Total War Warhammer 2 Is A PERFECTLY BALANCED game with NO EXPLOITS - Artillery Only Is Overpowered

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oh these Rockets oh they are so powerful they're doing about three times the damage of their bed to be doing which is just perfect for me fantastic hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spitting Britt and welcome to today's video we're playing total war Warhammer to quite possibly one of the best grand strategy games on the market at the moment and in my opinion probably the best Warhammer game out there it's absolutely fantastic and full of great fun but in today's video we're going to be doing something very unique you see like all total war games the developers want you to have a nice unique balanced army which is powerful at defeating numerous quantities of foes or building up a specialized army just perfect for defeating say the undead or Skaven or Lizard Men you name it you've got two min max it but today we're doing none of that ladies and gentlemen instead we're not men maxing way just maxing we are going to go on a quest to see just how far you can take the artillery only build in total war Warhammer to the artillery only build would be playing as any faction in the empire and having a army comprised of mostly just the fantastic hellstorm rocket batteries these are effectively the Warhammer equivalent of the USSR's Katusha it's fantastic so we're going to be diving into a game and I'm going to be trying to exploit every single system this game has in order to get the most you physically can out of a Kurdish Co so make sure you're sat back you're relaxed and you're ready for this one ladies and gentlemen because trust me it's going to be one exciting spicy bugger of a game so make sure you've saluted your picture of the Queen which hangs above your computer pour yourself another cup of tea and you know what if you want to sign yourself up to die as a peasant farmer on the frontlines of the Empire you might have even hit that like right let's jump into the video so we're going to need to immediately start a brand new campaign of the mortal Empires books of course I've the vortex it's great fun but mortal Empires there's just so much more of a world to conquer now of course when it comes to the mortal empires you can play as the hippy elf boys they're just boring or you can place the door curves even more boring the Lizardman who'd want to play lizard-men you could play as some zombie pirates some rap boys some Egyptian mummies or you could play as Britannia Oh what terrible choices alternatively you can play as the glorious Empire of man now the Empire is a very unique faction because basically it's just one great big massive land around about here which all swears fealty to warn dude now when it comes to which dude to play you have a couple of choices in Blair's the legendary Emperor Franz Bowser guilt or you can play as Marcus wolf out in the middle of nowhere of course we're not going to the latter that's probably not much fun instead we're going to be playing as beltasar guilt because immediately he's a very unique Lord he gets all of the classic race attributes which all of the other factions get which is a nice well-rounded unit roster you can summon the elect accounts you have an imperial authority which is great fun but what makes him so unique is not only does he give all of his units an extra ten armor he has more and cheaper battle wizards what makes him oh so special is this Lord affects plus 10% missile damage for artillery in the Lord's army this is perfect this is everything you need and so much more but this is our first 10% increase to missile damage and this is where we're going to be starting our campaign we're gonna crank it up to normal on both but this will be achievable on every single difficulty the game has right let's start ourselves a new campaign oh here we have it fantastic we're in the game now of course we control the lovely town / city of people door fell Dorf oh this is a place in the empire trust me now the Empire and the golden order are a pretty fun and simple faction to play basically you're playing a battle wizard who has a bunch of magical superpowers and you have to lead them about the land as he you know liberate them from other people now the way this game works is that there are a bunch of different elect accounts all of which have a certain level of fealty to us for example the people of a Ville and over here have a natural fealty of eight towards us if we get that number up to ten dole immediately Confederate reverse and what that means is their entire empire becomes ours all of their armies are ours everything it's great fun but also the way the electric current system works is that everyone has if it bonus for the region they control for example Baltazar girl tara a lovely legendary lord is controlling the region of seoul and what that means is that he can recruit extra people he gets to form guard deploy and he gets some decrease in upkeep fantastic he also gets a unique weapon and a unique special set of infantry that's all great well done beltasar the only difference is there are some better regions out there most importantly the region of vision land to our left recent land overhead grants us a very important bonus if you're the count of visum land you'd not only get 40% missile resistance you also get +10 % missile damage for artillery units plus 2 percent recruit rank for artillery units and a decrease in of keep again but what is so important for this is that it is a plus 10 percent damage increase for