ROMANS ARE OVERPOWERED!!! Rome Total War Remastered Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits

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Its almost like they never tested the new feature xd

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Lt-Skeleton-SFW 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

doesnt work at all when i try it. never gives option to ask for compensation.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Pitiful_Cover_580 📅︎︎ May 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
well let's end turn and find out there's no way they can give us the gold there's no way oh my god they gave us the gold oh my god it's so broken we have so much money we can do whatever we want absolutely anything hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing grit and today we're playing total war rome remastered that's right it's the original rome total war but now in high resolutions and less bugs and oh my goodness they even improved and added in some new features it's majestic and best of all you don't even have to play with the new features you can play the exact same old broken roam total war now we've just improved textures and none of the garbage bugs but ladies and gentlemen like all good classic total war games this bad boy has exploits and my goodness do we have an incredible set of exploits to show are you tired of actually trying to build up the roman empire using roman military and roman soldiers and roman troops and roman majesticness and infrastructure what if instead of using proper roman tactics to build an empire you just bought the entire roman empire out of thin air and best of all you can buy the roman empire and have people pay you for it that's right today welcome to total war rome art of the deal edition whereby we're going to be destroying the brand new ai in this game by convincing the ai to give us all of their lands and in fact they're going to be paying us to take their entire lands off of them now without further ado ladies and gentlemen let's dive into this brand new game so make sure you set back relax with a nice warm cup of tea in hand and if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even like this video now let's go break this video game so ladies and gentlemen we're going to start ourselves a brand new campaign of rome total war where we're going to be starting as the 100 historically accurate house of julie that's right we're playing as the romy boyz led by the head of the house of julie mr smoove face over here now for the purposes of this video i'm going to be playing with all of the new remastered features because you know why not and we're going to be throwing ourselves into a classical average experience it's going to be lovely and remember the end game idea is to become the supreme controller of rome and also have 50 provinces under your empire now 50 provinces that sounds like an exceedingly difficult thing to pull off however it actually turns out that with enough cheeky shenanigans anyone can do it and here we have it ladies and gentlemen the start of our glorious roman empire now of course you'll notice the game's a bit funky because this is rome total war it's not historically accurate but it's historically fun that's how to look at this game we are playing as one of three roman factions we're playing as the house of julia basically meant to represent and of julius caesar going off to fight the barbarians there's also the house of brutii the green boys in the house of skippy eye the blue boys these two factions are our friends technically and our forced allies and then there's also the spqr faction representing the roman senate these guys give us missions they sit inside their lovely ward city and they shout at us for playing poorly now unlike most total war games this game has absolutely everything that you want from an experience most importantly cities with actual population counts that matter you need to grow a large town up so that it has enough people there so that you can actually turn it into a city and build fancier buildings but if you start training an army in this town well guess what the population's going to go down that's right it actually pays to be at peace because that way you're not destroying your own economy by conscripting your entire nation to go die on the front lines to some elephants that's what makes this game so majestic in my opinion now of course ladies and gentlemen what i'm going to do is completely naturally destroy this game because you might know that there are many other content creators out there who currently have their hands on this game and guess what they're doing they're playing it the way the game was intended to be played they're going about doing fun adventures conquering a few territories but none of them are destroying the game to try and take over the world so that's exactly what i'm going to do now the first turn isn't exactly going to be very exciting all we have to do is go capture this rebel village of suggester over here and well it's an absolute cake walk you just walk up to it and the village here doesn't even really have wool so guess what you just walk up to it it's being defended by literal peasants meaning that guess what it's going to be a walk in the park for flavius julius here the smoothest man who's ever lived it's going to be such a walk in the park i'm even just going to auto resolve it and there we go