Humankind The New 4X CIV Killer IS BROKEN! Is Humankind A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits?

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Thankfully he didn't actually show the real "exploits." By the time he's fighting for his own continent, you can already take over the world and have thousands of gold per turn

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/dragonmilking 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

I find it weird to call an unreleased game broken.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/EngineerWithABeer 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

With the amount of exploits in the game so you think the devs will actually be able to create enough checks and balances by April?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Shredda_Cheese 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2020 🗫︎ replies

Good to know a sanctuary always spawns at that spot.

Yoooo, I have never gotten the option to have my cities be able to be bought through Money instead of influence lol--at least in this OPendeve.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Changlini 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

He has some good videos just always exaggerates everything.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tasty01 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2020 🗫︎ replies
you stopped my trade agreement for t give me three thousand two hundred gold did you do it you did give me three thousand two hundred gold because you stopped the t trade deal can i do it again i would also like another three thousand two hundred gold for the td or you cancelled and it worked hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today we are playing humankind that's right this is the latest grand strategy 4x game which is basically muscling in on the very jazzy civilization genre this is being lauded as the civ 6 killer which honestly isn't that difficult considering each dlc they release makes it more and more unplayable to even start up a multiplayer game now the developers of humankind were actually kind enough to put me in their video game that's right this is me in the background look at this lovely spiffy chappy now the thing is you can actually play as me as an avatar but more excitingly you can actually play against me in a video game i know that's right this is one of your few limited opportunities i've even been able to customize the personality settings of my own character can you guess what i told the developers to make my character do that's right make as much money as humanly possible and burn the entire world into ashes it's the perfect combination of gameplay balance but today i'm gonna be playing a game of humankind as myself and of course i will be exploiting the video game to throw our civilization into a position of infinite wealth but most importantly also complete and utter dominance because this game is completely unbalanced we're talking the ability to break the ai in trade deals we're talking about the ability to take over the entire world via pacifism and even more excitingly we're going to do it with large quantities of cups of tea in hand so ladies and gentlemen make sure you sat back relax with a nice warm cup of tea in hand and if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like this video now i'm gonna be showing off humankind and absolutely breaking the game so let's throw ourselves into the fantastic world of humankind so welcome into the game we start out with our basic tribal hunting party because that's right unlike civilization you don't start out with just some random settler and a warrior nope you start out with a whole bunch of hunter-gatherer tribes people who are trying to walk around a landscape full of woolly mammoths that will one shot all of them seriously i've tried to take out a woolly mammoth with like four tribes people and it just doesn't work they are terrifying most importantly we get to play our nomadic tribe being led by none other than me i mean just look at my gorgeous rippling biceps and for some reason my nomadic top hat and monocle yes it's almost like i've been sent back in time to lead these people now when it comes to this game it's actually surprisingly simple what we're going to do is just immediately run on over to this spot here where a sanctuary is spawned in and we'll sack it for food next turn this food will then immediately be converted into additional tribes people and there we go that's an additional tribesperson right now that we have two tropes people i'm naturally going to send one of the tribe's people off to go claim this bit of influence here so that we can settle the city and then tribesperson number one is going to actually settle our city now this is a lot faster than any of the ai can actually manage it and that's because we intend to beeline our way through this entire video game and there we go this is our first city slap bang place down it's going to take three turns to finish but trust me it's gonna be jazzy now there we go with a population of five my empire is actually ready to move up into the next era of the game which is exactly what we're going to do now when it comes to picking the next era you actually change your culture entirely to a culture from history and as you pick up each culture and the later you go into the game you keep various bonuses from the pre-existing cultures of your civilization now as you can imagine this can completely break the game by creating wombo