Signs of Looting and the Theft of History Found in the Mountains

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[Music] [Music] [Music] well in just a few days it is gonna be June an Old Man Winter is really reluctant to let go of the mountains of Vermont this year we got about an inch of snow last night and the higher elevations and a while right now I'm in this kind of little Bowl in a valley here there doesn't seem to be a whole lot down here just right up there on the ridge there's quite a bit still but I think the place that we're going to be metal detecting today is going to be worth it the owners of this land said that it's been in their family for generations and somewhere out here there are a couple old home sites not sure from when they're not on any old maps and I haven't been able to find any information on them but they said they haven't done much with this land over the years they use it to deer hunt and turkey hunt and I think that they said they had logged a couple times but they've never given anybody permission to be out here metal detecting so pretty optimistic about the things we might find today since this is family land everything I'm finding is going back to the family I'm just out here for the enjoyment of the outdoors potentially finding some pretty interesting things in the ground from a couple hundred years ago and hopefully making an exciting video so I think we have a little ways left to go and hopefully we stay out of the snow [Music] well I I believe we found the seller one of the sellers and this is a beautiful stacked stone from what used to be a basement and I have some unfortunate news it would appear as though somebody else has already been here metal detecting and found some axe heads and stacked them up on the rocks which will be a surprise to the landowners somebody came out here and already metal detectors we're gonna do the best we can and run around behind somebody else seeing you find what they missed but it's disappointing see what we can find well fortunately I gave up I've moved on there were basically no targets there left and did find a couple fragments of a harmonica read a couple little breast doodads but seems like they were quite thorough unfortunately but on the bright side the Sun is coming out the snow up here is melting there's still quite a bit of it but that last cellar was quite easy to find if you knew what you were looking for it was right on the river I was told the other one is higher up hopefully we're gonna be able to find that and hopefully the last guys [Music] [Music] all right lost on the ridge over here and I found kind of a big clearing there's bigger trees here here and I see what I think might be a lip to an old basement let's go see oh yeah for sure there's some stacked stone right here there's some stacked stone and that it's for sure a basement we're gonna get our gear unpacked try again well it isn't much but it's our first target this new site and it appears to be a little button and it almost seems like there's a design on there but this did not hold up very well in the ground over the years so I'm not gonna be able to see what it does looks like maybe it's just a geometric pattern well if they did find this place they missed this I'm gonna keep going and maybe see what else they missed all right 77c well it's not much but that appears to be just a little brass drawer pull something very small not quite big enough to be a dresser or a hutch or something about something a little tiny drawer that's pretty cool I have let's evidence of a home here hopefully evidence that the trespassers didn't find this place keep going all right so I was just digging this target it was a pretty good target in the 70s and it was a big hunk of lead which is not uncommon use that stuff for everything back then I rechecked the hole and now there's another target in there which is a beautiful 85 which is insane and it's in the roots obviously we're gonna see if we can get this out of here but actually not me too hard here oh look no way just like that I didn't have to dig that for sure it would it be stuck up in the roots what do we think it is really wet so it's gonna be really pretty corroded but I definitely see one cent there what is the style hard to say unlikely we're gonna get a date let me give it a wipe here can't quite tell when I find out I will let you know that's an amazing find an old penny out here I didn't think this place was gonna be this old to be honest with you this is free you know like 1860 I was thinking late 1800s but heck that proves otherwise amazing all right we'll see if we can find some more not sure if you're gonna be able to see that but a barred owl just very quietly flew up and landed on that branch I'm going to try to zoom in here [Music] that was awesome he was huge and if you weren't aware bowels when they fly in the woods they're completely silent it's always surprising and you see a flash really quietly fly through and they're huge [Music] well targets our targets are kind of slim out here today and you know I'm kind of resorting to digging iron which occasionally pays off I just found my second one of these and it is iron you know if I ring it in front of my it barely even reads and it's just this wedge see that it's kind of like a nail I guess I'm showing it because I think it's interesting and because I found another one identical to this which gave a very similar target I'm wondering if it's like a wedge and feather feather I forget what they're called to for splitting rocks there's no evidence of anybody really doing that out here you know there's no like nice cut stones but that's just kind of the first thing that it reminds me of that there'd be two of them and then a wedge would be driven down in the middle and it splits rock open that's what reminded me of I don't know if that's what it is but um I don't know maybe we'll find more pretty interesting let's keep going all right well I got a pretty nice target a brass target and it wound up being when I thought at first was a little nail see that little gears on there I'm going to suspect that this is a piece of an oil lamp I'm gonna let's see if there's any more on the hold on here oh yeah see some more green all right just a fragment anymore no that's pretty cool we find these pretty often if you're lucky there'll be a little disc on the end that has a patent date on it but these are all you know mid-1800s now your guess is as good as mine where the rest of it went and how it wound up here but they would have had many many of these back then because obviously in the wintertime the Sun Goes Down at like 4:00 and doesn't come up until 7 or 8 and it's a lot of darkness to have to live through these would have been pretty important all right let's keep going see if we can find some more stuff here all right well maybe you can see here there are a bunch of leaves and they're all kind of messed up and disturbed and it's very wet right here