artillery units if we add that to the existing bounties or guilt that means it's a plus 20% damage for all artillery units now that's perfect so that's one of the ways we're going to be increasing our damage there are of course a few other ways that most easy being the tech tree now the way the tech tree works is with firing drills here which makes it so that all of our artillery going to be reloading and shooting faster which is great we can increase the ammunition which is also fantastic and most importantly another plus 8% missile damage for artillery units is found right here this is great we're going to be quite a while off of this though and you're probably going to want to sink most of your early research into things like the assembly line then the Imperial University and also make sure to grab the combustion agent because this is going to make all of our hellstorm rocket batteries even better when we spawn them in but that's not all ladies and gentlemen there's even more we can add on so already we've got plus 28 percent damage but there is technically more to be had it's just going to be very complicated to find you see down here we of course have the wolf Heart Huntsman or whoever he is he's a man of the empire he runs around here just basically hunting lizard men in a forest and the Empire sends him supplies that is genuinely his entire job oh he has a more important purpose for us because as long as we get our lovely pouches are dealt over here all the way across the map to murder him then guess what I have some fantastic news for you if you manage to fire and kill Markus wolf heart with any Lord that Lord immediately gains plus 5% missile damage to their entire army and plus 10% missile resistance that's fantastic and that's not even all ladies and gentlemen because already were up to plus 32% provided we get all of these traits together of that we also have some even greater improvements firstly we of course have the additional orb of sorcery which is great it means all of the lumenok units and steam tank unit do even more damage they will also receive the bonus from our general improvements to all range units so that means we're gonna have very powerful steam tanks more powerful steam tanks than we actually have hellstorm rocket batteries and I personally prefer the hellstorm but to improve it even more after that we have the Imperial gunnery bonuses which allow us to gain an extra plus 12% damage so that means we go from doing 32 I fink to doing about 44 and then you can add an additional plus 12% on top of the 44 to do plus 56% damage with ranged units that's not actually as far as it can go it can go even further but it's gonna take us a long time to get there ladies and gentlemen so we're going to need to sit ourselves back and get comfortable because this is going to be one hell of a campaign for total war Warhammer to these videos take a bloody long time so let's jump into it and already I'm going to have to restart because excellently move Bowser sell go all the way into the wrong region come on you just had to defeat one tiny garbage goblin army ha ha ha welcome to the first big point in our game it's a roundabout turn 29 and we've managed to capture ourselves castle dragon half over here I know it's a very important little region for us to grab because it's effectively nullified the vampire counts of being a fallen in our side and it's going to allow us to expand northwards up here and also at the same time the Alexa count over here of austin mark decided to try and escape from the empire and as you know when someone tries to leave the empire it's a perfectly justifiable opportunity to annex all of their lands which is exactly what we're doing we're gonna sweep on up through the vampire counts probably leave castle Tempelhof to the Moot and then run all the way up here to take over Oster mark i know it's gonna be great fun now we still haven't managed to get the opportunity to take vision land yet basically we either need them to rebel or some kind of where they attack someone and then we can jump in on the opposite side of them and steal their capital province if we manage to grab known then that gives us the ability to put hopefully bout as our gelt in control of this inland anyway we're on the marches always to just steal land from the vampire counts most these fights aren't even that tricky we can kind of just march our way in and go oh hello there vampire counts oh what's that you have an entire stack of men a lot of crypt ghouls well they're pretty dangerous are they well it's a shame they don't stand up against waves and waves of spear dudes backed up with a bunch of archers and a couple of crazy night Cavalry's oh and whoa BAM that's it that's literally it it's crazy how this game works but that's an easy decisive victory only 296 losses and these archers Haymitch 220 kills what the hell they were shooting at my goodness right well that was easy that's an occupation and now that's all of Eastern Sylvania secured for us which is lovely it's probably time we peace out with Sylvania because there's no need for us to take castle temple off doesn't offer us any unique bonuses and so we must consequently March bout as our guild up north whilst all of this is going on by the way he's improved his Imperial gunnery skill up to maximum which is great you know what I should probably grab him his golden face mask for his +20 arm and there we go that'll give him some power fantastic this is going great oh no ladies and gentlemen this is an opportunity turned 37 and Vissel hand declares independence and naturally