LOTR Battle For Middle Earth 2 IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS - Immortality Glitch

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and of course what causes more chaos than a bunch events in your lines it's Tom bloody Bombadil he's back baby come on with this supersonic boom makes perfect Kannada cassettes hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing Britt and today we're playing the Lord of the Rings the battle for middle-earth - this is the greatest Lord of the Rings RTS game ever created and quite possibly one of the greatest Lord of Rings games ever hands down of course not counting Lego Lord of the Rings so nothing can ever beat a lego game just too damn perfect so yes welcome to that classic cash grab experience which happens when a film franchise is doing exceedingly well and game developers think we can make some money from this and it turns out the game developers of this game actually did make a lot of money they also made a pretty decent game but naturally like all games which are really old and really good they were published by Electronic Arts and so are currently no longer available because those guys forgot to pay their licensing fees well that means is this game cannot be purchased unless you have a disc copy or you're running a super-secret copy I wonder where enough you'd get one of those from but nonetheless that doesn't matter we're here to sit back relax and enjoy battle for middle-earth 2 which is a fantastic RTS game which I'm sure so many of you have played or haven't and if you haven't you're really missing out because this game is iconic it has fantastic multiplayer or it did when the server's were still up and running it has a fun and entertaining campaign with some pretty major balance issues and of course it has some perfectly balanced gameplay mechanics which are in no way exploits whatsoever ok maybe there are a few exploits in there ok maybe a lot of exploits ok maybe this game needs multiple videos that's unimportant because we are here to play this fantastic game and demonstrate some amazing gameplay features which honestly are about stable and balanced as the leaning tower of pizza in a category 400 earthquake so make sure he is sat back and relax ladies and gentlemen kept yourself a nice piece of lambis bread and of course a fine elven proved tee this week's elven brew of tears of course Yorkshire tea Yorkshire of course being one of the hidden realms of men in the Lord of the Rings universe but trust me it's there and it grows t so what are we doing today ladies and gentlemen well I will be showcasing a very minor minor issue of the game and that would be a 100% immortality exploit that's right an X foot which means that you physically cannot die or lose the game this exploit at your disposal I'm pretty sure it would actually be harder to lose the game then get hit by lightning although I do welcome you to try so how does this exploit actually work well it's relatively simple all you're going to need is a copy of the battle for middle-earth - doesn't really matter what build you're on and quite simply hop down into the mire here of section this is a lovely feature of the game which allows you to create your very own custom heroes to take into a game you can make up heroes of any race of any origin it can be literally anything you want a female elven Archer called Adriel you can have one your bearer for the captain of Gondor well guess what you can make one you can give him a bunch of powers a bunch of magical stuff they can do a bunch of bonuses to all of the allies which is lovely naturally we don't want any of these people we want to make a brand new hero one who is perfectly balanced will they be a human an elf a wizard a dwarf a servant of Sauron or a corrupted man yes this is what happens when you drink too much coffee the corrupted men the hearts of these men are easily corrupted and many have fallen to the promise of wealth and power coffee cannot give you wealth and power the energy from coffee is temporary the joy of tea is everlasting but alas all of the other classes are actually useless and there is only one overpowered class in this game that is of course the elf you can have a female or male off but for the purposes of this video we're creating a male elven Archer now who is going to be our hero a hero to defeat Sauron himself one to banish all of the dark and evil forces from middle-earth and protect the realms of men only here of true prowess of ultimate power can be given the gift of immortality and almost complete and utter destructive power who shall a legendary hero be allow me to welcome the destroyer of worlds a protector of the earth it is payte not just any Pete its Pete the pointy he's pointy because he's got them pointy elf ears but also he's got that pointy bow which is gonna hit you with so yes welcome our legendary hero Pete we can take pictures of Pete oh yeah you work it Pete Oh take picture well that's just saved straight out by PC that's amazing oh what a lovely hero so yes we have Pete the pointy he's going to be fantastic we need to give him some attributes naturally when it comes to attributes we're going to increase his heal rate and we're just going to increase his health for all of your points you can just love it into power it doesn't really make much of a difference fantastic here it is Pete the pointy now Pete the pointy has some pretty decent attributes but where he's really going to come alive is the customizable hero powers so the only powers you actually need to particularly worry about making sure that you get the improved archery specialization which means you can just basically do my archery damage and the self heal perk that is all that cheap we're going to want to in the overall don't need self heal to be our first perk and then archery specialization to be our second then archery specialization will be improved when we reach level free when we hit level 4 I guess we get the next improved self healed a nice of a fun bonus skill to whack in there is improved whirlwind that's always a good love