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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/spacemanspiff30 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
what was that battle 340 men killed zero losses how we did a Blanding what have we done - uck - what have we done scabs broken down all over ladies and gentlemen today we're playing Crusader Kings to know normally when we play Crusader Kings - we plays the legendary 100 stat man an ultimate lord of power who cannot be defeated by basically anything instead I'll be demonstrating for you a absolutely perfect strategy to destroy all sense of balance that ck2 has to offer and of course I'll be using the power of T to do it mmm that's some good yorkshire Team what will I be demonstrating today in Crusader Kings - well I'll be showcasing the easiest way to basically conquer the entire world now of course what it comes down to to conquer world you're going to need manpower you're going to need big armies and you're going to need to invade a lot of places but in order to have a bigger army this game would make you think well you need to have a lot of vassals you'd have castles which are upgraded and quite civilized and then you can have a larger army but no that's completely wrong instead to have a large army you need to use retinues that's right a system which is completely a Natale garbage which no one else in the game uses mostly because retinues a very expensive and offer you very little reward for having them also you can't even really have enough of them to have a good army but at last all of that so important ladies and gentlemen for today ie the spiffing Brit will be taking you on a merry adventure through Crusader Kings 2 as we conquer the lands and demonstrate the perfectly balanced power of the Germanic pagan raiding retinue so far further ado let us sit back relax grab a cup of tea and hey if you're feeling downright majestic and wanting to support the world conquest then you might have even liked the video remember liking the video guarantees you service in the retinue and service is mandatory so let's dive into this fantastic game now we can start a brand new game in the Viking Age it's a nice time it's 867 ad and the world looks a bit funky you might not particularly recognize it because it's a bit of a mess of history I mean what on earth is a coup mania but you've never heard of that and are even less likely to have heard of the legendary guj I mean I've never heard of Goodge if I'm honest guj kind of sounds like the next hip way to refer to a friend like McGoo ch okay do not go into the comment section College of Gooch's that that will make me immensely uncomfortable but nonetheless the world in 867 it's good it's fun it's exciting the Vikings are invading England you've missed a half down over here of your Vic just absolutely shredding up the entirety of Northumbria Mercer in Wessex so the Viking invasion is in full swing and it's very exciting however we're not actually going to be partaking in any of that are actually going to be starting our own fantastic journey over here in sphere care angleman land I know what a lovely province it looks like it's horrific cos it's in Sweden so it's freezing cold and it has no development but trust me this is actually the best province to launch a world conquest out of and I'll demonstrate as to why soon now we're going to be creating the perfect ruler because whilst I'm sure that is severe care of anger manland oh my god I just realized it's anger man land it's where all the angry people come from what a perfect province Thank You sweets for inventing this no we need to create our selves the legendary hero who's going to take us on a glorious adventure this man looks like a gnome oh he's fantastic or a glorious being and of course we'll keep the same coat of arms because that looks great first name you know what considering that he's actually decided to take some time off from the royal family we're actually gonna be led by Prince Harry himself from that's right the royal family so it's Harry Windsor what a great guy he's gonna be leading the glorious tribe of Angermann land into just taking over the entire world now in order to do so he's going to need a good education we're gonna make this guy tough soldier he's gonna know what to do when it comes to the fighting but most importantly we need to give him a couple of traits which are gonna make him very powerful firstly BAM this guy needs a stutter because it shaves four years off of his life I know this is how the game works you want to be 19 years old you just gotta have a stutter you don't to be 23 trust me quickly develop yourself a stutter and you'll suddenly lose four years off of your life equally so if you want to become deceitful for whatever reason two years will be shaved off of your life in your certainly be a seventeen year old now that we've done all of that it's all about making sure that we end up with as much prestige as physically possible I know it doesn't really make sense to be playing ck2 with a focus on just having a prestigious character but prestige is effectively going to become our currency for this game gold it has its uses prestige however now that fingers majestic in order to get a lot of prestige we need to give ourselves a lot of prestigious things like being proud there you go that's gonna add five years to our life but trust me it's necessary we are going to make ourselves wounded and that's such a quite an important trait because wounded is going to let us hopefully heal ourselves and end up with just having a scar because scars mean more prestige and there we go fantastic Harry of Windsor he's been pimped out he has a stutter he's a bit deceitful he's left-handed he but he's proud wounded cruel but most importantly he's a pirate