Treasure Hunters Attempt the Impossible | Locate a Mysterious Uncharted Cabin

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[Music] well today we're back out in the mountains and tomorrow is the first day of spring it's supposed to get above freezing today it hasn't yet according to whether man is supposed to do so which I'm pretty excited about we are on a piece of property today that I have been to more times that count there are several sellers that I spent a lot of time at found a lot of awesome old coins and relics and I was doing some research in an old history of Vermont book in the late 1800s and this place was in the book and it was talking about these families and what their occupations were and it mentioned a log cabin which historically did not have basements so today we're back out looking for wherever this log cabin may have been the book gave very vague directions it mentioned that it's with an eye shot of the river and it talked about distance from another home in furlongs which I googled is apparently two furlongs is apparently a quarter mile so we have a general idea of where this home may have been and so we're out something if you can find that today are you optimistic yes currently we have to follow this river up probably a couple miles maybe not quite that far and then we can start looking for this home [Music] well walking along this Ridge of the river in kind of an area I've never really been walked through here but I haven't really looked around it looks like there's a camp down here like a fairly modern camp also the same time Mike just mentioned he smelled a musty animal smell he asked me if I had my gun on me buck and don't today just a knife could be a bear could be a sasquatch let's take a look at this camp there's definitely a fire pit they must have stolen the stones from that wall that's up there this must have been their shelter looks like maybe the remains of a box spring right there plastic weird all right well whoever was living here or camping here is long gone all right moving on so we're still walking up this river and Mike just pointed out a cut-off telegraph pole and I'm not sure when they did it what huh I mean a long time ago they came through and cut all those down and just let the insulators fall where they did looks like they would probably be well Cindy probably under the ground for the most part that's pretty cool though we'll have to take a trip out someday and just start looking for those [Music] [Music] what we found there's some more I want my whole life without ever seeing this stuff and now I'm seeing it everywhere thanks to all of the comments in the previous video and a little research of my own the stuff is called needle ice and it happens when the ground water is thawed and the air is freezing it just kind of sucks it up like a wick and makes these long fingers of ice long needles of ice it's pretty cool never seen it before it's all over the place funny how that happens alright onward up the river [Music] check this out broken so we're not gonna take it home but that's what we would be looking for here's a white one pretty awesome they're probably all over the ground here but covered up with leaves we can use the metal detectors because a lot of times there's wire wrapped around the top still you'll save that for another day keep on hiking up see if we can find that log [Music] what's that so according to this book that you know listed all these families names and what their occupations were most of them were farmers there was a blacksmith and most of them were actually they all had the same last name except for a few but this one man who lived in this log home that we're looking for didn't have the occupation listed so either the person who wrote the book didn't know or use a farmhand but you know makes me wonder these log homes were you know less expensive to put up and live in than building a basement and a foundation and all that stuff we probably aren't going to find any gold coins today if this person had not a lot of money but for me just finding it will be worth the trip out here having a book from over a hundred years ago just vaguely mentioned a place in being able to come out have there be no sign of it on the ground and being able to locate it that will be well worth it to me so we are getting pretty close to where we're gonna start really searching around in the middle detectors but this does not look like a very good place to build a home so we're gonna keep going a little further [Music] all right well the river is just right over this little hill down here and we kind of came across this flat I'll show you it's kind of like a flat area and there's quite a few really big trees and just over here along this it's not really a stone wall but it's kind of like a line of stones over here there was some barbed wire we didn't look incredibly old but it's a good sign so we're gonna kind of canvass this area with the metal detectors looking for patches of iron which would be nails anything that might have been left in fields simply find a few things by making it a point to dig every piece of iron that I come across just to see what worth working with and we just found that ox and shoe it doesn't necessarily mean there's gonna be a home site around here but it's better than nothing let's keep going to see if we can find more all right we got our first non-ferrous where I like here I'm pretty sure it's a button let's see what do you think hey Jun this might be I see writing on the back and take out my tooth bar see it cleaned up all right well I can make out the word guilt right here so