Mysterious Mega-Structure Discovered in the Mountains of Vermont | Exploration Adventure

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[Music] we're back we're out on a little bit of an adventure today well it's a lot a bit of an adventure but it's kind of a mystery what we're gonna be finding today thanks to the YouTube channel people reach out all the time with places to go and investigate and Mel detect and today is one of those days we don't have metal detectors today because the place that they suggested is in National Forest so no machines today but it sounds cool enough to just go check out I don't know ton of information they used the word I spooky creepy I guess there's lots of stuff to look at and this road that we're walking on is in the middle of nowhere it's pretty well-maintained though I think there's lots of deer hunting camps on this road and it's an hour-and-a-half walk both ways but I checked on the old maps and apparently there was an old cemetery which I hope to find and and I was looking in the Google Maps it looks like the trail disintegrates into a river so I think we all have a crossing there as well well we'll see you again when we find something interesting [Music] [Music] I just heard it was sounded like a cat you hear that I think that's a bobcat it doesn't sound like would I would I understand a mountain lion sounds sounds like but Bobcats are still not something to be messed with so we're gonna get on out of here [Music] [Music] all right well we've been walking for maybe an hour 15 I think we're getting close we're not really exactly sure how long actually I'm going to be but you see the trail is thinned to barely anything but coming up looks like a pretty incredible Canyon I guess I have something I think it's man-made though you know was creeping me out yeah it's a little wet down here is there way to walk this is pretty awesome yeah so it's clearly man-made you can see right here where they drilled down and then they would have shoved dynamite down into the bottom they've got some corduroy down here you can see clearly it's wet so they lay down a whole bunch of logs to help travelers I'm not sure if this is old enough to be wagons or if it was always you know vehicles this is awesome [Music] all right well I think that we've just reached the end of the line here this trail that we're walking seems to end and we hear some water let's see I think this is probably the old road got washed out all right you ready to go for a little mountain climb that sounds fun all right here we go [Music] so we were just walking along we're a little bit off the trail near the river I think I see an old car and I think it's a very old car not a auto enthusiast but uh looks pretty old-timey it's gotta be right Wow look at that thing that's insane sure somebody knows what that is crazy I think there's a change and you change between the seats crazy you know you're gonna laugh but I'm totally checking down here no I'm gonna cut cut the hell out of my hands in here look how thick this glass was that's insane probably not a great idea stretch around in there unbelievable what is it doing out here Bonnie all right moving on all right walls now we're on the search right now for the cemetery that I saw in the old map cem a little square but we're very close to another reservoir today the cemetery predates the reservoir which means there's a very good chance it's now underwater I would have assumed they would empty it before they flooded the reservoir water hopefully we don't have a poltergeist situation they took the stones but they left the bodies hopefully that wasn't the situation all right I see some water hopefully we're close all right well this is where the road would have continued across but they obviously they flooded this valley the road is gone doesn't see any graves I wonder if we could find the trail on the other side of the water probably right yeah crazy well let's take a little peek around and see if we can it's about some remains of Celle era remains of grave studies gravestones so we're just still looking for this cemetery if there is still one just came across this I think Eddie's right he just suggested that it's like a fire blind prevent wind from blowing out your fire the question is how old does it looks pretty old all right we're gonna do a little bit more wandering to see if we can find the cemetery and then we'll wander off you can find the cellar just spooky cellar so we've been told I don't see any gravestones great markers but I think that this is it I walked up on the hill here a little bit you see what I see a right here yeah there's definitely square to here to here about to there and it crosses over to the corner of that tree presses here - there's another one doesn't a beard appear to be a structure and it's right on the map where the cemetery was my best guess is that they moved Cemetery elsewhere that would be my guess well that's good I guess I don't know is that good I'm somebody can visit them elsewhere but not where they started out all right well there's nothing to read but interesting anyways see you can go find this you can sell it all over is something going on up here structure e stuff creepy trees yeah that's the kind of big complex there's a bunch of walls around us what the hell is this there's something else like through there - there's just stuff everywhere stone structures this much I mean it must have been a place of business this doesn't look like a home site is just expansive set the slab where they beheaded people what's this all about is that a base like a basement window interesting so there's a little way through right here you find something yeah there's like some kind of stone arch structure over this wall oh damn oh whoa okay this building was massive it still goes on over here and there's like all these big support stacks and is the archer over there you can kind of see that shadow of it what I don't want to be where Brad is right now over there whoa I don't know if you can see that look there's a door oh my god do you think that you think it goes on the ground there's like a look at all the big support beams inside him now what the hell was it up in the mountain that's just a mega structure no that's huge though I've never seen one this big look at the size of that rock how do you think they got that their UFO animals I would assume my oxen got all this walls like just look it yeah that's insane that's insane look at this tree growing out of the side of the wall right here right behind you and that's funny and there's a hole under it is there anything in there I don't know unless there's something buying that treasure chest behind the treasure chest I forget about it it's not a big deal yeah I don't feel like moving the treasure chest with this for the next guy crazy all right now I'm gonna get over to those arches well I have to say I'm a little bit relieved that it's not a crypt and it's just a little doorway now no I don't I don't think that's a good idea this wall right here that's you shake it this ball right here sunk in crazy I think I'm going you're going through yeah well you know if that falls on you I'm not gonna be able to drag you out anyways all right let's both go through just don't touch anything the walls the ceiling the floor and I'm out okay geez aqip snowing yeah look he goes on and on and on all right let's try to do a little recap here what we've seen fir there's like a pasture or something over there then there's one seller this is just an enormous structure here this is one two three four cellars I open back cellars a lot of these old buildings a lot of these old barns or what we call Bank barns half of them were in the ground half them weren't so you can have access to the first floor and have access to the second floor by the ground for unloading stuff it looks like that all of these were that with the exception of this one with the doorway it does kind of have like a creepy vibe here yeah they were so far from electricity right now even not right now though it's like super silent [Music] I know Eddie and I are harvesting just a teeny amount this birchbark ourselves a little campfire eat our snack temperatures dropping getting pretty late in the day [Music] [Music] alright well we spend a good while wandering around this place pretty incredible time to put out the campfire start the long hike home long hike the long hike it was a good long day alright well I hope that that was uh somewhat entertaining I have a feeling there's gonna be some more of these because there are a ton of really interesting sites that are in areas where there's no mouth detecting loud and I mean I like a good adventure heading off into a place where we don't really know where we're going and getting out into the tops of the mountains and finding this really cool interesting old stuff so anyway thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 784,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adventure, mystery, mountains, vermont, dangerous, spooky, haunted, ghosts, ghost town, abandoned, hiking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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