Warhammer 2 Imrik is OP!! Total War is a Perfectly balanced Game With No Exploits! Dragon Only Army

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mm i would like some teaaaa

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/merger11 📅︎︎ May 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
it's time to unleash all of the flaming breath attacks and go ah yes napalm it's beautiful okay that's the entire defensive force routed hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the smithing Brit and today we're playing total war Warhammer to an absolutely fantastic game which guess what just got a brand new DLC and that new DLC well it's got some unique design choices which we're going to be exploiting for your entertainment now if you've never heard of total war Warhammer - you must have been living under a rock because this is quite possibly the best total war game ever after of course Rome Total War the best game of all time if you've never heard of total war hammer tooth and go which the Mandalore video on it it's about one and a half hour of pure joy and memes and it basically perfectly summarizes this game this game is split into several factions ladies and gentlemen which I can go through basically briefly now you've got the elves your classic precious boys is a played by the kinds of people who want to have a good unit for every single situation and hate losing then you've got the lizard people for when you want to just be weird the dark hills so when you're feeling a little spicy this gave them for when you literally just want a nuclear bomb most of the map and there's some zombie pirates some Egyptian necrons a bunch of Germans and one of whom who basically turns everything to gold some grumpy dwarves then there's some orcs now and some vampires and some britannians who are basically French people and just like French people they continuously routing combat but most importantly a brand new DLC was just added to the game a very special DLC because it's apparently revolutionized the green skins or the orcs in this game up until this point the orcs have basically been pretty much useless they just get thrown around in the map with no particularly magical units getting beaten up by all of the much stronger factions but that's all apparently changed we've groomed the pawnch the latest and greatest orc to ever exist luckily the developers over at CA decided to give me a key so that I could have a whirl of the brand new DLC and see just how overpowered Grom the pawnch is well ladies and gentlemen he's not overpowered he okay yeah he's just a pretty decent Lord nothing too special but of course he has arrival ladies and gentlemen here he is it's El Ferrari on the person who has to fight Grom the porch is a brand new legendary Lord and guess what he's got bonuses to spare infantry and Rangers oh oh that's actually just terrible oh but he's immune to attrition yay what a great feature yep so this is elf Ariane he sucks he's the brand new DLC Lord and guess what you had to pay for him he's garbage you know who you didn't have to pay for the brand-new free dlc lord this is him Rick the greatest legendary Lord I have quite possibly ever seen he's majestic and melee and he rides a massive bloody dragon unlike the peasanty boy who you had to pay for this guy is incredible his entire faction and game is not about defeating the green skins it's about recruiting dragons he's absolutely insane and incredibly fun to play now on his own the Lord isn't necessarily too special he's got an increased campaign movement range a slight decrease in upkeep for dragons and so on because they are bloody expensive but what makes him so special is the fact that his abilities are just downright incredible he's great fun to play but there's one issue ladies and gentlemen one thing which makes elves very overpowered in this latest update and also of course Emmerich who is one of these elves you see up until this updates whenever you recruit a lord or a hero they have a set of traits now in order to make the heroes powerful in the elven roster they got access to some extra special bonus traits to put them on par with some of the legendary Lords they'd be fighting now that's great fun that's nice gave them a bit of a fighting chance and we saw the appearance of the incendiary trait now in sentry in the latest update of Warhammer 2 is actually even more powerful than it previously was in previous builds of Warhammer 2 in Sendra gave you a charged bonus of 70 well now it gives a hundred melee attack of 10 well it still does that and a weapon strength of plus 70% well now it does plus 100% oh and also it enables flaming attacks now what exists in the previous update was that you could only get this trait if you were recruiting a hero someone who can't lead an army but provides nice bonuses and this is great because here is a limited by what they can be given and so generally heroes aren't going to be your biggest vitamin as specially considering this was mostly limited to the boring ranged ones but now all of that has changed and you're able to pick up this trait on new lords provided that they are wizards so you can hire Archmage's you have the in century trade oh and guess what you can also give them the sort of bloody cane suddenly you now have the highest weapon strength unit