we voted to stop this and land by force because this was what we were looking for all along oh it's perfect we've got an army here just ready to deal with it oh it's gonna be great right you my friend are going to go defeat the vampire count rebels and then march on vision burg you know it was rad it we're also gonna recruit a new lord we're gonna probably grab some kind of hunts master general one of these guys they're gonna be fantastic suppose you could also recruit a battle wizard they're always good fun look at them they are pretty expensive though but we can get five of them in an army if we really wanted anyway it looks like we're gonna need to finish up with our CG over here and then run on so we're going to have to manually fight this siege ourself although knowing how the AI is going to work they're probably going to sadly out and attack us and we'll crush that no problem anyway it's off to view some bug very soon ladies and gentlemen this is going to be one exercise moment as as soon as we get this invoked we get that plus 10% artillery damage and Balthasar gelt oh he's been practicing for his artillery I mean just look at him he's level 15 he's maxed out his Imperial gunnery all he needs is his Emperor's finest then he can get rally and then finally we can drop one more point into artillery master and that is just perfect Oh it's ten turns after the visum burg Declaration of Independence and as you can tell independence is kind of backfired for visum burg because their capital province is now surrounded by the combined forces of Balthazar guilt here now backed up with Kurt Allen stag the brand new hunts marshal as well as dirt force I know it's gonna be great and we're going to be taking this capital right now Oh what's this we only have a 50% chance of winning the siege sure you know whatever you say you're right you're right game I often get this wrong yet I haven't brought enough men they're going to absolutely crush me I must be mistaken you know what I'm gonna have to continue to and bited next hope that probably could have Sally out and attack me on the field of battle oh my goodness please do it please leave the fort and defensive structure to attack me no that would be so good you're very smart AI you know you want to you know you do come on you're moving you're here oh god what's your hero doing oh you don't Sally out oh that's terrible Oh a novel and has offered their Confederation well you know what we might as well accept it I thank you Everland oh that's an entire province secured lovely stuff oh and of course it comes with a free army Ruediger Volkmann now is ours all right I think it's time for us to do our seats ladies and gentlemen we've got all of our dudes here we've got one battering ram I think this will probably be of nice and easy battle and by that I mean I'm controlling a large army so thousands of people are going to die when I never tably forget they exist and they end up walking straight into a massive gun pointing at their face or they just stand in one location was hails of artillery fire rains down upon them as I forget my crew them out of a position perfect the siege can begin it's going to be one complicated siege because they have reinforcements they have a lot of artillery it's going to basically be all about seeing who can get on the walls first really for my then why honor for the great swords leading the battering ram in well you know what I'm not going to ask questions we're just going to send them in and then we're going to have a wave of spearmen just run onto the walls and probably die trying i stalled my lovely archers can just sit and relax alright here we go it's time for the big invasion oh my goodness there's a perfect shot from the mortars right back here are we just going to cause havoc for this gatehouse and immediately a massive next wave of infantry has just rocked up oh you guys are gonna have fun I hope you enjoyed storming the breaches because that's what we have planned for you oh yes the first Manor climbing up the ladders now this is perfect we've had massive casualties which is just how I like it I mean what's the point of really fighting your own battles when you can just reign in artillery on your own men's positions and of course Balthazar gets casted absolutely crazy spell which is just immediately eviscerated a thousand people you know we can just cast more spells down because why not he's bout as our goat you can do a bunch of magic stuff now and they just opened the doors for us oh that's very nice of them hello and there we go we've done it fantastic we managed to read all of their forces in the end it was a very costly battle and I'm sure we've lost a lot of men but honestly it doesn't actually matter it was a decisive victory apparently the auto resolve wouldn't have been the decisive victory I would of course bounced out got 187 kills from casting a bunch of wizard magic into the crowd hats off to him we did kind of get shredded by the artillery which is a perfect example of why it's good to have the artillery on your side rather than helping the enemy anyway with the AI forces dealt with now this puts it in a very nice position and we there we go that's the decisive victory we're looking for that's an entire faction defeated and that is this entire province now in our control perfect known is ours ladies and gentlemen and that's basically their faction destroyed as well I'm sorry Heinz Hertz vans and Heinz hunter to recover what is this RV it's just two dudes both called Heinz it's the Heinz Bros well good job Heinz Bruce they're just running