Palworlds NEW Raid Boss is BUSTED

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so there's a pretty evil force hanging in palworld now their new update lent to a lot of new things one of them being this summoning altar which is going to let us fight the new bellanoir raid boss I just well need ancient technology points for that that's fine just fly over here a couple bosses I haven't beat up this way hey Nightwing get beam commented thanks for playing buddy look one ancient Tech Point down and I got its rare drop I'm going to hope that's a good sign all right Dumond where you at the game tells me you're over here come on is that you yeah the Perpetual procrastinator maybe we're not so different you and I well I'm living you're not that's I guess one kind of major difference what is this there's also an ore mining site now all right I need as many ancient Tech points as humanly possible and these Effigies fun well with the summoning altar needing to be placed in my base I'm just going to remove my mining operation give me everything you got yep I weigh 169,000 lbs right now dump that stuff in there there's got to be more room in this one please dump yep still very overweight try this again there we go all right so to make the summoning altar it needs 100 Stone and 20 Palladium fragments actually it's not half bad now I think I know the perfect spot to fight this thing I need what is essentially an arena and what do you know there's like a perfect sized one right here all right jetragon get back in the ball oh no why are there people here oh God true American way get out of here I own this land now and there's a nice little chest here fun all right like right there probably seems to sort of be the middle Zone wait if I'm doing the viewing cage in my base does that mean I'm going to need to use like all 500 Pals I'm a bit concerned I'll admit that all right summoning alter go down you guys got that thank you my handy Anubis anubi anubos okay I've got the alter but nothing in it I guess I need a pal slab now oh always something huh that's fine I've got a pretty good idea on where you would find a slab cuz what better way to hide endgame content than in the endgame dungeons excuse me everyone I want your loot hey wait do you think they fixed the out of bounds thing get out there jetragon I'm stuck I'm not stuck it shot me up through the wall all right hello little dragon thing get out of my way please I need the chest we really don't even need to resort to violence what am I doing rocket launcher oh wait I guess that was still violence whoops are these like new things that I can pick up here what are these little shrooms Cavern mushroom a food I don't know if maybe I've just missed out this entire time or what oh yes bellanoir libero's slab fragment and a training manual neat that grants a substantial amount of XP and read by a pal oh well that's new I guess maybe all those times I power leveled I uh didn't have to all right on to the next dungeon I don't know how many fragments there are to this slab but I'm going to assume four and it's just cut into squares meaning it's up to us to go find the next little dungeon yeah there's more mushrooms here hello Mao Christ goodbye Mao Christ epic rocket launcher 138 attack come on I make it work and I got another slab fragment and another slab fragment I'm starting to feel like I'm extremely lucky here and I welcome it with my arms wide open Where's another dungeon at somewhere over here is it being protected by these wumbos it is I me in I'm so happy this exploit didn't get fixed saves me so much time could you imagine being a pal sitting in your dungeon and then out of nowhere someone just Clips through a wall and absolutely rocket launchers you like that's got to be like pretty sucky you know ancient tech manual and some more training manuals dude did the loot rates get like buffed for dungeons this is just four Tech points for free let's buy this ore mining site and there's a ring of Mercy now where I don't kill something when I hit it that's going to be extremely handy for catching Pals all right I'm at four fragments I think now's probably a pretty good time for me to head back to my base on my handy dandy super speedy nyoom hang on ADHD got me I see I haven't triggered this teleport Point yet incoming this is actually faster cuz then I can just go home all right how do I make it is it somewhere on this no in the production point oh oh it is an exceptionally powerful level 50 Bellanoir libero yes Anubis assemble wow that was quick you guys are like on it all right hey can you guys also come make me this ring of Mercy I get the feeling oh you're done okay it's just so insanely quick all right now let me see what Pals I have for the job Noir means dark so I think it's safe to assume it's a dark type meaning Dragon would be my way to go this jetragon isn't really like super strong but got Dragon moves woah wait this was the tower boss it HP is down to 3,000 they changed it man ruining my fun all right I think I'm just going to go jetragon Shadow beak and my Granada that feels like it's going to be the best option out of everybody where'd my altar go oh here it is just Blends in so well all right slab where did you go here you are in if you summon a powerful boss at your base there's a chance that all structures in your base will be destroyed and all pal on base will be incapacitated there's no other spot for me to summon it don't give me the warning if you're making me do it at a base yeah I know the risk okay anyways oh that's that's creepy that's creepy and scary in a big laser oh she's pink oh what happened to the sky what is that okay quick Granada woah that's 450,000 HP what is this move oh Granada's doing 1000 damage she's got Mystic tornadoes what is that what is that what is that stop it stop it oh it goes through structures okay Granada I'm starting to think you were a bad call is that dark wisp why does she know so much nyoom come on out do the thing do the do the thing oh I don't think she gets stunned oh that's that's not good dude I'm doing like no damage okay that I'm starting to think that I'm not supposed to beat this solo I'm starting to think that rocket launcher that was 8,000 damage at least it seems pretty simple to me um summon summon summon summon summon summon summon summon summon summon summon everyone go get her go get her