this game has ever seen sack them with a bunch of buffs and you have a unkillable Lord of the strongest weapon the universe has ever run into oh and guess what they're not even a legendary Lord they're just some random chump ah this game it's broken and I love it so yes the lovely boys over at Creative Assembly gave me an early access press key where they said go play the DLC and instead I decided to go play the free DLC character who's absolutely bloody overpowered so let's go show off what our lovely dragon boy can do today ladies and gentlemen because trust me this man is absolutely stupid and I just love him so sit back relax and grab your cup of tea and if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like the video is we're going to dive into a brand new campaign with M brick the Lord of the Knights of called--or oh it's Warhammer time I'm so excited let's go so welcome to our lovely campaign this is our lovely map and as you can see we kind of start out down here on the bottom right this is a pretty unique starting point because all of the actual loaves live on this doughnut yes that's right this magical doughnut of majesty where all of the elves live meanwhile we were banished over here to go play with the Dragons well it turns out playing with dragons is pretty damn powerful because our Lord is bloody incredible our entire game plays strategy revolves around waiting 10 turns to get a brand new dragon encounter defeating that dragon in a battle and then you gain the ability to hire the dragon it is incredible because it basically means the more of these fights you do the more bloody powerful you get but let's take a look at this fantastical Limerick emmerich is majestic his bonuses get pretty wacky pretty quickly like for example giving fire resistance to all of the units in his own army giving armor to everyone in his own army giving charge bonus to cavalry oh wait we're not using cavalry we're using dragons what's the point of cavalry and that's right you can make it so the dragons have an extra 10% physical resistance they hardly lose their vigor so they'll stay fighting for longer oh and you can also make all of the enemy weaker to fire now Emmerich is not necessarily the greatest legendary Lord in the game what makes him so powerful is the army he can we all because it's war no one else has access to your sir does stupid amounts of damage and all of his equipment is stupidly overpowered it all has magical abilities and it all keeps stacking on top of each other but of course why use Emmerich for the entire game when you can just shelf him at the start and hire yourself a lovely Archmage of any fire type this here would be an incendiary Archmage of death now certainly we don't have enough influence to hire her but if you were able to just hire this lord as early into the game as possible you've got a mage of death who can dish out a bunch of incredible spells and also hold their own better than most melee Lords sure they have no armor but they're going to have a sword which is about as powerful as a 50 caliber sniper rifle so whilst you've got your disorganized and birdbrain princes over here with their armor and their weapons strength of 400 you can just get yourself a lovely incendiary wizard with more weapons skills of like 500 but then what makes them so overpowered is that you can give them the custom equipment all of this nerd stuff the Emmerich gets well give it to you in century Lord instead make them more powerful anyway it's time for us to do the Emmerich campaign and what that basically means is running into Dauphin settlements and burning them to the ground fighting against wolves they're brilliant but ultimately they're not very strong against dragons now we're starting out the game wither dragon is just pretty damn incredible because as you can see it does 105 damage an auto resolve at Sodor dragon Prince's they do great in actuality though if you are manually controlling these fights you're going to be getting much much much more than just this now of course if you're a veteran player of totes war war have a - you know the dragons are good but they're not necessarily the best units in the game as they can dish out spells they are limited limited by what you might ask well each dragon has a unique attack in the case of our Sun dragon here it has a Sun dragon breath attack which causes fire explosion damage it can basically wipe out half of a unit the only limiting factors that it can be only used three times per battle unless of course you're using the Greater invocation of all where it can now be used six times in each battle but then of course by the time you reach the end game of this game you're no longer having Emrick leading around an army of a bunch of spam and and archers and dragon princes you're having Umbra cleaving an army of two Sun dragons and bunch of named legendary dragons and they're going to be chained blasting out fiery death upon just about everything that comes their way Emmerich has basically turned the world of Warhammer 2 into a fantasy napalm experience which can be enjoyed by all the family unless of course you're using the blood dlc which now only cost two pounds ninety-nine oh god how do they get away with this I love you Warhammer but please it doesn't need to be like this now welcome ladies and gentlemen