around our lands that's fine let's finish them off road F in chat for the Heinz Burroughs ladies and gentlemen F in chat and there we go with the death of both of the Heinz Bros vision land has been defeated kilted battle just where they both called hines it's almost as good as van van Volk van van which is a true name which can't generate in this game I know so I've been building up our economy and it's now Turner 69 well okay I actually didn't do that deliberately this just happens to be the turn where I can finally do the quest for the cloak of molten metal which is a very unique item for good old Balthazar Colt gives him just a bunch of resistances and makes him very nice and overpowered so yeah we're gonna go and do this quest better with our force of dudes pretty sure we're fighting against undead's which isn't actually that difficult first so this is gonna be a very easy and lovely fight oh my god we're gonna win this instantly there's not even a point of me actually fighting this on the battle map oh wait no we can't auto resolve fantastic I've got to actually fight this with such a challenge that this is going to be and here we go up perfect optimum army setup already from our starting position we can just rain a lot of fire onto them we have a bunch of dudes stuffed into a forest who are able to cause a bunch of chaos - and of course I can cast magic from my starting zone of course right there we go that's just gonna be squad of zombies annoyed and the vampire Lords are no more naturally I completely been stop the battle yet again in true British fashion and I had a massive quantity of horses just charged into the enemy I watched them and then I just forget about them i watch them slowly get slaughtered by skeleton spearmen some of the weakest and cheapest units in the game killings over the most powerful oh well that's just how it works of me Oh welcome back to Warhammer it's now turn 82 and some good progress has been made we are now the strongest fraction in the entire world although we have just entered into war with the next most strongest faction the black crag orcs yes that really big they basically controlled almost the entirety of the map here and a also for some reason control the map up here so yes we're going to do our best effort to kind of just ask them from our general area so it's a good thing we Confederated a bunch of terms cuz we actually have quite a few armies lying around unlike goodness we got the stuff of valannus quest at the same time well we'll just leave that for the time being because we're getting really close to actually being able to recruit the artillery you see was we could have recruited the artillery previously if we wait for this city to be level five and we also graden the null it's cool then all of our artillery recruits for ranks higher currently our Huntsman generally can recruit the whole storm rocket battery at a skill level of 6 provided the hailstorm rocket battery has a skill level of 7 they received the plus 12% damage increase which Balthasar Gale provides them with it's a really important skill to have naturally we need to make sure that we can actually recruit the hellstorm rocket batteries of that skill before we buy a bunch of them and then watch them die in battle and then once we finally have that army we need to go on our magical adventure across all of the oceans of the world to go find the hunts master general and murder him only then can we have true power in true total total war one thing we now have access to though is improved battle wizards I know these are not just your regular battle wizards we are able to recruit wizards at rank 10 which just makes them very powerful naturally we're gonna go for Ian Todd premia what kind of name is this you got Boris Todd bring over there aka the legendary toady but know this is his slightly less impressive cousin Ian Todd bringer oh my goodness so you might be wondering why we chose to get the bright wizard I know there's a bunch of different wizards out there we chose to get this one my reasoning is quite simple basically if we upgrade our lovely fireball spell here we get accessed in Kindle flame which means we cast a map void continuous debuff which grants a 22 percent weakness to fire damage on everyone on the map this is fantastic because it means all of our flame based artillery does even more damage what we can then improve even more is the flaming sword of ruin we can upgrade this free times and suddenly we have a spell which doesn't actually cost that much and improves missile damage by 25% it's a fantastic little spell and there we have it we now have Ian Todd bringer the perfect companion for any missile based army so we're going to have to send him to meet up with good old Balthazar I often get asked a lot about which youtubers I actually recommend or follow for like the games I play and certainly for will Humber - you've got a bunch of great content creators out there my personal favorite and the classic Tom and Ben twitch streams but of course I still hold out hope that youtubers like Mandalore eventually to cover this game and of course I can never lose my true favorites my sweet sweet Irish boys of a hearty in Cormac heaven his beautiful sausages not that they'd probably ever play a game like this but my goodness I just loved them too BAM I've jumped into the midpoint of the video and you would least expected me I know that's right it's me and oh my goodness are we moving into smooth jazz fm oh my goodness yes we're going into smooth voice mode for this sponsored announcement that's right this message is