Divinity Original Sin 2 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - TELEKINESIS ONLY CHALLENGE

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Reddit Comments

Why do people skip act 1? It's pretty much 1/3 of the game (arxs and the nameless island don't feel eventful enough to be one act each personally) and people just skip past it. Wouldn't that also break some of the questlines for your followers?

Also how would the game know what you did back in fort joy? Does the mod just assume you did everything? I know this has nothing to do with the video but it just confuses me. Like I get skipping the boat, but fort joy? It feels like overkill tbh.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/gabriel_sub0 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ah yes, the man with many cheeses. I love this guy.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/mragentofchaos 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is hilarious, I had no idea

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/tom_roberts_94 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2020 🗫︎ replies

I knew about it, yet it just breaks the immersion for me.. so i pretend that telekinesis doesn't exist in this game)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/megauser33 📅︎︎ Aug 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
i can just move the chest behind you and there we go critical hit of 6 000 damage 6 000 damage we're level 9 it shouldn't be achievable hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today we're playing divinity original sin 2 the definitive edition as well that means this is definitely the most perfectly balanced divinity game out there at the moment it's also very fun this game is genuinely absolutely brilliant and if you haven't played it yet it goes on sale quite often most importantly you don't even have to see your friends whilst you play this game that's right it's d but for people even more anti-social than regular d d players but of course like d d that means that there are various systems which can be abused and completely and utterly devastated and that is what brings us to today's video we are going to be effectively demonstrating how to win every single combat in the game usually without even taking a single hit of damage by creating a character build that is so ridiculously overpowered he can generally one shot every single opponent i am of course talking about the most overpowered build in the game no it's not a tank no it's not some kind of dodge build this is barrel mancy or in my case the extreme version of baromancy this is the telekinesis only challenge we are going to be using a humble utility spell to absolutely crush all of our enemies in the field of battle all combat encounters will be unfair and completely broken but most importantly they'll be absolutely hilarious to watch first of all this character can be created almost instantly as soon as you start out the game and they're also going to be very very powerful so ladies and gentlemen without further ado make sure you sat back and relaxed and you're ready to watch one of the strangest videos i've ever created you're gonna need several warm cups of yorkshire tea for this one i can tell you that much let's dive into this game so we're going to be playing the single player version of this game but this strategy works in multiplayer in fact it can work even better in multiplayer and we're going to be playing on the classic mode because this is the most classical experience which the developers kind of base most of the balance around now before we start i have activated one mod which basically skips the entire tutorial segment of the game the tutorial is wonderful it's beautiful and it's great fun the only downside is it's about five hours long and i've done it about 40 times at this point so i'm going to be bypassing all of that otherwise this is a completely unmodified divinity original sin to experience one which i strongly recommend you invite your friends to see oh and of course ladies and gentlemen if you're feeling especially fantastic today you can even like the video before we begin thank you very much now we need to create ourselves a character this game does have several pre-designed characters who are lovely like for example the red prince he's sophisticated i mean just look at that dapper top hat and monaco he's so fancy but we're actually not going to be playing as any of the named characters no no no none of that we are instead going to be playing as an undead human now the reason we're playing an undead is for several reasons mostly i absolutely love the undead but secondly the undead have several important bonuses the main one being that they can't die to poison and also they're immune to death fog this means that if you really want to choose the game you can technically load up a character with a bunch of what is effectively this game's version of anthrax walk into a densely populated area release it and just stand in the middle of the cloud of death and watch as everyone around you is instantly murdered we are however not going to be doing that because default can be annoying to come by and very temperamental in combat so instead we're going to be using a more accurate weapon and part of making this weapon stronger means that we want to play a human character because humans are ingenious and ingenious characters are perfect now let's mess about with sandor's lovely face oh my goodness just look at this i love all of the customization options you can have just for a skeleton oh my look at how dapper and jazzy he looks oh he's fantastic oh just look at him he's amazing now before we decide upon a name we're going to be messing about with some very important presets for him first up we're removing all of the basic ideas of what he should have