some time has passed and some unique things going on as you see some of the things which makes Emmerich's campaign so easy are that not only is he a very powerful Lord but also his army is just downright stupid as you can see by this point Emmerich is now riding around on his own magical dragon he is got a stupid quantity of magical bonuses here and his free dragons are stupidly overpowered - but of course Emmerich's massive limiting factor to say getting the sword of Kane is the fact that he starts down here in the middle of nowhere the plain of bones and of course the most powerful province of all pig barter no it's so beautiful and precious it's the most powerful province in the game by the way if you didn't know it but no actually it turns out as soon as you get yourselves established just a little bit you're going to get an event where you are able to annex Khalid or Khalid or is this faction of elves which controls walls anvil once you annex them you can physically build walls and fill which will give you a bunch of fantastical dragon buffs minus 25% upkeep for all dragons and minus 25% recruit cost for all dragons what that actually means in practice is in Emmerich's army dragons are now 75% cheaper to upkeep hmm that just sounds perfect but we're only about 48 turns into the game and Emeric is already looking like an absolute killing machine he's got 8,000 hit points 120 armor an incredible base melee attack and a fantastic weapon strength his battle effects are absolutely stupid as well and he'll provide bus to just about everything in the world welcome back ladies and gentlemen it's now turned 48 in the Empire of America's expanded to say the least you've crept up all of the no blow country we've picked up the plate of bones and the wolf lands and now all we have left is a bunch of angry dwarf sat in a bunch of castles but what makes these dwarf so special is that they're absolutely garbage you see this is Emmerich's army it is technically not the best well if you take out all of the overpowered dragons these spearmen are who shot the sea guard on anything necessarily to write home about and we have a bunch of unarmored archers who can all be heated very quickly and once these units are pretty decent and especially when played by the right play can be very powerful we won't actually even be using them all of these units have completely redundant or we need to win this next fight and to defeat a full dwarven stack army was also simultaneously defeating the settlement garrison we will only need these four dragons and Emeric it's just perfectly balanced all right let's go to war and we when we attack look at the auto resolve look at that awesome so that's absolutely stupid what happens if we hit auto resolve actually how many men did we lose 310 I can do better than that up with God looking the auto resolve in brick killed friend room 42 men for anyway I'm gonna do this myself better if it's frigid casualties that's far too many so let's do this fight again ourselves now in terms of canonical law Emmerich is downright incredible unlike all of the other twelves who are effectively snooty nerds Emmerich is the only dude to actually get things done and so consequently he's the only elf that dragons are actually pretty chill with and by get things done I basically just mean convert most of the planet into effectively Vietnam now what we're going to be able to do is take our entire army and just simply move it back there we go let's just put them right to the back of the deployment zone so we don't have to worry about them and now to do the fight using the unit's that actually matter are fantastic for dudes riding around on dragons it's going to be lovely a rename break has some pretty damn incredible stats and so when he fights these dwarfs it's going to cause a fun bit of chaos right now we're going to summon Gordon are the champions of the flame over to the left because he is quite possibly the most flamey of the dragons and so he has the ability to mount dwarves very effectively the same time we can have emmerich summon a bunch of magical stuff because guess what the dragons also gave him magic powers oh and it's time to release some napalm oh there's a big pile of men over there unleash the flame dragon oh yes we're just gonna watch The Kills rack up okay that's how you go from zero to 79 over a very short period of time and that entire dwarf unit of dwarf Warriors has almost entirely routed God I love them l brilliant oh wait we're getting shot at beans right hit them of the frosty stuff okay we killed all of the siege weapons which lovely we don't need to worry about those anymore now we can also have an American leash his dragony breath I do just love the dragon preference so powerful it's brilliant when lined up correctly I mean just look at how it melts units oh it's so powerful at the same time Emmerich's also a mage so he can just eat down spells everywhere oh and of course our flame dragons ready to flame again so let's flame on again dragon you're on eighty nine kills well let's crank that up to a hundred and fifty the day pro it's too much it really is that someone will magic and we can also increase the base weapon damage of all of our dragons as well oh my god this is just downright crazy right in rick go kill those bolt froze its unleash an