17 Amazing Team Builds In PALWORLD With The Highest Damage Pals

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these are a bunch of Team compositions and Pals that are truly powerful in the pal world and in this video I'm going to go over them for everyone that needs more power and fun as the product of using synergies in this game whether it's for combat purposes by the way or for having just very useful workers for your base to get a lot of those juicy materials you definitely want to get them starting off with the number one pal and team maker on the list probably one of the most broken Pals in the game and you can get it at the start the Daydream the Daydream is absolutely amazing power thanks to its very broken skill Dreamchaser and this ability breaks the start the early game the mid game parts of your adventure like it's nothing especially because you can get a bunch of these SPS very easily and very quickly thanks to the Daydreams partner skill Dream Chaser it will fight with you even if you don't summon these Daydreams so that means after getting it scholar you can run four or five of them in conjunction and they will all stick to you in absolutely annihilate everything this is team Daydream or team Daydream with a little flame on top of it and I like to use four of them and then a blaster type of pal as the pal you want to summon for maximum damage early on something like Fox spark is absolutely amazing because you can get its partner skill very easily and is unlocked very early on which in turn makes you able to use your Fox Sparks as a flamethrower and for those that have tried this absolutely busted skill you know that it can eviscerate entire camps and dungeons in mere seconds Fox spks then in itself deserves a mention because this thing is an early game carry its range attacks aside from the flamethrower in combination with your Daydreams range attacks in combination with your own range attacks is an extremely powerful setup that will completely destroy a lot of encounters however if you don't want to mix the darkness with the brightness of the flame then Team Dark is a good alternative tomat is your choice of summon here who creates for the dark knowledge and three day dreams to top it all off the Daydreams destroy everything passively for you while tomat has a variety of useful attacks in itself as your your main summon and who creatus is just there for the coolness and Buffs all your Daydreams and your to bat as it Buffs all your dark Bells which in this case are all five BS in the party it's yet again a lot of power you sometimes have to be careful because with multiple Daydreams out you will on-shot a lot of bells so if you're trying to capture a new pal keep that in mind but at the same time it's a great setup for catching Pals as this setup exerts a lot of pressure while you throw your balls you can get a lot of these spells very early on as well however if you are very very very very very early on you don't have anything yet then you might want to go with Team I don't know what I'm doing yet four cavus and a fox Sparks see katava has that beautiful passive of giving your team extra weight capacity and these kavas are everywhere so it's basically just a quick plus 200 weight capacity for nothing and fox Sparks again is an early game carry that you can then use as your main summon to destroy everything while you then use your extra weight capacity to make progression Easier by giving you more materials and items at once to progress your base load out and just level up without getting stuck in place because you're exceeding the weight capacity all the time now kivas or however you say it Daydreams and combats are all excellent base workers as well as they have a bunch of skills so that's another thing going for all these spells that I've mentioned so far and pre- obtaining the color for Daydream you are very well off using him as a worker in your base by the way we also need a moment to talk about broccoli no not the vegetable but something better indiff broccoli server hosting thanks to them for sponsoring today's video use my link and you can immediately check them out and get two days trial for free yes and if you have any problems their customer support have no lives whatsoever so you'll quickly get help also they use Quality Hardware to host fast servers not the Shady aftermarket stuff you won't get scammed don't worry if you get a bad experience I will personally visit them and nuke their headquarters with my Army of day use my excusive link and you know what to do okay let's continue with the video but if you have progressed a bit then you will also want to have a mount and night t comes into play here you can get this one very early you want to go to the first boss battle area and you want to go out of your way to get it Nightwing is amazing and can on itself carry entire parts of the early game for you it's your early game Flying Mount the tornado attack is Bonkers and makes you able to defeat enemies much higher level and then Nightwing also has a variety of range attacks in combination with just giving you the utility to fly everywhere and transport yourself with ease and speed making it a monster Pig it fits in any team composition or no team at all if you want to go team I'm an independent wam but while Nightwing is great and all you do want to keep upgrading your flying mounts for say van ver when you get to the 20s and feris when you get to the 30s reason being is that the higher level flying mounts will generally be faster as well or have some additional stuff that is useful on the contrary to a flying Mount you also want to have a ground Mount to ride on the ground for navigating different types of terrain things like dire Hall is a great option there for an early game Mount however the deer is great too and it gives you that juicy lumbering bonus as well but the deers in the game have that on a short delay charging type of ability which helps a lot with moving around making this