no longer is he going to be intelligent and have good constitution no no no instead we are going to be dumping every single attribute point he has into wits at the same time we're getting rid of his abilities he's not going to be good at summoning or law mastering no no no instead we're dumping his civic points into telekinesis now at level one telekinesis this allows you to move items telepathically regardless of weight at a range of up to four meters now four meters is enough to win this game but it's not enough to give you a lot of flexibility and so we'll be improving this and then with our other point we're going to be investing that into scoundrel the reason why is this improves our critical chance as well as our movement speed meaning we can move across the map a bit faster but most importantly we gain an increased chance to do critical damage critical damage can literally be like an additional 300 damage on all of your attacks this is very important because it even affects attacks done using telekinesis and seeing as telekinetic based attacks are the highest base damage this game has available it's a good one to pick up so yes two points into scoundrel then we probably need to change his skills around we'll grab adrenaline as well as chloroform and backlash although i've got to be honest we're not going to be using any of these excluding adrenaline because that gives you two extra action points which is effectively more uses of telekinesis in the field of battle now we need to give our character some tags well of course he's going to be an outlaw and he's going to be a noble because i mean just look at how jazz he is right now let's give our lovely telekinetic monster a name now who are we playing as today ladies and gentlemen well today we're joined by the legendary boney wan kenobi that's right you'll probably remember him from star wars but this is his undead version now with even more force powers but most importantly he also now has special abilities and wants revenge he wants revenge on just about every living being because do you know what those living people did they sold star wars to disney and now it's pony won kenobi's time to get some vengeance back right bony run go until they give you your own feature-length film you will have to start a run of rampage and chaos across the lands so let's start this lovely game oh now welcome to the start of our lovely adventure it's going to be absolutely beautiful now immediately we're not on the tutorial zone now immediately we're on a lovely lovely little boat and it's going to be fantastic oh no the dead have come attack oh beans and oh beans i've accidentally triggered a fight because i forgot to put my hat on right now i've been able to avoid the fight by simply pressing the play dead button and this has made me hopefully safe from gareth so what i'm going to do is i'm now going to actually make my character viable for the real world now the issue is when you play the undead everyone is terrified of you like for example right now and so i'm going to have to run away now i am going to start my character build whilst in the middle of combat and part of my character build does include actually putting on a whole bunch of this armor because the issue is when you're playing the undead if you don't have a helmet on you're going to get attacked by everyone around you so we've put on a lovely helmet which we're just going to hide and now we can actually pick up the rest of our stats naturally we're going to sync all of our points into telekinesis that we have available we're also going to pick up the all skilled up bonus this is going to give us another point to put into telekinesis so we're now level four now for the next perk we're going to pick there are two good ones to go for escapist is insane because it allows you to run away from all combats effectively making you immortal but what we're actually going to pick up is executioner but in order to pick this up we need one point into warfare which is very easy to do so there we go one point into warfare now we can pick up executioner this means every time we kill someone we gain two extra action points basically meaning if it only takes you one action point to murder someone you get two bonus points to murder two more people and then with our additional combat points we're gonna sync them all into two-handed because this improves our critical chance damage and multiplier and trust me this is very very important for especially when you're lobbing stuff around [Music] right now welcome back this time i've remembered to put on my face mask so i'm now hidden and disguised as a regular looking human being look at that i mean of course deep down we are actually our skeleton bony wand kenobi but still no one is aware of our super hidden intent to basically lob objects at everyone and decimate them now what have i actually invested in my character well i've picked up a couple of very important traits in terms of our talents we've gone for all skilled up to give ourselves a bonus point in telekinesis we've gone for ingenious for increased critical damage executioner for more action points after murdering someone lone wolf so that we are just a lot more powerful this gives us more action points in every bit of combat as well as more health and armor just because we are basically playing by ourselves it basically means we can't have another person in our party but that doesn't matter this has effectively made us an immortal let's have a massive two-handed sword which is lovely but what really makes this character so overpowered is the fact that their critical chance is up at 35 chance and if we were to do a critical attack well guess what that's 260 percent additional damage isn't that lovely now we do have our telekinesis which means we can say move this bucket of water a really long