glorious clear victory that first settlement is ours anyway time to end this turn in the next turn we're going to start the diplomatic shenanigans as we're going to try and defeat the ghouls without ever going to war with the gauls right so it's turn two and uh well not what happened i mean we're discovering a little bit of the map using our boaty boys here we've kind of spotted out carthage down here but most importantly we've made our way up to the gauley tribes here now the people of gaul at the start of the game are quite powerful however we are completely utterly expected to dog pile their settlements here and decimate their entire kingdom however we have ways of abusing this entire mechanic in the game thanks to a handy little diplomacy feature here called compensation now this is a brand new feature to roam total remaster where basically we can say that for previous transgressions in the history of our relationship with the goals the goals need to pay us reparations for damages now this is quite simple we would say hey please give us compensation and we'll settle all past grievances and we won't judge you for it and in return what are they going to give us they'll offer us 877 denarii that's quite nice 877 gold that's quite a good offer however we're going to make a counter proposal to the current offer because we're also going to want the 877 denarii however we want a minor additional bonus just a minor additional bonus to be given to us by the gallic faction and that is of course going to be um their entire empire that's right we're going to select all of their major cities barring their capital uh as you can see this is six settlements and bearing in mind we have three settlements currently and it's turned two asking for six settlements from the ai is going to be impossible and the ai knows this it's saying hey this is a very demanding proposal i mean we're more powerful than you we don't even particularly like you and you're asking for 877 gold and all of our settlements borrow our capital there's no way they're going to accept however this is the issue they do accept they say please accept this offer so that we may put all of this behind us what's the offer they're going to offer compensation in the form of 877 gold and all the six of their major settlements in return all we have to do is settle all past grievances but here's the issue we don't really have any past grievances it's turn two of the game we've only just met this faction but here we go they're about to give me their entire goddamn empire oh dear oh dear oh dear ladies and gentlemen that's how to take the julia faction from having just two settlements on turn one to having nine settlements by the end of turn two this is completely ridiculous oh dear oh dear oh dear now of course the thing is we've taken all of these settlements from the gall the ghoul aren't going to like that in fact they're going to be quite annoyed because we've stolen all of their land and kicked out all of their garrisons luckily these settlements that we steal actually come with their own brand new garrisons pre-prepared i mean they're not fantastic they're mostly peasants but i mean they will defend these cities if they have to now the thing is the gauls are going to 100 attackers at this point because we have all of these very undefended settlements the ghouls only have one settlement and they have giant armies so here's what you do as you can see relationship is down at zero there ladies and gentlemen it's not looking that good now we're going to offer a compensation of 1 575 gold and also then throw in an alliance and this is going to be seen as being a generous offer ladies and gentlemen so generous in fact that these guys are going to give us map information and heck they'll even give us some money because look they have a whole bunch of money in their treasury but the thing is they're actually having to start paying for all of their armies and they only have one settlement that makes money so it should actually be quite easy for us to drain the entire economy of them although actually we don't even need to do that because with just map information they're going to accept an offer of an alliance there we go the ghouls are now our allies and they've given us their entire settlements and empire oh dear oh dear oh dear now the thing is all of these settlements are actually kind of happy now that we've kind of drained some of the population training of units it's looking quite good for our empire just like that ladies and gentlemen we now have one of the largest factions in the game best of all we're going to probably train up ourselves a new diplomat somewhere over here and then we'll be able to send that diplomat off to find more empires but as you can see end of turn 2 um i'd say we've done quite well i think this must make us the largest faction in the game now can't really imagine that we're going to encounter anyone larger than ourselves at this point oh and here's also the best thing after doing a trade deal we can now also demand compensation from gaul and the reason we're able to request compensation from goal is very simple ghoul this turn decided to hand over its entire empire to us but because they handed over all of these settlements you'll notice that standing outside of all of our new settlements are gallic armies and whilst we have an alliance we don't have a military access agreement that's meaning that all of