Exposing 90 Day Fiance [Caesar's Story Line is so FAKE]

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Caesar was bad... Just bad acting, bad storyline. Good to see what his actual personality is from his insta, he probably just was never comfortable filming the show.

I feel like TLC gets the most average people who are attention-seeking and make them look a bit worse than they actually are

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/lilpuzz 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

What did I just watch??

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/aajniojnoihnoi 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

Incredibly fake. You can’t reconcile his IG with his persona on the show. Ok, well... he has an inflated sense of ego in not but they’re expressed in different ways.

And that tie was short ON PURPOSE!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

Meh, valiant effort.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/krischon 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

Love Michelle!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/allison_wunderlandd 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2019 🗫︎ replies
I mean you guys are welcome to stay with us as long as you want our house is your home but I do expect you to do some things around the house since you are gonna be living here I understand that you're Asian and since I know it's in Asian woman's blood maybe you can give me like a Thai massage by the pool every every other day is that fine with you cut what now what now Briana sir my name is Brianne okay Brianne we just need you to say it a little more naturally so Aska in a more natural way see the problem with that is that it's not a natural question you see my wife is here my best friend is here and you're asking me to ask my best friend's wife to give me a Thai massage by the pool butt-naked what exactly is natural about that yes we completely understand where you're coming from but the trick is to say it in a natural way here I'll just coach you each line okay repeat after me all right you are Asian you are Asian can you can you give me a Thai massage in front of the pool butt naked in front of my wife because you are Asian what see that doesn't sound weird to you oh no no it sounds very very odd to me but it will make for great TV then how am I supposed to make that sound natural if it's such an odd question like I said in the beginning sir make it sound natural you see the dripping I'm sitting in my car in the kitty do you secure the bag before we start because whenever I wear this wig I always get faceless commenters saying that I think you're super ugly underneath all of that makeup and wig I bet you're bald I bet you're just hideous first of all I'm a cosplayer make up and changing yourself into some kind of character is what calls play it's all about it's cold playing dress-up and I've done it ever since I was a little minion that will do it until I'm an old beard lady and second I don't know if it's because this look it's the blonde hair and the big boob thing and the faceless commenters are just a little bit intimidated by my rack girl is the nastiest skank [ __ ] and so it kind of forces them to leave these comments and I invite them to you know you wanna go live with me and talk about it a little bit you seem a little irritated but if you'd like to see my natural hair I have quite a few videos with my natural hair I've posted about my natural hair on my Instagram you would know that if you followed me what are you waiting for my boos my hair and my wigs are waiting but I also don't feel the need to announce every single time I have my natural hair out because I'm someone who doesn't measure up my worth - what's on my head but if we're putting a number or a price on it today it's about $35 from Sam's Beauty anyway 90-day fiance you guys our guilty pleasure on this channel today we are expressing our favorite Nell tech whose girlfriend is a Russian model that he said $40,000 and never met her play the victim Caesar oh wait where are my girls hold on one second [Music] so if you watched the last video and if you didn't shame remember how in the video I said a lot of these stories are most likely faked stretched scripted I've had friends on reality television and they've literally had producers hand feed them they're lying here's a producer's hand right in the palm are the lines and they just like spoon feed it right into my friends mouths majority of the things that my friends have said on reality television didn't come from their brain it came from producer everything is decided in the beginning everyone has a planned storyline personality this person will be hated this person will be loved this person will cheat on their significant other and this person is gonna go home because we just notice how boring you are once the camera started rolling you're not really doing anything that producers are telling you to do and we need you to leave because ratings and you are going to lower them so by and 90-day fiance is absolutely no different so today we are exposing them supposedly one of Cesar's clients took to Reddit because she is watching the season and supposedly she knows the truth and honestly I believe this because the storyline is odd the storyline feels forced but still a hopeless romantic it's very important for me to have somebody that's my soulmate I think that Cesar is a horrible actor it just it just doesn't seem normal somebody that I can walk the beach with lo-roll life and basically in like a dreamland like I love you I'll leave what I found below but we're gonna read it together right here right now according to the reddit user sees her storyline was true but most of the drama was forced by producers according to this person Maria is a real person who was in communication with Caesar but the two apparently broke up while Caesar was in talks to film before the 90 days the poster alleges that despite the split producers of the show proceeded to move ahead with the storyline knowing that Maria would never show up to me Caesar on film according to other things that I read Maria didn't want