PALWORLD - How To Get The SECRET Boss Abilities & Instantly One Shot "Everything"

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ladies and gents P world is absolutely busted I'm pretty sure that I just broke the game again and if you ever wondered what the absolute Max attack power you can probably get on a pal well it's pretty close to 5,000 and that's not even completely optimized so that's why today I want to talk about some amazing abilities that you should be using right now including some that you can only pass down from specific bosses and it's likely that the trick is going to be removed really soon because I can't imagine this is going to survive any more than a couple more patches so just to go over a quick breakdown we have about a total of 100 plus active abilities between all of the breeds and all of the pals in pal World about 50% of them can also drop as skill fruits which makes it quite easy to transfer those abilities to literally any pal you want but then there's the remaining half which is much more difficult transfer and some of those about like 20 of them are completely exclusive to certain creatures and certain bosses like for example jet dragon's beam combats or the twin spears from necromus and there are plenty more about 20 in total that are completely non-transferable however this still leaves us off with about 20 plus remaining abilities from different creatures and yes this also includes the very Tower bosses you get to fight and there are excl exclusive Tower boss abilities like the dark wisp which you get on Victor and Shadow beak and the multicutter from the Lily and lilen fight which you can absolutely pass down to your actual team still in patch 1.4.1 so let's begin with the process first of all the same trick as before to capture the tower bosses still works in the latest patch I literally did this a few hours ago you just have to get yourself into trouble get a wanty level go to the tower boss and absolutely make sure that the boss gets hit by one of the guard stray bullets once you see that happening and gets just a little bit of damage the boss goes into this coma goes into a corner abandon life and after like five or 10 seconds wait time you can throw literally any sphere at it and you will notice that it's completely capturable even with a 0% capture rate so I've done this for all of the bosses since obviously I wanted to see which one of these have unique abilities that we can transfer down well it turned out that it's only Lily and lyen and Victor and Shadow beak so let's get started with Victor and Shadow beak as this features dark wisp the only boss in the game that has this ability and I will say that in my opinion this is completely busted if you know how to build it but as far as breathing goes you kind of have two routes both with their own different levels of difficulty so the first route is to go ahead and breed the tower bosses with their corresponding Pals which is always going to give you that pal as an offspring so for example Victor and Shadow beak plus a shadow beak will always give you you guessed it a shadow beak anything else and this includes all the other Tower bosses will always result in a chickpea however the caveat over here is that while it is easier to transfer the passive abilities so Legend ferocious musclehead and so on it's going to be a lot more difficult to transfer that active ability in this case the dark wisp however the second method is to combine these Tower bosses with a chickp and this is going to have a much better chance to pass down the active skill instead so the dark wisp or the multicutter reason being mostly because the chickpea has a much more limited pull of active abilities so you have a much greater chance for the active ability you want to pass down to The Offspring however it's going to be more difficult to pass down the passive so Legend ferocious muscle head and so on so just pick your poison so the way I chose to do this was to combine my almost perfect Shadow beak that we already cover in the previous video with the tower boss and since I already had the cake bakery down and was like doing dozens every few minutes it was very easy for me to just spread a few of my breathing pad around a couple of my bases and recapture the same boss a couple more times so in total I had like four or five bosses within four or five breeding pant all doing breeding with my initial Shadow beak and then the subsequent offsprings that also dropped with the same passives and because my initial Shadow beak only had those four abilities and because the boss had none it actually happened quite often to get offsprings with all of those four specific passives on it so in the end this funneled into itself and obviously you can grow it as much as you want to reduce that timer and eventually get the perfect Shadow beak out of it now this must have taken over 40 tries before I even saw a first Shadow beak with a dark whsp ability and if it does doesn't show up on the first level on the first couple of abilities forget about it don't level that specimen up you're not going to get it from there if it's not on the first level it's not going to be there at all so exclusively look for level ones that already have the dark wisp by that level on the first or the second entry and from that point on I needed about like 40 or 50 more before I saw a second and a third one and by the third one luckily I also got it with the perfect stats it could have been way worse and with way more but I'm just going to take it from this point on I did not use any lucky stats so I'm not going to try to do any more breeding from this point on but because my initial Shadow beak had a ton of good passives and because the boss had none then it had a very good chance for The Offspring to also feature the legend ferocious muscle head and so on so by the end of it I had other specimens with these four that I could funnel into other breeding sessions with other doubles of the same boss in the different bases so in this case we also ended with about 90 or so other Shadow beaks which is perfect because we could then funnel these into condensation and essentially just get a rank three right out of the gate that's why I prefer this one if you were to go with the chickp instead then you're subjected to even more RNG on the dark wisp side because then you have to transfer this up to aagon and then from aagon to Shadow beak again so way way more RNG than it's worth it I know of us out there who have done over 400 breeds with the chickpea route to get just to Shadow beak and I will say this the ability also because it's awesome to look at and because it's so unique is nice to have but it also deals very good damage like it makes really quick work of padus despite him having like the third highest HP in the game anything below this anything below legendary quality will get one shot before you even get all the balls on those bosses so don't even think about it especially if you put some hook crates in your party forget about about it your Darkness damage will be up to like two to like 3,000 it's going to be absolutely insane plus you have three abilities of 150 plus damage and this is by the way the intermediary step the final actual step would be to bring this Shadow beak to a frost