combos that have basically zero balance whatsoever but of course that's a late game exploit and breaking and so we're miles off of that but don't worry because the developers have decided to include exploits that can be started right at the start of the game which is where the olmecs come into the picture these are some insane characters not only because they have some great buildings like the ability to build the olmec head to create absolutely insane food and fae field if you build a city near the river but also they have a great unit and they have one of the wackiest features i've ever seen so we're going to confirm and turn spiff from being a tribal game breaker to becoming a incredibly ripped olmec game breaker ah welcome into the brand new era ladies and gentlemen it is looking particularly jazzy suddenly the giant mammoths don't stand as much of a chance because we're using scouts instead of peasant tribes people with sticks now because we've tacked up we can actually start researching new technologies and instead of doing what any smart player would actually do and go for a balanced empire with maybe a nice and decent economy we are instead b-lining straight for our javelin throwers why enough are we doing this well it's because they are completely and utterly broken now when it comes to basically every city cities produce food industry money and science the cornerstones of every single empire and we can build these legendary ormick heads which uh if i were to build one here would produce 12 food and 13 faith to compare that to a standard farmer's quarter which over here would produce just free food you can kind of guess that it's a little bit broken so we're going to be building it of course now this game as you can probably already guess is made by the same people who made the incredible endless series that's right endless legends endless space one and two and those games are brilliant and equally they're completely broken strategy games with no balance and in all of those games the developers decided that it would be wise to include a way to take over territory without being at war with the owner of the territory isn't that a great feature now the interesting thing about the olmecs as a civilization is they have access to the unique ace feti bonus okay i have no idea what it means but basically what it means is every time you produce i think it's around about 100 influence basically for us every 10 turns you can use one of two actions tourism yields or influence bomb tourism yields just gives you plus 100 gold for 10 turns that's great brilliant influence bomb however is a little bit more exciting because there is an entire cultural game going on whilst say i don't know the english might control this sector here if they don't have the correct influence controlling this sector they can't really do much of the lands and the game has just given us a button so that every 10 turns i can just press a button and no matter what the culture of the people are in a certain territory we can just go actually know your culture doesn't matter really you should be focusing on our culture it's way more exciting and those people who were worshiping that culture would just sit down and go yes why not now because our influence production is increasing because we control more territories that means we're able to use this ability more and more last turn it said it was going to take me ten turns to gain this bonus now it's only going to take me six oh dear something is going wrong now what i'm going to be doing is starting operation peaceful exploration which basically means i'm trying to find where the other ais have settled so that i can eventually invade their lands i'm going to be spending basically more and more of my influence to claim more territories but the more territories i claim the more influence i gain and you can kind of see where this is going yeah it's just gonna be one great big old snowball of fun oh here we have it i'm pretty sure this is another civilization yes we've met friends ladies and gentlemen it's the babylonians right i will introduce myself hello there and uh they've tried to open up a trade for luxuries and you know that's okay that that kind of works fine for us now i do want to eventually murder this civilization for very important reasons but interestingly next turn i'm going to be able to culturally take over one of their territories and that's when interesting ai diplomacy is able to get started because here we have the legendary influence bomb option it costs us nothing and allows us to destroy the ai now i'm pretty sure this territory is actually someone's capital so we're not able to take control of it yes it is indeed someone's capital whose capital is it i do believe this is the chinese at the moment yes the zao dynasty currently controls all of this land and sadly that means we can't quite murder them just yet but what we are able to do is completely crush any of their expansion ideas now in terms of score um we're in first place compared to the ai on 246 the next ai is on uh 20. look they're slowly catching up they're just not as good as the game as i am because you know pro gamer spiff now because my influence per turn is going up so very quickly this is when interesting things happen because the lovely zhao faction has claimed this territory they're building an outpost but because they're doing that we're able to ask for reparations via diplomacy we can send them a demand basically saying hey you've claimed a territory that's adjacent to one of