Galactic Civilizations 3 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - Everything is Broken

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space the final frontier while excluding Scotland ladies and gentlemen you join us here today where we are playing Galactic Civilizations free a fantastic space 4x grand strategy game where the focus is to lead your empire into galactic glory and taking out everything else in the galaxy you can invite culture influence science military victory you'll name it this game has it all it's very similar to civilization 5 except they put it in space and just made it objectively more jazzy my goodness this game is great fun and of course it's all about space colonization and who doesn't love a good bit of colonization I mean colonization in the spiffing bread it's an absolute dream team combination you know you're in store for a fun time when I've managed to get my hands upon a game which really focuses on landing on planets and just exploiting them to grow tea you know when that happens for we're gonna see some spicy good times so ladies and gentlemen what are we doing here in the game today well we are going to be demonstrating to you the lovely ladies and gentlemen at home just how perfectly balanced Galactic Civilizations free is although we'll be doing so most asking the question if a influenced only piece strategy might be a little bit broken I mean what if I told you in this game you don't even need to go to war to manage to steal the entire galaxy from everyone oh my oh my oh my but of course as always with the speaking Brit this isn't just going to be cheesy strategy no no no no no we're also going to be demonstrating completely broken exploits of the games mechanics and various glitches to put you the greatest player ahead of all of the other AIS or if you like to play of your friend to end those relationships as quickly as possible as always ladies and gentlemen step one of this strategy includes taking a long hard sip of the refreshing beverage that is Yorkshire Tea Gold ah the greatest beverage from inside the Milky Way and it is a fantastically milky beverage to my goodness and you can buy yours today for only seven thousand spife coin depending on the current exchange rate warning exchange rate of spiff coin the crypto currency may vary at a rate of 17,000 percent per milli and nobody knows where crypto is going so what even is this game well it's a rather unique game because it's now in version 3 point 7 now version 3 point 7 might make you think my goodness this game has a lot of polish it's got a lot of DLC I'll give it that much this game is really something else I mean it's so proud of the fact that it has free dlc it's advertised it's one single free DLC on the main menu so you know let's get hold of this free DLC to receive the ship designers toolbox DLC for free you must enter your email address to access the star dope okay you want extra little components to put onto the side of your ships to be cosmetic and fun but you don't want to charge players 4 pound for it so instead you're just gonna make them throw their emails into your mailing algorithm so that they can never never escape from star dog's constant emails about their latest games Oh fine fine fine fine let's let's get a copy of this DLC who's gonna get the deal with you today well so one lucky member of the wider world out there is about to win the star dog DLC giveaway by that I mean I'm just going to enter in a random email so let's go for bent-over my space dog coda are you fantastic let's register that email ah thank you for registering roof startup cables please check your email to confirm your attachments they go bend over enjoy your lovely free do C my goodness I'm just kind of picturing one random Russian sat in Siberia very confused as they receive their first email in 17 years from their MySpace email account and lo and behold it's Star doc interactive telling them that they're releasing a brand new DLC and that you need to buy it now but don't worry they've also given you a free one so there you go random Russian person you've just bought yourself a free ship designer parked goodness I feel like I've given away so much today well there we go there's all my charitable spirit sucked up for the next few weeks so of course ladies and gentlemen let's dive in and let's start a brand new game of gousa free now you can choose from all of the various races which this game has to offer like for example the humans or the squirrel monsters which is for some reason an option alternatively this game allows you to actually create your own civilization so instead of playing as the humans from Earth led by DL Bradley we can instead be led by whoever we like fantastic let's make a brand new empire of course we have to be called the Empire Britannicus fantastic short name of course it has to be Brit and the ship's callsign oh my well it has to be t dot e dot a it of course stands for terrestrial earth-based aircraft question mark there's no air in space that's fine it was a typo when we came up with the ships ok but you know what this gable also allows you to add custom logos so if you want or you can have a little Canadian flag which the game developers included but I noticed they didn't even add a British flag no no no you've got an American looking one