these thousands of troops are trespassing in roman territory and do you know what happens when you trespass in roman territory well you owe compensation that's right we told you for actually stepping into our land consequently we demand compensation and they're going to give us 182 gold actually i'm gonna need more than 182 gold my friends i'm actually going to require your entire gold-based inventory in the form of a regular tribute that's right i want 5 000 gold for the next 17 turns of course i'm pretty sure the gorilla ki can't even pay this however they're still going to accept it i'm going to make a counter offer how far could i take this if i ask for a regular tribute of um 500 000 denarii and i asked for um 20 tons of that are they going to oh my goodness okay propose no oh my god okay so the ai is going to accept a proposal of giving us 500 000 gold per turn for the next 21 turns in return we're going to look past the fact that all of their armies are standing inside the territory that they just sold for us because they haven't had a turn yet to move them out of our territory and they accept they accept okay well that's um that's the end of the negotiations the negotiations were swift and you'll see that next turn we're expecting to make 500 000 i mean they don't have the money for this so what happens when i end the turn does the money just come out of thin air because the ai kind of has to cheat on this one well let's end turn and find out there's no way they can give us the gold there's no way oh my god they gave us the gold oh my god it's so broken we have so much money we can do whatever we want absolutely anything 500 000 gold we can buy the entire world now effectively ladies and gentlemen the crux of this exploit is that we're actually committing the roman equivalent of insurance fraud we buy ourselves a settlement and then complain when the owner hasn't cleared out in one turn and use that to lodge an insurance complaint that insurance complaint can then generate us millions and millions of gold making us the richest being in the entire known galaxy this is the power of the insurance scandal it was as powerful back in roman times as it is in modern times ladies and gentlemen some things simply never change and of course we've kind of exploited the goal faction here but of course ghoul aren't the only faction in the game there's a whole bunch of other factions like for example the germanic tribes over here ladies and gentlemen so we're going on a magical adventure to go say hello to the germanic tribes meanwhile ghoul is going to bankroll the entire empire for the next 20 turns of course they're going to give us so much money we won't actually have anything to do with it all anyway time for us to end our turn here because my goodness this has gone fantastically well oh we've just met spain ladies and gentlemen they want trade rights for map information this is fantastic we're going to accept and then we're also going to make an offer of our own because we've just run into them so naturally what are we going to do now that we've met spain well we're going to request compensation and of course they we've just simply sent out this offer they're going to offer us 1 000 gold in return we make compensation just one slight issue we want 1 000 gold from you spain and we also want you to give us the region of all of your free major cities by your capital this is of course very demanding but you have no choice to accept and you know whilst we're here we also want you to throw in a regular tribute of 500 000 gold for the next 21 turns because whilst you're very wealthy now as soon as the next turn takes over you're going to be completely and utterly bankrupt will you accept this stupid trade deal of course you'll accept this stupid trade deal spain it's fantastic well it's um it's turn four we have 12 million gold and what is reality anymore we now own almost all of spain right now it's time for me to end my turn and once again well i think we're up to just a stupendous amount of money yep looks like we're up to two million there fantastic stuff now we can see the carthaginian captain here is probably trying to make his way over to one of our large settlements however of course he won't be able to take it because you know we're absolutely mighty and powerful but more importantly we can just bribe this guy with the right amount of money you can simply bribe entire armies out of existence with an offer of just 18 000 gold this random captain will disband his entire military force i know it's incredible but of course before we do that we're going to request compensation from carthage what are they going to offer us well we're going to ask for some settlements from carthage what are they going to be able to offer us well it turns out quite a lot of land of course this is very demanding so first we need to just offer and they say hey we will give you 140 gold trade rights and map information however we want all past grievances settled we'll of course request for all of their territory so take lilibayan we'll take fabulous corrales haumer and corduba settlements that we have never even seen before and we're just going to request all of those along with that we also want to make sure the cartridge is completely and utterly bankrupted so we're going to request the regular tribute deal of one million dollars for just 25 turns and we send off that offer and of course you know