my territories uh yoink i want this to be mine and the ai is going to completely and utterly accept not least because i'm in the lead in terms of score but mostly because culturally speaking this territory is 80 mine because my influence and culture is spreading at a terrifying rate what this means on paper is that the ai can't actually expand because our people are just taking over so much control look at this we control 36 of the culture in the capital province of chiang jing which is just insane anyway we've stolen this bit of land that's now ours oh and once again we've generated enough influence because we're making 45 influence per turn to do a insane influence bomb uh naturally we're going to just pick the territory that we just stole and make it now 100 ours now because we make 45 influence points per turn that basically means we can use this ability every three turns which is insane and once again another three turns have passed meaning i can do an influence bomb where naturally i'm going to convert this newly settled region here from underneath the ai this is pretty exciting because basically this is someone's brand new capital city and we've just converted it into being our own oh dear oh dear oh dear oh my goodness and because i've just bee lined for the entire tree we've already hit era 2 if we wanted um i mean we could pick a new culture maybe it's a good idea i mean we could just do cultural transcendence because i haven't even had time to show off the exploit okay you know i'll explain the exploit because i've accidentally gone through the game so quickly i can't even show it off basically what happens is if you stumble upon an ai which has settled an outpost we can use this cultural influence bomb to take over the influence of a territory now if we have the majority of the influence in a territory what ends up happening is something very interesting we get to make a demand to the ai faction and say hey look the people in your outpost lands evidently worship our culture our religions and drink our beloved yorkshire tea and the ai faction will sit down and go you know what you're right i shouldn't control this land you should have it and they will basically give you all of their territory provided you have cultural dominance over it that is all of their territory excluding their capital city which you cannot trade out from underneath them instead we just have to kill them which is surprisingly easy to do especially considering i'm about to ascend to the next level now we're going to use this era to not become anyone who's say scientific but instead to become the literal huns because the hands have the ability to build the honeycord a special unit that basically the more people it kills the more units you end up having which is great and look it even turns my lovely beloved spiff into wearing a pretty jazzy getup i mean i look beautiful don't i so we're bam we are in a brand new era as the huns everyone around us is not the huns and as you know this means they are all going to die now books i've taken up to the next era as well actually going to be able to pick a world wander and i'm going to build the museum of harley canassus because this has a absolutely broken science feature where you gain plus one percent science per district you have you have a hundred districts that's plus 100 science that doesn't seem very fair oh my goodness now um the huns also have a pretty wacky district this is the ordu it can be built literally anywhere because the huns are nomads so it makes sense that it doesn't have to be attached to a city but can instead be placed literally anywhere in your empire and uh what happens is if we place it down in certain regions like this spot right here it will give this city plus 23 production which is insane i said that would more than double the current production of our city good lord oh no now what we're going to be doing in my empire is mass producing a large amount of these hanukk units and then sending them off to literally murder everyone because they do insane amounts of damage and the more units they kill the faster they grow which means there is no end to the amount of chaos they're going to be causing now because i have enough gold stored up i'm actually just going to outright buy this order but um this is where we're going to be able to see just how much of an insane production jump this is because normally it would take us four turns to build a public fountain but with the ordu it's now one turn oh dear oh god what have i created oh the huns you are too powerful and there is no way to stop you your special unit uses only horses and uh of course gathers food as it just literally walks around so this is going to get pretty insane very fast now you know it's turned 40 and the seventh strongest sieve in the game is just standing beneath us which means it makes sense for us to absolutely decimate them now they are going to try and run away uh which is garbage classic humans but what we're going to do is chase them down and turn their humans into food now remember the huns aren't cannibals they're just really good at murdering people right now it's time for us to attack these poor little peasants and of course it's going to be a glorious victory where we gain 10 food meaning we're once again halfway towards a horse now this is going to panic the mycenae ai faction because uh meaning what on earth can they do because i've just been attacking them but luckily for them i don't intend to completely murder them i just intend to subjugate them into