distance like from over there to up on this side point here there we go look at that we can really move an object but that's just a bucket of water moving a bucket of water is going to do absolutely nothing so let's go get ourselves landed and actually start causing a bit of chaos now there are a few things i'm going to quickly do before i leave this ship and that's most importantly to pick up as many barrels as i can trust me you're gonna be needing a whole bunch of them anyway down onto land we go we've got an adventure to have so welcome to reaper coast a place full of barrels and adventure and most importantly a large quantity of packages oh no but these packages are too heavy i'll have to drop these on the ground anyway we're coming back for these packages trust me packages very useful actually i suppose we can just pick this up and bring it with us now as i mentioned we're going to be using telekinesis to do a lot of damage now many of you will be thinking well how can telekinesis do damage now what you can actually use telekinesis for is to actually throw objects at people now this is actually quite a valid way of fighting in terms of a canon sense you are hurling what is effectively a 150 kilo package at someone so surely that's going to do a nice bit of damage the only issue is the developers were aware that people might try and abuse this feature to do lots of damage and so kind of semi-balanced it how did they balance it you might ask well they made it so that in if you move an object it does damage based on its weight now the best way i'm going to be able to demonstrate this is by murdering this dwarven maiden in front of us we're going to be throwing this chest which has a decent amount of weight on it into this dwarf and if that doesn't kill them we'll throw this package and then the crates so here we go we're going to start by dropping this chest nearby and the way telekinesis works is if you want to kill someone with it you just kind of want to aim roughly on their model or as close as you can get and then lo and behold we've hit them with a critical hit it's done some decent damage but as you've noticed the chest has taken damage so let's move the chest over there and try now with the package which is a bit heavier than that chest there we go 75 damage let's try the other side another 75 damage then we go back again oh that was a miss and we can throw again or another miss but every time we do this sadly our package is taking 38 damage now she's going to retaliate and do a little bit of damage to us which are of course going to block but you know now we can actually properly finish her off with this chest there we go 28 damage 28 damage again but every time we hit her with this the chest itself is taking damage and there we go we finished her off now the more weight an object is the more damage it does but in turn the more damage it takes so whilst this chest is an incredible weight of 56 it is actually relatively limited simply because it can't do too much damage else it's going to start breaking itself so we need an object which can store items but not take damage now luckily there is one such item in this game and it's actually not difficult to come by so we're in the post-tutorial area of reaper's coast and we're going to make our way to the local settlement to gain access to the most overpowered weapon in the game now we've been let across the bridge that's lovely and wonderful but i'm just going to leave in front of this bridge a whole bunch of locked chests and so on because we'll be needing all these bad boys later the only important thing we're going to need are all of the random barrels that are lying around and i'll explain why in a little bit now in this lovely little settlement there's lots of objects of lots of weight which we can pick up and use as weapons but most importantly we need the extra special immune box now in order to get our super duper special chest which has no health we're going to need to come up behind the magistrate's office over here and just round behind it is a gold chest ladies and gentlemen a gold chest is unlike every other chest in the game because it has no health it is effectively immune to attacks now in order to actually gain this chest and use it we'd either have to pick its lock or find its key luckily the developers left its key sat in this reinforced crate meaning that it's actually quite easy to gain access to there we go golden key so now we're going to be able to go over to this chest and open it up now this chest is super duper special it's only 10 weight but unlike all other objects in the game it has no health yet it still has weight and can be moved around meaning it is a weapon it is the best weapon in fact and what we're going to do is we're going to pick up as many of these barrels as we can which is a very strange thing to do but it's going to make perfect sense very soon so we're going to pick up our chest which will eventually become kind of like a dog for us i guess which is going to be eventually walking around with it strapped to our waist so now to actually increase the damage we can do with telekinesis we need to fill this immortal object up with weight we're going to simply walk around this lovely village and we're going to pick up some very important objects with lots and lots of weight so over near the starting area there's two packages set right here which are of course immensely heavy far too much for us to carry but we want to put them inside of this ornate chest now the issue is the ornate chest only has this many slots so in order to fill the ornate chest with more than it actually feasibly could carry we're going to load these packages inside of a tiny backpack yep it's as easy as that we're then also going to fill it with a whole bunch of barrels as well and then we can take off this backpack