and then we can also pick up improved rain of arrows and for level 7 just simply improve the archery once again and improve the whirlwind and the arrows and for our final level 10 bonus make sure to get finally a superior archery specialization and there we have it this is our legendary hero Pete the pointy he is absolutely crazy trust me this is the ultimate hero in the game a lot of other people who've played this game might say oh well you know what actually the human players are really good they could DPS machines and that actually the Wizards are really crazy books they can shoot out a bunch of really good spells and the captains of Gondor have great buffing abilities for all of your alloys well actually all of that is useless because instead we are playing Pete the pointy who is no mortal God he has been sent to the world of middle-earth with an ability to take zero damage whatsoever and we're going to be choosing the game with him good old Pete he truly is majestic so we're going to be playing a skirmish mode because of course as I mentioned there is no multiplayer in this game but hey if you can somehow get the multiplayer to work give me a shout and also congratulations to you because you've just discovered a way to ruin all of your friendships online we're going to play the helms deep map i think this is going to be fun we're going to deliberately put ourselves in the advantage of starting position over here in the corner and then have it so that all of the other AIS just have to kind of invade us and when it comes to our army it doesn't actually matter who we put peed the pointy with but for the sake of being a super cheesy race we're going to deliberately pick the elves so this seems perfect ladies and gentlemen I think it's time we for ourselves into a game my goodness I absolutely love this game it's really really good fun when I say that this is one of the only good movie based games ever created I really mean it I mean it actually did nail most of the maps for this game and the design is just beautiful and we've got a builder so we need to start building resource gaming devices in the elves case they gain resources from from trees yeah I know bloody hippie elves I love them but please guys there must be better ways of having an actual strong economy than just trees so they start all we need to do is actually build up an economy large enough to summon Pete the pointy he cost 2,000 points to bring into the game but once he's in the game yeah he basically controls the entire game other than him the only other things which actually matter are having a ridiculous ton of towers to defend our Empire oh and also some barracks to Train some archers anyway good news Pete the pointy has arrived and Pete the pointy is very very balanced so where do you think Pete the point is immortality is going to come from ladies and gentlemen this is actually quite an interesting question because who knows maybe it comes from the fact that he has a high health regenerate maybe it comes from this very strange skill the self heal or maybe there's something else at work what do you think he could be I'll give you a hint it's just completely nicely broken anyway Pete the pointy is going to start wandering down towards the enemy and we're going to start improving our economy even more Pete the point he's just noticed that the enemy forces are trying to get into our gatehouse so it's up to Pete the pointy to defend from these orcs now Pete the pointy is a hero so he does more damage than most but even so he should take damage here but don't worry we have the self heal skill to perform a moderate healing ability on themselves not that the enemy is even going to attack us because they're just trying to run straight for a gatehouse well great so people pointy is now almost entirely leveled up oh goodness but the red player now they're really going to start sending an attack force against us so Pete the point is busy leveling up on this random tunnel here though he's going to take him quite a long time to do because it the moment Peter pointee isn't technically that good he's only level 1 which means he's very weak but he doesn't actually have much of a rush because our borders are being defended by a bunch of elves standing on top of a wall compete the pointy gate good my friend you know we're actually gonna have you get good on these orcs over here instead because you know you level up faster from killing units right there we go kill them he's a goblin archers now they do shoot back and as you can see Pete the point he's now going to start taking damage you can see it in terms of his bar up at the top of his head will go down at Shino he doesn't seem to be taking any damage this would probably be because his natural health regen is actually higher than the amount of damage these goblins are doing to him this is the case at the start of the game but given time Pete the point he will no longer be immortal but hey will at least become level free and have his improved Archer specialization added meaning he can now do proper damage at the moment we're currently seeing the Battle of the free armies in the form of three sets of AIS are currently trying to get on top of our wolves but they're not actually going to be able to do it because of course we have Pete the pointy oh no but Pete the point is taking damage well we're gonna have to use his improved self heal the worst we use the improved self heal we're gonna hit l and click on the map now what this means is Pete the pointy immediately heals but you'll note sink we can still do improved self heal so we press it and move on the map and suddenly is back and full health but hang on a second this doesn't make sense it's nobility abilities should have cooldowns Pete the pointy why doesn't your ability have a cool-down oh no it's this game broken Oh ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Pete the pointy experience he's a bloody incredible little fellow that's for certain he physically at this point can no longer be defeated he's achieved immortality you see if we were to normally use