This Man's Attracted to Balloons (TLC, My Strange Addiction)

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oh my god the backlight is not matching my shirt hi guys welcome back to my channel my name is Michelle McDaniel I am a personal trainer the proud mother of a pug a past the Internet I got a grown up cosplayer not in cosplay today and this video would have been perfect for it I know I should have dressed up like him but we are saving it for a longer very detailed G slash funny reaction video so hit that subscribe button so you don't miss it yeah pug mom jokes so you guys have been wanting my thoughts and opinions on a show that I've been seeing and commented on a lot of my comment sections called strange love so I texted it and starts crawling and not a lot came up so it makes me wonder did I get the name of the show that you guys wanted me to comment on wrong yes you did yes or is there just not that much on YouTube either way I started scrolling and this came up which I was going to react to because we just talked a little bit about sugar daddies and sugar baby but then right underneath was this one home meet the man who is sexually attracted to balloons and I thought that it was weird and I'm a weird person and then it reminded me of the Bob's Burgers episode where Linda's father said that his thing was when women inflate a balloon pump it drives really crazy so this guy has a little something in common with a character from Bob's Burgers which is amazing and it got me thinking is this thing I read somewhere that people are into anything some normal things and some very odd things and when I was watching that Bob's Burgers episode I was like this is so weird that it has to be real and then I saw this guy who is attracted to balloons so here we are it is real I want to see it I want you guys to watch it with me but before that I want you to share with me in the comment section something that you are just oddly attracts to you I already shared mine with you Ace Ventura pet detective hot remember I read every single comment when the video is still new so I do not be shy I might make fun of you but you guys made fun of me for liking Jim Carrey but we're a family here and that's what families do we roast each other with love okay let's start my name is Julius I'm 62 years old and I'm addicted to balloons okay so just so you know I've said this in my other TLC review egde of shows that they over exaggerate everything but also like I said in the beginning of this video that kinks are out there anything you think of people are going to be attracted to it so it has me thinking did they really over exaggerate this or is this guy just being him and we want to think that it was scripted and written because it's so offer us we don't have people out here saying oh yeah that's a hot-looking balloon but isn't it kind of ought to think that this guy is completely getting off right there with the cameraman in the room recording him with his room full of balloons while he walks down the street with his balloon blowing is balloon that's what she soon yeah now they're beautiful they're soft smooth delicate I have a connection with intellectually I know that balloons are not alive okay good he knows that they are literally objects I was worried for a second that he thought they were real and had conversations in his room that would be weird but no he's normal but sometimes I wonder if it's my love for them that brings them to life okay it's very similar to two art art comes to life when you look at it long enough very similar to the curse the Cowardly Dog episode I understand this Junius has been addicted to balloons for over five decades it started when he was a child as an innocent attraction to the shapes and colors now Julius has filled his home with over fifty thousand balloons and can't sleep unless he's surrounded by them I wonder if it's like a security blanket type thing like it's haami pickles on his bottle he not suing his scarf type thing even though his scarf protected him way more so than a party city balloon would protects anyone I love all balloons but I do have my favorites I like the crystal clear the transparent yeah it's like a soap bubble you know you can see through it so you know this fart I think the producers told him to do so it's like a soap bubble you know you can see through it do you think he really stands in the room with a clear balloon smashed on his face a soap bubble you know you can see through it I've got long ones the round ones but my favorite is the experiment maybe he does people like boobs on their face me maybe it's the same thing and balloon on the face why I don't know I guess it's like a guy that prefers blondes or brunettes you know yep that's it's the same thing this is my balloon sanctuary I have magenta purple yellow I don't have many white ones - sorry why tease those orange balloons though flourishes one of my favorite balloons is the weather balloon probably one of the softest balloons I've for me it's a bigger the better girl oh wait it's more of a I guess you can say it's more to love body-positive activist we have a major body positivity going on over here with this man the bigger the better because you're all inclusive group include balloons but Judy's his obsession with balloons goes beyond shapes and colors my love for balloons it's also a sexual love when I see a beautiful balloon my heart starts to flutter and I get aroused I'll take a 12 inch and I'll inflate it to Lebanese that way you can take a lot of abuse abuse that way you can take a lot of abuse abuse oh I'll kiss it and it's like being in heaven so holy crap it is a thing I wonder if the writers of Bob's Burgers based Luke Linda's dad off of this guy and why does he look so much like the guy with the house of balloons from one of my favorite movies sounds very conspiracy to me there's lots of people out there feel the same way as I do about balloons but there's two groups of the lunar group you got your poppers oh my god star tunes don't lie Linda's father is a lunar popper but does it have to pop pop laughs what wait we're glad you see that first world wide web and you got your nan poppers [Music] I'm an odd popper just the way that he's fondling the balloon tip it's interesting julius his addiction to balloons started when he was hospitalized at just four years old ah here we go the trauma part there is always some type of backstory that happened when they were little and this is why this is the way they are a