that kind of puts us 18:32 eighteen seventy range which is kind of what uh you know the rest of these homes were which makes sense doesn't appear there's anything on the front this is a very good sign I think we're if not right on top of it pretty close very very morale-boosting let's see what else we can find all right well it's pretty overgrown right here but we did just find a patch of iron no nails yet but we did just find piece of a hinge which is a good as sign as any that there may have been a home here so we're gonna really spend a lot of time right here see if I can find some non iron items [Music] all right well nothing exciting in and of itself but this is an incredibly old spoon bowl pewter it looks like this to me screams homesite so I think that that's gonna be the proof we were looking for there was a log home here and now we're really gonna kind of focus in on right here see if we can find some more non-ferrous items like this all right well Mike's been laughing at me because I've been fighting with this hole for a few minutes now because there is just a huge root right here and there's roots all over the place and I thought I was getting pretty close and I stuck my shovel in and I pulled it back I'm pretty sure I just put a huge gouge in a silver coin maybe now it might have been a Tom back button but we'll see here in one second what it was oh just a button and it's not time back either it's just a silver plate button and they had my heart beat still still shiny all right well that's pretty good sign somebody was doing something here to lose a button a very pretty button - not something you would expect to see on work pants all right see what we can find and another one this one's much much smaller than the first one I'm probably a little bit newer all right keep going more spoons all right well this target started out as a mid-tone and it's very deep and now after rechecking it's like an 88 still says it's pretty deep but the pinpointer starting to read it so maybe it's just small yeah thanks Mike screen that's great I think it's a button yeah it's a button that's okay I'm happy with a button let me think is have a design on it kind of looks like it does no I don't think so just a flat button but that's alright there's a nice big brass targets in this area that could have very easily been a coin let's keep going Mike just called me over said he thought he found a well Nick you're right I think that's the spring put your shovel in that again whoa jump in that's incredible just bubbling out of the ground there that's awesome you get any targets around here this is for sure where they were getting their water there's got to be targets around here all right awesome [Music] [Music] yeah Mike just found a huge clay crock probably that's big pieces of it and he also just found this which I am 90% sure is a curry comb for a horse very pretty on the back it's all iron so it didn't last on the ground very well it's missing a lot of its teeth I'm pretty sure that's what that is interesting makes sense everybody's using horses back then for transportation and other things cool I wonder what he was up to out here not a whole lot parently alright let's keep looking check this one out again I think it's probably blank that's just a really big flat button yeah just blank Jake is gone that's awesome big buttons out here fancy buttons Dancy coats alright let's keep going alright I don't want to jinx myself see no no less exciting no it's an ox knob it's a piece of brass that they would put on an oxen horn for protection of people and other ox it has a little hole on the side here you can see it would screw on the horn you put a little pin through the hole and it's a little teeny tiny one actually you know I'm looking at it little baby oxen alright moving on alright well I think that we are going to call it a day we've been out here all day we spent a good part of that wandering around searching for iron in the ground and the find of the day is not something that we found in the ground today but it's the site of the log home that I read about in this book you know makes me wonder if it was a log home and he was the only one in this area without a basement maybe he just didn't have a lot of money he just put up a modest home and the things that were dropped buttons and spoons that's what we found let's take a look at it all right between Mike and I we have one two three four big coat buttons and one two three four five smaller probably cuff buttons look at this tiny little one we have a musket ball that made impact with something this I believe is another button but it's been folded over and it's very very thick so I'm not going to attempt to straighten it out we have a spoon bowl which is a different spoon than this spoon handle both appear to be pewter this might be a brass alloy a lot of nickel in here something that's nice and shiny and lastly the thing that I thought for sure was going to be a coin the brass ox knob so I wish that we could have found something a little bit more valuable in the ground today but you know this guy probably just didn't have it to drop into the ground so wasn't there to be found so I hope you enjoyed watching [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 115,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, treasure hunting, vermont, gmmd, relic hunting, cellar hole, new england, adventure, danger, great outdoors, old coins, best metal detecting finds, big foot, sasquatch, incredible, hiking
Id: np9e-bRf1_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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