ability a great way to abuse it to get extra movement trades to look out for your mounts are always going to be Swift and Runner so your mounts become even faster now why am I mentioning mounts well logically a great all around team then can also exist out of a flying mount a ground Mount and three Daydreams or a mix between Daydreams and other powerful offensive Bells like the Panget which can CC bosses and is obtained very easily which you can then also transform in a rocket launcher with the skill that is unlocked very early on as well for a nice early game nuke but the Pang Kang the not evolution of the pulet is even better CC Fox Sparks flamethrower but now the chill version of it that can AOE nuke enemies and it does it own itself and the ability to reach very difficult spots is amazing panang is an absolutely great pal not just for its combat purposes by the way but in your base as well as the panang has a bunch of level two skills making it a very good pal that is still obtained relatively early on as well what you also want in your base is Vixie a lot of them especially early on get as many Vixie for team I want to level up as fast as possible and put them in your range the more the better these Pals generate a bunch of spheres and other useful Loot and every time you come back from an Adventure you will find an entire wrench filled with spheres look at this juicy loot with these spheres you can then catch collect a bunch of Pals and collecting Pals is one of the best way to get XP if not the best way to level up especially if you get a bunch of them as you get those streaks for bonus XP but okay let's leave our base again and go back to panking this SP is cute and devastating look at that nuclear attack but did you also know that you can boost your main summon quite easily by using those SP Pals that buff a certain type of pal depending on their Elemental background for example in the case of panking being a water ice type of pal that then means if you collect four Kelpies the water P buffing pal that you can find in the waters which with their partner skill water spout will increase the attack power of water pells and this stack so if you run four of them our panking gets a huge boost to its attack power it is also visualized in the menu as you can see then would you look at that banking is now even more of a king than before and can prival bosses so low so low but I hear you no Mount might make things a bit unpractical so one panking three Kelpies and a amount of your choice it is alternatively obviously if you need movement you can also make your Mount your main summon and then buff it with four of these type of PALS like team sweepy is all about in the case of sweepy however this pal has its Entourage of bodyguard as type of bells known as sweet which only buff sweep spe specifically thanks to to their partner skill fluffy so you would go for sweep swe and four swe and you will get a whopping plus 48% boost to your sweep SE not just for its attack but also its defense and sweep SE is a Mount as well so you can ride it and enjoy those huge bonuses and completely destroy enemies with it like it's nothing and it's also a very beefy tanky P but while sweep C is cool and all there's another pal that Ventures forth upon this idea and that is elizabe elizabe has its own bodyguard pal known as beard and Bard does exactly for elizabe as what s do for sweep C namely buffing elizabe and only elizabe this is thanks to the Queen B command partner skill and arguably with elizabe it's even much better considering she has better attacks and stats than sweepy for the trade-off of not being able to ride her and gets again that beautiful plus 48% bonus to her stats thanks to the beu guards in the party now be careful because catching these beu guards is a danger Endeavor in itself as they can blow up in your face making them go from 100 to zero real quick and you as well by the way but it's worth it because after you get four of them you can then make team elizabe where you would run elizabe and then four bards elizabe in this setup can trivialize bosses solo easily elizabe crowd controls them and Deals a bunch of damage from a distance as well as up front and just in general lb does powerful things and as you can see I don't even have to do anything I can grab some popcorn and watch the show and elizabe will take care of any boss really that's already with the plus 48% bonus but if you consider passives as well and take those into accounting you can really spiral the damage out of control for your main summon in these type of setups traits you then want to look out for would be things that boost your attack even more like Brave ferocious or say muscle head especially for elizabe and sweep SE this can be a very potent thing to do as they have their specific supporting pal which gives gives them a 48% bonus compared to a regular buffing setup with a main summon buff thanks to its Elemental background in which it can only reach up to 40% still very good don't get me wrong but either way it works for both type of setups and the damage can get Bonkers really quickly if you optimize for it as much as possible with things like farming the right passives and combining those passives and getting the right combinations of set passes while these types of setups are fun and all I hear you thinking I want more Pals out in the open attacking while I'm attacking with my main summon and I have good news for you because Daydream isn't the only callar pal in the game no meet dazzy while Dai is in the higher level zones you can definitely go out of your way to get them earlier if you want to embark on an ambitious adventure and catch them as you can actually get its necklace at only level 22 Desi is going to set up team lightning for us an insane team that I invented on the spot but yeah this one is greatness it consists out of one Ray Hound one sparket and three dazzies the daies have an ability when out like this that will strike a certain