and this is a kind of place I almost always avoid because this this is water runoff and there's going to be silt upon salt upon silt and I've never really had any luck in these types of areas because if there was anything it would be an incredibly deep I checked it and there's a super loud high tone right here it's probably an aluminum can but we're we're gonna check it anyways I'll let you listen to it 87 88 and it is so loud I'm gonna assume that it's shallow and check take my pin pointer here yeah it's right it's like right here very muddy oh look you see that that is for sure a coin that is awesome I how does that happen it must have been up buried in the water washed it down I guess let's see a lot of times when they're in water like this they are not in good shape what the heck is this thing this I thought for sure is gonna be a large set but it is certainly not looks like there's like a wit like a window this must be a token interesting let me see if I can get this cleaned off and we'll see what it is together here all right well I I cleaned it off as much as I'm comfortable I cannot make out any of the text and I see what I think is a window right here and there's definitely some shapes this almost looks like there's a dog on there or a horse this is as much as I'm going to clean it out here you know most of these hard times tokens which is what I assume this is are not incredibly valuable but some of them are and since I cannot identify this I'm gonna stop rubbing it and brushing it it's really interesting though I've never seen anything quite like it well geez that that's a good find I'm excited about that let's keep going see what else might be out here [Music] [Applause] sounds pretty good edge of the cellar here Wow look at that it's just a you know a piece of iron but still very clearly a knife blade dad it's not a you know like a table knife this is for sure like a hunting knife that's really really cool no handle on this one unless it's still in the hole geez looks like my review will actually clean this one up almost still sharp yeah I'll take that really cool let's keep going so I just found another cuff button I've been finding lots of little cuff buttons at this particular place you know if you watch a lot of my videos or other metal detecting videos you've probably heard the word Tom Bakk thrown around which is an alloy similar to brass it's copper and it could be a whole slew of other things but generally it's very shiny but it's very brittle I just found a Tom back button that has a red hue there were several different additives that you could add to this alloy of copper to make them like kind of different colors I believe it was arsenic that you would add that would make it an interesting orange color now the health effects of having arsenic Laden buttons probably not terrible but I don't know I thought that was interesting arsenic buttons all right let's keep going well we got a real scratchy tone right on the lip of the cellar here and there's some glass in here and we got another coin that's unexpected but welcomed for sure it's been a long day and there's not a lot of stuff out here let's see if we can get this cleaned up a little bit alright there we have it it's another large set it is again not in great shape the soil here is just eating up the coins it's super wet and but uh it's another coin three coins here well I'm confident in saying that nobody's been here the targets have not been like nice and perfect and easy to find but they should have found these that's somewhat good news oops have something to landowner let's uh let's pack up see what we found today and get on out of here well you know when I left this morning I thought I might have been a little underdressed it was quite cold there's like 40 degrees and there was snow up here but as the day went on you know that clouds went away it's blue sky now and I think it's like 60 something all the snow is gone hopefully it stays gone until next winter you never know in the mountains I guess so we didn't really find anything at that first seller you know unfortunately you know we'll give the people who metal detected here the benefit of the doubt maybe they didn't know they were on private property maybe they were just beginning they didn't know you're supposed to have permission who knows but unfortunately everything that was there is now gone but the second place that we found we found a few things I think that it was probably one of these poor families you know they didn't have much but the lane owners are gonna be happy to see those for sure so let's take a look at what we found it's all laid out all right so really the only thing that we found at the first site was this harmonica Reed not sure how they missed that but it was quite deep so we have two knife blades this one I believe is a fixed handle but this one in the front I'm pretty confident saying was a folding knife we have one two three four five six little cuff buttons today no big coat buttons we did get one musket ball this I'm gonna say is a bright over I know I say over and over again basically if it's round and I don't know what it is it's a bridal rosette but we do have two attachment points back here which much resemble what the back of a bridal rosette looks like you know for a bridal for a horse we have a rivet which would have been holding two pieces of leather together long ago we have these two iron wedges which you know the more I think about it I like my idea of the feather and wedge you know stone splitting wedges if you guys have a alternate idea please let me know but I did find two of those little pieces of oil lamp over here I did find the little spinner on the end but unfortunately there is no date on it a little drawer pull and finally three coins two large sense dates unknown as of right now and this token which was super wet when I found it and I don't know if you can make that out there's definitely like a turtle on there I thought that thing was a window on the top but yeah I don't know that once was a weird one still needs to be cleaned up a little bit maybe we'll be able to figure out some more information on it later so all in all pretty good day for one home site alright folks that's it for me today it has been a long one and I still need to hike on out of here pray that is the end of the snow I'm certainly going to and I hope to see you next time thanks for watching
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 103,848
Rating: 4.9434118 out of 5
Keywords: adventure, Vermont, best metal detecting finds, metal detecting finds, metal detector, metal detecting coins, metal detecting videos, treasure hunting, metal detecting shovel, metal detecting tips, metal detecting, treasure, old coins, cellar hole, history, incredible, amazing, gmmd, stone walls, mystery, ghost town, 2019, New England
Id: _Gi0Yf_-SU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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