mother come to visit one time and she gave me a a real nice blue balloon but that night the nurse grabbed it and I heard the balloon pop so after she left just cried myself to sleep okay a little four-year-old boy turned into a 67 year old man having a fetish for balloons fondling them blowing them sitting in a quiet room alone with hundreds of them all because of balloon pops I mean I thought I was dramatic but he takes the cake at a party full of balloons since then the sound of a balloon popping devastates Julius oh so he's definitely not like Linda's father like if we just asked a bunch of like really attractive women to run into his house and sit on all of his balloons and pop it that is the exact opposite of what he wants so this guy goes on balloon rescues people go out in public and find any balloon that looks like it needs to be rescued because it's about to get pop or not treated well and he will rescue them I'll go to car dealerships you do what I call a balloon rescue just imagine having that much time to go out during the day and go rescue some balloons I am jealous but genius doesn't share his extreme love for balloons with many people except for anyone washing TLC and this video and anyone else who made reaction videos to his love of balloons except for all of those people the only people that know him is my family I mean how I fix it strange he has a real wife I thought his wife would completely be a balloon or he was married to all those balloons you know I had someone call her the other day and say all of my friends are skinny and they're all married and men don't even look at me every man leaves me because I'm fat this guy is fat he's attracted to balloons and has thousands of them in his home and a real wife I don't want to hear none of y'all saying you can't find somebody that accepts and loves you for you my wife thinks it's strange but she accepted I'd yeah it's not dangerous and I have no desire to change I mean he's not hurting anyone so his nephew was actually a addiction counselor hmm seems very convenient TLC anyway he's trying to convince his uncle to go see a counselor because his nephew probably doesn't want to counsel him and know what he does to balloons I've heard through the family a little talk about your balloons that's your balloon room so what kind you have oh man so many honestly I would be so intrigued but also weirded out to hear that any of my family members did things to balloons heard that there was a some physical attachment to these balloons maybe sexually there's sexual overtones to it really yeah what is it that gives you that sense is it a smell or if he likes it all baby she's every woman right she's every balloon it's all he needs feel the smell the looks you looked and I don't want to go any further into that okay you ever think that maybe there's something wrong nope I'm normal this is normal this is Oh normal that's why I'm on my strange addiction and my wife refuses to tell the world that she's my wife if you feel like it you have to keep things hidden especially something like this there's obviously a problem I mean to be completely fair most people don't broadcast what they do in the bedroom so how long have you been doing how many years altogether do you have collected eggs blood oh collecting them I started when I was about eight okay all right so you're 62 now so that's why forty 40 years wait a minute math is not my forte but that's 54 ha I'm smarter than a balloon man and a most likely fake therapist my life is completed it's been a lot of time and energy during the day with them know just sometimes come up go up now well sometimes I'll rescue them like a you know car dealership then I'll spend a little time you know if they're still floating I'll let them float till they fall maybe he is a real therapist he seems to be doing so good at this conversation and not reacting to his uncle having scx with balloon because my first reaction if a family member comes to me and says that they perform sexual acts on balloons is don't come near any of the balloons that I set up at Yoshi's birthday party those are for her not for your area and I've got some that's over 40 years old really yeah Wow is it does it cost a lot of money doing this no I don't think so there's people that spend more money buying guns we're comparison but we know that he's extra and he's not lying he's saving a lot of money with this love men are you tight on cast get yourself a balloon they come in a variety of colors and they don't speak have you ever thought about going and talking to somebody about I don't have a problem right so why be concerned everybody's trying to make me think like I got a problem I don't that's what I said oh my friends tricked me into going to HC a hot cheetos Anonymous I thought I was okay but I really wasn't but I'm all better now I've seen a psychologist before and about the only thing he said to me is well you're not hurting anybody so why worry about well that's the tsys it's literally true he's not hurting a soul except for his wife and maybe freaking out a lot of his family members and anyone who lost you'll see show but he's not physically harming anyone he's doing his thing in the comfort of his home with his balloons and that's it and he should be able to do whatever he wants he's not hurting anybody I mean it's not gonna stop me from laughing at it though but boy do your thing so I hope you guys enjoyed this video I loved reviewing shows from TLC remind me whatever that show you guys wanted me to do I know you guys have loved and locked up and then there was a another show that was love at first sight or strange love something like that remind me so I can write it down and I'll watch it on my couch in between my anime episodes thanks for watching and I will see you guys next time you see the jumpy unfitted up in my car in the kitty do you secure the baguette you know and I'm completely better don't you dare say nothing
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 75,328
Rating: 4.9671459 out of 5
Keywords: tlc, my strange addic, my strange addiction full episode, my strange addiction complications, tlc uk, balloons, man attracted to balloons, attracted to balloons, man with looner, looner attraction, reality television full episodes, reality television shows, reality television, funny shows, funny reactions, reaction channel, michelle mcdaniel
Id: z6jAAoSbHwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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