this man is gonna be pumping out some of that glorious prestige for us you know what I think he's perfect and ready to go and we'll baron let's throw ourselves into the game now we're just gonna be using the basic set rules and I won't be turning on Ironman mode but you know you can if you want to get achievements from this go for it so welcome to Crusader Kings - ladies and gentlemen immediately graphically this game is going to look uh turley disgusting if you're not used to looking at maps but trust me this game is majestic it's really powerful no other game tells stories like this game if you've ever played Skyrim and fought well what would happen if instead of being the Dragonborn and killing dragons I instead became a yowl of a land and then made it so that all children had to work in coal mines oh and also I'd get married to my horse because you know you could do that now in this game yes no longer in the world of what Todd Howard says it's right or wrong welcome to Crusader Kings to where everything is just wrong at the beginning of the game we don't really have much to show off we just hold anger man land and that land on its own is pretty rubbish if I'm honest but we are going to have one advantage because I want this video to actually last and not just have my character die of gout about form in its time throwing all of my plans into chaos I'd like to stick with Harry of Angermann land and so we're going to be bestowing him with the trait of immortality this trait is completely irrelevant in the sense of this exploit it just makes my life is recording this video oh so much easier and there we go we've made good old Harry an immortal meaning he can no longer die in this game well he can technically be slain in battle but he can't die from diseases over old age now in terms of focus we need to make this guy who completely war focused because we are just sending him into battle after battle trust me this man is not going to see anything other than warfare for the entirety of this game you know watched Harry's on his quests he wants to become exalted among men he wants to have so much prestige that his name lives on in the laws of history perfect that's gonna be this man's mission now we need to pick a council these guys are going to be helping us with our day-to-day running of the country and in terms of actual importance the only member of the Council which actually truly matters to us is going to be the steward so we need to make sure we hire a very good stewards let's invite a noble to court this man here young giver he is 15 stewardship and consequently he's gonna be perfect we're gonna appoint him as a steward and we'll get back to him later splendid there we go our council is formed now your council can do basically whatever they like excluding your steward who has a very important job a steward needs to be building our legend and by doing so he's going to sit in our province of anchormen land and generate 1.5 prestige per month remember ladies and gentlemen prestige is currency for us our marshal meanwhile just have him on organizing the army he's gonna be improving our commanders kind of and also reducing the cost of the maintenance of our retinues speaking of which we need to get building them so there are two forms of military in this game a levy and a retinue your levy is relatively simple this is the amount of peasant farmers you can somehow convince to hold a spear and charge in a general direction your retinues however they're much much more important these are the men who are effectively going to be laying down their lives as trained soldiers of a standing army now the reason I've decided to play as a Germanic tribe is that the Germanic have a couple of special bonuses you see the Germanic all come from tribe provinces which in terms of an economy are utter garbage they provide literally nothing but all tribal provinces effectively have an earthen hill fort this very basic building which costs only thirty go to construct provides a base retinue size of 100 this base retinue size is then multiplied by the fact that we're Germanic and also that we're a count and that somehow manages to end up by having our retinue cap being roughly at 551 now a retinue cap of 551 might not sound good but what it actually means ladies and gentlemen is that we can have an absolutely metric ton of tribal warriors an army much larger than we technically should have this early in the game but anyway that's all exciting fun stuff for the future before then we need to get our country up and running that's exactly what we're going to do so what are we going to need to do to get our country up and running before we can actually start conquering the world so what we're going to need is a large retinue now the Germanic tribes have access to a very unique retinue which is very very powerful for how much it is this is of course the light infantries group of travel warriors now these are just a hundred and fifty dudes they cost twenty five prestige to make and they have a projected monthly cost over out no point naught to prestige of course they're gonna cost more point to free because they're currently growing but as you can see for 150 men we're going to be taking up a hundred and four of our retinue cap usage now if we were to pick these guys here even though there's still only 150 men there Britain new camp usage is a hundred and seventy as opposed to this one's a hundred and five making it much more value for money to just have an army of only tribal warriors imagine effectively the hordes of the Mongol Empire but instead of having horsemen we just used a bunch of blokes with sticks and of course they were all Angry Men from Angermann land that's exactly what we have we just have a bunch of angry dudes now what are we gonna do with our angry