beat her up yeah get the freeze 12,000 this is what all my hard work has poured into over the years no gorirat why did you die you fool oh he probably self imploded that makes sense beat her up I got a 0% capture rate that could be better I'll be honest with you get out there too my jetragon I missed my rocket launcher dude 450,000 what kind of HP pool is that who just blocked my rocket launcher shot at least she's taking a lot more damage this time I'm glad that I I just heard a weird sound effect that made it sound like something drastic is about to occur woah she's kind of balled up throw a thing no she's immune to spheres that can't be good dude look at all of these beam attacks did they like change the animation I feel like I'm in Dragon Ball all of a sudden are my guys hanging in there somehow too no I said that and then three of them immediately died there goes six more oh what are these eyeballs chasing me stop necromus what are you doing why are you stare get her what is that oh no oh no my team no there goes like everybody dude oh no all right replace the dead I don't even care I'm just going from the top row we need more soldiers in the fight Brothers she's not even halfway dead yet and she wiped out a whole 30 of in My Level 50s I had do I have to like kill her by chance I don't know oh I don't like being here that's it's so dark all of a sudden made me think I died for a second what is this plant move she's plant wheel oh I heard that noise again I think that means I stunned her my plan is to just keep shooting Rockets while my minions go and die for me that's basically been it this entire time even though this beam move yeah that's oh that's not fun to deal with there goes more of my team okay my dear friend friends are dying right in front of me God she's at 145,000 though way to hang on team those of you who did bring in the next group ow what she'd come over here and just punch me in the face what was that keep jumping no you guys you don't want to hit the stupid blue flames that are at the bottom of the ground I have used I think 25 rockets on this woman but she's finally under a 100,000 even though she's using stupid Cosmic scary tornadoes and stuff there it is 13,000 rocket launcher my crits thank you where'd she go oh God fire no no everyone avoid that beam God that kills so many of you that why why does it do that can I Ow like nine direct shots right at me I get the feeling a lot of people are dead yeah that looks like she's doing a really big move off my screen right now I just got frozen people go in fresh new 50 she just got Health back she just got Health back no that is not good it's arguably like the exact opposite of what we want to happen I feel like no get this move out out of here actually wait when you're in the eye of it it doesn't seem that bad did all the pals that I just summon a second ago die again all right it might be up to me at this point yeah yeah jump the fiery flames of death jump the other one Dodge all of this I didn't dodge it even remotely this is fine just keep Gail claw moving away do I have a life pendant yep there we go put that on real quick no she's going to bully my Frostallion and they got stuck in the wall this is fine everything's fine why is she shooting my palbox now I guess I'm okay with that actually she's at 40,000 HP left that's she's JoJo posing on me okay no jump jump keep moving keep moving I've only got 1,200 of my 3,000 HP she's down to 16k though can I throw a sphere yet no she's still immune to Spheres that jerk die then oh sheesh shadowbeak what are you doing over there what did I get out of that Stout fruit slightly increases a pal's defense ancient civilization cores a multi climate shirt heat resistance and cold resistance three let's put that on um what do you mean by bellanoir Ultra and I got a huge dark egg don't worry that came at the sacrifice of all of these Pal's lives and then all of these dude what a raid boss man all right what's up with the egg plop you in there it's whoa It's a Bellanoir dude look at her that's so sick dark Cannon do you have any other moves oh that gives them blind that's what happened to me 20% increase to dark attack and Ice attack damage oh when activated targets enemy with a powerful nightmare Bloom here have a training manual level 48 what yeah have another one congrats you're level 50 I guess that's extremely busted you know apocalypse flame Waltz nightmare Bloom exclusive exclusive not exclusive let's go throw you at something I live right next door to anubis so hey buddy meet my friend go get him wait nightmare stare hit him with it oh oh that's nightmare Stare I thought you were going to look at him aggressively dude that's so sick and you can see the little cool down it has like on their icon and stuff hey you got any other move you want to do what are you just hitting that JoJo pose again oh it's this one yeah that's pretty good oh and here comes apocalypse again here what if you nightmare stared them one more time that's just so sick oh tornadoes weave you can just do nightmare stare on your own that wasn't even me who asked you to do it that time there's the apocalypse that move doesn't seem as good since the tornadoes don't like home in don't worry that move is going to be so broken can you imagine if you were to I don't know four star this thing give it all the best attack stuff how good it would be all right Bell Noir that's enough I've got my Mercy ring on that's embarrassing let me try that again there we go yeah he at 1 HP how cool is that and it shows me that I've captured 10 of them already uh you good to stay in there tell you what if you're not you're getting stared yeah that's what I thought all right well save to say this is my new favorite pal in the whole game she's cute looks cool as hell scary beam Powers oh yeah this is a 10 out of 10 all right well if you want to see me fight Ultra bellanoir or want to see me make this thing a four star leave me a comment down below letting me know until then as always thanks so much for watching I'll see you
Channel: ImCade
Views: 140,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, palworld, bellanoir, imcade bellanoir, palworld best bellanoir, bellanoir libero, palworld how to fight bellanoir
Id: Va4JHU35kE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2024
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