I Bred The MOST POWERFUL Pal EVER in Palworld

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so my friends we have something very special today and that's not running out of stamina right before we make the island but our objective today is to make the most powerful pal in all of pal world and we have to find a shadow beak to be able to do that shadow beak is that what they're called Shadow beak yep you guys have said that this guy with his modified DNA can become the most powerful pal in the game oh also criminal activity is underway and this fella only spawns on this island and he's kind of rare so we have to get a few of them first also there's some Elite I kind of had the idea of capturing every human as a video too if you guys want to see every human captured we could totally do that so the idea here is that we fly to one side of the island to let things spawn then we fly away until they despawn and then we fly back to the island trying to find a new one nope this is going to take a little while uh I didn't find a shadow Peak but there's a lucky falou over here level 52 my goodness let's hit him with a couple aerial missiles see if that does anything yeah I didn't think so cuz well Anakin Skywalker is still like really low level nobody you can't go do that have some fighting with my paladis friend okay then this might be a little more dangerous than I assumed as long as we don't upset the elite soldiers that are here I think we're going to be okay paladis get over here buddy I'll hit him with a blizzard Spike ow that didn't do much how about a power bomb in your life B you totally missed you Dingus why would you do this to me oh no I just ran out of bullets well I still have rocket launchers ooh that was a good hit reload okay that worked surprisingly well 600 damage was not expecting that there have a legendary sphere oh balls we're going to have to do things the old fashioned way around here ow oh there we go I think it might be work yeah that was a 1% chance of course it's not going to work I might need more ammo before we try out Shadow beak and possibly even more legendary spheres this is going to be close oh yeah there it is oh wow lucky and workaholic all right so not not hugely good but still decent so I guess I'll teleport back over here and try to buy some ammo since whoa hello hi there is this the ammo person oh you are the ammo person don't mind if I do and we'll jump back home to see what kind of things I need for Spears more pelium fragments thankfully I believe yeah we made 2 50 so that should make like 10 of them my goodness these things are stupidly expensive 22 okay neat I also wouldn't mind getting some better Pals in here so let's go to Alpha no let's go by level yeah there we go let's get rid of jet dragon we don't need you Nightwing's kind of me bringing in a few of these other creatures that might help us out a little bit also why is it dark o' clock again sleep time thank you sir for making me some legendary spheres give me can I yeah thank you I just want to acquire them what do we need next um cement great cement is a stupid one cuz it literally takes the bones of your Fallen enemies thankfully we have lots of them so start that production here we go one finally spawned hello little buddy how are you would you like to get shot in the face with a sword can't shoot with a sword I just remembered that but I can throw a palus at your butt and Bo all right that's going to work we'll reload the handgun nice Nice Shot okay whoa who hold on paladis you might be a little bit wa overwhelming here okay uhhuh and we'll just uh go down a little bit and Bo oh right into the ball that was kind of exciting ow how can you hit me bro that actually hurt me badly this guy is super powerful nice first ball that's awesome now I do have some already claimed but I wanted to check this fellow out he has a major injury don't mind that but look at that without any skills and only logging Foreman he's at 578 attack now I do have other ones in here this one's a 545 with the runner skill and here's another that's Nimble which aren't the things that we're really looking for fortunately for us we do have rbol so if we look at this handy dandy picture right here we have a shadow beak that is created by a kiten and an aagon but the kiten is made by a GIS bolt and lamb bolt so we need to take rbol here and then find a beautiful little lamb for it to make some sort of weird Fox creature with we're going to throw you into the hole fast travel back to the beginning of the world should be good enough jump on our legendary creature here and try to find some lamps now we have to find male and female cuz I don't remember what bris bolt is no go away where did the Lambie boy go come back here Lambie let's hit you with a megasphere got him there's another one right over there in the hole Cinderella story is this considered kidnapping did one of them break out you broke out how did you break out two of them broke out of the meas speres that's ridiculous I want a workaholic wonder what this guy's going to be I don't really know a muscle head no way we got a muscle head that's actually a good skill for us nice that one's aggressive which is also a pretty decent skill so rybolt is indeed a male so if we get a nice female here a muscle head that's going to be very awkward whatever doesn't matter I just eat it from