Metal Detecting a Route of George Washington’s Army

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey folks we are back at it again up in the mountains of Vermont and you know it is that time of year where the mosquitoes and the black flies are out in full force and it does not matter how much bug spray you're wearing they don't care it's actually not all that cold out today but I've got to wear my hood to keep them out of my ears and off the back of my neck and it's brutal so the plan today is we're gonna be walking this old road that goes right up over the top of the mountain it's beautiful it's got stone walls lining both sides you see here and there are a few cellars along the way that we're gonna stop at and do some metal detecting but I've had permission here for a while and I've metal detected these places in the past we found shoe buckles we found old colonial coins but the plan today is to walk in the fields along the wall because I read a little blurb in a local history book that this road was used for moving troops during the Revolutionary War now my hope is that maybe they parked off on the side and one of these farmers fields rest may be camp the night somebody ran off to use the facilities and dropped a few things I don't know we'll see so we're gonna walk both sides of this road we're gonna go up a ways hit a couple sellers come on back down the other side and see what we can find [Music] alright well we have arrived to the first of the sellers that we're going to be visiting today I did detect from where we started to here on the side of the road nothing a couple shotgun shells that's about it so we're gonna spend a little bit of time here and then we're gonna move on detect through the field till we get the next seller alright just a mid-tone just a 45 I guess I say that's a shotgun shell but given where we are no definitely not check it out is that just not the smallest little pewter spoon that's incredible it is falling apart due to the the pewter composition here it does not last very well in the ground but that's for sure what that is a little bowl to a little little spoon is probably you know like a little serving spoon beautiful alright it's a piece of history everyday life back then let's back it up keep going all right well targets have been so slow with this first sight this is my really the only second good tone here and I think after this one we're gonna call it and move on along through the fields it's not that high it's a lot only in the 70s and for some reason hold the nails kind of reading up there today so we'll see what it is [Music] silver-plated button any designs on it yeah there is a design on there what is that I think that's a design let me get it cleaned off here for sure look at that that's an eagle incredible alright there is definitely some writing on this Fox pari some writing up here to make that out sorry I'm shaking a little bit here I don't know what this is I mean it's clearly a button has this kind of interesting shape filled in in the back let me get this cleaned up a little bit see if I can make the writing out all right well I got it cleaned up enough to be able to read what I think says Manchester the N is missing but I think that's what it is Manchester CO and we have the Eagle of course and at the bottom which I thought said Foxborough I believe is Roxbury so I'm just going to very cautiously say that this is not a military button but probably a very pretty civilian button but if I learned something else I will certainly let you know I also think it's probably all silver not silver-plated you know silver with a lead back which is incredible all right that's a good find whatever whatever it may be [Music] let's get going [Music] [Music] all right well I am in a field so this find at first glance doesn't make much sense but it does for sure we have a big man-sized thimble here and from what I understand these were used in the fields when sewing up bags of goods now this was at one time a working farm you know we're high up in the mountains so the things that would grow is somewhat limited it's probably you know oats barley or rye or potatoes or something they would have used this to push the needle through the big you know bags of goods and somebody somewhere along the way dropped it hopefully they were able to finish the day without pricking their finger that's pretty cool an old tool from 200 years ago for bagging up goods in the field probably not dropped by a soldier but I don't know who knows all right let's keep going I'll see em he's up there somewhere red squirrels are notoriously fierce far more fierce than their larger cousin the grey squirrel they'll drop pinecones on you and yell at you and getting scraps with other animals you're funny keep going all right I've just got a beautiful high tone here it's only a 78 but it could be anything see oh look at that it was stuck to my finger when I put my hand in there that's awesome I mean that's uh that is a buckle you know what I yeah that's a mystery to me I've never seen one quite like this at first when I saw it I thought maybe it was a shoe buckle but this doesn't look broken this looks all together all there though this and this look different lengths interesting well whatever it is it's a colonial-era buckle of some kind awesome all right well hey I'll definitely take that that would have been beautiful shiny and golden when it was new used for whatever was used for ice I assumed horse tack but you never do no awesome all right let's keep moving all right well we have made our way from that first seller through about a quarter mile of woods which at that time was Fields and we've made our way to this second seller which is up on that hill up there and there is one more seller up the road but it's taking me longer than I expected I kind of zigzag my way through these fields so instead of going to that cellar we're gonna cross the road and head back for what it's worth all of the homes are on this side of the road I don't know what's on that other side it was all fields at one time I don't think there were any structures over there so we'll see we'll see what that means for us today as we metal detect our way back so we're gonna spend some time here see what we can find and we'll cross over well this was just a low tone I wouldn't have suspected it - coin I'm still not sure it is because it's not very round I mean it's a roundish I don't know it sure feels like a coin not a whole lot of detail on there hmm coroner's already starting to chip off a bit let me get my toothbrush out work on a little bit see if I can get some detail off of it all right well I'm going to say that it's a coin again it's not it's not really perfectly round but um you know being on the ground for a couple hundred years does that no detail you know because of the the area rang up on the metal detector I'm gonna say it's probably British coins coin I'm happy let's throw in the pack see if we can find some more right well I have another button here I'm pretty sure but man does it look intricate so you can see there's a little bit of gold plating down here we flip it over there's the shank do you see this there's super-fancy lacework or something and actually whoa looks like there's a whole bunch of bumps on the face all right I'm not gonna clean this with my fingers let me get my toothbrush out see if we can clean this very carefully that mosquitos China by cleaning this button