Breathtaking Treasures Found Beneath Uncharted Trading Post

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[Music] [Music] folks we are up in the mountains of Vermont again today searching for a place which may or may not exist I have a copy of a book from the mid-1800s which is a history of this small town that I'm in today and it's just a first-hand account of one guy talking about kind of the goings on and families that lived here and some of the businesses he described a place on the side of this mountain which he called a traders camp now in the late 1700s early 1800s there was something called market hunting where you were a good hunter you could come out here and make a living for yourself hunting the wild animals and selling the meat and skins now besides just which mountain this was on he said that it was where these two streams converged and it just so happens I already have permission to this land I've detected here in the past and not found much but hoping maybe I just wasn't in the right spot we have little ways to walk if we find something today [Music] all right well I think I'm in the right spot we've had a very dry summer and it's fairly late in the fall so these streams are just trickles right now but I still think that this spot would make sense it is very flat here there's no stone work there's no walls and there's no there's no cellar but I guess that would make sense they weren't really farming here it was probably just a temporary you know like a log cabin or something so we're gonna get our metal detector out and maybe we can find something here well we know what this is musket ball small one too it's not now might be musket sized it doesn't appear to be fired because uh you know didn't make impact with anything it was this was dropped and you know again I find musket balls pretty much everywhere they didn't change much but um just because of where we are it holds more significance because of the context in the history that we heard about this place so it's pretty cool see if we find more I suspect we will all right well good targets are hard to come by today so I just got one turn my headphones up here 66 75 last time I filmed one of these a half an hour ago it was a bullet a modern bullets see what this is bring in for a closer well there it is we have well I'm pretty sure that's a button I'm more than happy with a button this is a welcome sight after the morning we've had it's been very very slow I did find a couple other buttons which I have not filmed terrible targets I don't even bother get my camera off I got this beautiful still shiny tom back button and this looks like a silver washed pewter button just pretty nice I don't think there's a design on that one either we're in a good time frame here easily the 1700s probably the middle I would guess three different designs here brass pewter and Tom Bakk it's a good sign it's very slow but this is the kind of stuff we want to be want to be finding out here today we've got a pretty interesting one here it's let I think it's led it's very very soft and I can bend it if I don't want to bend it again because I don't want to break it but and it has this very peculiar shape to it and it almost looks like I'll show you close here it almost looks like this has been hit this appears to be twisted a bit on the bottom soft lead I don't know that's a peculiar one let me know what you think on that alright well for whatever reason I tones are starting to pick up here a little bit some 80 seems quite shallow yeah it's like right here look at the roots fight through these under the root no that's not a buckle at all man I wonder if there's more of it here I found one of these in the spring and I didn't know what it was but I know now this shaken a little bit this is a rim a ramrod thimble for a bottom of musket this would have sat underneath the gun this would have gone up close to where the trigger is and the ramrod would have slid in and this is if not 1700s at least the very very very early 1800s that's exactly what that is holy smokes that's that was worth the struggle it seems to be pretty twisted that's incredible hi I was hoping for gun parts today wasn't exactly expecting to find one if there happens to be a whole gun in here I'll probably cry I'm gonna check with the metal detector I didn't really hear any iron I just heard this good target but we'll we'll find out ramrod guide ran rob thimble probably 1700s musket you know so this market hunting it wasn't regulated and it was a fairly common thing to do you could make a living out here hunting and selling the meat and skins from what I've read towards the second half of the 1700s Vermont had a huge population explosion and since the hunting was unregulated caribou and elk which used to be here when extinct and have not come back and I've even read that turkey went extinct by the Civil War crazy to think but people made some money while they were doing it and now luckily thanks to conservation efforts now most of those animals are back in healthy populations times change you know we learn from our mistakes and try to do things better if it's too bad that we don't have some of those larger mammals around here anymore [Music] [Music] [Music] so I just got a pretty good target and I scraped the leaf litter away like I usually do and I thought it was a worm I don't know what this is let's see well it appears to be decorative I can't really tell what the material is it's Hollow man I don't know that's a weird one it definitely appears to be created artistically trying to decide if it was cast or not I think it is I don't know that one's a mystery let me know what you think on that it's light it's very crumbly it's like a pewter almost I know what you think all right so I just found well it's hard to describe I found a target that was very good but it was long and I was fairly confident it was a hunter's aluminum arrow shaft I've actually found a few of those over the years it's not what it was so this is uh I've actually found another one very similar to this see if I can get this bent back here never bend old brass I'm gonna do it I'm gonna yeah so this is uh this is a shoe buckle frame time period were looking for mid 1700s this is a beautiful one I've I've found one very similar to this it was in much better shape and it was Oh two hours away north but it just seems to show you know these buckles were sold all over you know brought over from England or wherever everybody was coming from at that time an old colonial era shoe buckle broken but still beautiful all right well I just found something that's not old in the slightest but I thought that it was appropriate to show based on where we are right now it's a little piece of aluminum but there's writing on here I can't quite make it all out right now and what this would have been is a a band from a bird scientists conservationists use this to track migration and since we started