that now weighs 321 and put it down on the ground we can then pick up that same backpack and put it inside of the chest now because this 321 weight backpack is inside the chest the chest is now weighed at 331 it's a heavy chest meaning it does 331 damage but i'm afraid that's not enough so our adventures must continue for we need more barrels so we've made our way out to the front bridge and what we're going to do is load up our backpack inside our chest with a few more water barrels and also this lovely other chest so we now have a chest loaded inside of a backpack filled with packages and water barrels which is then in itself loaded inside of this massive gold chest this gold chest now weighs just under 600 weight this is incredible but it can be better now just up the road luckily there's two fantastic water barrels on the ground water barrels are brilliant because they contain about 60 weight each meaning these two water barrels have just added 120 weight to our lovely chest so we're going to walk up to our chest we're going to of course open it up we're then going to open up the backpack we're then going to open up a barrel inside of the backpack and then we're going to load that barrel with barrels of water effectively we are creating a black hole of weight and by doing this our brand new gold chest will weigh doo doo doo 800 weights look at that bad boy that is one chunky chest and what i'm going to do is i'm going to take my lovely chest back inside the town and find a few more items to load up inside oh and ladies and gentlemen i've just spoken to boney wanker nobody and he says he has now found a way into disney hq but in order to crush the competition and get his very own feature-length film he needs a chest of at least 6 000 weight where's the weight going to be coming from well each like on this video that's right each like will be converted into one kilo of weight via myself loading rocks into a chest and then giving to bony wan kenobi he will then use that very same chest to one shot mickey mouse in the final battle for total control over the star wars franchise good luck ladies and gentlemen and do your part and i've just gotten this golden chest weight up to just under a thousand which is enough to do a terrifyingly large amount of damage and so i'm going to test this out on the guards which look after the bridge now there are technically four guards here which are very decently high level and if i was to try and fight them normally i would stand no chance at all but luckily i don't have to fight fair so what we're going to do is we're going to move our exceedingly heavy golden chest and slam it into this silent watch here which has over 300 health now we can rotate the item a bit to make it a little bit more likely to hit and slam it down there now immediately that's done 539 damage the chest has taken no hit points and we just one shot an enemy quite a high level one at that we're then going to use the telekinetic powers of bony wan kenobi and slam these two named guards at the end at the same time we're of course going to get two extra action points for that and then we're going to spin the same chest round and slap it into this man here and just using the powers of the force we've murdered four people instantaneously we can then rob their bodies steal their gold oh come on what lovely items do you have oh unidentified boots i like it a poison cloud grenade lovely oh what could have happened to them a tragic accident i have no idea what's happened here all right let me uh just slam this object into these two people and a slam that's four thousand experience sorry manchester briana you came to check on your colleagues but they tragically died so i'll be taking all of these uh fantastic i'm going to be checking on some enemies up the road now the thing is we are technically at this point exceedingly overpowered the amount of damage we can do is terrifying all right now we're going to murder this silent watcher and this executioner here to free this random person of course we're going to do so by just slamming the box into this dwarf here oh there we go we missed let me try again oh we missed that one beans right let's go again there we go that murdered the dwarf and then finally we can just move the chest over here i mean the issue is the enemies don't actually get a turn they were the first person to survive they survived 359 points of damage well done oh but they didn't survive the critically to 1 400 damage otherwise really good attempt by them and they've given me this lovely two-handed axe what does this axe do it increases critical chance by 20 well isn't that just lovely that means we now have a 55 chance of lobbing this chest into someone and doing 1400 damage all right now let's pick up this chest and go into the town we've got some more chaos to cause as you can guess uh the process of telekinesis is exceedingly overpowered there is just simply no counter to it you're effectively a traveling force user who runs around with a chest that contains more dense matter than most black holes and you have the ability to one shot every single opponent you see or in the very least murder them before they can even fight back right welcome back ladies and gentlemen i've just spoken to trader haran here and he's given us a extra special bonus discount on a unique item it's the snake stale ladies and gentlemen it's a lovely little belt which provides an additional plus one telekinesis and bartering that additional telekinesis allows us to you guessed it ladies and gentlemen move objects up to 20 meters away i've also run around this entire settlement and created the mega chest of death allow me to introduce you to my golden chest it has a barrel it has another barrel and another chest and a sack and another backpack and it is an immense quantity of weight just look at