becoming my vassals right now i am going to declare war on the mycenae ai faction there and most importantly i'm going to start ransacking one of their local cities because that's going to allow me to create even more units in this army and look we get 89 food from this ransacking and 89 gold sorry that's going to complete this entire army in one turn you know what that's fine by me i feel like we just need to go to with everyone then i'm just going to walk straight into the capital province of this ai as well the zou ai who's in second place uh we can also go to war with them because i'm going to raid their horse pastures for food give me your horse pastures oh my goodness this is brilliant absolutely brilliant we're gonna have the biggest army in the world right well let's see how we do next turn with all of this food yep there we go we now have some giant mega hun armies with no counter oh my goodness now what's so exciting about these hanukkamis is that we can actually transfer out new armies from these existing armies and uh get them to do their own ransacking of pillaging there is no end right we're just going to confirm this battle and that's a victory giving us 10 food which brings us even closer to getting another free unit this army is going to get a new free unit as well and what can this army do i guess you could siege the capital of this empire sure why not like i know the huns were very good at doing wars back in the day but this feels a little extreme ladies and gentlemen i jump into the midpoint of the video to offer you a once in a lifetime opportunity we here at spiffco have run into a slight problem thanks to an accidental immortal horse duplication exploit involving endless quantities of raiding i now have more battle horses than i will ever need consequently the first 7 000 people to like this video will receive their very own battle horse within 10 to 14 000 working days it will arrive at your front door and fight to the death for you should the need arise anyway back into the video now the green ai here believes that the war is going pretty fairly so they want a white piece where no one wins or loses anything i'm naturally going to refuse this treaty because i am sieging down their one and only city with an endless horde of horses which usually means that i currently have the upper hand now when it comes to research we're not exactly falling behind we're 49.2 which is absolutely brilliant and oh my goodness here we go i completely missed this it's the legendary night raids plus 15 ransack gains on an army oh yes oh yes yes what does that mean that's more horses ladies and gentlemen more infinite horses for my unlimited horse army now that ransacking was successful there we go we've got yet another three horses and you know i think it's probably time that we actually do this siege so legendary horsey boys go assault this wall and victory perfect we lost three percent of our health gained 10 food to summon another horse out of thin air and that's just been it fantastic so let's talk to the green ai and see what they want well currently nothing i think we have to hold on to their capital for one turn but next turn they'll come asking for peace now the only thing holding our empire back is a lack of gold because gold would allow us to basically blitz through all of the production in our empire but luckily i have a solution for that and that solution ladies and gentlemen is vassalization now i've noticed that there's basically some ais here who i can give an outpost to and so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to found an outpost right here and then give it over to the mercenary ais and that way they'll basically become a city-state that's good friends with us and i think it's time for us to attack the hanjing capital which we're just going to do immediately because they have an army strength of 13 and we have an unlimited quantity of horses so that is their capital now firmly in our control which is brilliant because eventually uh we'll be able to do a little peace deal with them oh and here comes the peace deal so we could try and steal their capital province which sounds great but no instead we're going to ask them to become a vassal of our empire they'll also give us 160 gold but the great thing about them being vassals is that they'll join all of our little wars but most importantly next turn they're going to start giving us basically all of their gold income which the later the game goes on gets even more insane so it's turn 50 ladies and gentlemen and things are looking good for our empire we are by far not just in terms of science population and well everything else that matters but also militarily for example we're able to go to war with the babylonians here the babylonians stand no chance against our horde of an unlimited quantity of horses oh my goodness how many horses can i even bring in i can bring in a total of 442 unit strength of horses yep let's go to war oh this is gonna be fun now many of you might be thinking spiff why are you going to war well it's very simple if i go to war i get more horses although apparently because that one unit ran away i now can't fight except this unit can come into the picture and we can have an actual fight there we go you can't retreat from this bad boy oh no he can god damn it hey god damn it right we'll be chasing the babylonians back to their capital and converting all of their resources into horses alright i think it's time we just capture the babylonian capital of course it happens instantaneously