Big Ed is Still GROSS, ATHLEAN-X LIES, JOJO Siwa is OLD! (And more lol)

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this video is sponsored by me and my lifetime support group or you get a 12-week gym program a at-home workout program and group zoom boot camps almost every Saturday where my clients look at me like this as I constantly say we're almost done guys I promise along with staying in a very active Facebook support group full of nerds with a tad bit of Disney villain for a nice link is below please follow directions to make sure you get add it to the group sometimes you guys send emails to my youtube email so make sure to follow the directions so you contact the correct email hello youtube welcome back to the channel if you're new here welcome I am Michele McDaniel I'm a personal trainer very enthusiastically proud mother of a pug a past theatre nerd gone grown-up cosplayer this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you wear it share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person so you know the drill that there is anything offending you today let us know in the comment section tell the world this is the place to do it and while you're down there you might as well hit that subscribe button because I post one to two times a week sometimes three and more than normally dressed in cosplay so don't be a little shy Sally let us know what's bothering you is it the girl's eyes a bra was not working today was either have them squished up into my face or have them be free and flappin and we chose freedom today is another episode of does this offends you where I share topic issues situation events and things that happen in the media that people are offended about and I tell you my thoughts and if I was offended and then you tell me your thoughts and if you're offended let's get started with number one athlean uses fake weights Jeff Cavaliere was previously the head physical therapist of the New York Mets and runs a hugely successful YouTube channel recently Jeff got called out for using fake weights in his videos by a man named Greg Jeff is a liar he's lying about how much weight he's lifting he is you lie and if you hate it then I think the Jeff lied that he's lying then I don't care that's what I think okay just going to say it this guy has to be the voice actor for dr. Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb's really be doing is fighting fire with fire I'm just being very truthful but it did look like from the majority of videos sunny loss that people were very biased because a lot of people like Jeff he's a likable guy he gives out really useful information I haven't seen a ton of videos but from what I've seen I really like the way Jeff breaks down certain topics plus he breaks out a marker and colors on his skin and coloring is fine one write up in through here I am someone that doesn't normally watch Fitness channels don't let the muscles fool you i watch a lot of very weird things mostly cartoon but I am NOT an avid watcher which makes me pretty unbiased which is perfect for a very friendly critique but I want to look at this issue as someone who would avidly watch athlean-x most likely the majority of his fan base are washers are men Wow props to him he didn't even have to show the girls to get them to watch but I put myself into athlean-x as audience shoes I will now morph into a man whose goal is to be strong lifts insane amounts of weight back on some serious muscle so I can get a lot of tits in my face yeah I'm sorry you guys anime can get very weird very quick and for some reason I'm into a lot of boob jokes today I apologize but I'm also not gonna stop personally if he's using fake weights in his demonstrations I don't find that to be that big of a deal mostly because he's showing and telling more about form it's not really about how much he's lifting he's trying to show you the form but wait there's more there's a video that Greg called out where athlean-x why do I keep calling him athlean-x his name's Jeff we're obviously on a first-name basis you don't know who the hell I am where he's claiming he's dead lifting about 500 pounds and then great pops in and says hey hey hey no no no these fake weights man so be truthful and when I saw that I was like well Jeff because if that is true that he's claiming he's doing a certain amount of weight and then the weights are fake we've got some Brad Castleberry on our hands so when you hear like you zation zhem you know what do you care lady oh I don't care at all actually it's a compliment it's a compliment and I would be giving a very big side I I personally don't care how much people are lifting it doesn't flutter my tits like it does for some people but I can see how it can be very annoying to people where that is very important and they follow Jeff for this reason to get stronger and Jeff proving that he lives a certain amount of weight if I followed him for those reasons I would be pretty disappointed if this was true it doesn't take away from the knowledge that Jeff talks about but it would raise an eyebrow and I would question what else is fake is it the hair huh Jeff is it the hair do we shop at the same wig store okay I'm being serious I know this is a serious topic for a son of you serious I'm ready Greg also made claims that athlean-x I mean Jeff takes certain things to make and look better if he wants to lie to impress more people with a strength why not lie about being on HRT or not but Jeff responded by Greg as a rule I don't spend my time focusing on those who attempt to gain my attention I also respectfully stay out of the negativity that often turns YouTube Fitness into a sideshow rather than a platform to help and inspire others that said you've allowed some serious allegations here I'm inviting you down to take whatever drug test you'd like for me to take don't wait get on a plane and come down I will pay for your flight in your hotel I'll even let you watch me pee in a cup if that's your thing whoa things are getting high no if that's the right word Gregg might just be into that who knows we don't we don't shame on this channel ever I'll let you bring your own videographer and chronicle the whole thing so you can upload the video to your channel and get the views that said everyone should have some skin in the game don't worry I'm not asking for your life as in your quote unquote gun the head scenario what I am asking for is that if I fail your test that you do the responsible thing for making allegations like this and shut your channel down if I fail then I will do one better I will also shut down my channel and give you a million of those suppose ten million a year that I make I will be awaiting your response I just need to know what airline do you prefer the light Jeff Thomas said in