brought to you by spiff co itself we're here to remind you that the hallucinogenics we slipped into your tea should be taking effect right about now and your desire to like the video should have increased by about fourteen thousand percent thank you to those in the spiff Co R&D division for creating that and not only that but the boffins in the research division created this brand new line of glorious and majestic merchandise scientifically verified to increase your charisma stats by fourteen thousand percent and your softness by a good fifteen point seven five percent - they're actually really bloody comfy I'm wearing mine now which I got ahead of time and it's nice and soft and honestly that's all I want from my jumpers because soft and warm jumpers warm up my cold icy and dead heart god bless fabrics they're great anyway let's dive back into the video oh this is it ladies and gentlemen the turn I've been waiting for turn 106 we finally got our empire up and running and we have our hellstorm batteries immediately they are recruited at maximum rank this is level 9 meaning before we actually move them to Balthazar gelt their actual missile damages 510 this is in comparison to their regular base missile damage which is 340 basically these guys are better they're going to last longer they're going to hit harder and they're going to be absolutely fantastic so we're getting as many of them as we physically can't then we're gonna load them up onto Balthazar goat and then we're probably going to throw Balthazar guilt into this mission over here to get the stuff of valannus and the stuff of Roland's I don't know I better do war hammer pronunciation it's all the same and then after that we need to go track down the final increase of 5% missile damage and find the bloody Huntsman alright this is it ladies and gentlemen we've done it the actual proper attack ah we've got all of our hellstorm rocket back is ready we've got the min maxed out to the absolute maximum as you can see each hailstorm rocket battery is going to 677 missile damage each while he'll blast a volley gun is gonna do 1711 because it can't physically do more than that we've kind of broken that one yeah it's gonna be stupid this fight I am very excited to see what happens but we've got a bunch of Units to kind of stand in front of the whole storm rockets and then the Houston Rockets are going to cause absolute chaos on an attacking chaos army I know it makes us even better versus I'm pretty sure they don't even have any range units which makes this fight a little bit easy now I'm sorry it was whole Sidious you're going to be fighting the mighty force of Balthasar guilt as well as Todd Bruner good old Ian he drives a Ford Fiesta when he's not working out of his white van and then when he gets out of his van he casts flames spells it's magically in I mean if you actually met a fire was it called Ian Todd bringer who did actually drive around at a Ford Transit van his fire spell would probably be shaking up a can of Lynx Africa and holding it in front of a lit flame but honestly that's enough to become the arch fire priests of Balthazar Celts golden order alright so here we have it we need to set ourselves up ready for a legendary battle we have this nice great big hill behind us I think it makes sense to make use of it so let us first line up all of our fantastic ranged artillery I want all of the Rockets kind of out in the open but positioned in a way so that all of them can shoot I mean just look at these things they're absolutely stupid it's just a bunch of dudes wearing yellow firing rockets across the map now you might be wondering about my battle plan for today's fight well my hope is that the enemy will charge towards us there are oh and that's exactly what they're doing there was always the charge that they wouldn't do that and that would have been a real shame but this is fantastic they're going to offer up their entire army to us on a silver platter now none of our Rockets going to be able to shoot for a while and we're actually going to take them off fire at will because we don't want them wasting a single shot we also have our major setup here who's ready to cast is fantastic spell of increasing the fire damage of all of our rockets and pretty sure this hits all but one of our squads which is fine but we do actually have a very special battle plan for today's fight basically we have our glorious Knights of the lasting light they're not actually going to be able lasting because they are operation distract oh nine thousand the nights of the everlastings job is to charge headfirst into the enemy and keep them clumped up in a big ball whilst that's happening Balthazar dealt here is going to improve their armor massively and cast a bunch of spells on top of them hopefully they will last longer than five seconds if they don't mats find would you send in Baldrick over here a baldric will willingly sacrifice himself for the greater good don't worry he's an immortal and here we go it looks like we're ready to actually get started on some true proper chaos you know what I think it's time we open up fire man open fire I want everyone to target those chosen how birds at the back and we're going to create the mega blob a group of men whose only job is to last a long long time and in comes the flames oh good it's yes the flames and fire kind of mostly just hit our own men there but you know what that's part of the charm immediately the frontlines of the chaos nights are getting eviscerated here oh my goodness what chaos is this we haven't even cast our fire spell so major boy