dudes well we don't really have an army and we're not particularly making too much prestige only around about 2.4 a month so we could really do with a way of making more prestige very quickly what's this in you Navarre has a great idea to build a monument to raise our cultural status what a great idea hopefully can increase our prestige now that's what I want oh and I forgot I need to get my ruler married okay right who do we marry a very important game but remember if you get it wrong don't worry because you can always divorce your wife now veteran players amongst you might be wondering how on earth can you divorce your wife in this game and what I mean is you just imprison them accused them of being a heretic and burn them at the stake you know the traditional way now we're going to get married to just a random nurse lady over here she's gonna do great she's got some decent stats and honestly that's all that we need her for fantastic stuff and for BAM she's married what are we gonna do we're gonna respect people as well from game thirteen prestige because prestige you know what that means that's another 150 dudes for the military and lovely I've lost the trait wounded splendid as you can see our army is growing rather nicely now what do we do with our army because we have technically quite a small army it could really do with growing but we need to actually start getting it invested and used in the world at the moment we don't have that many men we have a very small presence in terms of the world map but what we do need to start doing is making money and prestige and as a Viking the best way to do such a thing is to go out and raid so that's exactly what we're going to do we're going to raise up one final squad of tribal warriors and now we suddenly have 78 tribal warriors who generating love for 12 dudes per month they're going to take quite a while to get filled up to their maximum size but don't worry Cleo our glorious levied peasant farmers to help out with bulking out our army now we're going to do is we're going to get our King and all of the lovely dudes who we've managed to convince to join us and convince them that we're going to need to start raiding and that's exactly what we're going to do we're gonna get our armies set and raiding mode load them up onto a boat and we're gonna sail on over all the way round here to a lovely region in Brittany oh it's broke free or broke I've no idea now we're picking on this old 50 year old dude for the sole reason that he has some money and a very small army and we're going to be borrowing all of that oh the monument promised by young V has finished upon unveiling a statue there is a crowd smiling and lots of rounds of applause is lovely 200 prestige we gain from that or we can lose the trait proud and gain humble who wants to be humbled screw it 200 prestige I wanna be awesome now without 200 prestige you know we can do BAM we're raising up our forces and so the seating has commenced a bro ik whilst we're here we are actually just here to steal gold as long as we sit in this province gold is going to get carried on over to our boats which you'll notice can carry a hundred and forty gold pieces and that's hopefully what we're gonna be walking away from here with now there's some loot in behind those walls but we need to seat down the castle first in order to get to it that's exactly what we're going to do and we'll BAM there we go we can see down even more and steal more loot good stuff I've discovered that this province right here is absolutely perfect it's got a fair bit of gold which we're going to be able to borrow so that's exactly what we're going to do there we go let me steal it lovely stuff and our boat is almost full you know what I think that's all the looting we needed for one day so let's load ourselves back onto our boats and sail all the way home with our fantastic new gift of gold and of course whilst you've been away we've been investing our prestige into a new army which has been leveling up over here now the only downside is we've managed to hit our retinue cap we're using up 525 of our glorious retinue camp but it matters little there we go influx of loot is had glorious stuff now could really do with expanding a little bit because by expanding we can increase the amount of retinue we can field that's exactly what we're going to do down to ourself we have ragnar of map island and ragnar weapon land he doesn't have much land but what he does have is land which we can occupy now we're going to do border dispute it's not a good effective way of doing the war because it's going to cost us a hundred prestige and so it's going to upset a lot of Germanic people but honestly it's kind of necessary so that we can field a massive army and take out all of the other religions to our north or lovey do we have a chance to jewel the enemy leader of course we do right well jewel him splendid our walk away victorious and he'll walk away with severely injured splendid stuff I mean at the end of the day is just bonus prestige for me and that's very important almost this the catholic king of bavaria sent a missionary to tell me about jesus right we can't allow catholics in our realm burn him just a bit of the old sizzle anyway glorious our border dispute has ended and we have won the war now what does winning a war mean well it's quite important and the reason why is because by controlling this land we now have access to the medal pads tribes often hill fort which increases our retinue size by a hundred now what that actually means is our retinue size is actually doubled up to 1100 meaning we can just spam out a couple more units of retinue glorious stuff indeed now i'll retinue is up to 1.5 k which considering we're a garbage tribe in the middle of nowhere is a little bit too large oh