here something that looks like the Dutch but I actually had to go and add my holds here you go ladies and gentlemen it's the Union Jack oh my fantastic but even better you can alter the background so let us customize the background image I mean there's a few options here we could go for something like oh this nice little background image here doesn't really stick out to me how about instead Oh this picture of the Queen and Phil looking quite sternly at us at all times you know what a perfect image to really motivate the populace my oh my that seems fantastic and we should probably change the portrait so this is for all the people that encounter us I mean there are some beautiful portraits like horrific blob monster here my goodness that is actually terrifying that's the stuff of nightmares right there but no instead we'll be using a 512 by 512 image of the Queen there we go fantastic the Empire Britannicus has never looked better you know because we choose the foreground image we're just gonna have a squirrel so our image is going to be the Queen and filled looking very sternly into the back of the squirrel you know this feels almost like I've created some form of art here today ladies and gentleman my oh my oh my I can just imagine it now twenty years into the future you stroll into an art gallery maybe it's the Louvre in France which of course by then will be Great Britain too and you stroll in and then you look at the Mona Lisa as they take it down off of the wall and replace it with a brand-new art squirrel Queen and filled we'll be called well so many emotions anyway let's rename our home world it once we called earth no no no no no of course a homeworld has to now be called Buckingham prime I mean there's honestly no other name we could have and civilization description oh my what can we put in here so I couldn't actually do any copy and pasting so I've actually gone and sat down and just written a massive civilization description and gone completely wild with the law basically the story of Empire Britannicus follows the life of queen elizabeth ii so Elizabeth was born in London as the first child of the Duke and Duchess of York she later went on to become Queen Elizabeth the second of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth nations however following a large ingestion of tea in late 2019 the Queen underwent a rapid change and became an all-knowing God queen she then traveled through time and space and learned much about the galaxy she returned from her adventures only a few days later with space Admiral hammy ham the 14th and a new sense of intergalactic colonization her first act was to instantly recognize earth and place Admiral hammy ham the 14th in control she then drank forty two cups of York sh t gold and traveled back into the future without knowing when she will return hami must lead us into space so here we go ladies and gentlemen our journey begins as we follow hammy ham the 14th also known as Admiral hammy ham the 14th who is literally just a bloody space girl as he leads the entirety of humanity into the galaxy with the hopes that one day the Queen will return and go well done hammy very good heavy very good so we haven't even really gotten started we haven't even selected any trade [ __ ] having fun with the overview so for the traits we're gonna have we're going to make ourselves Time Traveller's because of course the Queen has been to the future and also I'm going to say that we are ancient because I mean the Queen she's been around forever I mean genuinely she's just effectively immortal anyway it comes to traits we're going to make ourselves I guess wrong over content - that's right the people of Empire Britannica's are going to be happy because you know why wouldn't you be happy if you're living in the greatest empire of all time I'm also going to be exceedingly influential as well as rather fast moving when it comes to appearance yeah I think Terran stuff is good my little star trekky looking ships but the ship colors need to change we want a primary color of red course a secondary color of blue and then everything else just needs to be white fantastic we've done it it's the red white and blue color scheme lovely and when it comes to our personality naturally we just simply want to be very very expansionist and also rather cultural I mean come on we have the greatest culture it's all about drinking tea and being nice to each other and there we have it ladies and gentlemen our civilization is ready my goodness Empire Britannica's is born oh this is too good this is too good I love it right I'm ready for the game I'm finally ready for the game I want to see what Admiral hammy ham xiv couldn't give us he's got to be an absolutely fantastic person anyway ladies and gentlemen let's dive into this game and this is where we're going to actually be certain about first little exploit what you want to do is make sure that you have a very large galaxy or basically a galaxy which is slightly too powerful for your PC to manage now this galaxy here apparently is going to be rather intense because of course it says it's going to need 32 gigabytes I only have 16 gigs of memory but I do have 16 cores so uh yes sadly I need to go for the largest galaxy so that hopefully I can slow down my computer enough for this exploit to get absolutely wild game