a long distance a I was hoping it would roll is that considered abuse I feel bad now you two Dingus is make an egg it's going to be awkward also the pathf finding seemingly is really broken at this level I'm not sure why but things are just not even moving they get stuck in the breeding pens what they should do is just make it so Pals don't like interact with environment they can just go through buildings like I don't know why they haven't done that and this fell is just pooping out milk like crazy man there we go eggs and milk for days I can't even pick up this chicken why are you like this so once rbol is ready we need to find him a nice stallion a frost stallion to breed with now I think there was a decent one so rbol is a male right yep so we need a female Frost stallion with decent skills that means we're going to try to tame another one these guys are actually pretty nasty though here let's use the Blazing mut can I ride it I can have a fireball you dingus that's going to do damage all right not very much IGN rage uh-oh come on oh boy there it is all right and then in his breath uh that did nearly nothing oh boy this going to be rough plus he ate my shield already hot dang okay Frost stallion is no joke so we'll just play a smart this time instead you go over there and play with your friend fire versus ice blasting up from the ground my good he's taking so much damage already mainly because he didn't heal up from last time we'll just knock him out that's what we're going to do Blaze mut why are you whoa okay don't do that there I'm just going to keep you knocked out there you go that's not getting knocked out there you go friendo oh you miss you big ugly brute nope okay burn up their ground nice that's decent ow ow ow uh-oh Mr mut just got knocked out oh don't stand on that come on buddy wake up we have things to do I should have jumped that all right come down here nope I should have jumped over that too get dead have a blizzard spike in your nose okay you know what you fight I'm going to jump off of you so I don't get damaged too badly my goodness he can even knock out Anakin in the sky I don't like this anymore why did I decide to come over here and beat up all of my pals we'll do the best I can I think you missed that all right that's one damage each my goodness yeah keep getting wrecked we're doing four damage per hit I was hoping I could use my other Pals but we hav to use Anakin he is the chosen one after all those things are heat seeking sort of oh get down last thing I want to do is oh I just lost my Mount oh great okay have got 1,700 hit points here and I've used up most well actually all of my Rockets I don't want to die I don't want to die I've worked too hard for this I don't want to die my goodness I didn't realize that was going to be so hard you see that throw I'm pretty impressed with my throwing okay oh is that the capture is this going to do it is this going to Capt we got it please be good Swift Ice Emperor Legend that's actually not too shabby right there all right let's go heal up our pets and start start breeding some more so did you two make some eggs oh you did yay large scorching eggs that doesn't sound like a kitson to me is my chart broken it might be might not be that's totally a kitsen and that's exactly what we needed Legend ferocious lucky muscle head it worked first try R bolt MVP where are you there you are buddy did we get two of them no we didn't but one's enough all right you're going away now I want to see if that new Frost alion we got is a female that is a male that doesn't work that way and it looks like we literally only have one female Prost alion oh oh there's two I don't want to mess with that one all right you're going to do it wait is this one good that's a female yeah too many other stats though so we basically have to remove all of the stats from this one and then give it all of these stats that's why I was hoping the muscle head would work actually here's an idea let us try to get a second bolt but female RIS bolt all right we got uh one huge electric egg which is totally a GIS bolt hopefully this is a female version of well GIS bolt gisb bolt GIS bolt lucky muscle head that's not this is going to take forever again I think we should probably just risk it with trying to do the frost stallion way maybe one more should we do one more you guys want to do one more you two rbol and GIS bolt they're smiling they like it so this is kind of fun ah I just slept through the night and chests respawned on the top of my base this is so cool look at this I got a free automatic shotgun pump recipe pump I don't even know what that meant a pump shotgun pump action my goodness I can't words wow these are actually garbage if I remember right but I did get a diamond so we have that going for us and a large pal Soul those are kind of rare cuz Pals don't have souls unless we butcher them and we don't even get it from butchering them like I tried you two made me another egg though so I'm excited for that let us see what's inside of this one drum roll please and nailed it all right I'll sell that one to the black market all right Frosty in you go time to make some more demented new babies kind of what we're at it I kind of want to see none of these shadow beaks are exactly good skills so we might go try to capture a few more just to help out rybolt a little bit one alpha