and great my wife has died of pneumonia but it's okay ladies and gentlemen because she provided us with two children that's fantastic so we're going to need another wife now actually hopefully one that can last a little bit longer that would be fantastic okay you know i think we're ready to go to war you wanna know what's so great about having a retinue and go into war you can sit your army on top of the enemy capital and then hit the declare war button i know they tried to stop this exploit but for some reason it doesn't particularly work so here's what we're going to do ladies and gentlemen to demonstrate the true power of warfare what you want to try and do is get your army perfectly ready in positioned to invade and we're going to see that our army will arrive in six days time then we go three days time one day time there we go so as soon as we end this button our army arrives in this province so we're going to do is we're going to declare war and say that we're going to take this province which we're about to arrive in and it's time for the old Slamon surprise invasion how it works like a charm I'm sorry but we have a thousand dudes and you have literally nothing and your armies cost gold do my armies cost maintenance no they don't their maintenance is in prestige for some unknown reason and just by being at war would generate prestige which is fantastic anyway BAM there we go siege complete let's see down key me as well as the open hill for been completed it has you know what that means ladies and gentlemen yep Bretton you kept up to 1.6 K oh now that's the good stuff anyway our occupation has completely worked and we can now actually peace out glory success we have won the war and have we gained enough in hill fort note we need to build another one fantastic now as we don't actually have really enough money for my liking we're going to need to go raiding again we only have a hundred gold Duckett's that's not enough so it's time to raise up our fleet of ships we now have 18 ships I know it's not quite the Royal Navy but it's getting close and we're gonna throw our small army of retinues into the boats and go to war now where's looking nice and wealthy and doesn't have too many men to defend it well of course it would be good old brews over here which is currently getting siege down by some absolute madman so if we're going to sail on down and observe the Wars of the European powers and partake in them by doing absolutely nothing other than stealing gold well it's this everyday the purse is my wife keeps stuffing herself like a goose so much for moderation we need a larger bed how is that that's really how big is she what is it what have you done to my white okay fine that's fine game you know what that's perfectly acceptable that's just the way it is sometimes right we need a nice province full of gold and it would appear Bruges is just getting seeped down so we can't borrow that what about Paris though how's Paris feeling feel like Paris has enough of a garrison - technically scare us off but this random province of Zeeland tier however this is perfect rating potential so the rating of Zealand has begun oh my goodness and it would appear the rebels are immediately trying to throw themselves on to us Oh fantastic please can we leave the battle this is not profitable in any way oh my goodness yeah don't fight rebel states with much more men than you do you will lose and apparently I have the chance to duel the enemy commander probably best we don't and just choose the gain prestige option hey we've all of that brand new prestige in the fact that we've got a couple more of in hill fort built we're going to be able to below retinue of two how many men mm mm Bret kneecap all free thousand actual men this is fine who seems perfectly balanced game if we actually end up with an army three thousand just to put this into perspective that is actually more men than the entirety of the kingdom of Bavaria right here Canfield okay they can field three thousand dudes we can field much more than that for some reason you can field three point three K we have a new sudden it's Gandalf Harrison course that pig said because he's the son of Harry I love this game's naming system we could really do of expanding our borders now that I think about it where is some nice valuable land Oh pure harm over here two point eight in terms of actual County value I mean our Capitals worth three point free but that that is absolutely fantastic for Sweden considering it's 877 and this is Finland ladies and gentlemen so f two point eight this is a prime territory right here how many men does this guy have 768 he hasn't even got a good army you know what that means it's war time now what we're going to be doing we need to go to war and we're gonna pick the nation of pajama Nana over here just to try and steal their capital now they're of course a different religion and consequently that makes it much easier for us to actually invade them because you know there are different religions so nobody really Minds oh yeah here we come it's the big battle his 1000 dudes versus my 2000 dudes so he's gonna have a defensive bonus and we're going to take a crossing penalty so on paper this is a terrible fight for us but it matters little because of just how awesomely powerful we are oh my goodness I lost the jewel how did I lose the jewel he had a combat skill of ten how many did we have it's 67 and there we go time to sit down this lovely province has some good land in here I know it it's got an earthen hill fort is perfect BAM there we go war is almost completely war now our character is just so powerful there we go the war is complete we're going to take the province glory stuff we now control five different territories ladies and gentlemen I know that means of retinue sighs now 