difficulty Oh we'll just go for normal that seems good and when it comes to victory options we're going to be going for an influence victory but don't worry ladies and gentlemen I'm sure the AI can have their fun time trying to go for any of the other ones now I think all is left is just to simply choose our opponents and they were all going to just be random normal difficulty ai's lovely stuff so we're going to be playing against 13 completely unknown AI nations right ladies and gentlemen without further ado I do believe we've ready to dive into this video so make sure you're set back you're relaxed you have a nice warm cup of tea make sure you've given a salute to the Queen because um she knows now she's nominated teleporting timetraveler if you haven't saluted the picture of the Queen that's hanging above your computer for she's gonna be there and she's gonna bash your head in anyway let us start alright bomb we've loaded into the game would have waited but how he ham the 14th my goodness look at him it's Admiral hammy ham the 14th he's so beautiful look at his lovely little Stern looking face I know he wants you to think he's big and mean and tough but actually he's just really cute and adorable isn't he also I love the fact that we probably have the Queen looking up oh and it's got a little British flag above Buckingham Palace and look you can even see United Kingdom down there oh this is fantastic our Union Jack floating around a perfect replica of the earth I never thought you'd bring this much joy to me or this much anger to my comment section my goodness anyway ladies and gentlemen we are put in a rather interesting situation as we need to start making our way out into the galaxy and preparing ourselves for a fantastic and wonderful exciting adventure as we start absorbing literally everything also I am noticing that a we have only one colony at the moment in the Empire Britannicus mmm that needs to increase anyway for the time being which is going to send off the tea discovery one and get it to survey the galaxy in hopes of actually finding tea and we're immediately going to build ourselves a fantastic shipyard so that we can start building spaceships as soon as possible but first we need to get into the research section oh my goodness the research screen what tech do you think they're going to pick Phil I don't know Gary probably something to do with colonial settlements that would please you of course it would fail of course but yes Queen okay we'll pick colonial settlements there you go we'll get that researching no problem Queenie oh this game it's too good right okay next time next time now you might be noticing that for some reason the area around Buckingham prime has actually expanded with a nice blue border basically Planet emit influence influence as you can see is generated here and we're generating 7.5 influence at the moment the more influence you have the more random tiles of the galaxy that you actually start taking up so logically if you're able to somehow have a ridiculously large amount of influence you are going to suddenly start having one planet instead of being able to have influence over this amount of space they might instead have influence over this amount of space and also by the way ladies and gentlemen this galaxy is huge it's absolutely massive I mean not even the mini-map can really show everything just look at the mini-map in the bottom right it just keeps going it really does there we go that's that's as far as it goes and we can only see this segment it's huge and soon it will all be ours soon Queenie yes soon now luckily already we've discovered Griffon - over here which is a scenic world and basically it's a happy world it's closed for teen meaning we can actually colonize it with hardly any research whatsoever so soon as possible we're going to get a lovely colony ship over there getting some nice happy little Union Jack's down on the ground making it feel fantastic and instead of actually manually doing any of the building I'm instead going to hand over all governorship of all of the colonies over to Admiral Harry ham the 14th as I'm guessing he's going to be quite a nice balanced governor yes please hammy ham don't just end up stealing the world's not supply and instead be a nice gentle ruler now we are immediately going to stop producing a colony ship fantastic and look at this lovely colony shift my goodness now many would think that in this section here and here is where we store the kalus know this is where we store the tea supply the colonists kind of stay around here in the engine bay you don't want to put the tea near the engines and you don't I feel we should probably rush our first colony ship so I'm going to spend 425 credits on making sure our colony ship arrives next turn lovely stuff and then the next ship we're going to want to make is a Explorer so hopefully we can go out into the wider galaxy doing a nice bit of exploration well now we need to start loading our colony ship so this is where we decide how many people to take with us to our new colony I'm going to take exactly two people or actually no no I'm going to take two people and then a temp of a person don't ask how I'm managing to separate a temp of a person but we find a way and then next time we're going to be able to hop in there and colonize it oh my goodness