icy blast as well oh and of course our Sun dragon over here is about to unleash a fiery blast onto the long beards a very powerful late-game unit won't know that down to half health and they're about to rout as well god I just love that they're so powerful oh no we've got some quarrel is attacking us Oh how annoying flamie attack right burn those sorry archers and now you can just jump on in and finish them off right now the best way to fight with emmerich is to effectively just lob him into a fight get all of the dwarfs to surround him and then drop down magic spells on yourself because guess what he can tank those like an absolute boss right now Emmerich's in a big fight against a lot of dwarves he's been surrounded having blasting charges lobbed at him such a shame that blasting charges don't do much but now he can just summon effectively a napalm airstrike on his own position oh and if you start taking damage well we can just hit armor of called--or immediately get rid of our ability recharge and restore a bunch of our health because why not that's just fine and there we go the battle is an absolute glorious success most of the dwarves are now running away and Emeric has picked himself up and I so healthy quantity of kills along with the other dragons if you can line up the dragon breath perfectly you can basically get a hundred kills every time you use it it is incredibly powerful and basically has no counter looks there's nothing in the game which can want hit a dragon these are massive super duper late-game units which are very difficult to take down and you absolute ton of them as emmerich right at the start of the game there we go Indy took 48 losses that battle instead of the 300 or so the auto resolve gave us and I would just occupy the black oh and mine and continue our legendary conquest across all of the world Eric's position is pretty fun though because technically we don't even need to fight the dwarves we can fight whoever we like and if that means disbanding in Rick's army and then rebuilding it over here on the massive elven doughnut then it's entirely possible because why fight amongst the dwarves and the Skaven and the Lizard Men when I can just raise a massive army of dragons on the magical space doughnut and occupy all of it it's basically free real estate because we are the one elf who all elfs kind of hate for just being so damn cool and having all of the dragons love them anyway let's go polish up these dwarves ah welcome to our Empire now 65 turns later those pesky dwarves are gone we continued our expanse down over here into Lamia or wherever it is or The Devil's Backbone and we've basically just expanded ourselves quite nicely in terms of important things well the most important thing of all is of course emmerich is armies now slightly bigger than previously encountered he's up to level 26 and so consequently his effectively become God in the time since you last checked in we have picked up a new dragon except that decides to put it into this army over here led by an Elise who is a character which is very important because they have this stupidly overpowered incendiary perk meaning just look at that charge bonus orange is what the character would normally have and then green is where they are actually at have you also been able to give them the black and staff which is a unique item meant for emmerich and if I really wanted I could even give her the moon touch to spare the unique weapon which is owned by in brick but instead I'm going to probably be saving her for something absolutely broken like the sword of Kain anyway yes she's completely utterly balked and so is our main army it's just downright stupid right welcome back ladies and gentlemen it's now turned 91 with one turn away from our next dragon encounter and whilst all this is going on we're also attacking even more orcs and gremlins and all of those kinds of lovely people just because we can they occupy all of this land and it's so easy to control oh no actually they've summoned an army I have to deal with an army incredible it's been ages since I fought one of those it's mostly just been siege battle after siege battle after siege battle all right let's I'm down now there are some great bonuses in this tech tree which we really want to try and pick up most importantly awakening the ancient ones is great it decreases the upkeep for dragon units and makes them cheaper to recruit because recruiting them is an expensive thing to do and they are so damn powerful but then most importantly we want to pick up fire born nature and Dragons bond these bonuses are brilliant plus 10% weapon strength for all of them increased melee attack for all dragons but most importantly increased armor and melee defense this makes them very very terrifying the decrease in dragon upkeep is incredible I mean Emmerich himself as a decrease which basically means his son dragon is only 225 to upkeep instead of the regular 300 or so which it normally is anyway we're gonna head off and kill the good old Crooked Moon gets I mean karacake Peaks is an incredible province if I remember so this will be a great thing to pick up all fantastic we've got the dragon sighted oh but there's there's an army over here more gloom backstabber oh but I really want to finish off Morgan backstabber the dragon can wait he takes 