they're going to lovingly accept it and we're bam the entirety of carthage is now completely and utterly bankrupted at the same time we'll also offer ourselves an alliance they're um they're not going to accept that but of course that makes complete and utter sense in return we're going to offer compensation of 10 000 gold 10 000 gold is nothing to us and besides they're going to be bankrupted next turn and now we're just going to bribe them as well so that this army disappears out of existence it's just going to cost us 17 000 gold well bam the army is gone easy peasy lemon squeezy we now own the entirety of spain bar one settlement oh and the sentiments technically owned by an ally of ours so uh not exactly an issue but honestly this turn has been um quite good for us we've gained a lot of territory oh my goodness this has actually gone fantastic i didn't expect this exploit to go so well this is ridiculous we've got two million gold in the back i've seen other content creators playing the remastered version but none of them have discovered this yet but most of them are just taking their time slowly playing the game conquering a few territories i'm yet to see any of them actually finish the game and i think we might finish the game very very quickly considering the aim is to control 50 settlements and then also conquer rome well it's turn five ladies and gentlemen and we control one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 settlements we're not quite halfway there but for turn five i'd say we're doing quite well normally by turn five you're conquering at maximum your fifth settlement oh dear oh dear oh dear right now time for us to end our turn because things have gone just so absolutely fantastically oh we've just met britain ladies and gentlemen hopefully they offer us a trade deal here yes they want trade rights and perfect this is going to allow us to actually negotiate to the fullest with britain because we can see that they're very clearly posturing to attack us however they're not going to attack us if we hit them with the one-two compensation maneuver we ask for compensation they say okay we'll give you 870 gold also you have to accept the offer of compensation or will attack you i gotta say good how the hell does this work in return however we're also going to request that they give us all of their territory here and that's right we're wanting all three of these settlements so i'm pretty sure we gain control of york as well as ireland and then this nice province they have here in normandy meaning the only settlement britannia will be left with is londinium alongside of this we'll also want an alliance request we'll also want all of the map information possible but just how extreme can we take this well i want a regular attribute of 99999 oh wait no apparently the maximum you're allowed to ask for is a humble one million a turn of course i mean asking for more than that would be stupid so we're going to ask for one million a turn for the next 32 turns send this offer off to them and oh they would be fine with that if it wasn't for the alliance of course okay let's request for compensation we can do the alliance later don't you worry so we want all of your settlements there we go very nice and the regular tribute please of every single bit of your money okay we submit this offer off and of course they're going to accept it lovely they really really wanted that offer they wanted it so much we actually had to accept the offer of them giving us 1 million gold per turn or they would attack us that's how friendly the britannia tribes are oh and look they've immediately attacked us uh classic britannia ai i mean it's a bit of a surprise that they've decided to attack us considering that they've left us with the settlement of a barricam here also known as york which is fielding an army of peasants look at the amount of peasants in this settlement it's incredible okay well let's grab some barbarian mercenaries here as well as a metric ton of peasants load them all up into this guy and then attack this army now if we win this battle here ladies and gentlemen we're probably going to get ourselves a brand new commander who will help us wrestle control of the britannic mainlands because of course i mean whilst we shouldn't really control the settlements around lancaster and york we do and this is a lovely commander one of the other reasons to love rome total war is the custom battle speeches that happen in front of every battle it's fantastic if you start say repeatedly losing to an enemy you're going to have speeches that represent that it's absolutely wonderful anyway we're going to be facing the enemy so we might as well do it on a slight hill here we've access to these lovely barbarian mercenaries barbarian mercenaries are great for one very important reason they have a melee attack of seven however if you press this lovely button here you actually increase the unit's attack for 30 seconds by 10 which is ridiculous anyway the enemy are bringing in just 363 men to try and defeat my army of mostly peasants and well lo and behold of course we're going to win all right let's let them tie themselves out as they wander these cold fields leading up to us right now they're posturing their way towards us and they're holding their flank okay but now they're coming in for their attack fantastic now our aim is to go for a proper flanking maneuver here where we fully encompass