to show up on film and so that's why they kind of morph this storyline into what it was on 90 day fiancé because she originally didn't want to be on the show but Caesar wanted to be on this show and of course the producers wanted the storyline because it would get a lot of people talking which means a lot of people would view it and that means more money which is what this whole thing is all about in the reddit users lengthy post she touched on the fact that Caesar used his spot on the show as a way to get more acting work down the line and wrote that he didn't blame Maria for breaking up with him and didn't regret giving her so much of his hard-earned money after five here's me working hard and working my ass off I've just I've never been hurt like this before you might want to leave Mexico with your fiancee but now I'm leaving Mexico alone all alone now okay maybe I could try to go to Ukraine and talk to her there you know how when the show they really press the idea that Caesar sent her forty thousand dollars never even met her but every single episode is seen like they brought up that forty thousand dollars over the years I've sent forty thousand dollars to Maria according to the Reddit user he never sent her forty thousand dollars it was a significantly a less amount of money that he sent her so to back up her claim about Caesar being an actor she posts his Caesars acting profile which has now all the sudden been deleted Caesar it seems a little sketch now if you're an avid 90-day fiance freak like me then you would know where that beginning scene that we acted out very oscar-worthy might I add especially the girls they did an amazing job over here but if you are an avid 90-day fiance a washer then you know exactly what that team came from and that this is not the first time that 90-day fiance is being exposed about adding a little bit of flavor to people storylines in a past season Annie a Thai woman was asked by her husband's best friend if she could give him a Thai massage because she's going to be living with him kind of insinuating that this is like her repaying them for letting both of them stay in his house and he asked this very awkward weird question right in front of his wife when you're on your 90-day busy season you know you're not allowed to work but we would like you to know maybe volunteer to do some things like you know volunteer I know I like Thai food I would love you love to cook yes I like to get massages I like Thai massage so is there something that you would be full to you know volunteer to give me a massage or something about the pool or Nikki the wife decided to speak out against the show let's be clear this was not my idea at all Nikki claimed the producers of the TLC show pretty much fed those lines to Chris in order to stir up some controversy for the show she says they didn't get paid for filming only the main couples do and that the rooftop scene was actually shot multiple times so Chris could get his lines right she also adds that this is why no one had a reaction to the shocking request right I love like bless my mom's adorable soul but she is someone that watches these shows that gets super into it and when that happened she was like oh my god how could he do that scum I can't stand them they're all the same I can't believe this and I'm just sitting back watching both the shows my mom freaking out and this 90-day fiance show which is clearly clearly so far from reality it's hilarious the producers know exactly what they are doing and that's why they do it I'm very surprised that Nikki and her husband did that because they didn't get paid I can understand why the couples do it because I heard they don't get paid very much you want to make sure to have a good storyline and a good plot you want to make sure to get people watching you because then hopefully you get more deals out of it and you get more money like Chantal and Pedro got their own spin-off show that nobody probably watched tell me in the comment section if you're like one of the three people that watched it because I just didn't do anything for me it didn't intrigue me I didn't care it's not a fan of pet join to telemundo facial expressions and i am someone who lives for Latin soap operas [Music] but this face gets on my nerve but with all of that fakeness being said I looked up Cesar's Instagram and he is a whole different man he flexes hard on all of us and it makes it hard to watch as a woman because let me just warn you men out there because your girl Oh or your man most likely after I show them these clips going to leave you I already left my boyfriend the moment I saw this man's profile Cesar Mack coming home from the gym giving you a little taste of perfection and now I'm just going to say what everyone is thinking what is going through Maria's head to not be with perfection not only are we dealing with perfection but perfection is I think trying out for Chippendales [Music] or maybe just standing in front of the artwork I'm not sure I don't I don't know what's going on here but it's nothing less than amazing so something I noticed going through all of Cesar's Instagram because I am creepy like that I went through the whole thing I noticed that there was absolutely no pictures of Maria even when because I found his Instagram a while back when the 90 day before the 90 date started and I noticed there was absolutely no pictures of Maria ever at all at all ever and in this joke he gives off just for this um just image of like oh I'm so in love with this girl she's kind she's smart funny she makes me feel special we've been together for five years I would think that someone who bought chocolate panties well she loves this I bought her some gummy panties I had bought her some chocolate panties it's unique gift but she loved it paid for at least two or three vacations that didn't go through she dipped out not even like going at all paid over $40,000 to would have at least one picture of the Ukraine model that he says he loves so much summary arrives tomorrow I'm gonna propose to her because I do love her and she's the most important person in my life so there's absolutely no pictures of Maria which is just more