I Would Never Have Metal Detected Here - Glad I Did!!

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[Music] okay folks write it again up here in the mountains of Vermont and today we're going to kind of a unique place the tops of these mountains have never been very good for farming though that didn't stop people from trying but something that Vermont is very good at growing is trees if you look at aerial maps of the Vermont mountains it is just absolutely littered with old kilns for making charcoal now I've metal detected a few charcoal operations up here never had very much luck and I saw this place on one of my maps and I just never asked the landowner of permission because I didn't have high hopes for it but he reached out to me and said hey Brad you have this charcoal operation up here there's a couple old kilns that are still standing it turns out that a family purchased this land and lived in one of the buildings that was up here which was probably the office and then there was a generation of people that lived up here and then disappeared probably the early 1900s so I said alright we'll come check it out we'll come do some metal detecting and and see what we can find so we're probably gonna find things from both the logging operation and from you know home my family lived up here I've got a ways left to go on up the mouth [Music] alright well we made it see the sellers behind me there's stone walls around this property if we probably tried to turn this place into a farm after it was already clear-cut lots of place to swing the metal detector let's get it out and see what we can find all right well I've dug probably 20 holes a couple bottle caps modern bottle caps but also uh it's all been this this is like a sheet brass it sounds amazing on the metal detector gets you excited every single time and it seems like this was probably the roof and it's broken apart and scattered everywhere here it's gonna make for a rough day if we stick around the building we might have to venture off into the you know the surrounding fields let's try to get away from this stuff we're gonna pick through it for a little bit while longer we're gonna do the best we can and hopefully we can find something that isn't this all right well we just got our first target that is not that whatever it is sheet metal sheet brass probably a roofing of some kind and it sounded just like it came out of the hole I still thought that's what it was but check it out this is a flattened Taylor's thimble slightly different from the thimbles were used to seeing it has a top this is meant to go through with the tip of your finger exposed it gives you just a little bit more dexterity when sewing and you know I grew up always thinking a thimble was meant for protecting your finger from pin pricks turns out as I have learned a thimbles real purpose is to push a needle through whatever it is you're sewing that's what all these dimples are for catches the back of the needle and it pushes it through kind of cool little tailor symbol all right well this is a good sign that it's not just sheet metal here we can find some more stuff like this all right well this isn't really anything special I just haven't found much for that brass stuff recently so I wanted to show it I believe this is the lid to like a salt shaker this looks like there's a lot of iron here so I'm wondering if the container itself was a was a material I don't know it's pretty weird imagine if I get all the stuff out in here they'll be threads I assume it's a salt shaker but we kind of take salt for granted these days so it was quite valuable 150 200 years ago so this might be something else it could be like a talcum powder or whatever pretty cool little shaker everyday item back then all right check this out this is um something I've only found one of and I didn't get to keep it last time hopefully the landowner allows me to keep this one today this is a heel plate for a boot now I mean you can look at how small it is this would have been for a woman's boot there's a little a little myth attributed to these I don't think it's true but it's fun to talk about I've heard through the grapevine other metal people who metal detect who find these heel plates with the hearts on them that they were oftentimes worn by ladies of the night we'll call them and as they walked they would leave little heart prints for men to follow we'll put it that way I think it's pretty cool I think they're just a pretty heart design on here but like I said it's kind of a funny story awesome a little heart plate for the heel of a boot lady's boot beautiful so I've kind of walked over to a new area here I thought to myself you know the leaves on the ground are fairly new within probably a couple of weeks and I noticed there's like what looks like dig holes somebody metal detecting here recently a landowner said you know supposedly the first one take a look at this so they're there a bunch over there and that's not actually dig holes I move the needles aside to make sure those are places where deer were scratching looking for something to eat looking for green shoots I actually did spook to earlier today you know just a couple weeks is gonna be hunters everywhere out here for them I thought we still have a little bit of time but we have to start wearing orange [Music] [Music] alright check this out this is something that I find fairly regularly but not usually this much of it look at this this is broken unfortunately but this is the inner workings of a clock hard to say how old it is but the iron spring is still there and still in somewhat good condition not quite working condition but and there's little gears in here you can see something like this I say over and over again when I find these things that sometimes you can get a patent date or a manufacturer off these off these plates I don't think I ever have in the videos but except one that I found many years ago I was able to get a patent date but I'll look extra hard on these and see if we can't cool old clock all right well this is actually the second oil lamp that I found today they're very very very common metal detecting sites of this age the only reason I'm showing it is because there is a lot of visible writing on the spinner here all right you see that looks like Collins down here 1865 it's a September that's the patent date so these are always fun to find when there is actually text on the end you know these things were very necessary back then to have light that probably would be one in every room in the house pretty cool oil lamp very common but not always do we get this ok well I just found a lamp lamp piece here I had jumped over this wall I'm sure the seller is way up here and I'm looking around and I think that this might be where they threw their garbage as you can see right here we've got a little looks like cooking vessel and then right over here we have another vessel of some kind another one there too if I had to guess I would suspect there's some bottles look at this it's like a fruit jar yeah I bet for sure this is where they were throwing their garbage well there's gonna be a ton of targets in here but let's see if maybe we can find some solid ones and maybe some bottles to pop out that would be cool all right well I am spending a couple minutes digging in this dump and it's definitely a dump there is just glass everywhere here on a brick they go bottom of a bottle here and I found two of these see if I can make it out using both of these j.w burrow sleaze I think so and Sun February 10th 1903 so we're looking at about a hundred years old here so that's pretty cool we're gonna keep looking for some whole ones but I'm not too optimistic because everything here is just absolutely shattered I haven't even found anything close to being whole this is about as big as I found so we'll