them uh which shouldn't be too difficult because it looks like they're just going to charge straight into the middle of my peasant line which is going to be good so we're going to charge this warband with these men and of course we'll just wrap up the corner by doing a quick war cry and then charging in the peasants go peasants go now of course this is rome total war where basically the way to win every single battle is just wrap your enemy from behind and then watch them break and there we go that's one unit completely and utterly broken and now you just have to charge them down and get a whole bunch of kills almost all of that is happening the enemy peasant unit has just opened up to this flank and naturally we'll be able to defeat them as well oh dear oh dear we've done it we've done it we've absolutely cracked them there's only one unit of warband left and our warbands looking fantastically good the enemy is routing perfect and after this we should get ourselves a brand new general to help us conquer the british isles with there we go we even killed the enemy general lovely what a glorious fight considering our army consisted of basically just peasants that's a fantastic victory for us it looks like gaul has given themselves a brand new territory they've got a new city well guys i mean let's be friends let's be real friends i want compensation and you know what they're going to give me one of their cities oh it's very nice of you just to hand over that city straight away we don't even need to have a chat about it you know how this operation works thank you for the free land my friends it's just perfectly balanced anyway i'm expecting britain to basically end its war with us next turn and in the meantime we're going to be sailing our diplomats over to the greek isles all right now it's time for us to end our turn open we've just met new media ladies and gentlemen they want trade rights and of course we're going to accept trade rights and then do a counteroffer i would really like compensation what are you going to give me 600 gold i think you can do better how about uh your free spare settlements that aren't your capital yes that would be lovely as well as also a regular tribute of every single thing you own for the next 21 turns that would be lovely and there we go of course you're going to accept lovely stuff and then of course if i offer compensation 560 gold as well as an alliance now that's a generous offer my friends look at that of course you're going to accept that alliance lovely to have you on board thank you for all of your settlements in the media so um that's given us this random settlement in the middle of nowhere this one over here in northern africa as well as anything else oh yes this settlement over here near to egypt the large town of siwa okay it's fantastic so what's happened to the brits whilst we've been away well it looks like they've decided to do a full retreat off the continent yep they've loaded their entire army up back onto a boat and they're taking it home now well that makes my life a little bit easier although i can't follow them because i don't own a boat of my own instead a brand new general has spawned here caius harsa fantastic stuff have we got any more mercenaries to buy yes there we go barbarian mercenaries and he's going to allow us to just simply wartson up to the enemy here oh is this just two faction leaders it's just two general units oh perfect oh yes we're going to murder the british family members here oh this is a fantastic game of rome total war my friends perfectly balanced indeed well i guess technically this is an ambusher they've caught us off guard but ah it'll be fine don't worry they're just general units right so the battle immediately starts and they are just rushing us in the flank which is fine all we need to do is line up the spearmen and uh maybe run the peasants away but yes as long as the spearmen get in we've basically nailed it our heavy cavalry also attacking from the side uh should do okay oh wait no no no heavy cavalry doesn't do good against chariots run heavy cavalry stay close to the general unit though stay close and give the general bonus there we go boost some morale toot your horn and most importantly don't die and let the barbarian mercenaries kill the chariots there we go we've killed the enemy general with the enemy general dead they've just immediately routed oh chariots you oh my god the game's loud all of a sudden and it's quiet again what else is going on i think the game's trying to fight back because i've been exploiting it like okay you break the game i'll break your eardrums well it looks like we're doing good nonetheless the only settlement the brits have is londinium and well it hasn't exactly got many units because they've run out of money to fund their military so we should be able to knock them out completely by just training up an army of peasants and besieging london with some kind of mega commander oh and yes it looks like carthage is indeed attacking us well this is fine it's going to be quite exciting and it looks like ghoul is also attacking us as well all in the same turn well this is fine because i think we can actually cheese this a bit and germany wants trade rights and map information of course we'll accept that and germany i think it's time i think it's time we do something quite fun germany germany how about some compensation you know for all of the grievances that we've