predator to another the shadow beak is going down oh yeah so much damage I kind of feel bad he's just rag dolling a buddy here get inside of his spear it'll be funner in there I promise why was I using guns before that's so much easier that was a Burly body that's defense not what we're looking for though but I'll definitely open up another free chest here hello a metal horn schematic one neat where's the four that I'm looking for you know we could also get some Maston cuz that's the next tier as well I mean we don't mind if I do just shoot them in the face both of them at the same time goodbye I think that one here where did he go ow I shot myself I didn't know you can even do that catch that see that the Ricochet shot no bad dinosaur you escaped the sphere you Dingus that's illegal getting another one you too all right we captured that one and it's a dragon skill that's not good stats but this one on the other hand this one's going to be the perfect one already it's going to have all of the best stats I promise or it's going to be like earthquake resistant no hard skin and brittle that's that's backwards that's like the exact opposite of things you're an oxymoron or just maybe a but we have another Shadow beak right around here that's kind of surprised hakin Skywalker's attack is highly effective against the Younglings and oh you dodged it on the ground you are another chosen one he's strong with the force get in there no you Dingus I don't like you anymore actually I do maybe I don't cuz you injured me too I will like you if few stats are good a come on man come on there it is have some good stats ferocious hey actually that one's good we need one of those oh this is great we have an aagon egg here oh there not enough cake so let's put this in see if we can get it also found a rocky egg it's probably going to be something stupid but we have lucky coward great this is going to be difficult let's get you guys some more cake so you can make more weird babies I think we should get the second one staged ready to go too and we can put the kiten in so this kiten like that is a cool skin I like that one might be one of my favorite I've never actually looked at them to see what they do are they good at anything Dear Mr kitson what are you good for you're a kindling okay the blue fire we have the legend ferocious lucky and musclehead here which is fantastic and you'll be waiting in there for a nice aagon actually we can start it cuz we do have a few okay that one is a male so we need a female H we want one with like negative no skin no skills I mean want hards it doesn't matter which one of these it is right we'll just use the big one cuz it's bigger and the is hilarious on how big this thing is look at that you can hold the entire thing in one hand all right get in the chamber my goodness it's so big now they're going to start producing the shadow beaks we need to make a perfect one of those these guys are still making the aagon which we will need and if we get a good one here we can okay a lucky aagon is actually better is this a male or a female let us see you should be in the party you are a male so let's check out these eggy boys hello egg number one o is that a dragon egg which one is this that's a dark egg right yeah huge dark egg all right so the dark egg will definitely be the shadow beak let's see if we can get a better aagon here please please ice Emperor lucky where did you get ice Emperor no never mind you got it from her all right I I'll try the dark egg please be good stats I just don't want a shadow beak with good stats Legend bottomless that's not good stats so let's see how another huge Dragon Egg Works please be good just a generic muscle head actually that's not too bad we can use that one it's a female that's better than this one being a female and having bad stats that also kind of ruins the egg that was being made over there but whatever I don't care cuz it's better to not waste our cake why are you floating like that that's awkward so I just grabbed some lunch and ate it real quick and I think some of these creatures have made some more eggs yes they have why are you doing this stop it so let's grab these quick four of them that should be nice and I'm guessing there's three over here yep oh there's four very good much beautiful let's start with the dark huge egg dragon eggs the can't words these are going to be asons all right ice Emperor that's not what I'm looking for we also have muscle head Legend that's better um why are there not good ones stop being so bad you have good jeans in you a lucky one whatever oh my goodness are you kidding me right now literally the first baby was the one we're looking for we did all this work I got to go through the rest of these That's The Power of having a RIS bolt on your team which one is it now this one nope this one right here Shadow beak Legend lucky muscle head Vanguard oh I don't think vanguard's the one it's not it's close though Vanguard is the player attack not attack we're looking for muscle head but that's still awesome that's interesting it came from a muscle head and muscle head and it didn't have that it got Vanguard instead but the good news is that we can plop this fella way over here into this cage and start making some Shadow beaks also I should check out the how damaging that thing is at like level one it already has 185 that's pretty