the improved self heal as you can see it has a cool-down and that cool down is quite a long time meaning if he was now going to get into combat he would probably die eventually oh no it seems all of the AI faction and I was starting to merge up on top of Pete appointee Pete the pointy run it's a good thing I guess we gave Pete the point to you tornado spell don't ask why he has a tornado spell or white tornado spells are even in the game but you know they are and they can just fling horses around ya it's perfectly balanced this is fine this is absolutely fine oh my good this right Pete the pointy all he has to do is hold the gate at the moment he one hits all enemies can you trust a whirlwind again that doesn't seem fair did I maybe click whilst I did the whirlwind does this work with all of the abilities please tell me doesn't any repeat the point is now a level 9 hero and he's got his immortal heal because every time he takes damage we just have that L key oh my goodness anyway we can spend some of our power points and unlock someone Tom Bombadil now don't ask me when in Lord of the Rings they had to summon Tom Bombadil ability but apparently Tom Bombadil is a level 10 legendary hero with the ability to do a sonic boom shout I just don't even know I just don't even know look at this the sonic boom shout when was that in Lord of the Rings when did Tom Bombadil turn up and do a sonic boom please game please anywhere legendary heroes go to an improved rain of arrows I guess is he actually going to do the improve rain of arrows no sadly we can't choose the improved rain of arrows but anyway he's a level 10 hero and now that we have our defenses set up in the form of two sets of elven archers well free that can no longer be defeated because you know they are elven arches sat on top of a wall so we're gonna send Pete the pointy into combat he's level nine now so guess we just send them in to kill more enemies oh here they come these are some improvement upgraded enemies ladies and gentlemen half troll Marauders they are warm shots for Pete the pointy who is a greater Archer specialization so he now one shots everything that goes his way and he's also stealth course doing it at the moment I think oh look at those beautiful arrows great stuff feed the pointy you just can't be killed and I think it's time we send you just stray into the enemy's base or something you don't seem to be able to be counted at all oh no they're shooting at you but it's not doing damage or so you're now level 10 so at superior archery specialization oh and of course we can now do the summon ant allies ability you remember that from the film or guess what the answer back now baby and they lob rocks they really love rocks they're just DPS machines so the immortal Pete the pointy is now going to solo the entire enemy base I just need to find it I'm pretty sure it's somewhere down over here but yeah we can just send Pete in and we'll have to hit it a couple of times well actually a bunch of times but he should be able to absolutely decimate them now as you can see he's about to get attacked here by a bunch of orcs and so on because you know he's banana lines but once again just tap that L key and click anywhere on the map and suddenly is healed up to full yeah this this is fine this is absolutely fine game why wouldn't this be fine I know that this is an old game as well this is really old in terms of games and especially RTS is but please how was this not even tested so the way this exploit works is the improved self-heal ability heals your character up a certain percentage in our case I'm pretty sure it's about 30% or 50% actually it heals your Helfer the only downside is the tick for the cooldown actually happens about a second after the ability activate and actually requires the animation to have actually started and to happen so all you need to do is stop the animation by clicking anywhere on the map or clicking to attack a different unit anyway time to summon or tornado ability because you know all the elven archers had access to that yes this is just absolute chaos even though he's down to half health it doesn't even matter we can let him go even lower there is no risk of him dying at all he is an immortal so you can just click on the map and suddenly he's back to full health baby and we've got 10 more points to spend now there are a bunch of over heroes in this game which we could have called out like say I don't know Elrond he's pretty cool Fandral you got how dare you've got all of them basically including Lego laughs oh it's the Lego man himself no the Danish population actually made an entire block building game on this guy anyway we don't actually need to worry about all of these units attacking us if anything we they're actually just slowing us down we need to find the enemy base our and here it is this is the enemy fortress got a lot of help so it's going to take a while to actually kill but you know we have a really long time to kill it in this exploit works for any hero who has the improved self-healing ability I'm pretty sure there are other exploits in this game based off of this same issue and you know what we should actually summon in someone to help us out that's right ladies and gentlemen Tom Bombadil is back baby and he's stronger than ever before it's shout time the supersonic Tom Bombadil boom what a classic anyway go go punch that building oh look at that classic siege breaker Tom Bombadil oh my goodness this is ridiculous yep we've almost done it we've almost completely shattered the enemy fortress it's an upgraded fortress as well it's quite powerful very strong although it matters little because you know they are plowing and focusing all of their attacks on an immortal God which cannot be defeated good old Pete the pointy he knows no limitations he has no weaknesses all right now that the enemy fortress is down I guess we just have to focus on killing the rest of them which is fine you know we can just do a nice area of effect arrow oh my goodness this is it we've done it we've absolutely done it it's is stupid and ridiculous