this bad boy it is 2 700 units of weight which makes it one terrifying monster and we can move it across almost the entire map that we can see we have become very very powerful and so what are we going to do with our mega chest of death well i think we're going to have some fun we're going to try and take out magister raymond here now manchester raymond here is a very powerful character he's level 12. he's got 460 armor and 690 health this is going to be a bit of a challenge to try and murder him but luckily ladies and gentlemen we can just cheat and use our massive golden chest so we're going to slam the golden chest into the other side of him using the force you might wonder why we're doing this well i heard that the magister here actually prefers the sequels to the prequels and consequently he must be punished and in one simple hit he's dead i'm not too sure how much damage we did there but it was enough to one hit the manchester who's quite possibly the most powerful individual in this town you know we're gonna slam the chest over here critical for three 3500 damage good god and then we're going to move it over here do 1397 damage and then finally oh the crossbow missed well that's fine let's just slam it here and then try slamming it back and there we go 1 300 base damage is what we do and we've just murdered everyone on the pier oh my goodness we are terrifying well let's do this medium flame rune this random ring this armor all these keys they look lovely a whole bunch of molotovs oh this is just perfect all right anyway it's time for us to leave now that we've murdered all of the manchester's who don't like the pre-chorus and it's time for us to i don't know let's uh cause more revenge upon the local population is this gundalau some kind of random dwarf well it's uh just slam a heavy on a chest into him oh critical hit very nice let's take his items from him and immediately leave now there's a trader which i really want to get items from and that's trader bree here because trey debris has access to all these chests and packages back here and that's exactly what i want now in order to murder these locals what we're going to do is we're going to start with a couple of outliers over here see glory nicholas here just lying down having a picnic discussing some of the finer qualities of jj abrams latest star wars classic while boney wan kenobi will not stand for such a travesty and will be slamming this ornate chest into both of them would you like some slam with that jam of yours oh 3 000 damage oh and look at this we are now in combat with most of the local population here oh my goodness everyone is hostile right the entire village now wants to murder us but it's okay because we have a chest on our side ago 1 000 damage and because of course we can telekinesis across the entire map we're actually going to be able to move the chest over here move into the town center just a little bit more gonna slam this chest into the trader that's one traitor down and we're sadly going to have to slam it into the dog in this random person killing both of them in one go i'm sorry doggo then we can just throw the chest across the map into this trader the range on this chest is insane we can slam the chest into this dwarf oh my goodness this isn't fair then i guess we go for the town crier over here next perfect and then we can technically finish off by playing dead which makes us completely and utterly invisible which is exactly what we're going to do we're going to cast play dead on ourselves and just immediately die now everyone's going to immediately stop being in a state of combat with us that's going to allow us to effectively reset our ap by immediately coming back to life oh wait no they're no longer hostile uh you do know that all of these dead bodies were caused by me right you just find that i murdered most of this town's traders no you've just forgotten me right well apparently we didn't do enough damage to these local peoples but that's okay because now that most of them are dead we're going to be able to load up all of their items inside of chests so i'm going to load up this barrel with all of the packages which are sat on top of this roof up here and in fact because we murdered the trader in a completely fair and perfectly balanced way we're going to also load up the barrels with all of his swords and shields of course because why not she's going to load up an entire trader's inventory into this one tiny barrel oh my goodness this just isn't fair there we go we have one additional varied heavy barrel now all right welcome back ladies and gentlemen we've had some immense progress bonnie wang kenobi has made his way into the back of the local tavern where upon which he is located papa fresh here as well as a huge amount of objects that i want to put inside my golden chest so i'm going to try and kill him without anyone noticing he just teleport into that chair surely he's killable there we go i've no idea what black magic that was but uh he's just teleported oh and he's got some fun armor look at that legendary hawks eye that looks brilliant i'll be stealing that as well as this bit of armor this looks amazing oh everything in his inventory is brilliant but the main reason why we're in this room is because just look at all of the storage opportunities let's open up one of these barrels start loading all of the paintings they don't weigh much but you know they still load but most importantly it's the sax where the weights at look at that hundred for each sack that chest will bam ten a random book that'll do this oil barrel there we go and then all of these packages oh yes now that's where the weight's going to come in anyway things are looking good this chest is just growing more and more by the day let's see how heavy it is it's bad boy oh it's just under 4 000 weight oh it's terrifying