the beginning he usually doesn't tickle the fancy of these people who make these videos about him he just kind of ignores it but this time he decided to write a comment and the time that he decides to write a comment people are kind of irritated because he did not dress all of the allegation that Greg said in his video like the almost 500 pound deadlift video I would personally think if he's going to let this guy watch him pee in a cup he will surely watch him do in almost 500 pound deadlifts and then this whole little virtual boy fight can all be cleared up a loving beautiful amazing just gorgeous family's goal was to adopt a son from China the family even filmed the process on their blog and everything was amazing until the family decided to give the child away that's basically what happened and people were pissed so I don't want to go super deep into this story it's fairly new and there are so many issues going on that would make this video so long and I'll probably just make a main video on it once more info comes out so if you want a video that really breaks down the whole story the YouTube channel spill did a great job of that I'll link it below and let her know some weird cosplay buff chicks in chef but for now I'll let you know the basic Micha and James staffer documented their whole process of adopting a little boy from China the adoption agency made it completely clear that this is a difficult child and urge them to find another child more fitting from what I've read the child had brain and there was a tumor among other things Michael would not take no for an answer and assured them that God told her and this is her son and she will never give up on him never if anything my child is not returnable during the process of bringing their new child home they held a GoFundMe account where their subscribers could help them bring the child home we'll have a link to the fundraiser if you guys want to donate in the description box below but we have a thousand-piece puzzle and every time someone donates each puzzle piece is worth five dollars every time someone donates we start putting the puzzle pieces together even though these videos would get a great amount of views along with sponsorships I guess they needed the money it continued after the child was with them so you post about the child and continued getting tons of views recently the subscribers noticed there was a lack of little Asian boy and the pictures and videos and the subscribers turned into the mystery gang allegedly Micah and James rehomed that's their words their adopted son of three years because he had issues with them filming him and didn't fit in according to this comment it is true I live near her and have mutual friends she has told people about how he doesn't want to cooperate with her filming and stuff and because of that he doesn't fit in with them she hasn't put in nearly as much effort as she could to meet his needs the truth will come out soon more people were asking questions and peeking and poking into this family's life because they seemed to share everything about this boy and then abruptly stopped eventually Micah and James posted a video telling their audience they gave away their child and gave them to his real forever home this one was just a test for the past three years you know people were mad and now Micah and her family are being investigated she's taking down all of the videos and made Thomas disabled on her Instagram I kind of just line it up with my dog I don't have human children I have fur baby but before I decide to bring any animal into my house I make sure to do my research I make sure that this animal is going to fit into my lifestyle and before I sign papers or go through the process I want to make sure to say that yep this is the animal that's going to be in my house it's going to have the best life it's going to ever have but that's the goal and I feel like that should be the goal when you are adopting someone especially if they know exactly what they're getting into and the people told them hey just so you know it's gonna be a difficult one so when I heard all of the things that that doctor was telling us it kind of went in one ear and out the other and then they use the child for views and then they're like oh never mind we don't want them take them back we'll rehome him but we're gonna still you know keep all the videos up and the views and I'm not gonna tell my audience for a while [Music] so that one didn't really offend me it was more like well you're not a good person but you know my opinion what is yours people are offended by X Dance Moms stars Jojo C was beau telling a 16 year old that she needs to act her age and stop wearing that bow because it's not appropriate Jojo is famous for her sparkly outfits colorful bows and very colorful personality plus this chick is a freaking business woman at 16 she has a whole empire flip-flops skate scooters whatever this stuff is I don't know I have the freaking Nickelodeon logo on it I was at Walmart the other day and there was a whole pile of just Jojo Sewall merchandise and boom but some critics think she needs to trash the bow because she's growing out of them many people in the comments like to say she's older than tick tock star Charlie DM leo who arguably has a more mature image and they think Jojo should take the same path I don't understand people because when these 16 year old child stars starts you act older then all the moms want to complain that their kids watched these icons and now their kids are starting to act older which one do you want you wanted to have colorful bows and act like a 16 year old or do you want her to go through a Miley stage according to Jojo she likes her bows and she's not gonna stop I've been hated on for years for dressing young and acting childish people think this is me changing lol nope but what is your opinion on Jojo C was Bo because it obviously is affecting so many people next we've talked about this man so much on this channel it's only fair that we keep talking about how much of an idiot he truly is so recently the 90-day fiance tell-all Florentine edition air and it didn't make people like Ed at all Rose cried a lot and basically said that edie on video call out of the blue not even on topic said hey if you get naked right now I'll give you some money oh my god how do you make this how do you come up with these ideas not saying it's true not saying that it's false he obviously can't prove that but all I'm saying is that I was on dating websites before PS I met my boyfriend of seven years on there but before we got together out if we having casual conversations very light-hearted fun conversation with a guy that I'm like oh wow you might be really cool to meet and this one guy in particular we were talking about Anna