go a little bit longer and if we don't happen to find anything then we'll move on and use it metal detector all right well right underneath this really pretty red berry bush here I got a beautiful target in 81 that could be a nice big piece of brass hopefully a coin I don't know we'll see we have here huh you know what it appears to be a pendant of some kind I think it's religious now folks find these often enough but this is the first one of anything like this I've ever found it feels very very light I'm wondering if this is aluminum maybe I don't think it's silver interesting I'm gonna get my water out give this a brush here there's something on there you know maybe this is silver I'm really sure what this material is it's cleaning up like silver wood alright so we got this cleaned up on what I'm calling the reverse is two figures one with angel wings whoops female and a small child and on this side with the text it says Saint Anne pray for us now I did a quick Google search on my phone and it seemed Saint Anne was the mother of Mary and therefore the grandmother of Jesus now I don't think this is silver I think it is like an aluminum or some other light metal I'm gonna say its period with this place you know this building could have been here into the early 1900s and this doesn't seem out of place to me that's very very interesting that's the find of the day so far for sure never found a religious medallion or necklace like this before so finding you had a place like this is exciting for me very cool you know it's kind of funny I've explored big logging operations like this in the past most notably the Glosson buri operation which I actually made a video on Eddie and I did and that has his own interesting story but the places I've had the opportunity to metal detect typically we don't find much they were businesses people kind of went to work cut logs they didn't spend a lot of time at the structures and typically don't find a whole lot but this place is different for sure you know there's all of these kind of ornamental plants bushes these little pretty berry bushes I'm not exactly sure what they are but they've changed color along with the trees and you can see old Lilly leaves you know people clearly lived here as a home and there was probably a lady of the house that wanted to make it pretty out here if we didn't have the landowners information that somebody lived here after the operation happened probably never would have attempted to come out here and try this all right we're gonna keep going the sun is shining now it's beautiful out here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] airplane going overhead I just got pretty cool find I've found a quite a few of these recently but I've never found a I yearn one usually these are brass this is a arrange guide for a carriage or a wagon and pretty common back in those days horses and oxen were used for everything and these were used to keep the reins nice and tidy cool plane sounds like it's right on top of me all right well I got a target that's identical to all that sheet metal it wound up being this little fit I don't know what it is first I thought it was a speed I don't think it is I'm trying to find my toothbrush sure I saw this on the back this kind of clamshell design which is very similar to the backs of like colonial-era spoons that's a little bit too early for this place and I noticed this on the back looks kind of like a heart so like I said I thought it was a spoon like this would have been the handle and this would have been the broken bowl but this is definitely the way it should be back here round it off mystery let me know what you think very heavy like a Tom Bakk material I'm not sure throw in the bag and see what else we could find here well I find horseshoes every so often I've just found one of the likes that I've never seen before I'm fairly certain it is a horseshoe because of this lip right here look at this it's just they're like spikes on the back I don't see any nail holes so I'm wondering if maybe it's just not done or I don't know maybe it isn't a horseshoe at all I thought it was because of this little guy right here but you see on horseshoes but there's no way to attach it to the foot to the hoof folks that are more knowledgeable and horses than I let me know what you think about that maybe it has a specific purpose like for ice or something I don't know pretty cool all right this is a beautiful 85 target now it's a 91 let me bring the camera closer see some iron staining which is getting me nervous what is this I said a copper it was a copper go home happy it rang very very high but it was laying flat down yeah this is definitely a coin we're just trying to figure out what it could be I had to guess I'd say a large set alright I've been working on this for a while now and I think that this is the back where it says one cent of a large cent you can see that kind of wreath circle shape let me flip it over and I think that that's a left facing bust 1830s 1840s hard to say but man it's been a long day it's beautiful out here but fight you through all of that sheet metal stuff it's just been brutal we're gonna spend a little bit longer here we have about a half an hour left but this is the last thing we find today more than happy with that hi folks we're gonna call it a day it was pretty slow for a home site seems like they probably lived here for 50 60 years generation I'm wondering if somebody's mouth sticks to here in the past because there really wasn't a whole lot of non-ferrous things to find although there was a ton of that brass sheeting maybe I just couldn't find it but I dug a lot of us today more than my fair share regardless the things we found they're very indicative of you know a typical life in the 1800s Early 1900s up here in the mountains of Vermont had fun today let's take a look at everything I found starting from the back I did find two and a half lamps back here and something I didn't mention or didn't notice when I showed you this lamp earlier it actually has two spinner dials this one has the writing this one does not I've never seen that before I don't know what two of them would do but usually one of them makes the wit go up interesting our iron reins guide here we have a little very feminine buckle it's very very light one two three maybe four spoons these two things here are buttons but this I thought was a button I didn't show this earlier it's full of lead in the back so this might be just a little appointment for leather or something maybe it was a very heavy button big ol clock mechanism over here two plates still intact with all the gears still in there a thimble large sent I think you can see that the corrosion on here is starting to chip off its head to time to dry out the log got it wet here again I think it's probably a large scent if I can get it cleaned up I'll let you know and then finally the religious medallion which I think are probably pretty common I mean people still wear them today and they're probably virtually unchanged but I've never found one so that's that was some excitement for me hi folks I'm going to start the long hi gun out of here thanks again for watching and then hopefully you'll see you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 141,713
Rating: 4.9526272 out of 5
Keywords: adventure, Vermont, best metal detecting finds, metal detecting finds, metal detector, metal detecting coins, metal detecting videos, treasure hunting, metal detecting shovel, metal detecting tips, metal detecting, treasure, old coins, cellar hole, history, incredible, amazing, gmmd, stone walls, mystery, ghost town, 2019, New England
Id: Jw7mbXz7Zvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 12sec (1272 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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