and now ready to pour research just this screed it's gonna get me every time oh it's too good it really is my goodness now the game has a huge tech tree I mean it splits up into four you've got the colonization side of the tech tree engineering side it just goes on and on now we're going to research artificial gravity that's going to give each and every one of our ships an extra move meaning we can get around that galaxy just that a little bit faster oh my goodness what's this we've discovered a precursor artifact oh my we can transform it into a scout ship so we gain a scout ship and some benevolence increase the sense of range of all of our colonies or convert it into an army of robot slaves woke up flat it emerges I would love the robot slaves instead we're going to look at its sensors log and to review nearby space there we go and the reason why is but it's going to allow our colonies to see just that little bit further and also we want pragmatism I'm going to show you why as soon as we get enough to unlock ideology anyway time to colonize our first planet what are we going to call this because has to be exceedingly British so this is going to a course be Newcastle but I mean there are so many new castles already on earth that we're probably going to have to switch this round I mean as a Newcastle in South Africa there's several and Australia pretty sure there's even some in America this is going to have to probably be round about Newcastle 9000 and there we go off first colony is made its Newcastle hundred thousands I it's so good and now all we need to choose what we do with the mysterious natives of the planet you can leave the natives in their treasure and begin documenting them well that's interesting or we leave the natives and their treasure be and continue speaking with them to learn any of the secrets they might have of how to survive on this world fantastic that seems like a great idea we're going to leave the natives be and instead trick them into telling us all of their fantastic secrets are surviving on Newcastle 9000 which looks horrific like old and suspiciously green here we go and the new colony is underway and so immediately I'm going to hand over governance of this planet all the way over to hammy ham and hope the data is a pretty decent job oh and there's another colonize well planets over here oh and finally we have enough pragmatism to choose our ideology basically ladies and gentlemen there are various events in this game which you allow you to either become more benevolent which basically means you're just a bit nicer more pragmatic which basically means you only really care about wealth as far as I can gather or malevolent where you literally just want to focus on motivation of your workers yes it's strange now the reason I went down pragmatism is because I want to get to the end of this tree here that build a tree as it's effectively a tree which focuses on just solely building star bases now in this game you have lots of lovely planets but you also have star bases in our case by starting on this tree it's given us some free constructor ships which allow us to build three star bases I'm just going to plug down a star base right here between buckin and prime and Newcastle and if we do command in construct star base we end up with offer a star base now star bases can be improved so that they have increased influence grow for maybe just increasing the generic rule reduction of the nearby planets they're absolutely fantastic but as you can see they take up maintenance and maintenance is very costly indeed too much maintenance is very bad which is exactly why we want to become efficient so that for some reason we are no longer ever charge maintenance ever again as you can see we have two spare construction ships lying around so I'm going to send one over here up north of Newcastle and then the other one will be going all the way over here to the left as we've discovered a asteroid which we can mine for a rare resource lovely stuff indeed there we go Buckingham prime Starbase one the star bases are really where things are going to start getting very awry I mean it is mostly where most of my exploits kind of hinge around so should give you an idea of whereabouts we're roughly heading anyway next turn and fantastic our brand new star base over here has been founded oil it wants to be named after this star which is called gravy and I can't have that I'm afraid this star needs to be renamed Oh something needs to be renamed after something very very British doesn't it and nothing says British like merry berries lemon sponge cakes oh my there we go what a fantastic brand new star wouldn't want that kind of starts fantastic anyway next turn oh my goodness we keep discovering some fantastic planets this one over here is absolutely perfect for colonization we need more colony ships really we need tons of them keep generating them come on explore is one thing but colony ships for that's where the money is and we're also going to get down on lovely tea constructor slap-bang right here so that we can start mining a way to bring your resources lovely stuff now many of you might be thinking if you built all of these star bases but you haven't actually improved them at all well ladies and gentlemen this is to do with basically a lovely little exploit in the game