20 turns there's okie boy however or he's much more fun what's this if they just teleported away using the under way oh my god they have right chase them down thank God Emmerich is a stupidly advanced movement rate right no more escaping I need to capture you soon so I can kill the protector of life dragon there we go that's more like it now that we've got both of our armies here we're actually gonna sit down and wait this one out for about eight turns because there's no brush to defeat these lizard men we might as well starve them out of it Oh fantastic the lizard men have done exactly what I wanted them to do they've decided to attack us and so consequently they've left the defensive nosov their settlement and we're going to be able to jump in and fight them now in order to win this fight I'm going to engage natural massive high of sneaky tactics sneaky tactics involve of course having a massive wall of Spears and then lining up all of your archers behind said massive wall of Spears then watch your enemy wave assault and slowly dwindle all of their numbers if you want to be even more sneaky you can also back yourself into a corner so the a I can't even flank you that's a mega cheese quantities of total or Warhammer - and ting is our reinforcements are coming from this corner well it's just what we're going to have to do ladies and gentlemen what a shame we're gonna have to back ourselves into the quarter and cheese out the AI I'd say this was the last we go what does have happened but no this is brilliant alright let's start this battle so we're going to have all of our Spears once they arrive themselves up into this corner the AI is going to have to attack as though because they declared this so yep as we can see they're starting their advance we're very ready for this let's just have all of the friendlies move in and then we can move our two dragons separately but most important we have to absolutely insane majors here because they both have the in sentry perk a metal wizard especially has like a charge bonus of 160 which is just absolutely stupid let's group up all those spearmen like an absolute pro player and then line them up against this great big wall now to grab all of those archers and once again just line them up all behind that lovely massive spear wall we've just made and we can also group up our dragons together to make them extra spicy and because we currently have the mega exciting Falls and portal event happening in the background our dragons now have seven attacks which is very good speaking of which let's just send our dragon over to just spray a bit of acid over them why not what's the worst that could happen everyone loves a good bit of acid and spray you go Shaq lot the calamity lovely almost half the unit's got already right let's bring you out of there you know let's also spray some more noxious breath over these lovely bunched up groups of dudes oh yes oh yes lovely stuff that'll teach you for grouping up oh and their Lord is already dead okay brilliant he lost it a long time he's caught Oh God he's God alright here they come out of the woods good stuff oh my god just look at them look at them all grouped up on this one unit this allows our fantastic dragon to come on over and we're gonna be able to bombard them with both dragons why not right fire off the noxious breath away you go my friend ah you've got 51 kills so far and just watch them add up lovely stuff 127 now and that's cause both of them to rout and their cod they're out of it they know they cut with that my god that we sent over the Sun dragon to finish them off those swords masters of how F they're basically immune to all of this anyway so they're polishing them up as well all at the same time of this is brilliant alright and now it's time to melt the skinks away you go fire dragon look at them lined up perfectly for you and oh my it's beautiful it's so beautiful we don't even need to use them for melee core we can just have them sit from above and rain down fire and they do a great job oh my god just look at the pile of dead skinks oh my god all the dead lizards they came into this fight thinking that they wouldn't be bombarded from above but no now they're all dead now they're all dead we still haven't even used up all of these we've got two more poisoned breath attacks free more flame attacks and we haven't really lost many men we've lost a couple of hundred but that's about it considering we're facing a larger garrison of technically high tier units because these are level 1 spearmen who have never been in a battle before it champey archers oh we did brilliant all right let's just have the Dragons chase them down for experience oh my god this was absolutely amazing ah there we go apparently the game thinks that was a close victory but no no that was not a close victory at all ah there we go the close victory where the enemy lost 1500 and we lost 289 it's fine I'm not gonna just not gonna question it at all we're gonna steal some gold from them because I love it and there we go they're poor army it's quite weakened now yep to say the least what I love is the basically because all of our armies have magical flaming attacks whenever we have a rebellion from say these zombies over here they are just melted in the auto resolve because vampires very weak to flaming attacks so