Manni brought up an anime and I said oh yeah I saw about two episodes of that but I couldn't handle it a little too gory for me I'm Maureen so the cute animal sidekick type thing and do you want to know what his next message was to me we'll get to handle this 9 inch back what where did that even come from it's very normal on these dating websites to have a normal conversation and these guys just take it to a whole nother universe a universe full of so I believe it but I'm not gonna say it's true I'm not gonna say it's false I'm just saying it's believable older man that hasn't been in a relationship for 20-something years very probably sexually frustrated but he's something you're old girl that doesn't have very much money that this man thinks is very easy to manipulate you tell me okay not the point but I wanted to put that in there because I'm pay during the Tao let's set a comment where he mentioned that rose reached out to him and played with his poor little munchkin heart again after their breakup you reached out to me you wanted to start a relationship again and wanted me back and wanted a present for Valentine's Day you wanted me to come and see you he basically said he was ready to leave his daughter again I miss rose I love rose I was ready to give up everything I was ready to give up my daughter but I had feelings for Rose and I was ready to go I went on me okay shut up at when if you watch the season his daughter cut him off because she didn't agree with the age gap among other things between her father and rose I mean I can't support it I mean there's such a huge age gap there but they don't have very much in common so enter stage right as daughter comes unto the quarantine tell-all and was very hurt by that comment I'm his only daughter and he's willing to jeopardize our relationship once again her dad is willing to throw her away to try and attempt to have relations with a very young girl and he said so again on public television Congrats father of the year but it's fine because he said you know he's an idiot I was just following my heart I'm an idiot you stupid he doesn't know what he's doing I fell in love I'm sure you know he's got a condition but you guys already know my opinion on everything this guy does offends me from the way he sits his smile whatever's going on here everything he could sneeze and I'd be triggered so I thought that I would like his very beautiful daughter well you know something must run in the family because I don't like her either and most other people didn't as well me and others felt that she focused all of her energy on rose and really didn't hold her father accountable for his action when you were asking Rose to shave her legs why did you do that so first of all I apologize for asking you to shave your legs let me explain I live in Southern California they laser their legs I apologize I apologize I did give him a hard time she just seemed to brush off her father's creepy actions and put all the blame on rose as an IDI was the victim and had no clue what's going on and Rose was the one with the master plan but once again this woman decided to live in poverty instead of being with your dad that speaks volumes about you Fonda and I have to agree at the majority as I watch the show I noticed that she said yeah my dad lied about his height but Rose wouldn't tell my dad about her ex-boyfriend about his physique and maybe his height which I'm not quite sure how how you can't hide that considering you guys would video chat and say oh look at that just like a father making excuses for a lie and yeah my dad wasn't very truthful about you know the whole him not wanting any more children and knowing that Rose did one's children but but Rose is 22 what her attention and it's lying and trying to hide the fact that he wasn't really a good person to her but what about all the secrets the secrets they're talking about if you don't walk the series is about roses eggs for some reason Edie needed to know every single detail about her ex and every single guy Rose has ever been with I don't know why they're so obsessed with this especially when your father was Xin Anya mama I personally felt that she was baby her baby sighs father and you shouldn't do that if your father was being a little baby fark please you should probably tell him that he's being a little baby fart face I have my dad decided not to change and that's why we don't have a relationship and I have a ton of daddy issues she was also just straight-up roots of rose and gave off the impression in my opinion she thought her dad and she was better than Rose I hit a nerve okay I can tell Rose is very upset and I personally think if you're going to hold Rose accountable for her actions and question her intentions why are you not questioning your father's intentions but are you offended that as daughter didn't hold her father accountable are you offended by the way she spoke to Rose and are you offended with whatever is going on here please tell me in the comment sections because I've read every comment while the video is still new I told you my opinion now I want to hear yours anyway you guys thank you so much for watching remember you don't to be a size two I think big biceps are scare away all the boys especially ed are great to have but not need it to be healthy wearing a bow is super fun and if you're going to adopt a child maybe don't use them for views and make sure that you are actually ready to take on that commitment oh and don't use fake weights and if you do maybe just say that they're faking and you're doing it for the forum okay I think I said everything in there that was in this video anyway you guys stay healthy make sure to wash your hands kissed your dog right on the lips and I will see you guys next time you see the GP I'm sitting in my car in the kitty do you secure the baggie I get to my [Music] shitty my job no brakes we go go go go go O'Shea listen oh no no no don't go high you go low low low like spinning in a sinful foe cash money like five or four bar like 82 phone no sleep pick it up pick it up pick it up pick it up you see the dripping I'm faded [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 225,790
Rating: 4.9485993 out of 5
Keywords: myka stauffer, myka james stauffer video apology, myka james stauffer video, athlean x, athlean x fake weights, greg doucette, jojo siwa, jojo siwa bows, 90 day fiance before the 90 days, 90 day fiance tell all, 90 day fiance pillow talk, myka stauffer rehome, myka stauffer returns son, myka stauffer returns adopted son, myka stauffer returns her adopted son, jeff cavaliere, jeff cavaliere fake weights, michelle mcdaniel, myka stauffer neighbor
Id: IAL_7dw1Kag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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