spot on the battlefield and nuke whatever the lightning bolt hits especially if you combine three of them as you get multiple hits at the same spot and this is very good versus bosses since bosses are bigger and tend to stay in the same spot and then spark it is going to function as the liting version of kelpy in the sense that it boosts your liting PSE attacks instead so it boosts all the three dasies in our team but also our main summon the ray hound and the ray Hound is just amazing versus bosses it does its thing if you don't want to ride him or her it has a variety of powerful lightning attacks both from a distance and up close that when combined with your dazzy lightning bolt will melt any hostile entity really the Synergy between these Pals is amazing but the main selling point with rhound in my opinion is that it's a fastpaced ground Mount as well that you can ride and does use its attacks like that but it has the ability to double jump as well this gives you great combat possibilities like from a King perspective you can just keep double jumping all the time basically since the ray Hound has good stamina management and kill any boss your fighting while kiting for a very safe clear want to go for that double jump pump with a shotgun combo wo while striking with lightning it works very well and while you're doing that with your ray Hound your dazis are still doing their thing and also nuking the enemy with their lightning bolts and all of that is then Amplified by our spark theme lighting is really good great for many different scenarios if you can't get ray Hound yet however because he or she is too high level for you you can then also make this with a unol instead same team let swap out the ray Hound for univolt for the very original team name team univolt which is also a lightning based Mound that you can get actually very early on and is also fast for riding its lighting attacks then also get boosted but what univolt has that is specifically nice is that it gives your attack so with your guns lightning damage as well so you can ride bump these sick lightning shots out while your dazis also strike your enemies with lightning bolt univolt is really just like everybody's favorite pal shete another riding Mount which does the same thing but with adding Dragon power instead to your shots and is potentially another way to make a dragon based team for example if you like the idea of giving your shots and ammo a certain Elemental damage then the time has finally arrived to meet Team fire also known as team obliteration also known as team nuclear fallout also known as Team Hell has gotten a hole inside of it and it's raining fire everywhere now for the ultimate burst in your shots what what the yes we're going there you can make a Firebase team with Fox Sparks definitely but since we already covered that and we have also covered a round Mount based synergistic theme let's go for that main summon is a flying Mount Centric Fire theme one word ragna Hawk the word play in the name already indicates that this guy is a Pumper scary hours right here for my fire team we then combine R Mahaw with three kelpsy ignis and a Goin ignes you should be familiar with kelpy now this is the V variation that will buff your fire Pal's attack power so arnna Hawk and then Goin ignes will boost our own attack specifically which in turn is going to be buffed through ragna Hawk as well since ragna Hawk gives us that fire damage to our shots with its flame Wing partner skill as you can see and accordingly your damage output when shooting while riding ragna Hawk is going to be insane you will start setting your enemies on fire while loading all your enhanced bullets inside of them for very quick kills whether it's versus mobs or versus bosses so your own shots are covered through ragna Hawk and Goin igns ragna Hawk itself also has a bunch of great fire-based attacks whether you're riding or throwing ragn Hawk out as a summon on itself all of those attacks are getting boosted by our three gpies let me add to that significantly getting boosted attacks like the flame tornadoes or the flamethrower S type of abilities or just ranged fire attacks great stuff all around for this fire p ragnok is also great for dungeons as he's tiny enough to go through a lot of the more narrow openings for a flying Mount which is definitely a bonus considering you can already clear dungeons so fast with this party composition all around the fire team is great gives you insane damage and burst and gives you great Mobility with the main summon being a flying mount so it has everything real keeping the types of Elemental damage in mind is very important as you can use certain teams or Pals to abuse your enemies weaknesses the chart released by The developers themselves gives you a good overview of how it works whatever is pointed at gets necked by what is preceding the arrow and thus will be extra super effective against whatever the arrow is pointing at and for the very sharp individuals Among Us you would have noticed by now that we have covered pretty much all these Elementals through various themes and synergies in the video whether it was team fire team lightning team grass through Elizabeth team ice through sweepa team water with banking or Team Dark we have covered it all really and if you want to abuse this mechanic versus harder encounters like bosses of which you can infer their Elemental type quite easily by just looking above their HP bar then that's strategically obviously a very smart thing to do to make your damage output as high as possible the only team left that wasn't mentioned is the team that consists out of people subscrib to me and this channel so make sure to join that team by clicking that subscribe button you don't want to be left out now do [Music] you
Channel: Nizar GG
Views: 112,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Q2w1OqIn46E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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