increase missile damage by over 25% six hundred and seventy seven is just not cutting it how far can we go seven hundred and one go by Gloria Sven oh yes this is fantastic this is art oh yes the chaos forces are going to really be struggling now oh this is just true chaos they haven't even hit the front lines yet it's just a bunch of missiles landing in the enemy oh these Rockets oh they are so powerful they're doing about three times the damage of their bed to be doing which is just perfect for me fantastic are we going to be able to do it most of their army is already routing oh yes even the cavalry trying to come around the side is just getting shredded by all of this oh this is incredible yes they can't even get close immediately their men are breaking this is it we've done it all that was quite possibly the greatest CREZ battle i've ever seen we didn't really take any losses at all I don't think other than of course the Warrens quart of sacrificial horse dudes this has been a glorious battle just look at all the men as they retreat just getting shredded by all of the spare rockets we had lying around all this was perfect wasn't it a fantastic time to end the battle he notes of the everlasting did exactly as I wanted them firstly they didn't ever last they died immediately and they managed zero kills the Rockets on the other hand managed to absolutely annihilate most of the known universe they did absolutely fantastic the helpless a volley gun also did great and so did walk just about everything in my entire army they were just lovely Road ladies and gentlemen I've made some improvements our army is you know as incredible as always but we've got yet another quest battle to fight once again we're on the quest for the staff of Roland's and we've got to defeat some boring peasant farmers I know apparently this is going to be a tough fight look at this balance of power 5050 this is gonna be rough ladies and gentlemen or is it just a bunch of how boots with not much defense some hand Gunners and some Demi grifs this is going to be very interesting once again we're going to deploy all of our artillery and one nice big clump we've of course our volley gun in the middle we're gonna plop that steam tank up in the front as well this time because I expect an ambush to be happening we're going to be having some spearmen defending the rear or and just every single flank in general really we do have one bonus unit of great swords now this is a very unique group this is an extra special group which is unbreakable great swords now what these guys are going to be doing is they're going to be charging straight forwards to the enemy and because they're unbreakable they're never going to retreat and that's exactly what I look for from my great swords so we're going to send a bunch of old crusty dudes straight towards the enemy and some fun is going to happen immediately all of our rockets can fire and so it's probably a good idea if we pause the game and cast our magical spell and actually need to wait for the spot to be cast and now that it's cast we're gonna turn back on fire will and away the Rockets go oh this is gonna be one very nice opening volley alright the swordsmen are charging in this is going to be a great start and here comes our first few volleys straight into the enemy lines good first hit there couple of misses but all around all that some good hits on those great cannons very nice oh and these halbert's here love stuff now of course the accuracy isn't the best but the closer they get the more deadly we get which is just fantastic for us oh and that's their great cannon immediately destroyed and out of the game as well as the unit of hell Birds which was defending it let's get some of these units at the front oh my goodness they have some men hidden away in the forests some ambushes oh this is exciting if only we were prepared for an ambush oh wait we are so the great swords are all dying immediately so the halberd is at the front yet you really should have chosen to be in the second wave attacking you know oh my goodness our great swords are doing a fantastic job of their fighting to the last and I'm so proud so yes they're trying to kind of come in on our flank and get a surprise attack on us but it's not going to work not at all all we need is our spearmen to soak up all of the ranged hits as we slowly charged around the map causing even more chaos oh and this is perfect as they retreat all of our rockets are able to open up and chaos is properly ensuing now this is fantastic no matter what direction they run off in were able to get them all there we have it ladies and gentlemen total victory ah it was a bit of a scrappy fight at the end a lot of losses and a bit of a break in the line but you know it was an absolute great laughs couple of the Rockets managed to get 254 kills which is stupid considering this is an army comprised of a very large quantity of artillery and the thing is we haven't actually really hit their peak you see in the background have had something improving something going on which is very scary and very powerful so our special improvement to make everything better is not just this brand new regiment of renowned hell blaster volley cannon which does 1395 damage and is armored it's actually this lovely guy here Kurt Allen stag you see Kurt Allen stack has a couple of incredible bonuses he provides the bonus of sure and true which provides a +5 reload skill plus 5% missile damage and plus 5% armor-piercing missile damage for all nearby units fantastic we can just plunk him down on a battlefield and he buffs