we haven't even upgraded any other thing in our Empire now they can't even do damage to us this works on all difficulties it works with all AI the only advice I can give you is that I really do advise you actually start defending your own keep on this map it's very easy boots of course it's helm's deep it has some really cool defenses on any other map just keep your fortress at the back and surrounded by a bunch of towers and walls if necessary but it is actually very easy to defend in this game especially when you have one hero sat in the enemy camp causing chaos and destroying all of its infrastructure you know we've gained the flood ability so that's going to be relatively powerful to say the least so here comes the super awesome horsey flood yeah there we go they it kills everything amazing there we go the meaty mayor over here has been properly defeated by us well this left is the blue AI over here well cyan a I'm not particular what color this is who are ever done the evil goblins of some kind but save this strange Evan going on I guess it's a furnace and of course we can't just cause chaos for the enemy base by it's a burning a bunch of ents right in the middle of the base yeah these guys are great fun they are just downright stupid because you can drop them anywhere in the enemy base and they will just destroy almost all of the economy buildings really quickly these guys are great siege weapons and of course what causes more chaos than a bunch events in your lines it's Tom bloody Bombadil he's back baby come on with this super sonic boom makes perfect canonical sets oh here's some creative liberties were taken with this game honestly for the better in my opinion they're fantastic and of course because for some reason the water ring is on this map we're using the pair of the One Ring to someone who we 7 Inc we're 17 glad Rio I'm not too sure how and where in the canonical law recruiting collateral as the storm Queen happened in Lord of the Rings but apparently it did and we can send out Pete the pointy is even more of a powered now because we have this special ability here called rallying call which means his abilities get improved wave 50 percent he does 50 percent more damage so he goes from one hitting to one hitting with 50 percent extra chop I guess that's how science and maths works and we might as well just go kill the enemy at this point we can't lose on here we go Galadriel has arrived to a special ability terrible fury and nature's Ref so she can do the tornado stuff as well great lovely so I've assembled this mega army of undefeatable chaos and we're going to take over the entire known world with it I mean the arches are just ridiculous on their own in this game because nothing can now get close to them but infantry still has weaknesses they still can't 100% win the game and so for that we're going to need all of our heroes so our free heroes I'm just going to go straight up charge the enemy base which I'm pretty sure it's of course it's right here lovely yep we're just going to head straight towards it so here come our heroes the areas are good they really are of course we have all of our special abilities we can almost summon in at this time including summoning the legendary Tom Bombadil yep this is it do you remember that moment in Helms deep where the ents rocked up and then Tom Bombadil appeared out the ground and Galadriel used a laser beam eyes to scare all of the orcs away and Legolas was there to train archers I guess and do a double make it super strike and then there was Pete the pointy the immortal elf Archer who physically can't die I remember all of this oh my goodness these ents a great fun they really are and it was safe to say we've won the game now this is absolutely stupid and ridiculous and I think it's basically over they can't do anything to defeat us and there we go victorious there we have it ladies and gentlemen this is absolutely ridiculous a very balanced and very broken game but it's really enjoyable I strongly recommend you give it a go so this is an it for the legendary battle for middle-earth - ladies and gentlemen if you want to see more from this fantastic game then do give me a shout in the comment section as I have a bunch of other exploits to show off in this game in this game it's been out for years and these exploits for they just seem to get worse the longer game's been out for anyway if you've enjoyed this video feel free to give it a like that massively does help us out I'm why not hop down into the comment section to pledge your undying love to Pete the pointy for example if you don't he will find you and he will destroy you he will shoot an arrow from so far away you cannot even see it coming and once it arrives ready too late so go make sure to tell him how much you love him as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make all of these lovely videos all the more possible you guys are fantastic thank you very much and hey if you sat there in this fantastic self-isolation quarantine world which we now live in then guess what I've got a fantastic offer for you this video ladies and gentlemen hand-tailored and chosen by myself to be perfect for you I know this video was a bit short but don't worry it was downright fantastic in this next video it's even more fantastic if such a thing was even possible anyway our siege and everyone of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,285,165
Rating: 4.9225559 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, spiffing brit, lotr, battle for middle earth, bfme 2, battle for middle earth 2, lord of the rings, LOTR Battle For Middle Earth 2 IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME, perfectly balanced game, rts game exploit, video game exploit, middle earth 2, bfme II, perfectly balanced game exploit, immortality exploit, invincibility glitch, immortality glitch, funny, montage, glitch, english, british humor, rts exploit, best rts, strategy game, strategy game exploit
Id: A-dzOUKPvck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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