solid right there so I might be mostly incompetent because well frankly that has muscle head but what it doesn't have is ferocious which I got on the very next one so we do have two Shadow beaks with every single one of the skills that we need as long as we don't get Vanguard however I do have another egg here ice Emperor ferocious my goodness they're hard to get now the other thing is is like even if we get the perfect Shadow beak we still need like uh a whole bunch of them to use in the condenser we need four + 16 which is 20 + 32 so 52 + 64 116 Shadow beaks in order to create the four star did you have to I did the math in my brain are you proud of me supposed to say you're proud of me come on come on dad say you're proud of me so here's the first pure bread shadow H why can't I never get their name right and that's the egg right here we'll do this one first which is the other egg from those two dinguses okay that one's wow that one's good muscle head lucky Legend awesome okay this one this could be it this could be the perfect Shadow Hawk Shadow beak nope but it's not of course it's not why why why would it be like we're we're trying to do something here game so this is really good we have that one that we just hatched but we also have one with ferocious so we could pair those two together also these things look amazing wow no wonder you guys told me to breed these they're so cool look at I'm stomping around looks like a griffin but now the real question is do I want to start creating like the ones that aren't good just so we have enough or should we just hold on I think we'll let's let's just try to make the good ones I'm just scared about polluting and like polluting bad stats into the good stats and we only need really four more decent ones they're going to take me a little longer but that's all right unless of course we just get the perfect one right here with this huge dark egg which we could totally do and we totally didn't but that's still a great one I also just recognize another severe problem that we have if I need a 100 more of these things I'm going to need 100 more cakes and I totally don't have enough for that but does this one give us the perfect one this could be good please still the Vanguard why does it have to be a Vanguard probably because its mom was a Vanguard I mean that's okay though cuz Apple doesn't fall far from the tree and that'll just be one of the first ones that we replaced so if we're going to Bake Some Cake we probably need some flour so let's make up some more flour 106 that's not too shabby also I realized you can buy flour we have 30 cakes being made there we've got two cuz we need eggs oh wandering Merchant Where Art Thou let us buy things from you hello no don't you run away I know you have eggs in there what are you doing why are you sitting down like that how do you do that that's weird here let me buy an industrial size quantity of eggs really you don't have eggs today is there eggs in here no why do I have two bees going we don't want bees we want egg Ling creatures not these these things go way unstable bee person let's get an artisan a chick bee go little Dingus now don't go eat other things at least he doesn't sit weirdly like our floating jol does give me the things my chickens desire why do you not have eggs either uh mind control meds H they do not heal Health but they control distance I don't know what that is but I need one look at me I'm Spider-Man Spiderman Spiderman but there are fun rumors that if we just refresh this Dingus a few times he'll bring us the Wares that we need I don't think that works oh he has mind control meds too but if I Spider-Man over here we should be able to get some eggs from this wandering Merchant I don't know what's going on maybe they changed it yeah there's eggs let's buy some and buy wheat too why don't we buy some milk or at it and some berries this is going to be really heavy isn't it you are way down don't worry i' literally have 2,700 lb of food on me thankfully I can just fast travel I also don't know why I keep my fridge way over here I also don't think the fridge works when I don't have a pal cooling it whatever I don't really care get in there trying to figure out if I have a box somewhere that I have souls in I don't know where it is maybe I just don't have any large Souls this one doesn't have it I do have some wood in here that's good oh that is my soul Bo give me this back I see they were hiding down here next to the furry tail and the padium fragments silly goober everyone knows that those go in here also why are you guys hiding in the tree you're supposed to be baking me cakes come back here Bake Me cake come back here Bake Me cake same with you this way the cake station's here fellas cake lands oh they're eating tomatoes regardless we can make a buttload more cakes now that's 50 of the 100 we need he's break dancing there you go fella I'm proud of you I really need to get the mods that allow you to customize what people work on but I'm too lazy to install mods so there you go really I don't want you on I want no come back here no not you get on the mill you big ugly thing space squid I don't even know what you are go play with the cake no I don't want you get this I oh I don't make me do this I will butcher you are you for real right now fella are you are you for real for real there you go also that