had you're going to give me 432 gold that's great but i'm also going to need these four major settlements from you please thank you very much as well as also a regular tribute of every single thing that you could potentially ever earn for the next bajillion years thank you very much and there we go that's an agreement and finally of course i will offer you a military alliance and compensation for my grievances and there we go bygones be bygones we are now allies perfect and apparently you're wealthy well that's gonna change next turn my friends oh yes now you are absolutely poor ago we just scared off one of the uh generals of the britannic empire although the britons are now basically decreasing their army size each turn they're now down to just uh one faction air and some warband units so um they're not really able to field much of an army i mean the same can be said for gaul they're basically just reduced to some war bans now of course what we're going to offer is demand that they become our protector of course not going to accept that because they think that they actually have some strength in return we're going to offer them a single payment of how about 1 million gold this is fine because of course we'll be getting this back next turn and apparently this is a very generous offer so of course we're going to demand it and there we go goal is now our protector despite the fact that last turn they wanted to go to war with us and now they say welcome friend how can we help you well you can help us by simply ending the siege which is exactly what's happened and now they are our little vassal subject well it was a one turn war ladies and gentlemen and it went fantastically beer that's been a great turn for us we've picked up a few more settlements you know i realize we should probably also buy the rest of the macedonian empire because well you might as well so request compensation what are they going to offer us money perfect right give us money also give us all of these regions here as well as most importantly a regular tribute of the most amount of money you could possibly give us fantastic and then i would like that for the next 40 turns perfect stuff are you going to accept of course you'll accept thank you for all of your settlements well and just like that the roman empire has expanded quite a little bit more it will also offer an alliance to them and of course macedonia is going to accept any alliance we throw their way because you know they they just want it well it's the end of turn 9 and we now have 39 settlements meaning we are just a few settlements away from technically finishing the game although we do need to hold rome for the game to actually end i suppose we could build up a large military here and just walk into rome yeah you know let's give that a go all right let's just train up a nice military although by train up a nice military mostly just mean walt's outside and see if there are any nice mercenaries nearby right and i think it's time for us to end our turn i mean it went absolutely swimmingly so why not okay well now we're down in egypt so it's time to initiate operation destroy the egyptian economy we sadly can't request compensation however of course remember we can just buy a region egypt has a huge quantity of cities including cities like say petra here so we're going to just quite simply start with a small town a small town will be the cheapest purchase so we want petra we'll make a single payment of how about 100 000 gold very demanding fine 200 000 gold very generous perfect give me petra and they'll give it to me at the same time we can now request compensation they're going to offer compensation um what they just gave us nothing i asked for compensation and they didn't give me anything what now i just have petra i want more than i want more than just petra okay fine we need to trade more then give me the town of boston then bostro i want bostro for a single payment of 150 000 okay is that enough is that enough that's very generous perfect you give me bostra now we make a new offer compensation compensation make single payment of 100 gold right right okay make an offer and of course you're going to accept jesus i need more i need more egypt you're literally killing me you're actually also happy that i'm buying these settlements from you you don't seem to be upset new offer we're going to close out this menu open it again i'm on compensation and i want the entirety of the rest of your empire you're going to decline this and hopefully counter off yes your counteroffer your counter offer is to give me 130 000 gold okay i'm going to counter offer this one even more and ask for a regular tribute okay i want a regular tribute of 1 million gold for a million turns is this going to pass is this going to pass yes it passes okay i get all of my money back all of the settlements and all of the money perfect stuff egypt now completely utterly hates me so this is where we offer them compensation of 13 000 gold that's going to clear up everything and we can also offer in the alliance which is of course very generous then map information for map information and we're good friends lovely stuff oh and this is it we now control 50 regions exactly we can now attack the capital and i'm pretty sure that means we win the game oh my goodness this is it this is it ladies and gentlemen here's actually i think i know how we do this i think i know how we do this okay this