now when I choose to end my turn ladies and gentlemen what happens is the game goes through all of the other AI nations you'll see them appear down here unknown civilization 1 through 15 and basically whilst that goes on a little bit of a window for exploitation opens up now for some reason basically at the end point after the game has gone through all of the other civilizations but just before it becomes your turn there is a sweet spot window where you can choose to improve and upgrade your star bases and for some reason you can do it an unlimited time because normally if I were to build this star base module here it's gone it's gone for good you can add more to it that's right ladies and gentlemen once you get that culture ring down that's the only one you're getting you're only meant to get one but I can get more of course of course I can anyway the game was handed us a brand new citizen now citizens can be used to increase production on planets it can be used to make science better and you know what we're going to take Bradley O'Malley here who for some reason looks really similar to dr. Doolittle we're going to train him to be a scientist we're going to drop him down on Buckingham prime where I do believe yes 13.9 research that's where we're having the most research so he's gone and increased it to sixteen point four good stuff good stuff indeed Oh an incoming message this incoming message from the Queen Ian filled and unknown civilizations built the eyes of the universe galactic achievement Queenie and filler not impressed find them and take it yes Queenie yes well here we go precursor relic discovered we could gain a ton of influence maybe a free warship but instead no no no no no we're going to make use of it and finish the current construction project it's not the best but we do want to keep increasing our pragmatism it really is very useful to have now you see as much I would like to hit enter and then go on to hit and try and pull off our lovely little duplication glitch sadly because the game is running quite fast at the moment because we have energy got that far into the game for that sole reason it's actually a very difficult exploit to pull off because the more the game lags basically in delays the more you can spam click and duplicate the culture ring so that's what we don't be doing we're going to be duplicating the modules of star bases now it might not seem like much but if you can duplicate a culture ring enough you can get the influence growing and being emitted from this base station here to become absolutely ludicrous and start engulfing the entirety of the solar system anyway we do need to get some mining rings down so I'm going to try and pull off this exploit but because we are so early in the game ladies and gentlemen no promises that this is going to work so I'm going to drop down a save game and we have a save game down so if this doesn't work out it's okay we can go back and try again or we can simply leave it for a later time so we're going to end our turn and as you can see it's going to slowly filter for all of the other civilizations and in this time we're going to go onto here pick the mining ring build Starbase oh my goodness I did it I actually did it we did it ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness I got the time correct oh I was not expecting that I've never actually got it to fire this early into the game before okay so basically this star base here would normally only be able to have one mining ring which would generate us nor point one of this resource here and this resource here however because I've managed to build quite a few mining rings how many 22 mining rings for that reason we are instead managing to net 2.2 per reefing from either star per turn so four point four of a very expensive strategic resource per turn when really we should only be getting no point to from these combined my goodness the only downside however ladies and gentlemen is because we have that many our maintenance has gone through the roof as you can see for spending 34 that's too much money that is way too much money so we're gonna have to do our best to generate some money my goodness and the turns we need to find a way of making money my oh my oh my I've started a brand new colony and already we're having mining accidents basically there's a very rich vein of rare minerals on the planet which could dramatically increase our economic output have a gaining access to them is incredibly dangerous work even for automated tools or for humans themselves as basically we can say that if they can be done safely we'll do so and that would give us benevolence and some increase in economy alternatively we can get pragmatism and economy by using automated techniques although some people are sadly lost whilst mining them I think worsted to the automation for the time being oh and here's our new colony it's totalling ttan east yes I tried to come up with basically the most British sounding name possible and I do believe I've found it and naturally we'll be holding this one over - hammy ham xiv go heavy ham go oh I do like how hammy ham has access to a button which is genuinely just called destroy planet oh my what is the word on the street some people would say the planet needs work but I liked Watlington ease just the way it is good old Michael lon