doing this we learned a ton about birds migration patterns and how far they travel when like duck hunters and geese hunters shoot a bird with a band you're supposed to call it in and report it I'll try to report this one I don't know if we're gonna be able to get all of the text off of it but I'll do my best just some modern-day conservation efforts pretty cool pretty good oh my god you got to be kidding me that's a little silver coin I think yeah it's definitely silver oh I was a surprise look what do you think do believe it's smaller than a half real I could be wrong it might be a half or yeah let's get the water yeah I guess that's a it is a half real Charles the fourth I guess it's been a while since I held one I don't remember how big they're I'm gonna give it a little bit of wipe now everybody look Thomas clean just to get that some of that brown tarnish off there make the details pop yeah look at that looks like it was minted in Mexico City and give this side a a wife as well beautiful get a date easy 18:06 little Spanish silver coin from the 1800s now before the United States had their own money we were reliant on the coins from other countries mostly Spain and Britain sometimes French other countries as well that's beautiful the man that's a surprise Spanish silver coin in great condition to Charles the fourth looks like we're in a good spot people were exchanging money beautiful you know and in about two days it's gonna be rifle season out here and we're beyond the time change now rolled our clocks back so now it's gonna be dark and like like an hour and a half I'm not used to it getting dark so early it's already like dusky out temperatures dropping it's that time of year I'm gonna have to start getting out of the woods a little bit earlier but we still have some time it's gonna take a while to hike out but we still have some time we're gonna detect around a little bit longer and see if awesome well I just got a pretty large iron target here which I've been digging as many of as I can just because the nature of this place hoping maybe to find like a gun or a knife or a skinning knife or something like that we got something check it out they're scissors they're complete they're not bent up or anything it has some nodules on it which happens to iron once it's been in the ground for a long time now scissors I have to imagine it would make sense to have these in a place like this for the processing right of the animals that's incredible and there I found a couple other pairs of scissors over the years they're always like way open or bent or whatever these are like this is make it like nice little display the way they're set up here you can they're just open just a little bit that's awesome really really cool check out what I just found couldn't be more appropriate it's hard to see it blends in pretty well this is a white-tailed deer antler shed these fall off naturally in the springtime once the deer done fighting with them and you can see that things have been eaten it probably chipmunks and squirrels chew on that for the calcium I believe I'll still take it you can make stuff out of that knife handles or whatever pretty cool in the springtime maybe we'll take a trip out looking just for the sheds maybe we'll even find a moose antler happy awesome alright well I was just about ready to call it I need to call it a day and we got a target here which I couldn't believe it when I heard it 85 if that isn't I'm gonna call it calling it as always bad luck but if that isn't a coin or something big and brass like a buckle I'll be very surprised I think that's what it is we clear the soil off the surface here my pin pointer yeah it's like right down the surface all right just hit brass I think it's a buckle yes it is awesome oh look it's complete unbelievable what a day it's been well it's mostly complete its complete enough for me that's for sure this one is also pretty twisted up like the one we found earlier in the day the shape here is busted and one of the tines on the fork isn't busted it doesn't seem to be any real engraving on there beside just a couple parallel lines maybe there's a little bit yeah incredible I say it over and over again with these but this has to be one of my favorite things to find metal detecting has such an iconic shape to it and it's you know from a fashion style which is long gone and finding them out here in the middle of nowhere it always kind of makes you pause and think about the last person who held this or was wearing this what they were doing awesome all right well on this note let's get out of here unpack everything we found today and see we got hi folks we're gonna call it a day I think I'm gonna be walking out in the dark unfortunately but I've got a flashlight things will be just fine this place was awesome I love coming across a story of a place that is for the most part forgotten having an idea of what we might find and actually finding some of those things that to me is as successful as you can be in this hobby you know to be quite honest I'm not complaining I thought for sure we would find more coins more money because there was so much back and forth going on here but you know I suppose people hung on to their money here they worked hard for it and they made sure not to drop any except one the scissors again common thing but because of where we are I have to assume they were used in the processing of the animals in some way this is a mystery to me you know you folks have any ideas please let me know this which as the day goes on I think that this is my favorite thing we found today a piece of an old musket more than likely used in in market hunting this another mystery no idea it's probably just a nail of some kind but you know it's led so they were pounding it into anything it might just be like a like a shear pin or a cotter pin or something like that we did wind up getting two shoe buckles this one unfortunately is not in great shape this is a nice one I'm excited about all of the pieces being there musket ball bird band and then finally our silver coin Spanish half rial amazing day thanks again for watching I'm gonna pick up my stuff and start hiking on out of here there is snow on the forecast in a few days from now hopefully doesn't stick around but you know this is the last time we have bare ground we're just gonna have to make the best of it thanks again you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 303,020
Rating: 4.9281955 out of 5
Keywords: adventure, Vermont, best metal detecting finds, metal detecting finds, metal detector, metal detecting coins, metal detecting videos, treasure hunting, metal detecting shovel, metal detecting tips, metal detecting, treasure, old coins, cellar hole, history, incredible, amazing, gmmd, stone walls, mystery, ghost town, 2019, New England
Id: _Fq-UZWJUus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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