it really is there's stuff in the kitchens that i can load up i think i've got an idea can i move this sack without anyone noticing yes oh sneaky sack transfer there we go now we've got a 4 000 weight golden chest which we can use this is perfect we can physically murder everyone in this game now now let's make our way into the kitchens where hopefully we'll be able to 1v1 this one person in here then load up all of their items all right time to throw the chest go that was a miss oops i've heard you don't know when to keep your weapon chief funny things i've got the same problem she's gonna fight oh my goodness so she is a bit evil okay technically this is self-defense self-defense do 5700 damage to it oh goodness that's so unfair that's so unfair all right now to load up all of the trash inside of the chest if it can be telekinetically moved we are moving it that is how this works all right there we go perfect we've managed to murder the local cook who technically was a murderer so this is all fine who's this person standing in the way love rick i need you to move us i'm gonna accidentally smash you with a chest oh my goodness this man sells a cup of tea he sells tea oh my friend please let me buy that cup of tea from you i'll give you whatever you like there we go have some gold i want that cup of tea oh perfect let me sample the tea oh lovely a refreshing taste of yorkshire gold now i'd like to actually go upstairs here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to load the chest into my backpack and then i'm going to simply climb up these stairs here now that i have to chest my backpack i'll simply drop it off and it's time for me to murder all of the people on this floor so what i'm going to do is uh absolutely smash this chest into this person here there we go 5200 damage and now i'm gonna gain access to all of their chests because uh there's some lovely stuff in here i'm sure then i can telekinetically steal all of this gold look inside this chest or even more gold my goodness there's so much stuff in this room but what is most important is loading up all of the items in this room into a chest and there we go we've loaded up our chest from a few more objects all right now let's try and murder some of the people standing around here there we go that's a whole bunch of damage there there's one more manchester in this fight though which will be fine let's just slam the chest over there and execute a job done two manchester's murdered and luckily the local population doesn't seem to really mind we're now actually in a room surrounded by chess which of course i'm sure you know what happens we open up our box and just load in all of the other chests which will each be adding 10 weight each this is just perfect now remember every container has infinite storage potential so theoretically there is no limit to how much weight you can put in your chest and the best thing is you can even go to new zones with your chest because you can just pop it in your inventory and use a teleport spell now in this room there's a very fancy rich person who won't like it if we steal his stuff but hopefully he's got a lot of money so let's assist him in having him part ways of his funds oops we accidentally missed that but that's okay because we'll still be able to win this so let's slam the chest on over the trader is dead then slam the chest over here that man's dead and then finally the man sat behind the chair over here i don't really know what i can do can i slam it on top of his head yes i can 5 800 damage perfect and there we go we get a special key as well so we can open up these special ornate chests at the back now technically even though we can't gain access to this other reinforced fancy chest we have no idea what's inside it that's okay because we can just load this fancy chest into our existing fancy chest perfect and it's added 10 weight lovely you can add this other chest in there we go that's 15 weight and then this chest as well lovely that's added 50 weight oh this is just perfect all right we've now put on all of these extra items and our character is just looking insane our strength is really high our widths are really high our chance to do create some it's just absolutely incredible i mean everything about our character is just stupidly overpowered and it's perfect now just to finish off the upstairs area let's uh just drop that chest there oh no brax is not happy with that but it's okay brax because i can just move the chest behind you and there we go critical hit of 6 000 damage 6 000 damage we're level 9 this shouldn't be achievable what an absolutely overpowered experience right you know what i should probably completely finish off this pub and just you know get rid of absolutely every single person inside of it so let's just quickly close these doors and give it a try i'm sure it's going to work what could possibly go wrong right chest on immediately to the person that's singing as slamming and they're dead right now everyone's gotten hostile now who has the ranged weapons i mean this drunk person is probably fine this man's looking a bit spooky so there we go 6 000 damage and two additional ap and we can try this man here there we go he's gone then the person who's closest to us would be a good idea and this person here were bam there we go oh this is just terrifying we are a monster bony wand kenobi you are too powerful for this universe all right slam there criticality of six thousand i guess we can even lob it over here right go try well bam oh we got rid of garvin good stuff that leaves two people left the person behind the bar who technically we can't visibly see so we can't get to them oh my goodness otherwise this has gone brilliantly let's just try and solve this problem by throwing a grenade at this person behind the counter there we go that did quite good