stallion knock so that would mean bringing this to a Hells of fear and then the hells of feere combining that with a frost Stallion and finally making the ultimate Darkness creature that will absolutely destroy everything but that's is going to be the longest process as it's very difficult to get a lot of rallan Knocked but for now I was surprised just how good of a damage does even to the normal Frost stallion so really nice on those balls and again they will always auto track the boss when you leave the creature to do its own thing but like I said this isn't even like the craziest combo you can get in the game there are others including ones that have the most basic looking pal or should I say the most colorful looking ones because there are quite a few explosion abilities in the game game that are really strong like be quiet implode but by far the best in the entire game is going to be the Megaton implode something that comes with a whooping 500 damage probably the highest damage on a skill in the entirety of f world there's only one creature that has this which is toot Toco and of course it also doesn't have any skill roots to pass this down so you're going to have to breed up from a Toco to actually get it on your preferred pal but in this case we're going to use the Megaton implode with yeah one of your suggestions which is the guirat Gat actually can double its attack power with its active skill ability so in this case I had a too from that previous breeding video I already made so again totally check that one out it goes over the entire process of how I got this as well as the previous Shadow beak when the ultimate tees but essentially I had to breed this up all the way to a g rat which luckily was was only one breed away involving some of these Ray hounds which are quite abundant around the desert area so again you're going to have to do hundreds of these in total it took me 151 tries before I even got a final Gat with the proper ability but in this case it was perfect because again we could funnel those into the condenser and essentially get a perfect guirat at the end of it now I also recommend combining this with a bunch of rebones in your party as they also buff up your neutral party mates and in this case gorat is exactly that so it Buffs that plus it's Megaton implode ability that you now transferred to it also try to get your Ribbon to rank four and increase that passive even higher So 20% per ribbony you will need about 5 like 40 in total so that you can condense all of them into four specific ones the only other thing I recommend adding in the process is this a deer locom Moco which is very easy to craft at the electric kitchen it's very inexpensive but it gives your pal a plus 20% to attack power so when we combine all of these the ribbon is your best pal plus the food you get 2700 total damage and then when we activate that guirat skill we have 4700 almost 5,000 damage right out of the gate which is going to be absolutely insane you don't even have to have rebones in the party to essentially onot literally any boss with the exception of the legendary ones so everything completely gets obliterated in an instant but from that point on if you want to fight against legendaries obviously you're going to absolutely destroy them too so this can go up to 70 or 80% of their damage completely gone just as fast I do recommend having the explosion happen right at the head level so if you can get your Gat to do its explosion right next to its head you're also going to get another like 20 30% extra damage because of the head shot multiplier so in this case we could bring down the jet dragon even like to 1,000 HP but essentially you can absolutely own anything and from that point on you can either switch to a different character sacrifice one of the ribbon and have your main fighter like just handle the remainder of the fight also shoot or you know just do anything else because at that point they're going to be super low HP and easy capture and I know what you're asking well what happens since your guat is also getting obliterated I mean that's 99 million damage can we do anything about it well not really not unless we can get that specific Gat at at least 99 million HP which is completely not feasible so the best way to do this is to just yeah eventually bring it back at your base and put it inside a display case this is going to instantly revive it and you can then put it back into your inventory or you can just pass the date take a sleep and your creature that was formerly dead is now going to be completely revived plus full HP now we do have a couple other options in here too we had the multic calter from Lily and lilen so this is going to shoot three of those wind discs instead of just one it's actually very strong ability and the cool down on it is really low um but in this case I also recommend coupling a leaf creature with the seed mine the seed mine is probably one of the best abilities in the game G despite its lower damage because it explodes into multiple other seeds that all deal damage you can actually line this up on bigger bosses and almost one shot them even with an unoptimized build now you can of course choose to place this on a creature that fights or on your Mount and then you have it available at all times so again pick your poison but in both of these situations it's a very good option to have and unlik the previous two abilities this one can be acquired from a skill fruit there are many skill trees skill fruit trees in the game that you can go ahead and farm and eventually you should be able to find at least one of them to transfer to whichever creature you want I suggest starting with a mount but going with liline or maybe even ver Dash can be a very good option the only other ability that I did not cover is the poison mist and this is the only ability in the game that has zero damage however do not be fooled this is absolutely amazing if you want to take down bosses even 10 15 levels higher than your current best Bells so this is something that you can use to essentially poison a Target and that Target will always get damaged on a percentage base rather than a specific number so even if it has like a million HP it doesn't matter the damage scales up percentage wise so you can bring it down much easier and on top of that since poison is a status effect it also increases drastically your catch rate so in this case it went from like 56 to 80% catch rate on this mamor rest anyway these are just some of these abilities let me know down below if you want to see more videos like these in the meantime thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 178,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: khrazegaming, palworld guide, palworld gameplay, palworld tips, palworld best pal, palworld best pals, palworld advanced tips, palworld pokemon, palworld ultimate guide, palworld beginners guide, palworld breeding, best pal, palworld legendary pal, palworld glitch, palworld creature, how to catch pal, palworld how to change, palworld dark whisp, palworld secrets, palworld secret pal, palworld secret tips, palworld highest damage, palworld highest damage pals
Id: 1YF4buHad3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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