the settlement Garrison's gain very decisive victories which is wonderful and I actually can just farm this for basically free influence which is lovely and because emmerich managed to hit level 30 we can actually also recruit the arcane Phoenix which is a very powerful units and certainly one we need to pick up so let's get rid of oh I said chumpy unit of lava and sea guard can be removed and in return we can have a mega phoenix lovely alright now let's go defeat this dragon so when you attack a dragon you basically get a couple of options you can either spend gold and gain the Dragons bonus for 10 turns which is all armor-piercing weapons do more damage and armor-piercing missiles do way more damage so basically we just paste armor alternatively you can spend gold for a bunch of influence or my personal favorite the ritual of war where basically we have to fight it kill it and then steal its bonus which is a permanent increase of armor and melee defense for emmerich Oh as well as a lovely piece of armor oh and we also get the special drag now the enemy forces I'm just gonna say on the balance of power it's not looking good for sure he's got a bunch of tree kin and tree people but the thing about trees very flammable very very flammable such a shape we can also resolve this because it's very puncher than fair fights we're just gonna do our normal strategy of group up all the chumpy infantry in the corner and then have the dragons run around the map and actually do the fighting so yeah we're now fighting some kind of tree dragon I'm not sure he looks a bit funky in the top right-hand corner I've got to be honest kind of like a flying crocodile but really poorly superimposed onto a background all right it's time for us to win this fight or we need to do defeat the dragon and his allies well once again chubby dudes at the back jumpy shoot boy stands behind them cavalry on one side lions on the other group up all of the flying boys have them in one great big blob ad then we can put the sorcerer right back over here just to provide some assistance which is probably very unlikely all right let's start this fight win this fight by defeating the dragon and its allies well it's got thirteen thousand health this dragon which is technically insane but honestly we can kind of defeat it emmerich has some crazy bonuses now including a heroic killing blow to basically add a plus 50% to his individual weapon strength which already was looking pretty insane right time to start setting fire to these trees oh and these great Eagles as well I've got about those right emmerich you can do your fight we just whack on all of your bonuses and let's have all of the dragons attack this one big dragon so that we can have it dealt with very nice and quickly meanwhile whilst everyone's running around nearby just cast a bunch of spells on them all right there we go there great big dragon is now down to just 2,000 health I think it's safe to say we've won this our dragons haven't really taken much damage just yet okay and their big dragon is dead brilliant lovely right we can just move our dragons back on outfit because you know they've basically done their job already alright let's just have everyone fight that one great eagle because we can and then we can have our Phoenix stand above the enemy like so and do a Ember storm yes lovely no idea what it does but it looks pretty powerful oh no his allies have appeared to take them out where his allies I don't really think he has ready considering he's already dead Oh know that coming around our side flank a bit okay right we're going to need to bring the men over there to get them to fight meanwhile emmerich is just kind of messing about with all of the archers I said I don't know standing there not really sure what he's doing alright now let's get our dragons do their magical dragon stuff also known as just setting fire to a bunch of crap there we go it flies it can be sizzled oh there we go glorious victory over them one spearmen taking a bunch of hits I think that's basically the entire fight done lovely victory oh yes decisive we lost 17 men who know this is the issues of with the dragon fights early on real challenge later on in the game you basically just amass all of your dragons into a great big ball and then just right-click where the enemy's going to be and that's the entire fight done and there we go glorious fight completed we've picked up nature's blessing as well as the Brewers instincts and the fantastic vine dragon scale armor which we can't even equip because we've got the armor of called--or which is just objectively stupidly overpowered I mean it heals 1,000 hit points and resets all of the abilities and all it means is you can't move for 20 seconds and it can be used free times this is free thousand extra health basically ah right let's just send that armor over to one of our incendiary Lords fantastic apparently I've completed all of my search for the dragon so I've got all of the dragons now recruiting that final dragon our burrow the protector of life what a lovely army we now have right time to go kill those bloody annoying crooked moon monstrous gits now the other bonus of being from called--or is that you pick up all of this lovely elven land but I forgot to mention that over here involves anvil you can build the unique