The Most Broken Party For Baldur's Gate 3's Honour Mode (Patch 6, The Synergy is OFF THE CHARTS)

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the Synergy is off the charts with the party composition that I will show you today if you need a party to demolish honor mode to the point you become weird if you've actually selected honor mode and not story mode this is your party first of all we have Mr Immortal himself in this party yes it has been done and it gets very scary with this one but before we talk about that guy we need to talk about the ballist banishing Paladin thirst which we need to start off with as this insanely overpowered monster and smiter is going to function as the glue for the party the ball is Vanishing Paladin is an ultra bursty melee DPS Striker with elements of a controller having the ability to use powerful crowd control on a mere bonus action thanks to our gear setup allows us to control the entire Battlefield like it's nothing and accordingly make great use offset crowd control to give us guaranteed Critical Hits and nuclear damage output not just for the Paladin but for the entire team the Bist banishing Paladin however is built in such a way that all crowd control is guaranteed applied thanks to to the helmet the helmet of Arcane Acuity yes that is what is on our head with this build and using various modifiers the damage outut then becomes ridiculous for a melee DPS Striker but the ballast banishing Paladin wears a certain armor piece called the ballast armor which is going to double all of our piercing damage not just for the Paladin himself by the way which already has a huge two-handed tridon that profits very well from multiple Feats in the game that thanks to the double damage bonus from ballast armor will deal even more ridiculous damage but it also applies to all other party members hence why the duo between the banishing ballist padin and the death Slinger is the world's most dangerous Duo nobody can stop these guys when they fight alone but combined well let's say nothing is safe anymore see the death Slinger throws weapons that all deal piercing damage but the death Slinger is a ranged DPS Striker that is rarely going to be in the face of our enemies the Bess banishing Paladin fixes that by always being up front and close to its targets making all Targets enter the ballast Armor's AA of murder which is going to double all piercing damage considering the ballast banishing padin has amazing movement thanks to various elements and just general amazing presence due to its kit and control he'll set up perfectly for our death Slinger accordingly our death Slinger will one-hot enemies thanks to its own kit and optimization of making sure our death Slinger has amazing damage as well the death Slinger is a multili build between a Berserker a thief and an elder Rich Knight it is in my opinion the best way to build a thrower type of build as it just has it all a lot of critical hits crowd control ranged sustained damage Tavern brawler goodness and the ability to throw up to six times a turn not considering external modifiers the way I made the death Slinger is that this build also has amazing sustain and defense through high Armor class which makes enemies miss you a lot as well as great saving throw saves so annoying spells and CC doesn't apply that often to the death Slinger having such sustain on a character that can attack from anywhere and everywhere at any time is yeah very deadly especially when the attack themselves attack for such high numbers in the first place the deaths Slinger and the banishing ballast Paladin deliberately use weapons that have lightning and thunder damage ingrained respectively this is where Mr Immortal himself comes into play because he's going to buff them even more to the next level see Mr Immortal has the ability to make everything wet and frozen wetness being a modifier for doubling the damage of all lightning damage which is exactly what the death Slinger's main weapon the lightning chubber has as an additional effect yes it has liting damage inside of this thing and making many enemies at the same time Wet is a one cast type of deal and only consumes a lowlevel spell slot at most but our ice Mage can also straight up freeze enemies either through just using gold spells naturally or by using the very easy to- do combo with morning Frost morning Frost gives us the potential to chill targets every time we use gold spells and when an enem is chilled if you then make them accordingly wet through create water they will simply instantly freeze when an enemy is frozen they can do anything but they also become vulnerable to two very important damage types force and tunder damage this sets up perfectly for our ballast banishing Paladin because remember what weapon I gave to our Paladin nauna which has Thunder damage in Grain so all of that gets doubled but it gets even better remember what the B ing in the name refers to banishing Smite the trophy Smite of the build that we got at level 10 bar through magical Secrets banishing Smite can in itself already one-hot enemies and deal absolutely insane damage and stacks with Divine Smite as well giving you huge burst hundreds of HP within a single attack gone from your enemy but when all of that Force damage gets doubled with the Frozen effect well yes I think you're seeing where I'm going 5D 10 damage doubled the damage becomes nuclear making the Synergy between between our banishing ballast Paladin death Slinger and Mr Immortal absolutely off the charts it is essentially like a perfect positive correlation where they simply just boost each other and make each other more and more powerful but Mr Immortal is also an ice wizard assassin like you may or may not know so aside from boosting others he has the capability to just do amazing damage with a variety of ice spells he can nuke entire battlefields with a variety of ice spells that all have their own use cases or strike very efficiently single Target threats and obliterate them without even using spell slots it Embraces the idea of an ice Mage perfectly but what makes Mr Immortal Immortal is the mix of G abjuration