everything what makes him then even more powerful is that he can augment himself every once in a while for hail of fire which imbues every single range weapon in a 40 meter radius with fire damage and ads +32 their reload skill and then later on you can also get him up to funnel flame which adds a fervor plus 30 to his reload skill now you might be thinking what enough does that mean and on a fundamental level ladies and gentlemen what that means is you effectively turn the hellstorm rocket battery from being just a rocket artillery piece which can fire a rocket then you have to wait about seven seconds for the next volley you can take it from that to suddenly being almost instantaneous suddenly your house storm rocket battery thanks to the Imperial gunnery bonus and the artillery master bonus suddenly your rocket batteries of reloading at the rate of a fully automatic minigun that's when you have to start questioning the balance of the game and there we have it ladies and gentlemen I think this is probably where I'm going to have to call it a video but if you wanted to do this yourself and take it beyond this point then my advice would be to of course go find the hunts master general down fighting the lizard men over here in the Warhammer equivalent of the Brazilian jungles and then also make sure to trail your hair around with a secondary army led by a hunts master general who can either have a bunch of artillery or just whatever you want you can give them a huge form of infantry just to stand in the way of the enemy it's really up to you and I also strongly recommend making sure that this guy is also the person in control of the vision land region because they immediately gives them plus 10% missile damage for artillery units it's a real shame that sadly we can't find a way to exploit the game and take Balthazar guile off of the region of so land and put him on to vist and land as well because if that was the case we'd have been able to take the damage from being about 700 to probably closer to around about 1000 and if we were having each and every single rocket hitting for 1000 then that means if you were to shoot one of those missiles at say an enemy character you'd be able to kind of take them out in about two volleys provided half the shots hit it also has great armor-piercing capabilities and just general fantastic stuff I also strongly recommend using these missiles against the undead because undead factions have even more of a weakness to fire damage and if you want to make things even more crazy then make sure to use your hunts master general and fly him straight into the middle of the enemy I know it sounds stupid because this guy is a ranged hero but if you can get him into the middle of the enemy you can get him to cast oil flasks this hits an enemy and gives them a 50% flame weakness I know that's ridiculous when added to the plus 20% flame weakness of the fire mage here suddenly everything on the bounce of yours is plus 70% weakness to fire damage if you're fighting the undead then they already have it plus 25% weakness to fire damage or whatever or maybe it's even plus 20 I can't remember and so what you can do fear at it is get all of this combined and even though your missiles say they're doing 1000 damage they're actually going to be doing 2,000 damage against the undead because everything is going to have massive fire weakness and meaning it's gonna be doing even more damage it's stupid it's fantastic I love it anyway ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna have to call it a day here because I've spent probably about three days making this video which is far too long for me to spend on one video technically speaking but you know we've got many more games to cover so it's time for us to move on and if you have indeed enjoyed total war Warhammer here today then please do give the video a like because it encourages me even more so to return to this game because there is so much more to discover I mean just every single new DLC released for this game creates brand new ways to glitch it and cheese it as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons now enjoying this grand new custom made end screen I know we spent four months of the patreon budget crafting this glorious design probably I don't know most of the money goes to tea anyway and hey if you did enjoy this video then you may want to consider subscribing to this very strange channel it's unique and we'd absolutely love to have you on board for the ride and if you sat there thinking I wonder what video to watch next look no further than these ones on screen now they've been hand chosen by myself to be just exactly what you're searching for trust me you cannot love it anyway I'll see each and every one do the next one have an absolutely lovely evening or day mid day whatever there it is and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,392,868
Rating: 4.9200339 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, Total War Warhammer 2, warhammer, perfectly balanced game, artillery only, exploit, warhammer exploit, total war exploit, spiffing brit, overpowered, total war overpowered, warhammer overpowered, english, british humor, funny, montage, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, perfectly balanced, warhammer 2 total war, total warhammer, warhammer artillery only, total war warhammer 2 artillery only, the empire, chaos, skaven
Id: mFq5k85oGPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 30sec (2070 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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