fox bark just made fun of me FK that'll learned him a lesson look at the Moss sand just vibing back here he's actually assigned to this thing but I just won't even ask questions I'm feeling good about this the next round of eggs is a upon us give me all the love that is blossoming in the air are you guys out of eggs why did you only make one a you didn't have enough cake thankfully I did bring some there you go eat the cake and give me more eggs we need Shadow beaks for days might as well use this one now we can do the aagon eggs first why are you outside of your pen you Dingus nope we don't like that one we also don't like that one can we have just a regular one without like the ice Emperor junk like I'd be cool with that yeah without workaholic either I have a feeling that GIS bolt over there he's just he's just having a hard time a muscle head Shadow beak that's pretty good along with that one without workaholic they're always getting one stat that we don't want scratch that yes we got it we got it woohoo all right that's the perfect Shadow beak now we just need to breed an entire buttload of them yep Legend ferocious lucky muscle head it's all plus attack attack stats nice 205 base damage at level one passive skills plus 85% also really really bad at work speed but I don't care about that what are we going to name you I don't know what to name you we'll just name you Alpha Shadow beak right now if you guys want to name it drop a comment down below could we get lucky and get a second one right away like how cool would that be that's definitely not the right one another one here ferocious me all of these are pretty good stats though like to be real honest that's because they come from good stock oh very cool I just got another Super Shadow beak so I'm trying to replace some of these that have like Vanguard in them with things that we don't need and if this is a male we have a male and a female perfect male and perfect female and now what we need to do is fill up the rest of the pens with male and female Shadow beaks and then get 116 of them I don't even care what their stats are because we have one of each and they don't seem to run around anymore well that one did and now we just give it time and to every single one of these shadow beaks makes like 20 babies I wish I were joking but that's kind of the point we're at right now I'm starting to think that this place is actually cursed and that most of the creatures here don't even know they're alive oh oh oh those ones do don't worry about them though they won't be alive much longer now we do have to double check to make sure you're making babies how could you do that if you're outside of the map fellas you too wait you're not even here what is the chck I got to breathe sometimes o that is so annoying to me when games just don't work properly whatever yeah like who's this F just hanging out here I don't even know anymore H reminds me we need make more rocket launcher ammo too so this one's ferocious which one of you is ferocious you are the pal of it come here we need to lift you up and I'm guessing put you back in the proper location here make some babies this one's also interesting is it a different skin like it's got It's White and the rest of them are or it's like a gray chest and the rest of them have like a maybe it's the Shadows I don't know throw it in here and see it is different wild I didn't realize there were different skins for the creatures so we're going to start the condensation system so we can get a better understanding at how many of these Pals we need now we are going to level up Alpha there you are alpha we just have to make sure we get everything right here we don't want to put beta in here but I did get one more that was uh perfect stats there it is nope never mind okay begin condensation good okay we have stage one complete stage two complete now is when the an annoying happens do I have enough here I don't think so yep so we need 23 more of this plus 64 of the others that's a total of 87 more Shadow beaks my goodness it's going to take a little while for them to breed and as they do that I think I'm going to go make more rocket launcher ammo and collect a bunch of souls so to make gunpowder we need more charcoal and well that's actually not too bad we'll just make that quick and I did get the cement that we needed a while back to make more pal speres so let's make up a bunch of these five what what am I lacking oh padium fragrance so we'll just make 2,000 of those eventually it might get completed thank you for the ammo that's not so bad after all wow only 28 it takes a ton of gunpowder so let's head to the Zone where the gunpowder lives ooh there's a dungeon too don't mind if I do did you pick a fight with the local Wildlife Anakin he dead that's a good boy oh look a Palo I need a a bunch of these I swear if you die I will replace you the other fun thing is we're bringing Alpha along to gain some skills too and do the thing that we totally shouldn't be doing right right team oopsies did I just glitch through the wall that's okay it makes it easier to find the exit is this the exit no but surprise I just made it in I mean can I just hit you with this and it kills you not quite but I bet if I hit you with this it'll kill you not quite that either but a whole rocket swarm definitely does the job and now I can zoom my way out of here