and costs us nothing i'm pretty sure this reduces the babylonians to basically nothing now so we can force them to be our vassal which is brilliant and they'll also give us 500 gold alongside it so thank you very much for bam you've now surrendered and as our vassals they'll be giving us fat stacks of cash as soon as their empire recovers from us burning it to the ground and the best thing is even though they're my vassals i can also still demand their territory which is great fun oh my goodness we've actually unlocked the next era we might as well actually go for it uh sure it's only turned 54 but we've conquered this entire continent basically and turned everyone into a vassal so why not choose our brand new culture now as much i'd love to stay as the huns i think it's time that we probably pivot into something you know a little bit more scientific or financial wait except we could just go from being the huns to being the mongols there doesn't have to be an end the the mongols are even better plus 100 ransacking gains that's even stronger than the huns i got a second hang on a second we get to keep the insane order building and we get the mongol horde which is just even more powerful i mean i just kind of have to don't i this this is brilliant it's everything we wanted and more look at the legendary spiff as a mongol warrior he looks absolutely fantastic so we're bam we're now into the medieval era and we are truly jazzy now for this era we simply have to make a huge amount of influence money make more districts all of that fun stuff but more importantly we're mostly just going to have to take over a whole bunch of cities and of course upgrade our regular raiders into things that are a little bit more jazzy now with all of our vassals actually up and running our two vassals are giving us currently 160 and 120 gold per turn this is only going to increase as they grow their limited number of cities because trust me they're not actually going to be able to settle that many cities because i will be able to take whatever land from them that i please now my empire has pretty much grown to maximum strength it's uh insane we generate a huge amount of money from our vassals we control this entire continent it is just literally all ours i mean just look at even the culture spread it is very easy to see that we are by far the most dominant power on this land and so naturally it only makes sense that i send out a whole bunch of floating horses into the ocean to see if they can find new land to conquer oh my goodness we've discovered a ai city-state it's the numidians who appear to control this one territory naturally i can't trade with them which is frustrating but it doesn't matter because i've realized if i simply land on their territories and murder their peasants using my one mongol horde monster i will be able to assert dominance over their puny civilization ah it's all mine oh and look that's a border with a different civilization so um instead of actually sending a unit over there to scout i'll just build a district and yep we can in fact see there are people over there people whose lands don't belong to us meaning they will soon belong to us right now with my lovely mongol horde army i'm going to start marching towards the ai over here as i intend to say hello to all of their lovely territories and also to just spawn an army out of thin air as soon as i discover them now what i have discovered over here to the right of our empire in these new terrains is the legendary nubian empire now the nubian empire is the second strongest faction in the game that's right they even have vassals maybe even a large army the only downside for the poor nubian empire is that i'm a horde faction and i'm going to take their entire continent using only three horsey boys actually make that five horsey boys although i'm probably only gonna use the front three because i don't need an army to take their lands i'm a horde remember i literally need just one horse unit to pillage once and that's their entire empire now under my control because one pillage is like 700 additional men now into the terrain we go we've got a lovely rocky field here that we can raid and i think this is a district that we can equally sack so uh this is looking lovely and fantastic oh i'm so excited to pillage this entire brand new continents like i've discovered christmas again except the presence of death right now what i'm going to do is transfer one of my lovely horsey boys onto this iron deposit now remember our ransacking is improved and we now gain plus 100 yields from ransacking what that means on paper is 198 from this ransacking now we are about to be attacked so i'm going to open up this little battle menu uh and we're going to fight it's 122 vs 82 who's going to win odds on chat bearing in mind they're using look at this swordsman and archers wow look at that 24 strength swordsman versus oh dear confirmed battle it's a glorious victory oh fantastic right let's ransack this territory come on that's what i'm here to do when i i'm actually able to move into the next era because i've completed enough error goals but honestly no i kind of actually want to put this off so there are some great areas we could turn into like for example the ming but the issue is none of these units are horde units meaning we'd have to build up these winged hazard units send them into battle and then once they start taking damage we have huge problems so i'm instead just going to ignore the fact that i could change my religion and focus entirely