We Found Money & Military Artifacts Deep in the Forest!

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[Music] hey folks uh my name is brad martin chris rates and today we are walking through the forest way up in the mountains on the search for an old stone-lined home foundation that the landowner invited us to try to find today we weren't able to find it on any old maps we don't know how old it is judging from the maps is probably pre uh 1870. because of that we don't really have any idea what we could find today was it a very poor lager that lived up in here or was it somebody with a little bit more money hopefully we'll find out we're up here bright and early today but around two three o'clock uh we're supposed to have a line of terrible thunderstorms coming through so we're gonna have to get out a little bit early today hopefully we find this place find some good stuff and get out of here before we get wet let's hope so all right well we've arrived chris has gone off in that direction to look around and this here is the foundation see it's stone-lined field stones and something i'm noticing is all around you know right next to the cellar here the ground is all kind of dug up not like with shovels but um this was either deer or probably more likely turkey coming through and my first guy here said oh no somebody's already been here digging but ah this was animals doing this it's all around right next to the cellar it's kind of funny so i'm gonna get my machine out see what we can find i hear chris's pinpointer he's already at it did you find anything all right my turn all right well you can see how gravelly this soil is here um i am in an area that's at the base of a hill here you can see there's a stone wall right here and when it rains hard it looks like this place gets washed out i mean you can see this this is a two-piece button and it is in immaculate condition look at that are you kidding me that appears to be probably just a general service i would guess uh that back mark there is gonna be able to tell us for sure just make out uh o v i l l e which is scoville which it doesn't really narrow it down but hopefully we'll be able to figure out when uh when this is from uh now vermont vermonters did fight in the civil war but uh there were no battles or really any activity up here that's a great find all right well i got a little something here i thought at first that it was going to be a clock movement plate we see those a lot they look just like this but there's holes in it everywhere and usually there's braces in the middle this is not that and look at that it has this really nice floral pattern around the outside it was bent up a little bit more and i bent it back straight which was a risk but didn't break which is lucky um i'm wondering if maybe this is a picture frame obviously just a part of one that would have been glass i suspect and a back but that certainly seems like what it is makes you wonder uh what the photo was really cool so chris pretty excited he thinks he has a coin he thought maybe a large scent but i don't know buddy it looks a little bit older than that that's pretty crusted up so shaky steal it from you so i don't know yeah we can't figure it out um we shine the light on it sideways and there's just so much corrosion like bumpiness and stuff it's just it's really hard to tell what it might be but it's definitely a i don't know sorry buddy and gone it's gone forever you almost had the excitement of finding it a second time uh so as i was saying it's all bumped up we may or may not get an image of it but either way it's definitely a coin and in my uh humble opinion it's older than a large scent i'm gonna say it's either british or a state coin that's exciting i don't care if you can't see it or not [Laughter] awesome buddy well we've been wandering around this home site for a good part of the day and whenever i get to a new place there's a few things that i try to find one is their water source so well usually another one is their dump because there would have been a lot of travel back and forth to these two places and i found their water source it's not a well though a lot of these mountain communities and homes um are positioned next to springs natural mountain springs this one here as you can see the water is just coming out of the ground here naturally and makes its way all the way down and likely this would have been dug out similar to the to a well but they wouldn't have had to go down very far obviously because the water is right here usually the water will be uphill from the home and the dump will be way downhill and i think that we had discovered that the dump is down here there's a whole bunch of iron down there and not a whole lot of non-ferrous targets a few buttons that's about it so i'm going to spend probably the bulk of the rest of the day kind of in between the home and down here where the dump is and in between the home and where the spring is because like i said people would have been daily walking back and forth there tripping and falling and dropping all their stuff [Music] so i just got a loud iron target and i decided to dig it already dug several oxen shoes today expecting it was going to be another and it's what appears to be maybe it is broken but the top looked awfully symmetrical so i wasn't sure it was broken but um it appears to be the door to an old wood stove and it's pretty corroded but you can somewhat make out the image there so so cool it has uh you know the spot that you hang on to here to open the door i think this was at one time square and it's broken into pieces now and just kind of broke along the pattern here it might have been on top actually you can imagine how pretty these stoves would have been all together in the time period really really nice i grew up in a house uh that burned several of these wood stoves uh for heat in the winter time they were nice to look at for sure really really cool hey chris i think it's my turn to find a coin i'm pretty sure it's a coin um i thought for sure it was iron the uh the way i have my deus set up uh it was a pretty good high tone but i'm kind of down here in a dumpy area and um there's a shovel like a shovel spade sitting on the surface over there i thought for sure this was going to be an axe head or more sheet iron and my little graph i have here on my on my machine it was showing me iron but it clearly wasn't this is a big copper coin and whatever it happens to be it feels great because it's been been a while since i found one let's see we'll clean it off together see if we can it's pretty thick so i'm gonna suspect that it's a u.s large scent how old is the question oh yeah it's a large scent all right i can see the bus now just need to use my toothbrush left facing bust uh it's a pretty wide a date range on these you know it's time frame we were expecting to find it's like you know or first half of the 1800s cool it's not pretty but it's i have not found very many copper coins this year uh like last year i think about i found 40 and it's uh currently almost august and i think this is my third or fourth sweet hey you know what maybe next hole is going to be a whole jar full of them and i'll i'll end the year