let's move up a little bit closer and throw the chest behind this person go on chest there we go and that's an additional 2 ap and then we can move the chest over here and come on there we go that's the entire tavern cleared we did it ladies and gentlemen oh it's so powerful right now what i've done is i've loaded this ornate chest up to the maximum and it weighs 200 now which is perfect meaning i can now transfer this heavy chest into my lovely ornate chest and there we go add a nice additional bit of damage perfect stuff just look at this bad boy it's going to be one monster just under 5 000 weight at the moment this is terrifying you know what ladies and gentlemen i think there it is we've created an ornate chest which does more damage than i think most enemies for maybe like the next 40 hours of gameplay will actually have so we can one hit everything there is not one opponent here which is too impossible for us to deal with like for example leaving this village the best way to leave is to technically go up here and see these two manchesters as well as their two dogs now we'd have to try and pass a persuasion check or maybe do something complicated or fight them to get past now we're going to uh speed past by just slamming a crate onto the dog both of them uh now for some reason their owners don't seem to mind we allowed pass now yep we're allowed past lovely let's just quickly slam the chest anyway oh there's no turning back i'm sorry magister friend there is generally no manchester's left in this small village now what have i done now there is one important opponent which we can actually find out here which is where i'm going to be headed we're going to go see the troll on the bridge ladies and gentlemen there is a troll on this map which guards a bridge and has immense health now here we go here's our lovely troll friend it's grog the troll ladies and gentlemen he has 6900 health this is amazing now he's somewhat of a capitalist he's holding this bridge of ransom and effectively charging exorbitant prices for anyone to cross he is effectively this game's physical incarnation of disney he's terrifying and he's massive and so now he's going to ask us if we want to cross this bridge now of course say that you're pretty sure taxpayer coin constructed this bridge because you know it did but no grog says it is now his property because no one's maintained it recently okay so let's nod and ask to cross the bridge okay for 5000 gold he's going to let us cross oh my god now we could probably do a wit's persuasion here because we have so much incredible wits uh but you know what let's say that's too rich for my blood hands up and back away right time for us to go what a troll he's brilliant i absolutely love this troll all right let's draw the weapon let's do it so grog the troll has quite possibly the most help of any opponent you're going to be facing at this tier bob in fact you probably wouldn't be even facing him you'll probably do his quest and then come back to him so let's slam this gold chest into grog here we missed old beans right let's try again right and slam it here there we go apparently my blows mean nothing to him oh no behind chris clint there we go we've almost killed him he's only got 352 health left oh this is perfect and let's move the chest over and we're bam grog the troll is dead we did it we killed the troll it just three hits and one of those was a miss oh he's dropped a legendary ring lovely some large tusks and a whole bunch of gold there we go this is an incredible opponent and one which is an absolute nightmare to try and murder but we've managed it ladies and gentlemen all thanks to the power of perfectly balanced games and boniwan kenobi the greatest and most powerful force user when it comes to crushing mortals to death using an exceedingly overpowered ornate chest this man is terrifyingly powerful and there are no limits to his abilities and i'm afraid that's all that we're going to have in store for today's video if you want to see more adventures in divinity original sin 2 then hop down to the comment section and we'll make it happen equally i have a few other video ideas planned so would you like to see a more divinity original sin 2 b would you like to see some fallout 4 or c would you like to see even more crusader kings free the choice is yours so hop down into the comment section and make your vote known anyway thank you very much for watching everyone and if you're new here do consider subscribing because we'd absolutely love to have you in the community for when we break more games in very strange ways which the developers probably didn't intend as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make these videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much about your support we'd definitely be in a more complicated situation so thank you very much and if you're sat there wondering what videos you'd like to watch next world look no further than these ones on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you trust me you're gonna absolutely love it anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,181,828
Rating: 4.9642539 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, funny moments, perfectly balanced game, divinity 2, divinity original sin 2, dos 2, divinity original sin, dos 2 exploit, divinity exploit, divinity original sin 2 build, telekinesis, TELEKINESIS ONLY CHALLENGE, DOS 2, The, Divinity Original Sin 2 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits, divinity original sin 2 exploit, original sin 2 exploit, funny clips, spiffing brit, lets play, funny, comedy video, dos2 challenge, dos 2 challenge, rt game, rpg
Id: qFmV2WA64tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 23sec (2063 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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