building of the Hall of dragons this naturally provides you with minus 25% upkeep for all dragon units minus 25% recruit cost and massive recruit rank for dragon units what this actually means practically on paper is that our fantastic in break over here already provides minus 25% upkeep for dragons suddenly has a unique situation where all of his dragons provided we get all of the research down are at about minus 80 percent upkeep meaning they're cheap as chips you can have a massive army filled with dragons and it's very affordable doesn't sound very balanced to me but we're doers make their money it's not from buildings it's from trade routes the only downside is starting out over here there's no one who wants to trade with me other than these bloody dwarves and sure we could trade with them and make 2139 gold per month but we are miles away off of that so what I now need to do because I want to get a trade route is I need to somehow have a port which reaches over here so I can reach the capital of all of the elves who love me in order to do that I basically need to go across the Badlands here and I suppose there's a port around here somewhere with grim gauze boys so we're going to go have to do that aren't we yeah I've got more orcs to go fight in the Badlands with the sole aim of getting the continuous line so we can trade from our capital ah these borders are gonna be funky oh I need to start killing the Care Act's okay because the great Carrick's will now die at least I've got a bunch of spare armies lying around now all right Muriel you just eventually lead your men over here it's gonna take about 40 turns for you to get there but when you do it that'll be fantastic anyway most importantly wolves anvil is now ready to be tacked up to five levels of pop and then we're gonna be able to grab ourselves the Hall of dragons welcome back ladies and gentlemen it's now turn 136 and we're in a very unique situation we managed to get our port setups that now means we're breaking into a thousand gold per turn which is lovely anyway I've managed to build myself up a very unique army over here for EM Ricky's now level 40 has all of his special stuff he has a couple of silvering guards here some archers as well to keep him happy a couple of Dragon princes but most importantly this this here is a stupid quantity of special units we have two star dragons a arcane Phoenix a Sun dragon and then the five special dragons we picked up on the quests which are absolutely incredible as well and finally the Warriors of trace and then we can add and combine all of this with the 'greater invocation of all hit increase the armor of some of our units add flaming attacks to everything give us walls hammer and increase the abilities of dragon breath so let's activate that bad boy and we have a very fun siege coming up now with immer except right here outside of a lake which is a fully upgraded capital of these I don't know peasanty boys that the French but in the equivalent of northern Africa at the moment they have this fully upgraded capital with their decently sized garrison with a paladin sand foot Squires and some peasant II boys and they have an entire army led by Baron freakin here who isn't the best Lord looks he's leading mostly chumps and they have no range anyway it's time for us to declare war it take this place yes they have a bunch of allies but honestly it doesn't even matter we strike Frank freeze air strike Frank 14 but they're not going to live yes we could also resolve this bad boy and instantly win but I find it more fun when there's a bit of a challenge involved so ladies and gentlemen let's do this fight ourselves with our stupidly large army of dragons who now have absolute metric ton of dragon breath and also in brick picked up a follower meaning all of the dragons have even more armor now as well so they even harder to kill which is just perfectly balanced of course so we have emmerich here with his ability wheel which is just disgusting to be honest it's just so many things he could do sure he could add melee attack to everyone on the map increases damage and make him a bit flammable heal up to 3000 hit points increase everyone's base missile and weapon damage in a 40 meter radius unleashes star Dragon's Breath onto his enemies give himself melee defense give himself even more base weapon damage summon a massive ball of lightning summon flaming metals you name it he can do it he's basically a portable wizard but one who can fight way better than one oh and speaking of our wizard she's also flying on a massive dragon which has the ability to use sun dragon breath it's just stupid right let me group up all of our flying boys and put them over here and then we also need to add in our two heroes and these are all of our flying units then we have all of our peasanty ground forces which weren't good enough to learn how to fly right now we need to do is get our men onto the walls as fast as possible and the best way to do that is of course have the dragons fly over the walls in the first place so let's start this battle we've got some fun things to do all right I have the perfect plan ladies and gentlemen quite simply we're going to fly behind the enemy it's the last thing that going to be able to counter because while all of their towers only face in one direction what a