cool no I don't want to I want the treasure Innovative Tech manuals that's perfect so one of the annoying things about leveling all these pals up to maximum level is that you need an entire buttload of Souls and the best way to get the souls is either farming or zooming around until you find chests and then opening the chests up but it's a little bit hard hard to do both of them because not every pal drops their soul and occasionally you do find one on the shore and then it usually doesn't even have a soul in it so I may have let the game Run for a while who where's he going and we have made up quite a few eggs I mean there's I have no idea how many there are but I'm about to harvest all of them there were 20 in that one that's fun also everyone's just standing around so now comes the job of hatching all of these every 5.6 seconds and at a certain point I wish there was like a super like god tier level thing not Legend but something that can only be made through incubation I always love it when games hide Easter eggs like this but I'm just going to spend the next hour hatching all of these eggs so good news and bad news the good news is that we've actually found yet another perfect Shadow beak bad news is my inventory is almost full so it's time to condense some more everyone's favorite time of being genetically modified into goo and then put on top of a waffle actually that sounds kind of good right now I don't know it's kind of weird never mind but this guy needs 32 more Pals so let's start giving him some my goodness there's so many here that is the right one right yeah we got to make sure we're not like getting rid of somebody that we want to keep now I'm really excited here to see what this Fella's Max health and attack get to we also o-oh okay we're good now I don't think we have 64 remaining I think we still have to make a few more but I am really excited to see what his attack gets to when he's level 50 and when we boost him up with Souls unfortunately I don't have enough Souls so we're going to have to go Harvest some of them oh it's so close it's so stinking close ah Five Short which means I have 20 35 too many eggs plus the regular ones that we have here my goodness why don't I remove the Breeders that's probably a good plan they're so good though that's the real talk does it matter if I have three perfects though I don't think it does I don't know what the C letter is in what is that Latin Greek words I don't remember it's been a long time since I've taken any classes like that but we have alphabeta and Gamma which should be good maybe gamma is the right one there we go 64 yep I will proceed condensation complete that's fun good job team we just mutilated like 16 creatures but we got the four star now it's time to add some souls to him now I have 18 five and three in that chamber and if we zip our way up to the Statue we can start enhancing our boy all right Max Health we want that attack up that's the main thing we're looking for here one Soul two Soul then three and then a a fourth one but then it goes into the next tier which we just need a few of the mediums and of course it goes to the the huge Souls now this is going to be the problem because we're going to have to go fight some things and don't have enough to make that tiar but that's fine that means we get to go fight some things it's always a silver lining also we need to get rid of those poor doggies now one of the easiest ways to get these Souls is to attack the nubis now there's a few ways to do this we could capture him and then throw him tied of his spe sphere and then after he's in the sphere oh these guys are just going to attack no they're going to die we can butcher him like that's kind of a a rough thing to say but bro just totally smashed him hard all right that was good Alpha Shadow beak let's see what you can do you're not fully leveled up yet but I kind of want to see how this works that was 64 damage bro that wasn't very much but you're only level 33 and nope not allowed to do that good hit there friend ooh okay you're getting smacked but you are doing pretty good damage for a level 33 this thing is 47 after all oh you want me to play this game huh is that what we're going to do also I need to get the saddle for it I forgot about that good smack nice one no no no no no no no no stay away from me you're very dangerous and I don't like you oh but there is a treasure chest over there which I do like that all right you're coming back you're done it's play time's over friend we're going to take out the big dogs Anakin just going to go the dark side here for a half a minute you know what we need that Anubis to not be in the wall yeah that that's a good way to not go into the wall yeah that's a lot more damage too all right we're good have some beam comets in your life little little Dingus ow or get knocked over with some aerial missiles and a flare storm why not this what I'm never good at now the question is do I actually want to well uh unlive this guy or do I want to capture him I think the answer is capture and then unlive nope that was a backflip I'm pretty impressed with your skills Mr Anubis Dodge this though oh he did I can also Dodge that oh the turtle just came to play Bowser what are you doing here I kind of want to make no no I want to make the Anubis attack Bowser but we don't need to we're just hit him with a