2.7 K and what are we going to do with the hundred procedure we gain from winning that war train up another I don't know 700 worth of retinue perfect our military forces down right absolutely ridiculous so because we have our glorious councilman over here working on building a legend this means each year we have a twenty six percent chance of just a group of warriors getting raised are these warriors want to go to war if they don't get to go toward they get upset and they get angry so they just want war war war and luckily that's exactly what we're going to be able to offer them so we're gonna merge them up for ourselves on round we now have technically in an available military force of five thousand and eight hundred men which is downright ridiculous I mean that's almost twice the field of more manpower of Denmark which as you can see on paper is much larger than ours and also it's much more valuable because I mean it's one province of skåne has about as much tax worth as the entirety of our nation but it doesn't have as many men with pointy sticks and that's where they lose out now technically speaking we are over our domain size and what does that mean on paper well they technically means the games going to start slowing me down because I have this much land instead of being able to field a thousand men from your castles you'll only be able to raise 800 because of how much land you have to control in the case of us however it doesn't matter because our men do not come from our domains they come from our retinue instead consequently we can have much more of them you know we're going to do with our men I've just come up with a fantastic idea we're going to go for another war but this time a big war a very very big war you only get to do this once ladies and gentlemen and we're going to be doing this subjugation war now we could do a subjugation war on say the entirety of should be fought over here but that's actually a bit of a faff stead we're going to a massive subjugation war in this entire region of Norway this looks fantastic the guys knows but if we use subjugation or force vassal ization oh now that would be good but I actually think subjugation would do us a little bit better than vassal ization after all we don't need vessels we just need earthen hill forts so let's go to war once again with our mad lad group of 3,400 dudes who are retinues and consequently fight better than just regular infantry now what we're going to do is we're just going to attack them before they're actually of time to raise up a good army you know we're going to actually raise up a levy of our own and just have that follow us around and teach down more land oh my goodness the Battle of nammude al it's been ages since I've felt so invigorated by battle oh yes there we go so we're doing great and consequently we're going to be upgraded from being a skilled tactician to being a brilliant strategist and we're gonna gain proud although I'm pretty sure we already have proud but I mean brilliant strategist just means our martial skill is so very good we fight so well we so well everything we do is just amazing what we're going to do is we're going to temporarily make it so that our retinues do not reinforce by doing this it means we don't spend prestige on them so they're a little bit cheaper to field but as a result they'll stop reinforcing their 19 dudes a month and this actually puts us down at the amount of prestige we should be paying per month for apparently 3,500 men that's one point for prestige one point for prestige a month just to keep up this working army of 3,500 men I know that's ridiculous considering that's the same amount of prestige which are bloody steward generates from sitting in this province over here summoning men out of thin air it's crazy what you can do with this game anyway the war is basically complete I'm just gonna see down this province for fun and then job done we're going to end up with a ridiculous amount of land watch this ladies and gentlemen its subjugation time off of peace in force demands all of that land is now ours splendid stuff he has been subjugated it's this war has gone great because we now control so much land once again our retinue cap increases to free point free K now what we're going to build are a bunch of shipbuilders they cost 200 prestige to actually build but they increase the amount of ships we can have by about seven so they're relatively valuable you know what in order to get even more ships we need even more coastline and so for that we're going to invade Finnmark it makes sense trust me Finnmark you've got to go down thank you very much for a bunch of pagans it's time to take Finnmark ladies and gentlemen boom the invasion of Finnmark went great we can now offer our peace in force our demands there we go and have a piece of land add it to our glorious list of land stuffs does this have an earthen hill fort it best have one oh of course it does oh you know what that means ladies and gentlemen for point freak a retinue care let's bring our army down to the south no do we have a large enough fleet to move this army yes just what we're going to do is we're going to raise that fleet of us and with these 57 boats we're going to be able to turn on raiding grow our army on to set boats we should be able to actually read literally anywhere with 4000 men don't really think there are many armies which can actually stand up to us does always help to raid areas of war because that means the AR just doesn't actually look at you but another great place to raid is of course Venice now Venice doesn't actually have many dudes have 1800 men so you know what we're going to see if we can sail our entire raiding fleet round of Venice I have no idea if this is going to work but I really hope it does these retinues how much