on just raiding stuff down to the ground and let us ignore the fact that we're in the next era we don't need it my armies are the most insane armies in the universe and i'd like to keep it that way right now it's basically time for me to start running scouts around the map because i need to try and work out where all of these other ai cities are and oh my goodness have you just opened up a land for pillaging oh i don't mind if i do yeah we're just going towards onto this terrain here and summoned an army out of thin air at the same time i just need to make sure that there's another army vaguely nearby to defend all of my brand new armies and just being spat out into the air simply so they can sack all of this terrain oh this is going to just be perfect insanity so no ai is going to attack this because i have so many men nearby but equally if they leave it for a turn this stack of six horses will immediately become a stack of about 15 horses now that's very fair and here it comes the legendary aztec warriors are all out in full force here today uh ready to stand up against a horde of horse archers and um it's not going to go well auto resolve and glorious victory two percent losses and an entire city is mined oh this is so dumb right can i turn you into a vassal or something if i just i can i can turn you into a vessel oh sure why not let's just force the surrender of this incredible man bam for surrender you're mine i can also demand reparations of 2000 gold and force you to follow my religion in return they simply want money for money and conversion and we will accept these demands perfect oh my goodness this is insane because i'm now their king um they're giving me 1 170 gold per turn in vassal tribute oh dear god this is insanity well it means i've finally met the two other factions in this game um who are they the norsemen okay right sure that they're gonna be fun to fight and finally the franks okay both of which i don't think are likely to stand up against my unlimited quantity of horsey boys all right horsey men let's go attack the final remaining civilizations of this world and then we'll convert into a late game sieve right now i suppose i should probably actually wander up here and immediately just go to war because why not let's go to all of the norsemen let's go i mean of course the norse people aren't going to be very happy with us and oh no what is this this is a 1v3 and they're behind fences cool assault with one single unit confirm glorious victory with one single unit oh now in order to get to their capital i need to go through another empire so um you know what that means it's time for another war it's war number two electric boogaloo i didn't want to have to do this well actually no that's a lie i really wanted to have to do this right now once again my three horsey boys are just going to siege down an entire frank city um which is going to work instantaneously and grant us glorious total victory three percent losses oh dear uh now this city is ours oh my goodness everything is mine uh now the norsemen want a white piece naturally we're not going to do that as uh we are in a position of complete and utter control i couldn't lose this war even if i wanted to and i think now is probably the time that we can shift out of our empire because i realize that whilst the mongols bonus of increased money from sacking is great we do still get to keep this unit even if we change our culture so i'm going to change our culture and of course we're just going to go for the jose and culture why not they're the one sciency culture of this era we might as well adopt into them put on this very fancy looking robe i mean it gives us access to a pretty jazzy boat i guess full of guns but more importantly it's just all of the science bonuses that i'm interested in as also moving into the next era allows me to research all of the next jazzy stuff and of course most importantly i get to keep all of my lovely mongol horse boys which means i'm going to be sacking every single city i can find right and assault the city and auto resolve and salt the city and auto resolve glory success oh it's impossible to lose at this game and let us end our turns as we move into the next era lovely stuff ah new era we get the scientist bonus which means this mode will convert industry and money production to science in this city oh that's quite fun actually so i suppose if i have a city which produces a huge amount of industry i can get a fun little bonus or i can go for my next religious tenant now of course the best bonus for our religion is to pick up the challenge orthodoxy this gives us plus ten percent science per religious state of our empire and as we have quite a few religious states this is basically uh plus 80 science or so which increases our science up to a comfortable 1549 meaning we can research late game technology in five turns very nice oh wait i can get have this city absorb this city into one giant mega city yes mega city oh no this is perfect we can just have giant mega city and then have this giant mega city absorb all of the other minor cities into one disgusting mega blob of weirdness well um after putting a few more cities on science focus mode it's turned 93 and we're gaining 5000 times per turn the game is over the game is yeah it's pretty much over we can basically research every late game tech in one or two turns which is brilliant and things have gone a little bit insane we've vassalized the francs meaning that there is only one remaining ai factor that we haven't completely