that's the spirit meanwhile in Newcastle 9000 zack gamoray over here says it's not my place to tell Admiral hammy ham the 14-4 to do for Newcastle 9000 could probably use it have a city what do you mean just because the population is already overflowing doesn't mean we need more cities instead heavy hams decided to build some research for it's edit thank you happy ham very useful what a lovely little squirrel what a lovely guy anyway ideology has expanded let us grab the next thing along the Builder tree our shipyards now operate with 100% improved abilities very nice so yes now we're able to build ships much faster good good good I want also one store away ladies and gentlemen I improved Buckingham prime Starbase yes I managed to fit it out with 20 economic rings that is as of these buildings here and each of them provides a plus 2.5 percent raw production and one influence meaning this Starbase is emitting 100 influence and it also means Buckingham prime is currently basically having whatever raw production the plant is outputting is increased by 50% which is very nice well done you know what I do believe that's our next turn complete only on turn 22 and already we've managed to put ourselves in a bit of a wacky situation where we have 70 4.8 Promethean I think at this point turn 22 even if you've got a mine up and running day 1 you'd probably only be sitting on about 5 Promethean so yeah things are looking quite good oh no a blight has affected you can stand behind your administrators warned that there is not enough food for everyone ah claim the stock powers to share with the less fortunate we will suffer together or claim the stomach for a district it's to our leaders we need to survive it staged a war among our people it doesn't matter who wins simply but it's less else defeat nope we'll clean this up post for a fantastic good leaders hammy ham the 14th needs all of the nuts he can get also you know what Admiral hammy ham he's only an admiral but I feel like we could potentially upgrade him if the people called for it and I mean Admiral hammy ham he's done some fantastic things he's colonized into random planets he's mined up resources to the degree where it's dangerous to human life and also he's made sure to keep himself fattened up for winter when massive famine is affecting Newcastle and so I think it's only fair as he's proven himself to be the most fantastic colonial administrator we could wish for that we reward him with a brand new title which exactly why I think we should buy Admiral hammy ham the 14th a title from Zealand that's right nothing says fantastic colonial administrator like becoming a sir low low price of only 99 pounds and 99 pence you two at home ladies and gentlemen can become a sir all Dame of Sealand so going to say for the low low cost of only 20,000 likes on this video Mike goodness what a challenge indeed but I do believe in you I will by full Sir Harry ham the 14th is very own knighted water man anyway next turn the only situation that we're kind of in a bit of a negative place for is the fact we are losing about 44 gold per turn this is only because I accidentally built so many mining rings around Gear era phone or wherever it is if we didn't have those mining rings yes admittedly our money would be looking a lot better than it is now but on the other side we are making a lot of Promethean and one thing I'm going to be doing is building some fantastic mining bases on all of the asteroids around Buckingham Prohm and in doing so hopefully that is going to massively increase the production of Buckingham prime lovely stuff indeed and of course it increases the production and then our Starbase basically doubles it which will be very nice indeed at the moment I am trying to rush the research of space laboratories because if we get those bad boys up and running we can start duplicating our research and when that starts happening things start getting a little bit wacky am I already our influence is getting a little bit wild as you can see our borders are starting to expand all the way in this direction my goodness anyway what's this our survey teams are reporting a vast increase in the amount of wormholes we're encountering very nice I guess I'm going to do the pragmatic thing and just launch a couple of survey ships through with the constructor there we go we're not actually gonna have to do any of that we are just simply trying to get more pragmatism points because the more we have or were the better oh my goodness and here we go have a budget surplus what do we do give the citizens a tax break oh game of course not instead we're going to pour it into research and bleeped our current research and get five pragmatism bev that's enough for the ideology gonna grab inventive and that's going to increase the range of our star bases all and now go Queens happy we've researched space laboratories fantastic and we've space laboratories now if we find ourselves accumulating any fool ium we can spend some of that along about Promethean and we can create a module which increases research by 10% ladies and gentlemen 10 whole percent my goodness now partly because our civilization is I suppose at the ancient we have access to the easy no mysticism line of research you know we're going to grab it that seems good fun don't really know what's gonna happen here