for its subclass our multiclass distribution that I elaborated on extensively in my video about this guy and having defensive spells permanently applied which gives him insane defenses that will simply result into US never taking damage then he's built in such a way that his defense is also offense since he will also simultaneously use spells like armor of athus and the chill version of fire Shield which which will make us deal insane retaliatory damage we can just take out enemies on their turn by simply existing this way as every time we get hit they will take a bunch of damage and on our turn we can intentionally proc opportunity attacks to annihilate them as well so we don't even have to cast anything on our turn to kill enemies with this wizard we just simply need to move but overall the combination of damage control and defense makes Mr Immortal a frontliner a controller and a blaster allinone so you're not confine to traditional d andd rolles with this team setup either but making it a very versatile and Powerful way to build a team the control in this case comes from the fact that he can freeze enemies but also make entire battlefields ice Fields basically where the ground is completely covered in ice and enemies have a really hard time moving and if they do move they potentially fall prone giving you another status effect that you can abuse so while there's good synergies between the different party members within the immortal ice wizard build it already gets really crazy it is built in such a way that it honestly has an answer for any combat situation and Loops to Great efficiency with how every single element of the build synergizes with each other I definitely made sure of that but then the question remains what is the role of the Moon rout with this party first of all he complement the CC of our wizard perfectly as our moon route is specialized in large area crowd control through insanely powerful spells like for example spy growth SLE storm and plant growth some of those already eat away all HP from our enemies just by them trying to maneuver over feels but of course things become even worse if you combine the CC of the drro with the CC of our Ice Wizard and then our death Slinger which can also shoot everything prone and our balas padin which has a bunch of Enchantment based crowd control that you can use on enemies on the areas that are being Modified by our drud it is a very deadly combo basically this results in a lot of successful crowd control stacking between our various party members for the ultimate control because they pretty much affect all enemies at the same time but to make things better I made sure in all the bills that every party member is cover CED for all this difficult terrain for example through utilizing different boots as shown on screen for different party members that all essentially negate such terrain effects so we are basically immune to these difficult terrain effects which will mostly just make life for our enemies hard instead of ours but that is just the beginning of what makes our moon root shine now the real specialty of moon Roots is obviously the many shape-shifting forms that they can take on many many many forms that you really just have to watch my video on to get insanely powerful and versatile this class gets we're talking animals maridons everything but to summarize it in one sentence the moon rot can do everything and cover every instance of combat and I'm not exaggerating when I make those statements we also then optimize our moon route by taking two dips in Sorcerer And cleric to really push it to the next level giving us even more attacks per turn on top of our already three attacks per turn as well as very useful spells that can stick even in Wild shaping form now the moon root has various forms that also deal ining damage like the dilophosaurus or the panther or the Tiger that all synergize with the ballist armor of our ballist banishing Paladin and then the moon rout already has great accuracy and damage thanks to Wild shaping forms working with Tavern brawler so from an offensive perspective the build is amazing but what makes the Moon rout especially useful for Honor mode is its capability to just tank tank and tank it has literally several hundreds of HP before your moon rout gets down as the enemy has to go through multiple layers of your wild shaping forms before they get to kill you and you get up to nine wild shapes with my setup and this party composition because our ballist banishing Paladin being a Bart as well means we get another extra short rest which gives our moon rout in turn additional wild shaped forms to summarize all the synergies that I've talked about in this video I have visualized them on screen there are so many connections between these various party members that the overall level of synergy is just mindboggling and you will have an amazing time clearing honor mode honestly even if you just take one of these they can probably just solo honor mode if you have a decent understanding of the game but the four of them combined oh boy nothing is safe anymore for the face of your party I recommend you to use a Charisma based build so in this case it will be yet again the Paladin and this time I also made sure there is not a single gear piece that overlaps between the builds while every build in turn has a completely optimized gear set for all the information intricacies details just everything you need to know to make these builds and accordingly progress smoothly with them check the four videos out for each mentioned build links will be in the description and for those that like written guides I have those as well on my patreon check it out if you're interested in that or just want to support the channel but otherwise you watching the video giving it a like subscribing all those things are more than enough support thank you all for [Music] 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Channel: Nizar GG
Views: 235,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g8tOTpPd5ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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