are they costing us no point five above what is this why is it only no point five there's literally four thousand six hundred men this can't be at naught point five Oh me that's the amount of prestige we gained from bloody being proud oh this is terrible this game what have you done you've made a mistake right let's land our army in Venice it's raiding time oh yeah mediately just kill everyone and now it's time to loot see Venice they have a lot of money they hide a lot of money it's all in those walls we know it is and we're gonna be leaving this place with hopefully 570 gold so will BAM we literally crack open the walls of Venezia and ninety-eight gold becomes ours oh and what's this a bunch of cattle za let's split the loot again hundred prestige thank you very much that's enough maintenance to keep this army going for like the next 40 in-game years splendid stuff indeed ready we've managed to have a hundred and seventy eight gold loaded onto these boats which is lovely but you know there's always more gold to be had because there's a bunch of cities in here which all need to be burnt down thank you very much it doesn't matter that you have a garrison of 1000 men go another 47 gold immediately secured what's this there must be some way to get into Venezia the city might be well defended but we've control over both land and sea I have a distinct advantage oh I have a good idea a full assault from the land and sea will crack their defenses we will spread pillage for the countryside there's not much countryside around here if I'm honest so let's do a full assault from land and sea it was a great victory hardly any losses taken on our side that's brilliant I mean not that losses really mattered because for some reason we've reinforced our army worst saging why why is this allowance and it's not even a small amount of reinforcement it's 70 men a month that's a lot of reinforcement oh my goodness I love this game I really do anyway there we go we've almost seach down the entirety of Venice and I was right we have almost filled up an entire boat with just the gold we've generated from Venice what are we gonna do with this gold probably makes tan shoes which improve prestige that's genuinely the only thing I can think of and there we have it the entirety of Venice has been sieged we've gained four hundred eighty-five gold I kind of want to make it even more so let's hop back on our boat and land in Sagna over here let's have a bit more of a siege time what was that battle three hundred and forty men killed zero losses how we did a Blanding what have we done - uck - what have we done scabs broken down I love uck - don't change don't ever change you perfectly balanced mischievious game oh my goodness we've also got down our brand new Marshall over here who apparently reduces the retinue maintenance cost by 21% you know because that's perfectly balanced as well thank you we're just gonna spare out more retinues we might as well go right the way up to the limit push it to the limits how many men can we have 9.9 k sure one title can be created kingdom of Lapland you know what screw it let's break the kingdom of Lapland BAM this has been worth it I have no idea what that means but we've just changed the colour of our country and I presume increased yeah increase the amount of revenue we can have of course we have sadly we can't gain prestige at the moment just because the amount of retinue growth we're going through we're gaining 132 soldiers and one so it's gonna take a while to get our standing army up and running but soon it's gonna be there now I could really do with some more coastal provinces and for that reason I'm going to invade Sattar or over here it's a never finished province with the basic sole intent of having to provide me with a couple more boats because more boats means more looting more looting is more profit really we've got some absolutely terrifying commanders like just look at this 23 Marshall 23 Marshall and 19 right anyway let's go to war Clare war love this region here it's not very valuable but you know it's worth it it's going to increase our retinue cap what have they got they've got an army of 1,300 men where are they sending the men who knows but they paid to be running away running to our lands perhaps all that's interesting do they know that they can't actually run there is no escape having 1,400 men does not help you from the fact that we have many many more right there seed you down by capital what a glorious choice it would appear you've chosen death and consequently you are now completely utterly eviscerated perfect a glorious success I'm going to hold a great blot which is basically where we clean out our prison of all of the various people in the form of human sacrifices it's a great way of generating prestige there we go 25 prestige another 50 prestige there and another 25 prestige there perfect stuff you know with all of the money we have we're also gonna build ourselves another temple in this holding because you know we might as well good stuff and let the celebrations begin now our army is actually so big we can't even store it in our own lands because of just the physical way of how many dudes we have so we need to improve our capital so that we can actually just stationed our military there tell you what we could do if we could've taken a province in say England or somewhere with more supply and then just keeping it what if we for example invaded Brittany it's such a thing possible conquest of Leon would they be okay with that and they've got 1800 dudes I'm not gonna get told off for this em I know this is perfectly fine it's gonna increase romantic moral authority as well right let's um it's actually good for Co now if that's even more valuable BAM we want ker Nev its wartime so let's load up our army