Wow look at that ton of guilt still there incredible all right well it would appear either they had some money or there was a very well-to-do lady in the house I don't know maybe men would wear this kind of button I'm not sure I would but times were different back then I suppose let's get going [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we have yet another button I went in one of these old fields and it doesn't appear as though there's anything on here on the front at least but as I look at the back see that no less stuff this one's got string on it it says London see if we can figure out what the rest of it is here London guilt well it's pretty standard text let you know that it was gold-plated at one point well huh long ago we find a lot of buttons people were hard working back then working out in these fields they're popping buttons left and right all right it's good fine let's keep going so I was detecting around we're in a field right now I spotted something which caught my eye and I started panic a little bit because they looked like graves but it's not graves but it's pretty cool anyway so the white of the courts here caught my eye and then I noticed this which from the right angle over here I thought might have been a pair of graves but what I think happened was this enormous birch tree must have started as a little sapling in a little crack in this rock grew and then over time busted that apart which is really pretty amazing when you think about all it took was time and a little sapling to absolutely destroy this huge stone there's you know there's examples of that everywhere every everywhere you've got a stone with some cracks in it you know moss and dirt gets in there and then saplings grow by pretty cool all right let's keep detective we just got a scream and target here I had to guess so that's a beer can but see oh I see something down here it's not a beer can no way look at this oh my god you have got to be kidding me out in the middle of this field nothing around incredible brass colonial-era shoe buckle look at that Wow man I wish the inside was in here the pin must have been iron fortunately didn't survive it stay on the ground let's see if anybody else is in here there's more in here uh yeah that's some of it actually this inside piece must have been iron I think that this is iron I'm gonna recheck again but this is definitely the inside of it here there would have been two little spikes and the loop thing here man that is awesome man alright well spend a little bit more time in this field and then move along here alright we are almost back to where we started and we're at the corner of one of these stone walls this is the stone wall you know lining the road and then this goes off into the woods it would have been the border of two fields and I was just detecting around here and I got a button and there's a couple little iron targets out here who knows this could have just been a dumping ground could have been a place where people had picnics or something but we're gonna spend some more time here I don't know see what this might be [Music] all right I'm on my knees here on the ground digging a hole I'm starting to get some iron targets I then get a very unassuming mid-tone probably a shotgun shell right dug it let me show you and it wound up being this which is just a very thick cast pewter button isn't completely out of the ordinary out here anybody could have been wearing these this could have been homemade and then cover up the hole recheck it as you do and I got another pewter button again didn't raise my blood pressure but then I looked at it check this out am I seeing things or is that a script USA the button is just absolutely falling apart I don't know what's gonna happen when I spray it with this water here I hope it's going to wash the dirt off and leave the USA intact oh my gosh it's exactly what it is look at that USA you've got to be kidding me this is a Continental Army button from the American Revolutionary War oh man the Continental Army was made up by the 13 States when the Revolutionary War broke out and I guess this look at that is there still freakin string still in the shank I am not touching that and look at that again this would have been on the uniform of a soldier and the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War they must have been walking this path heading over the mountain to fight some British absolutely incredible they must have been wearing this one - there's no insignia on this but they were both in the same spot so I'll I will keep them together so we don't lose that history absolutely insane a Continental Army USA button Wow what else is there to say that is incredible [Music] all right well despite my best efforts I got eaten alive today the bugs are just unreal this time of year the fines were few and far between which makes sense because you know we were metal detecting fields and not focusing on a cellar hole but man today is a day to remember with that us a button the Continental Army came through here they did something in one of these fields and one of them lost a button and we were able to find it a couple hundred years later absolutely incredible let's look at everything we found today now some of these things came from the fields and some of these things came from the two home sites that we visited today I've written down where everything came from so that I can keep it all all together and when I find things I kind of keep them all in the same container and then I write the GPS point of where they all came from I try to keep everything nice and organized we found this enormous beautiful shoe buckle this I'm starting to think as time goes on that this might actually be a fragment of a shoe buckle as well even though the ends are nice and rounded I'm not really sure we did find a fragment of a knee buckle here just a piece of one we have our pewter spoon thimble one two three four five six seven eight nine ten flat buttons coat buttons cuff buttons we did find one big musket ball I didn't show this because the target was not very good but I did get it out and it is a huge musket ball that made impact with something we did get one copper coin it is not in great shape but I'm 99.9% sure that's what it is we have our silver button with an eagle on it I'm gonna go home to do some research if I do find out I will let you know if you happen to have some information on it please let me know in the comment section and then of course the star of the show today the Continental Army USA button which is a first for me probably a last for me they they don't come up very often and it's just an incredible piece of American history all right folks well that's it for me today I'm gonna get out of the mountains well I still have some blood left in me and I want to thank you again for watching my videos I hope you enjoyed [Music]
Channel: Green Mountain Metal Detecting
Views: 233,424
Rating: 4.9459376 out of 5
Keywords: adventure, Vermont, best metal detecting finds, metal detecting finds, metal detector, metal detecting coins, metal detecting videos, treasure hunting, metal detecting shovel, metal detecting tips, metal detecting, treasure, old coins, cellar hole, history, incredible, amazing, gmmd, stone walls, mystery, ghost town, 2019, New England, Continental Army, USA Button
Id: faA4RWvzh6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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