of a I think Caesar is someone very similar to my father probably not to the extent of my dad but someone that likes to play the victim and then use it for his own benefit Caesar's non-existent acting career which is so weird because the acting was just bad like I love you recordings are sources I don't know I didn't look it up if you do let me know what you see but Maria does porn she's on that website where a lot of American American men have fetishes for Ukraine women and they get money from these people and so I feel like she kind of was talking to Caesar for five years and he sent her money over time and gifts and whatnot and it was one of those things that you know you see a lot when it comes to those kind of website and the Caesars trying to use it to his advantage and she didn't want to be on this show because she was like why this is my job are you trying to play with my job and now Cesar's trying to play the victim when he knew darn well what was going on so I don't feel bad for him I thought there was any type of relationship I feel like it was just a money exchange for attention he probably wanted sex but it never got there because it didn't its unique gift but she loved it but there's no pictures of Maria but there are tons of videos of how much money he's going to spin about to spin some big money and now we box justifiable dance floor right now hopefully my personal money and he's just walking through the mall you know showing what he's going to buy but then he never buys anything this one just says yeah baby and he's just in a stores videotaping items to the last one that I saw says money money money and he starts videotaping some shoes and a purse I just like his Flex approach with business is never buy anything just videotape the things that he wants everyone to think that he bought or maybe Maria and other girls that he's most likely talking to on the Ukrainian a website and make them think that you're gonna buy these things because you're standing in the store and you're commenting about to spend big money but you never do the icing on the cake though was this mean the only meme throughout his whole Instagram at least at the time of this video is a photoshopped picture of Tim getting his nails done by Caesar and it says I want the glossy look I want people to know I don't do physical labor ah yes the look say no more fan and he says I love all the memes thank you as if we all don't know and suspect that he didn't make this weird odd meme himself because if we're being completely real they both are referred to as kitties him sending $40,000 supposedly to a woman that he never met in Ukraine who barely talks to him over the years I've sent $40,000 to Maria and Tim was called that by his very own girlfriend straight to his face it's just such a different person from what we've seen on 90 day fiancé I mean on Instagram he is a confident ripping off the shirt baller that never buys anything party guy that seems to be living his best life our 90-day fiance he's just this weird man that has a very soft voice and is sitting on a couch watching the same video of this Ukrainian woman over and over again she says mean these little videos and she's given me pet names like Big Daddy I personally think the producers made majority of the story yeah I mean what do you guys think a couple of you were on the last video saying you know this is fake right no I had no clue I only said it in the original video anyway like the article said he said that he wanted to be on the show to further his acting career which I just find odd because the acting was like d-level especially on the reunion which we can talk about it's kind of old news now but f level on there I found him in his Instagram very interesting because apparently he is a baller in real life sowhat's which Caesar give luck on that acting career I'm sure the jobs are just rolling in after that performance anyway if there is another show that you would like my thoughts on make sure to tell me in the comments section if you enjoyed this video hit that thumbs up button I should do those things that I see all those popular youtubers do if this video gets too what's a random number a thousand likes I don't know what to say I don't even look at like the thumbs up things but a thousand I took me a lot out anyway we can review the new season of 90 day fiancé they just keep on coming out with more and more and I am loving it anyway if you want more of me follow me on Instagram and Twitter and of course Yoshi has an Instagram what kind of plug mom would I be if I didn't give my baby an Instagram I will see you guys all next time thank you so much for watching bye guys hi guys Brianne here the producer you have asked me to announce when I would have more produce available remember that's my small business that I started with my boyfriend with protein donuts with two grams of sugar and 10 grams of protein we are restocked and ready for you guys to order and if you want the back story on this business I made sure to link to that below you guys said that you missed my storytime so I wanted to make sure to give you a little story time of my back story for when I started this business thank you so much for all the support I have to go now and hand feed lines to people who don't know how to ask for a Thai massage in front of their wife naturally you see the dripping I'm sitting in my car in the kitty I secure the bag I get up you know you see the trippy I'm finished I ended up in my karma kitty I secured the Mikey I get the bus [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 161,144
Rating: 4.9261007 out of 5
Keywords: caeser from 90 day fiance, 90 day fiance exposed, before the 90 days, caeser mac, caeser 90 day fiance full episodes, 90 day fiance, Paying Foreign Brides $40, 000 With Miniminter, 90 day fiance my thoughts will probably offend you, ukrainian dating sites, 90 day fiance tlc, tlc, russian bride, man sent 40k to woman he never met, exposd, exposing tlc, 90 dya fiance before the 90 dyas, tlc uk, my thoughts will probably offend you
Id: 9sB3VqMsrMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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