decimated and i they only have like two cities left or something actually they've got three no no they only have one because they merge these two cities which is great makes everything a lot easier for me right let's just assault and confirm auto resolve glorious victory of course uh zero damage taken on our side for 30 food and that settlement is ours can i piece you out yet i can this is it's it game over for surrender everyone in the world is now my vassal everyone the entire world is my vassal i this is 50 years before the game's even meant to end oh god right seeing as uh you're my vassal you can now have my religion you stopped my trade agreement for t give me 3 200 gold did you do it you did give me 200 gold because you stopped the t trade deal can i do it again i would also like another 3 200 gold for the td or you cancelled and it worked and of course that one also went through right okay i uh this game this game has broken me i can't believe it i absolutely can't good god this has just been an enlightening game to say the least it's been perfectly balanced just perfectly everything really um what a truly great experience oh my goodness i think this is it we've basically researched everything there's just two texts left both of which are going to take only one turn to do all right there we go that is it that is the end of science completely science is over we've researched everything that the universe can ever know it's all inside our little heads my goodness right this is it this is the end of the video um i've achieved 180 000 gold i have infinite influence i've taken over the entire world the game is said to end in eight turns no matter what i do and well my era score is 8404. i can't raise it anymore because in order to do so i'd have to declare war on my vassals and i mean i'm i'm kind of too lazy to do that i mean sure i could defeat them and take all their cities in one go but what's the point also i've got a corgi next to me because that's how i like to finish all of my videos from now on and i guess all that's left for me to do is to destroy the balance of this game by just having my capital absorb every other city in my empire like this one for 4700 gold bam we now have a mega city 5 300 gold sure why not and uh yeah let's just absorb everything into our capital city what could go wrong absolutely nothing i'm sure oh my goodness we just have one great big mega city that produces 5 000 sites oh this game it really is a special something uh now i'm afraid this is basically it for humankind because the game doesn't release until march or april but i'm sure when it does release you'll definitely be seeing more videos of it on my channel because it's guaranteed to be a perfectly balanced game now of course as always if you enjoyed watching today's video make sure to give it a like and hop on down to the comment section to recommend what video you'd like to see next i've got a whole plethora of choices for you option a would you like to see a cyberpunk fortify restoration loop where we stack modifiers and they continuously compound upon each other until we create the most powerful item in the game to the point where the game will crash or b do you want to see a spore video where we managed to beat spore without even evolving or finally c would you like to see another strategy video of the legendary game that is civilization 5 hop on down to the comment section and leave your vote it does massively help us out when it comes to determining what videos to make next and of course hey if you're new here do consider subscribing we'd absolutely love to have you on board now if you do want to unlock your very own spiffing brit avatar which of course you can do there will probably be a few options when it comes to the game's release and launch but for the moment uh i think you have to follow my twitch channel i have a twitch channel i'll put it in the comment section and if i stream humankind there's a chance that it drops but then again that would require me to actually use my twitch channel and i quite enjoy the fact that i'm the 20 thousandth largest streamer on twitch and i've never streamed on twitch it does feel quite good to perfectly balance twitch in my favor anyway as always a massive thank you to each and every one of our majestic patrons who make these fantastic videos all the more possible seriously pat yourselves on the back thank you very much for supporting me over this fun festive period we've got a whole bunch of videos coming your way and thanks to your help i might even be able to have a couple of days off to celebrate christmas i know that's going to be brilliant anyway of course if you're wondering what video you want to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you trust me you're gonna love it anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,136,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, civ 6, video game exploit, perfectly balanced game, humankind, humankind gameplay, humankind game, spiffing brit, humankind review, funny, exploit, humankind opendev, civ killer, 4x, 4x game, grand strategy, is broken, video game, game, humakind perfectly balanced, humankind exploit, overpowered, british, civ 6 exploit, the spiffing brit, rt game, montage, game exploit, strategy game, strategy games, perfectly balanced, humankind let's play, gameplay, civ
Id: jP1JBYhhC2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 42sec (1962 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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