Palworld | Top 20 Most FUN & DEADLY Pals! (RANKED) Highest Damage Best Pals

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after testing these creatures in deadly combat for the past 2 weeks straight I've come up with the top 20 most fun and strongest Pals we're talking about combat efficiency today ladies and gentlemen this list includes Pals from all throughout the game from the beginning to the very end though I will not be including the four legendary Pals because they are simply on another level like obviously they are powerful well all righty then let's do this thing first up number incam n the melee damage this palcon output is unrivaled it puts in work with its ranged attacks for sure yeah but it truly wrecks enemies in close combat specifically its unique skill a charging slash attack using its fearsome claws this dude knows how to put the Dukes up and tussle this is the Mike Tyson of power world I wish one of your guys had children for I could kick them in the [ __ ] head or stomp on their testicles yeah okay thank you my man bushie this is my dude gets style points for sure for being a Samurai and he's dope though because he comes with multiple types of skills he's mainly fire type but he also comes with grass lightning ice and I didn't teach it any of that skills it came with these it excels in blasting off high damage ranged attacks like this giant lightning blast dude look at that amazing a real powerhouse Bushi is also a great worker times to kindling times to lumbering it uses that Katana with exceptional proficiency while cutting down trees and in combat Mand Del Lux it's a Mossy Panda so they call it Moss Anda at first glance this looks like a big chubbly fluffy guy but in reality he is a beast especially the lightning Lux version from the stats you can see he's solid overall nothing extraordinary but what makes this guy special is his Rockets holy smokes dude look look that's freaking lit that was legiate he's got awesome combat skills and he's late on his feet too I I don't know why but he be floating around on his little tippy toes as if he's a balloon full of air but it actually works quite effectively because you can jump up and Float around as you pop off Rockets it feels great some Pals feel very awkward to mount and ride but not this nah mounting and riding Manda feels awesome very mountable that's what she said I have both both Pang goit and jol here in the same spot because they share the same role of being a oneshot nuke in power world the grenades are absolutely useless like yo what though thankfully you have a true stun grenade with the jolt hog having just one on your team to throw out and tostal strudle entire groups of enemies and he doesn't even die afterwards he keeps on trucking along waiting for the skill to cool down watch out watch out watch out watch out the Peng gullet can do the same thing but as an RPG see that's why he's called pen gullet because he's a penguin bullet yeah big brain right there baby 10,000 IQ this dude does not look happy he he knows something ain't right man he he knows something bad about to happen relaxasaurus Lux I might be fairly biased towards this pal in particular because I captured the boss version early on and he's a legend ever since you need the boss version because then he's really a ginormous Beast that you can ride and become the king of the freaking world baby blasting off Rockets this ain't no Little Rocket Noob Tube either nah this dude shoots out a swarm of homing missiles very effective at wiping out mobs of weeny Hut Juniors like these guys though as you can see it doesn't actually deal a ton of damage to single targets though as you can also see it'd be flinging the dudes up knocking them around having a grand old time it at least gives you enough time to charge up your AOE Molly Whopper lightning strike and finish him off so yeah very cool and very fun look at his arms bro look at his look at his arms bro look at him flapping away without a care in the world oh wow I survived wait what the heck are you doing up there little cutie guy [ __ ] die [ __ ] blaze how the king of the jungle or in this case King of the volcano he's not the fastest mount and even though he's got Wings he still cannot fly his big ass is probably too heavy I guess but he more than makes up for it in combat he's a beastly combat Mount to fight with mostly big high damage attacks like these fiery homing missiles you need the knct version though 100% it's slightly stronger and just look at this marvelous Beast War sect this is another that I might be biased for also because of the boss version that I captured war sect is a reliable monster powerful ground type this thing will charge head first into any battle send enemies flying or at least staggered he can dominate other Pals in wide open areas that gives him the space he needs to perform his attacks plus can give great passive effects to you increases your defense and applies fire damage which is good Synergy because he himself deals grass and ground damage so between the both of you you have a diverse set of damage types ragna you've probably seen this bird in other YouTube videos talking about Good flying mounts because it's true yeah you can obtain this bird around mid game and yet you can use it through the rest of your playthrough it's extremely quick one of the fastest in the game can deal decent damage but it's also tough blasting off giant balls of fire at your enemy does the trick every time rep Tio at first you probably think yeah he's cool probably great for working at the base and yes this is true he is a magnificent Chef level three kindling and three mining but he's also a Titan in combat very reliable and survivable this dude just does not die he's great for taking aggro and distracting enemies while you try to capture them and using the right skills he can dish out big damage and win the fight and even though he is so slow he's got ups dude look at that he should he should be in the NBA jumping like that putting Mario and Michael Jordan to shame man they can't jump like this stop it I'm sure you've heard of the Wombo Combo stacking Daydreams up and yes this is very strong in fact I always have at least one day dream with me but there's other Pals with Team stacking effects the Queen B on her own she's not all