beam comet that should do a lot of damage yeah that's pretty good oh my goodness one of those flares pretty much kills good job you want some fire uhoh missed missed missed cancel that that wasn't too bad all right we'll switch over to some legendary Spears and then throw one at you I feel like 358 hit points is a good number might need to get it a little bit lower oh my Armor's damaged too that's unfortunate but please give me your soul Anubis thank you I needed that now I need another one he's also an earth Emperor and muscle head which are pretty good skills that's why he was doing a lot of damage to me and while we're at it we mights well give Alpha Shadow beak is now a level 37 because he got 173,000 hit points but I need you to attack and kill that quiver you should be okay it's not going to do much damage to you friend I scratched that maybe you are going to do we'll see I want to see 23 versus 37 and already damaged oh and I think we have the opposite like the the quiver is doing way more damage because of the the types yeah all right should I capture it I'm going to we just need some more XP for our friend the wings of white are on our side you have a big Soul you don't you have pal oil but the good news is we got a bunch more XP what level did you get up to Alpha 37 nice that also reminds me that I should be able to unlock the saddle for the shadow beak if I can find it wish there was just like a type that you could search for it I do have 11 skill points okay I I have it unlocked I haven't built it though and now we'll use that NIS to start building this thing up oh my goodness you're slow Mr Big Anubis we're going to have to uh punish you for that if I can find my my special item that I have hidden somewhere it'd be a shame it would be a shame and now we'll grab that I don't know what this is actually going to do but I have a a worse idea we have to pet him come here little NIS come here buddy why don't you obey me Anubis man he's not obeying I'm going to have to take him behind the Woodshed if you know what I mean throw him down now we can pet him I'm sorry I'm so sorry that this is going to happen oh man it's it's happening oh the foot no that's so wrong well that happened and we also got another Palo so that was good so with those extra Souls we should be able to go up here talk to the weird animated statue thing and enhance the alpha to level 10 30% increased damage so that's 152 what was the paladis at oh delicious paladis where are you Alpha oh my goodness you can't see everything this is like what happens when I go to like a Chinese food restaurant and you see the menu and you're like know half of the words and they're all great but you don't know what to order this is what's happening to me right now there's so many Pals in here I don't know which one to take uh pal deck number it's got to be towards the end of this all right paladis is perfect paladis a all right that's my other four star cool level 44 but 1,100 attack compared to the 1,500 of this one so I think we should go try out maybe that cuz I would absolutely love to let these things level up to 50 a it's adorable Zoe and grisol you act you actually missed and okay 7,000 hit already that's incredible Shadow big you're amazing oh my goodness this is great okay now you're out of stuff let's let your stamina recover slightly oh I forgot I can ride yes yes go away have a nightmare ball you Dingus Get Wrecked 15,000 Shadow burst I don't know what that okay that's the that one and then attack wow that was pretty cool also it's stupidly slow but I don't really mind because it does way ton of damage so why don't we try hitting up another Tower let me in I don't know if I've done this one yet maybe I have oh yeah this is the Lily one right yeah Lily and yeah whatever your name is all right have a shadow weak oh that's 1610 damage it's adorable 3,000 now this is a little different cuz there's 69,000 hit points on this creature but you're only doing 150 maybe we should level up the defense too nope you see that that was a sweet Dodge all right come over here we'll fight together so I can do a shadow burst on my own boom okay 3,000 ow ow ow ow ow Spirit flame oh my word nightmare ball oh I missed you know what I'll let you do what you do best boo nope you can't hit my friend I'll just dodge every shot and you shoot you in the face okay 400 damage those are pretty good each of those Shadow balls is amazing all right Shadow beak you got to do something that was a good hit nope I don't want to be attacked get your stamina back oh you're hungry I should have given you real food do I have any cake on me go away nice job boss eliminated that was 30,000 oh dude just jumped on it back 30,000 hit points or uh XP should really make some attack based food um yeah stay fully what work speed okay and we have attack plus 20% a masarina cheeseburger with flower what's masarina that's the cow I'll be honest I don't even know where the masarina lives wait hold on I haven't made a jolt hog Crist yet oh that's like a jol hog with a penguin or something right we might need to do that in another video mazaras live right over there if I were a adorable delicious cow where would I be hiding definitely not in here but there's some more XP for me to have here oh well fine that'll work all right 500 damage I'm sorry you're not the best anymore you are though and