but it unlocks the social matrix which sounds fun or one of the minds I've been running yes they yield one production that's very nice Wow real production is really increased oh wow it's doing wonders when out to twenty point eight lovely stuff indeed and there we go brand-new construction ship is ready to be sent off into the galaxy so do you believe we should probably send it up here so they can cover these plans here and also hopefully mine up the Promethean that we're seeing over here go lovely little star station builder good stuff also by the way Buckingham Palace it increases the production of not only Buckingham Prime but also New Castle so it is also good for an absolutely wild reproduction modify bonus spree oh and having seriously you're just just gonna build more research stations seriously I mean you guys could just not do that you could actually build houses for the people but that's fine and we do have a perfect Starbase location so tea constructor MT for drop-down a brand new Starbase fantastic I mean actually have no orders to give it at the moment but it is in a fantastic location look if it's got free planets it can service and also two more lovely Promethean lines oh my we're gonna be having way too much Promethean in this playthrough it'll be fine Frank of a disease which kills 5% of people that infects but it also makes the people who survive smarter basically we can just be pragmatic let it slide but then grow for the planet is gonna tank I think we should probably I was Buckingham prime okay right if that's the case we need to eradicate the virus I'm terribly sorry we're actually gonna have to be benevolent for once there we go let's load up a colony ship good yes 150 seems good said well Pam a brand new colony ship where are you going to head today I think we should probably head over to this place just south of twirling turn east it does seem like a good setup alternatively there is over here as this does seem like a great location toss trolleys to and is abundant of geothermal energy but dangerous to the population that seems fine to me and there we go we can set up our brand new colony what should we name it um I guess somewhere quite British sounding so fluffing bridge sounds pretty good good old flippin bridge oh and intelligent radiation is occurring on the play oh my well I think we're probably going to go for opening a dialogue for the sole reason that it gives us extra benevolence research and influence so we'll be doing that and we'll start colonizing good old flapping bridge hand it over to hammy ham he'll do fine lovely stuff and he will immediately get underway with building a space elevator what a guy now I'm going to start researching Zeno commerce which basically allows us to build a starbase market in which we spend jury feom but in return we gain a increase from gross income of a planet now if positioned correctly and say built right here this can be used to a crazy ridiculous advantage which is exactly what we're going to be doing with it and even though we have one star base already existing here what I'm going to do is I'm going to slap down a second star base right here as it covers all of these four planets here which I do believe eventually we'll get around to colonizing so we construct a brand new star base and this one will eventually become yet another economic star base but you know we can probably make it any comic so base this turn so yes I'm just going to end the term now to click by for a bit go into our star base select the economic rink and build come on game I know you can do it no it only built one what have you done game hmm what's this voice you hear could it be the editor of the spiffing Bret I've jumped in to the end of the video when you least expected it as the stuff and Bret is busy preparing for yokan now is the perfect time for me to hold this video ransom and an effort to increase my stockpile of Yorkshire to Eagle if the spiffing Brit is willing to increase my salary to one thousand tea bags per video and the community can achieve the modest 20,000 likes on this video then I'll release my hold and part two shall be yours and as always a massive thank you to all the patrons of the spiffing Bret it is because of you that I'm in this position that I can hold the channel to ransom and also if you're not sure what to watch next special instructed me that he has chosen this video just for you yes this one on screen right now specials that just for you so anyways thank you for watching this video and we'll see you all in the next one good bye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,147,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, spiffing brit, british humor, Galactic Civlizations 3, Gal civ 3, galciv3, Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits, Everything is Broken, gal civ 3 is broken, sci fi strategy game, strategy game, galactic civilizations, space strategy game, everything is broken, funny montage, gal civ funny, strategy game funny, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, funny moments, british, video game exploit, perfectly balanced game, rt game, funny moments montage
Id: 0zz2ZnhBe0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 49sec (1969 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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