with 41. i was hoping it would have been in this hole where oh is that a keyhole yeah that's awesome actually you look at the back because i saw the back first i was like yeah that's weird and so i flipped it i was like oh that's totally a chest of some kind yeah a treasure chest go double check your hull awesome this is kind of a cool find it's kind of a common one but i haven't found one in a while so i'm pretty excited about it uh this is very clearly an old pocket knife and they're pretty unchanged from how they were you know middle of the 1800s so i suspect this is period with this place looks like the spring went in there and then we've got some other pieces here uh the scales on this one appear to be wood maybe give a little scratch there pretty sure it's wood sometimes they're bone but but this is a good size a good size pocket knife it's very similar to the size that i carry might even be a case it's a pretty old company oftentimes we find these with a blade broken off and you know they were just tossed because they were broken but this one looks like they were probably using it i typically think up here in the mountains it's probably a foot of snow on the ground and they dropped it and then gave up looking for it but uh you never know very very cool this is got a good target 83 on the 80 pro 91 on the dais what's in your hand is a coin yeah come on [Applause] you tell i cannot something here it is good for you buddy having a good day all righty good for you that's what it is i don't know if you're going to be able to get a date it's getting a little bit flaky but that's what it is sounding good on the metal sector huh hey buddy check this thing out oh wow think there's something living in there this box turn my flashlight on is that a bone nope nobody living in there the cellar's right up there um at least on two different occasions uh i have found relics like poking out of the side of blow overs like that not today though got my good flashlight out to look in the hole and uh people have been asking for years about what backpacks i use and what about flashlights and you know the pads of paper that i carry and i finally took the time to make a list of everything i carry all the way down to my hat that i wear and you can find all that on the website gmmd dot us all right starting to sprinkle but i don't think it's supposed to rain not too bad there's blue sky there there and there your metal attack just beeping go better go see what it is [Music] ah starting to sprinkle we stayed dry pretty much all day so far yeah but uh it's trying to come down now i just got another eagle button i think yeah there it is check that out it doesn't appear as though there's any letter in the shield so this would just been another general service another two-piece potentially civil war but probably after i would guess but we won't know until we can make out that back mark which looks like there is one if we look real close you can see there's some text around there so awesome two now off the same jacket i don't think so i think they're a little bit slightly different you know like as i mentioned earlier up in vermont we know that these were brought home by a veteran because there was no civil war era battles up here in vermont it makes you wonder how they wind up in the ground up here whatever the case we found them again we'll get them cleaned up and on display awesome i'm excited we're just winding down to the end of the day here and chris and i were both kind of complaining about the sheer number of shell casings and shotgun shells and the bullets that used to be therein i thought that's what this was going to be but it is the tiniest little cuff button i thought it was a primer for a shotgun shell first and but there's um a design on it that i don't recognize is a crown i don't know let me get my water yeah that's a crown i think no it's not is it flowers i can't tell i think it's a bouquet of flowers at first i thought it was a crown uh but it's not it's just some flowers i think throwing stuff in me larva that's a cool little button really really good plating still so it should stay together well we said we were gonna end at three o'clock because we got to walk out it's 3 17. we've been walking around uh one last hole one less hole and i just dug what i'm pretty sure is a coin um another copper two and two today let me get my toothbrush be careful with this this um green patina that's on here is very powdery so if i if i spray this with water that would go right away if i rubbed it on my pants i think it'd probably go away too so go careful with this oh my toothbrush is a little wet from the button from the button that's okay oh yes there she is probably not going to get a date off this one it is quite rough but it is a copper large scent beautiful whoa nice all right well i can hear some thunder off in the distance starting to sprinkle my last hole was the large scent chris is working on his last one did it ghost ya it's gone i'm gonna go find a nice rock to display all of our stuff on is it back uh we're gonna get all of our stuff out and take a look at what we found today check out all this stuff starting with the stuff i don't think that you have seen i found a doorknob it's a giant brass doorknob it was quite a waste from the home i don't know how it wound up out there but it did two bridal rosettes they both sounded excellent on the metal detector we got a whole mess of spoons out here out of frame i found this which is uh a parasol uh slider from you know the wooden shaft went through the middle and chris found this little guy i've never seen one so small i suspect they go to the same parasol but i've never seen one that size a whole bunch of buttons i didn't count them you can count them there's a bunch including my little crown which is actually just a bouquet of flowers and then two eagle buttons you can see now that they're next to each other they're very different this one might have just been crushed i mean it's super flat maybe it looked more like that we'll figure it out from the back marks that are on there pocket knife my little picture frame and then last but not least uh four coppers chris got a large scent and uh yet to be identified uh colonial coin probably and then i got my two large scents it was a long day but it was a good day look at all this stuff just putting his machine away i'm still sitting on the ground we're just picking up our stuff but it's gonna start raining so i'm gonna put this camera away and uh thanks again for watching and hanging out in the woods with us and hopefully we'll see you again for the next one next week thanks for having me know you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 100,922
Rating: 4.9663453 out of 5
Keywords: adventure, Vermont, best metal detecting finds, metal detecting finds, metal detector, metal detecting coins, metal detecting videos, treasure hunting, metal detecting shovel, metal detecting tips, metal detecting, treasure, old coins, cellar hole, history, incredible, amazing, gmmd, stone walls, mystery, ghost town, New England, 2020
Id: ZyPPAZ2ba7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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