i think is going to allow us to defeat rome toe to war on turn i don't even know what turn it is anymore turn 10. turn 10 rome total war victory i think i know how to pull it off here's how we're going to do it ladies and gentlemen remember every time we declare a war on someone we can negotiate a piece where they become our protector right and if they become our protector i'm pretty sure that means we control the city of rome so we're going to attack our ally and declare war on rome as we can see the settlement is pathetic and we can use our diplomat here to negotiate with them and ask them to become our protector in return we're going to make a single payment of 1 million gold and of course it's very generous that they're going to accept and it's happened spqr are now our little subjects they're our protectorate although some reason is showing that we are at war and there are protectorate okay now i'm not sure how this one's working out but maybe if i press enter the game will just sort itself out then again it could just be completely naturally borked now oh my goodness and everyone's been outlawed oh my goodness this is fantastic okay sadly this this has broken our alliances with every other faction in the game because we've been outlawed by the senate but because we turn them into a protectorate and then they immediately declared war on us because they can't be protectorates i imagine it's broken the game and it's outlawed the other two factions at the same time so everyone's at war with with spqr now okay this is um this is getting complicated now but we are still definitely at war and also still not at war because we can ask for a ceasefire okay i'm confused let's end turn and see what happens because this is what is going on the men are going hyper speed egypt is naturally declaring war on us because they kind of have to but of course when they declare war on us this is how we're going to be able to turn egypt into a protectorate and gain control of their last settlement of alexandria so if anything they're making our lives a lot easier by doing this oh my goodness this is getting very exciting okay but no the game is not over meaning um i do actually have to attack the roman settlement here so we're just gonna build some rams i guess and some siege towers there we go a couple of siege towers maintain seed and here's what we're going to do we're going to use my agent here to bribe the enemy generals this guy is really good so we're going to bribe him for 4000 gold he's now ours he's really good command talent religious bureaucrat sharp knight fighter lovely stuff and with him we've now got an additional just commander lying around but it actually looks like things have gone relatively well here and next turn i think we should be able to take the capital of rome right it's turn 11 turn 12 we're going to finish the game ladies and gentlemen so we've got any last-minute reinforcements i suppose all of this has started he can come join the fight and uh yep it's time for us to attack rome assault do we even need to fight this no we cannot resolve it the final fight of rome oh you know what we might as well just auto resolve it clear victory 30 casualties that they only had three units defending rome and it's ours oh yes oh yes oh yes and we've done it ladies and gentlemen turn 12 we've completed the game we are the savior of the people of rome oh my goodness we've done it we've destroyed spqr they're done for this is completely actually ridiculous it's 265 bc turned 12 we control 60 regions and we completed the game well ladies and gentlemen that's been our first look at rome total war flavius julius in his entire lifetime has gone from being a random faction leader to becoming the emperor of the known world if you want to see more fantastically broken rome total war videos then hey make sure to give this a video like and do consider subscribing and i'll be sure to cover more of this lovely game in the future there's a few really silly challenges i want to try out for this game like say a peasant only run or a mercenary only run or my personal favorite the completely overpowered and perfectly balanced horse archer only run which is completely and utterly stupid to watch because of how overpowered they are anyway as always hop on down to the comment section and i'll see each and every one of you there as always a huge thank you to each and every one of our majestic patrons who make these fantastic videos all the more possible seriously pat yourselves on the back you lovely sausages and if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have a majestic day and good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,137,781
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Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, total war rome remastered, rome total war, rome, rome total war remastered, Rome TW But I Exploit the AI For Free Land, exploit, ai, total war exploit, Rome: Total War Remastered, funny, perfectly balanced, game exploit, Free Land, rome remaster, rome remastered gameplay, rome: total war, total war, money exploit, rome total war 2021, total war rome, rome remastered, funny moments, spiffing brit, overpowered, warhammer, op, romans overpowered, total war rome 2
Id: -FqUxeKGJ3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 18sec (1878 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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