poor design aren't you aware that your enemy could have massive flying beasts out of nightmares all right and now that we've flown ourselves over the wall it's time to ruin the fences we have the best weapons we have simply massive flaming fire dragon breath and we can also summon vorse anvil onto the walls at any point which can massively decimate the walls so we're going to do that that looks great fun and we've got this star dragon which needs to melt this person here and this star dragon which needs to melt this person here and this flame dragon which needs to melt that met at arms group this poison dragon which needs to melt these foot Squires and you need to melt these people and you can just try melt these people I guess what do you want to do you're just flying around we'll just get melting ladies and gentlemen it's time to unleash all of the flaming breath attacks and go ah yes napalm it's beautiful okay that's the entire defensive force routed that's beautiful we don't even really have to fight them now right now we summon the enemy what do we do these dragons I guess we could land them into some compound what a splendid idea we did vols anvil and that crush this entire gatehouse which I didn't even notice oh and poor Emrick here hasn't even had time to cast off all of his magic spells he's got massive balls of death he can do all of that cause a bunch of fear know he can do his dragon breath again all right do your dragon breath come on emmerich we haven't got all day they're starting to rout now then we can do stand-your-ground drop down an increasing of base weapon damage on him then whack on his heroic killing blow now his weapon strikes up to 1300 right now we just land them into the enemy I guess I will this has been perfect the entire first layer of Defense's is gone oh they have a lord here it's barren fecund himself right sending the dragons send all of the dragons in where is he I can't see him is he in there is he okay barrowed feegan hello hello are you okay in there you're having a fun time oh this is always routed okay well that's that's fine he's gone now he's gone all right let's have all of the dragon's light I forget because they're just lying around in their main capture point so he might as well say hi to them now the best thing is because we destroyed all of the enemies ranged potentials we can actually just fly around and make sure we surround the enemies completely before we use our magical attacks all right let's do it ladies and gentlemen time to paws up and cue up these flame attacks right you there wizard lady dragon breath you there Gondor champion of the flame dragon breath you they once again I need you to do another flamey boy protector of life and drop down poison attack and I'm in the flamey attack and then you can do a flaming attack you can do an iced attack and you can do a poison attack what are you doing you're doing fire attack into there lovely right route to the entire enemy force we have some flames and fire and ice yes lovely stuff no just look at the melt away beautiful well that was a pretty easy siege I've got to be honest that's what a decent enemy stack looks like around this point in the game it was certainly well positioned they had all of the defensive structures and well we didn't really take any casualties beyond the poor spear infantry which has to exist so that I can have all of these flying boys and I didn't even really move them they just kind of attacked of their own will that was a lovely decisive victory I must say 60 freed losses on our side and well the entire enemy force is gone love his stuff all around these dragons are indeed perfectly balanced they take basically no damage and they dish out stupid quantities of pain anyway ladies and gentlemen that has been total war Warhammer 2 Emmerich's new campaign is grateful and I strongly recommend you check it out the new DLC is a good love and it does come with a hearty recommendation from me as always it massive thank to each and every one of you watching you are I don't know maybe subscribe not subscribed you name it whatever you are and you're helping out this channel so thank you very much and especially thank you to the patrons who make these videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much who continued support for it's a nice bit of stability in my very up-and-down income and hey if you sat there and you enjoyed this video you might want to watch a noble one in which case I have these videos on screen now which trust me you're gonna love anyway I'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day I goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 966,091
Rating: 4.9330306 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, total war, total war warhammer 2, warden and the paunch, warhammer 2, warhammer, total war dlc, new update, imrik, grom the paunch, the spiffing brit, perfectly balanced game, spiffing brit, total war exploit, gameplay, video game, game exploit, dragon only, overpowered, op strat, total war dragon, warhammer dragon, lets play, mandaloregaming, rt game, funny, montage, totalwar, exploit, best bits, funny clips
Id: KikXSeasXgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 39sec (2199 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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