a better chance of hitting a bird or a small animal like a squirrel or something it doesn't look like this was actually shot we're like right next to where all these nails are and stuff so this was probably dropped when they were throwing them in their pocket or something to go off for the day's meal that's good find unbelievably we actually got a good target here like a 70 sounds like a button maybe but we'll see I don't know there seems to be some iron and staining of the soil here so it's in my hand certainly button awesome you know some days I find a dozen of these big flat colonial buttons yeah but a day like today where wasn't expecting much in terms of non-ferrous targets this is a very very welcome surprise think that there's any designs on there but just to be sure we're gonna get the toothbrush out check it out I'm afraid not but it does have the shank still on there and I can tell by kind of the different colored patches here that this was at one time plated and probably gold or silver beautiful alright well this is a great sign if there's targets like this out here there's got to be more right all right well I just dug what I thought was gonna be another nail I got it in my hand I still thought it was a nail but it is a piece of brass here and it is check it out another shoe buckle fragment man yeah head looks like as a pretty nice well padded on there this again based on the curve of it here it would have had a pin going through this way some inner workings here which was probably iron was a shoe buckle a small one by the looks of it from what I understand knee buckles were a little bit less curved now I suppose this could have been on a hat of a stereotypical pilgrim I'm pretty sure that the jury is still out if there was a real difference between hat buckles and shoe buckles both awesome well you know what this although is only a fragment some people who are in this hobby go their whole lives without finding a piece of shoe buckle which just happened to live in the right spot and these things come up pretty regularly but work pretty hard for this thing today so on that note let's get out all the nails all the non nails let's see what we found at this mysterious place well I didn't start out the day super optimistic that we were gonna find anything interesting I was hoping that if we sifted through those nails we'd find a few things but man that Vermont coin exceeded my expectations wildly I've got everything set out here let's take a look alright so it was quite slim pickins today but you know Vermont copper and the shoe buckles it's it's hard to be des tough some incredible finds you found a spoon handle on fork handle and this is a broken knife and then this is a much more substantial knife blade this might have been a folder it's just much more substantial we got our chain link this potentially piece of a hammer I guess it could also be a wedge for for a tool for our tool handle this I actually found in the same hole as this piece of shoe buckle which I'm wondering if this is part of it and this is also more of the same one this is definitely a second different buckle and then this is then a third different buckle so we've got three different incomplete shoe buckles here we have one big brass button and then one two three four pewter buttons all of which are in not very good shape I just took one handful of nails out of my out of my bag I have more a lot of the nails are like this completely corroded covered in the iron nodules and then some of them still are usable feasibly but there were a lot of them and then how can we forget star of the show here the Vermont 10cm Vermont copper maybe you can see here I just took a little bit of oil from my skin very lightly rubbed it and it kind of made all of the high points a darker color this will fade away probably by the time I get home but it'll give me a chance to clean it up you can see the star on the back that's beautiful look how crude it is isn't it incredible all right folks I'm gonna get home and I get that coin behind glass in a prominent place in my collection and I probably stare at it all week thanks again for watching I hope you had as much fun out here as I did today hopefully I'll see you next time you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 132,770
Rating: 4.9522619 out of 5
Keywords: adventure, Vermont, best metal detecting finds, metal detecting finds, metal detector, metal detecting coins, metal detecting videos, treasure hunting, metal detecting shovel, metal detecting tips, metal detecting, treasure, old coins, cellar hole, history, incredible, amazing, gmmd, stone walls, mystery, ghost town, 2019, New England
Id: h_9eqHuYsKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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