that special but her stats increase for every beard in your party as per her skill and the beard skill as you can see 735 attack and over 700 defense Lord have mercy I'm about to burst and that's with the skill being at level one still you could use the giant blender to level up and increase that buff even more so you stack a battalion of B guards behind her she becomes a Powerful Beast similar to the queen bee here we have King mop head sweepa stats increase with the more s on your team so same situation as elizabe this is without any sze and this is with a full stack you can see the huge difference so with a team full of boosted mophead henchmen you got the king sweeper buffed up to maximum potential look at that damage plus these dudes are ice type and ice in my opinion is extra effective in combat as it can freeze enemies or zerk I have no clue what the hell this guy is but I like it it's a dragon type so it must have some Dragon DNA in it ozerk is a master of calling upon the Thunder gods and riging down lightning strikes this thing uses electricity to roast his enemies from the inside out tostal strudel it has a unique skill in which it leaps up like [ __ ] Thor and Chucks a bolt of lightning down at the enemy everything I put up against it orz zerk melts their cheeks off suzaku your generic fire breathing dragon if this is even considered a dragon I mean it looks like three rubber bands tied together to me at first you look at it you think it's cool but then when you look closer you realize damn this design is goofy as hell like who authorized this regardless it's strong in combat it can be a powerful addition to any fire type team to be honest suzaku and ragna Hawk are essentially the same suzaku is slightly more powerful in combat while ragna Hawk can fly faster next up we have a fan favorite grizol overall yeah he's powerful but GIS bolt receives extra bonus points for this [ __ ] this dude oh My Lan bro this is the epitome of gaming right here this is what we want man I mean this is what we've been waiting for freaking an awesome skills deadly offense and he's pretty tanky this guy makes that lawsuit coming from Nintendo all totally worth it big dick aagon wait hold up increased damage to ore while mounted holy crap that's op n you need to Nerf him now that is broken op overpowered cheese bro no but yeah that's pretty lame in this situation which is why he's not ranked super high up regardless shooting out powerful Dragon attacks like dragon's breath or Dragon Kim is his specialty plus you can fly him he's slow as molasses but you can fly this monstrosity he also gets bonus points for looking like a total badass Fox Sparks yes Fox Sparks is god tier and for one reason only we've all seen this skill it's iconic and for good reason its skill will literally melt through enemies especially grass type yeah but anything will get roasted toasted strudles by this level the skill up to make it even stronger by using the big blender and you're good to go whenever I get raided they typically run in a straight line at my base like a bunch of Scrubs so I whip out my fox spark and burn them all down to a crisp like the [ __ ] noobs they are aist is becoming famous he's a ground type with powerful close and long range attacks he's a tiny little dude but packs a big punch he can blast you with rocks or pull up with a roundhouse kick to the face fighting him was not enjoyable at all but if you can capture Anubis he will put you on a new plateau of power in this game and in case you had not noticed anubis's unique skill allows him to S step and Dodge attacks he hits him with that Michael Jackson he and weaves out of the way blaz amont an absolute Behemoth if King Kong sold his soul to the sun god to obtain magical firep powers this would be the result I don't know if it's supposed to be a lion or a gorilla or what all I know is it can attack with a devastating mix of fire and ground type skills and he's got a good defense also he is not a glass Cannon obviously he's not a very fast mount and he can't fly he specializes in clapping cheeks just an awesome pal to fight alongside with oh great Heavens moving forward Shadow beak possibly the greatest flying mount in the game it's beautiful deals devastating attacks but also is extremely survival High Health pool and strong defense you can fly around eating damage no problem I mean having your flying mounts die is the worst thing ever because then you're stuck out in the middle of nowhere so having this dude being such a tank is quite nice look at this so Majestic yet so edgy its unique skill Divine disaster charges forward while generating balls of light that trap the enemies and then explode with a barrage of laser blasts it deals insane damage then we got nightmare ball basically the same attack we've already seen a 100 times in this game but a little bit cooler definitely a must have pal what the feet doing though my dude what what you doing with them feedies what the feet doing and finally we have yman tide ignis look at this magnificent creature no one should ever dare disturb it while it's sleeping like this this giant fish really packs a [ __ ] blasting off dragon and fire type attacks that just rip through enemies it's not the tankiest of Pals with an average defense but its damage is off the charts man it melts enemies with spectacular and satisfying attacks then I mean come on it's freaking awesome so if I missed any Pals or made any mistakes please leave a comment down below sharing your thoughts with everyone here and please drop a fat body slam on that like button if you made it this far thank you for watching my friends I'll talk to you later
Channel: The Senju Show
Views: 31,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld best pals for fighting, palworld pals tierlist, palworld pals ranked, palworld gameplay, palworld pals, best pals palworld, best pal palworld, palworld best pal, palworld best pals, palworld tier list, palworld tips, palworld guide, palworld pokemon, palworld review, palworld tips and tricks, palworld secrets, jev palworld, palworld how to, palworld reaction, palworld news, palworld boss, palworld base, palworld rage, palworld multiplayer
Id: qt7ITr-D7mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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