you missed you straight up missed please hit oh those are good good strike wow that was super easy and he got 20,000 XP for that not bad what is this precious Dragon Stone does our boy like to kill the bushy oh yeah 65 damage we really do need to level up his defense my oh my he's getting so strong now there it is easy wind we another 10K XP there's some adorable little moo units hello adorable moo unit would you like to jump inside of this tines spear you do right in the butthole aw you broke free oopsies well at least I got meat and I just fed all the meat to Shadow beak I wanted to feed the this meat to him instead so I guess I'll just capture a few more at least one really be nice to me I want to make you on my team thank you I appreciate you now so we'll cook up some of the delicious grub oh I could go for a cheeseburger right now like no lie I am so hungry do I want to have my leftover spaghetti for lunch or go down the street for a cheeseburger this is tough questions very tough questions also I like how none of my pal here are actually doing what they're supposed to do the masarina is just running around we have food everywhere we've got the water creatures that aren't doing their water tasks this guy he's doing all right though give me that burger dude I could go for a burger right now I say so good all right if I feed that to you how high that's 20% more ises that increase to 1880 my goodness I'm going to do it too I'm going to increase his defense slightly I don't think I'm going to use the purple ones but we'll do all of these regular blue ones we have plenty of these souls and I would love to get them to level 40 so let's find one more dungeon to run something big paladis jet ragon H oh how about the blasim mut thing or the aagon that could be fun where's where's the blasa mut it's over here somewhere yeah we'll do both of them see if I can remember how to get into this cave is this the entrance nope that's a dungeon not available right now scorching M shaft that's the one we're looking for hello sir nice of you to stop why are you on fire are you just allergic to being in here right now let's see how this goes cuz Dragon power yeah it doesn't work very good against it he's actually getting attacked quite a bit not a fan of this stop it you're beating up my friend that's better excuse me you two I need to go collect his chest do whatever you two need to do to each other ow just leave me out of it give me this oh yeah tech manual I'll just go ahead and learn those right now don't mind the big raging battle happening beside me oh yeah he's definitely allergic to fire let's try the paladis paladis should work a little better the frost Reagan would probably be the best okay we got him under 200 hit points let's go for a capture that should still give us the right amount of XP I think plus we can butcher him in the future if we need to or you know what go for the killing blow oh wait I threw a sphere I was going to throw my shadow beak down but this is going to capture anyway YP there you go get the kill buddy get the kill what are you doing do I have to remind you how to do this there it is oh you missed one have a nightmare ball beautiful okay that was 144,000 XP that's incredible so let's try against the aagon whoa I don't know how this is going to work it should be equally as dangerous oh you missed oh that's a new skill oh that doesn't work very well uh-oh uhoh Alpha pretty much just got koed my goodness I might need to help out here jump on back you hit you with rockets good that's good Houston we have a problem I glitched it through the wall but at least I got a free chest over the deal ah you came back I knew you missed me get that and this the one two KO blast and a Power Bomb my goodness I don't want to mention it but bro is stuck in the ceiling again kind of a big chunky fella that happens a lot oh no you can shoot me get dead if I kill it I still get the XP oh I missed Hi friend how are you I just looked at him funny and he died but that's another 129,000 XP and our friend got up to level 42 I definitely want to see what your stats are 1997 attack that's pretty solid and is that with the food buff it is very nice anyway my friends we've done it we've managed to make the perfect Shadow beak hope you enjoyed the video if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time I'd also like to thank all of my channel members and patrons including autod Dave Ben Dicky J Teddy hippius General Harris trenten codo RIT La Warrior Keegan h zarov maxer r BC engineer sarx Spencer T whiskey YH splatter saxs Doug rules Fred dton seek cander D Payton plays fussy badge link KET Kyler J Nitro Nitro Wyatt K and Rainbow Dash
Channel: Blitz
Views: 322,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blit, blotz, biltz, palworld, pal world, palworld gameplay, palworld blitz, palworld intern, palworld multiplayer, palwordl, palwolrd, palworld boss, palworld bosses, palworld hatching, palworld animals, palworld eggs, palworld condenser, palworld essence, palworld essence condenser, palworld most legendary, palworld breeding guide, palworld tips and tricks, palworld tips, palworld secrets, palworld shadowbeak, shadowbeak
Id: 4t_KGEdvT8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 19sec (2839 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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