onto a boat and bam load the army onto the boat and sail all the way over to Brittany this land is going to belong to us and here we go we found the army of Brittany so let's drop our small force of 7600 men on top of them up were barren of a two hundred prestige for free lovely stuff and it's occupation time perfect indeed right this siege is going great I'm believing we're going to conquer Brittany very quickly into eat turns out they they weren't exactly expecting a sudden invasion from the coldish harshest parts of sweden anytime soon and there we go glory siege of glorious war and whoa BAM this province is now ours finally we have a location where we can store our military force only downsides is this region won't increase our Retton you can't buy much if we check on military yeah I reckon you've cap has only got up to 8,000 which is not the best if I'm honest but it's fine because you know we can now store our army here no matter what time of the year it is and that's honestly what we were looking for plus we can also use it as a staging ground for our ridiculous fleet and we've got three thousand warriors here who just want to go to war we should probably do something about this actually so we've got a spare three thousand dudes did we go to war with it's always lovely land which we could have like oh these guys here call a VC or whatever it sent over a small army free cake meanwhile we can have our raiding force raiding force I have a great idea instead of actually leaving this area we're just going to walk you kind of around the side just gonna walk you into Leon which is just next door and I just have you raid there instead there we go we're gonna occupy this land it's gonna go great but else you're gonna use your free army of 3000 dudes for and then we go easy war with a free army fantastic stuff that's another land what does this got it's got enough hill fort oh you know what that means retinue cap has risen by 800 so that's another what does that thousand something dudes for the army good stuff indeed and you know what ladies and gentlemen I think we've demonstrated perfectly just how crazily overpowered the Germanic and a retinue can be over here we have an army of ten thousand men led by free absolutely ridiculous generals all of them are completely crazy how much is this costing us per month well I'm glad you asked it's costing us one entire prestige one procedure month to keep this guy just running for an example that is all of the procedure that we gain from holding our counties so we gain one point one prestige a month and we just gain that immediately that's absolutely ridiculous and we could have even joined some societies and gained even more prestige from that if I remember correctly you gain prestige from joining the wolf warriors as well here we go well bam fifteen prestige and another plus twenty prestige as easy as that ladies and gentlemen BAM there you go up extra naught point two five prestige a month if you get to the top you get one prestige err month remember one prestige is an army of 10,000 men which is ridiculous because that's almost the entire army vacutainer or the entire army of the Holy Roman Empire and it's more than the army of the Byzantines and we are some tiny crappy Germanic dude with eleven thousand men at his disposal who fight better than regular infantry mind you as well and we are controlling the worst lands in the entire world look at this lady cami this province over here one point for County tax what do we got over here just a random province troy is fifty nine point free that's a little bit more impressive look at Paris that's a hundred and thirty one in provincial value that's ridiculous we don't have access to regions like that no we've just got uh turd garbage you know ladies and gentlemen I think this is a perfect demonstration of just how powerful it is we're in a very unique world buoyed by five the strongest military might and the best way of getting an even stronger military you don't need to give a bland you don't need to give it to your vassals you just want to hold all of your land and control it with a ridiculous iron fist that's how you play this game ladies and gentlemen anyway I've been the spiffing Brit and I hope you have indeed enjoyed watching today if you have them feel free to give this video a like as it really does help out thank you very much and hey also hop down into the comments section tell me what game you'd like to see next I know ck2 is not for everyone but my goodness I love it and if you want the return of a hundred step man give me a shout and if there's enough public support frim we'll bring him back powerful than ever before as well as a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make each and every one of these fantastic videos all the more possible thank you very much fuel continued support you lovely people and hey if you're wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this perfect one on screen now hand chosen to be just right for you you're gonna love it trust me and we all see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,345,559
Rating: 4.936841 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, crusader kings 2, ck2, crusader kings, ck2 funny, funny, montage, exploit, ck2 exploit, perfectly balanced, perfectly balanced game, crusader kings 2 funny, strategy game, strategy game exploit, retinue only, retinue only challenge, is broken, only challenge, ck2 glitch, rts game, rts exploit, world conquest, challenge, spiffing brit, british, english, rpg exploit, role playing game, video game, video game exploit, infinite money, money glitch, ck 3, op
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 42sec (2022 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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